• Title/Summary/Keyword: Velocity-area method

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Analysis of Primary Breakup Characteristics Depending on the Boss and Deflector Dimension of Fire Sprinkler Head using LES-VoF (LES-VoF를 이용한 소방용 스프링클러 헤드의 보스 및 디플렉터 치수에 따른 1차 분열 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Taehoon
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2021
  • Fire sprinkler initial spray was analyzed by Large eddy simulation (LES) and Volume of Fluid (VoF) integrated method. The IsoAdvector geometric VoF was used to identify the liquid-gas interface clearly even with the large Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number. To reduce the computational costs, sector meshes and Adaptive Mesh Refinement up to level 3 were used. Base mesh size was 1 mm, which is roughly equivalent to the initial sprinkler droplet. Top surface radius of boss and deflector size were modified to investigate the effects of sprinkler head design on primary breakup process. When top surface radius of boss was increased, vertical liquid sheet was formed. This phenomenon reduced the sheet breakup radius, sheet thickness and velocity. Due to reduced liquid sheet thickness, a large amount of ligaments was created from the liquid sheet. As a result, there was a dramatic decrease in volume per surface area, indicating an increase in breakup process. Spray pattern viewed in radial direction also changed when top surface radius of boss increased. When top surface radius of boss was increased, a T-shaped pattern was observed while a V-shaped pattern was observed in all other cases. When the deflector size increases, the spray pattern remains V-shaped, even if the top surface radius of boss increased. Further studies on promoting atomization of the water supplied to the lower part of the sprinkler head in the T-shape pattern should be conducted.

Assessment of Uncertainty for Discharge Measurement using Velocity-Area method (유속-면적법으로 측정된 유량에 대한 측정 불확도 평가)

  • Kim, Jongmin;Kim, Dongsu;Kim, Seojun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.104-104
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    • 2016
  • 소규모 하천에서의 평수기 유량 측정은 일반적으로 지점식 초음파 유속계, 프로펠러 유속계 등을 활용해 도섭법으로 측정된 유속 측정성과를 기반하여 유속-면적법으로 산정된다. 유속-면적법으로 측정된 유량 측정 성과는 횡방향 측선의 수, 수심방향 측점의 수, 측정 시간, 수심 등 제반 측정 인자에 의해 영향을 받고 유량 불확도는 각 인자 별 오차에 영향을 받는다. ISO 748 (2007)과 ISO 1088 (2007)은 유속-면적법 적용방법, 현장 측정 가이드라인, 불확도 인자 별 적용 요건에 따른 오차, 최종 유량 불확도 산정 기법을 제시하였다. 따라서, 국내외 유량조사 기관에서는 유속면적법을 적용할 경우, ISO에서 제시된 인자 별 오차 및 유량 불확도 산정 기법을 기반으로 유량 불확도를 산정해왔다. ISO 748과 1088은 다양한 규모의 실제 하천에서 관측된 자료를 기반으로 횡방향 측선 수, 수심방향 측점 수 (2점법, 3점법 등), 측정 시간 등과 관련된 인자 별 오차를 표로 상세하게 제시하였고 실무에서는 별도 추가 검증없이 사용해 왔다. 그러나, ISO에서 유속-면적법 유량 측정 불확도를 평가하기 위해 사용된 측정자료는 유량을 제어하기 힘들고 유속 측정 상황이 유출 조건 별로 상이한 현장 자료를 기반으로 하였고, 상대적으로 정확도가 낮은 프로펠러유속계를 기반으로 1960년대에 관측된 자료들을 주로 활용하여 도출되었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 기존 ISO에서 제시한 유속-면적법에 필요한 인자들의 오차를 정밀 실규모 실험을 통해 재산정하여 기존 ISO 748과 1088에서 제시한 인자별 오차의 적정성을 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 흐름을 안정적으로 통제할 수 있는 건설기술연구원 안동 하천실험센터의 완경사수로(A2)에서 정상상태의 폭 7m, 수심 1m, 유속 약 1m/s의 흐름을 유지한 후, 유속 측정 정확도가 우수한 micro-ADV를 활용하여 공간적으로 매우 정밀하게 유속을 측정하고, 수심은 Total Station을 기반으로 흐름 발생 전에 정밀 측정하였다. 오차 분석 결과, ISO 규정에서 제시한 오차와 본 실험의 결과로 도출된 인자들의 오차는 상당한 차이를 보였다. 따라서, 본 연구 결과로 도출된 유속-면적법의 인자 별 오차는 실험이 수행된 소하천 규모의 하천에서 도섭법으로 산정된 유량의 불확도를 평가할 경우에 활용될 것으로 기대된다.

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A Study on the Energy and Water Consumption and their Patterns as Vertical Locations of Apartment Housing Units (아파트 단위 세대의 수직 위치 별 에너지 및 물 사용 규모와 패턴에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Dong-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Lee, Seung-Jun;Shin, Hyun-Ik
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to present an integrated analysis for energy use and its patterns as vertical locations of the dwelling units in apartment buildings which are located in an urban area and constructed by a renowned contractor. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the method, the original data of electricity, water, and gas bills which directly reflect the energy use are sorted and analyzed into several groups as vertical locations in each building. And also, by use of comparing and contrasting the data on a monthly and yearly basis, the accuracy of analyses for seasonal energy use and its patterns is strengthened. Comparative analyses used in this study describe the results that vertical locations of dwelling units do not have much influence on electricity and water usage, but are closely related with gas usage for a heating season. According to the analysis of gas usage, the units on the ground and right above pilotis need enhancement in the insulations for heating to mitigate energy loss. Also, the analysis for the middle floor units in each group describe the fact that the gas usage of the units on the ground is consumes 1.5 times greater than that of the typical floors. Therefore, enhanced insulation strategies need to be considered against the adverse condition that the heat loss increases as the wall facing the outside air increases or as the wind velocity increases through the pilotis.

Effects of Mg Addition to Cu/Al2O3 Catalyst for Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift (LT-WGS) Reaction

  • Zakia Akter Sonia;Ji Hye Park;Wathone Oo;Kwang Bok Yi
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2023
  • To investigate the effects of Mg addition at different aging times and temperatures, Cu/MgO/Al2O3 catalysts were synthesized for the low-temperature water gas shift (LT-WGS) reaction. The co-precipitation method was employed to prepare the catalysts with a fixed Cu amount of 30 mol% and varied amounts of Mg/Al. Synthesized catalysts were characterized using XRD, BET, and H2-TPR analysis. Among the prepared catalysts, the highest CO conversion was achieved by the Cu/MgO/Al2O3 catalyst (30/40/30 mol%) with a 60 ℃ aging temperature and a 24 h aging time under a CO2-rich feed gas. Due to it having the lowest reduction temperature and a good dispersion of CuO, the catalyst exhibited around 65% CO conversion with a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 14,089 h-1 at 300 ℃. However, it has been noted that aging temperatures greater or less than 60 ℃ and aging times longer than 24 h had an adverse impact, resulting in a lower surface area and a higher reduction temperature bulk-CuO phase, leading to lower catalytic activity. The main findings of this study confirmed that one of the main factors determining catalytic activity is the ease of reducibility in the absence of bulk-like CuO species. Finally, the long-term test revealed that the catalytic activity and stability remained constant under a high concentration of CO2 in the feed gas for 19 h with an average CO conversion of 61.83%.

Correlations of temporomandibular joint morphology and position using cone-beam computed tomography and dynamic functional analysis in orthodontic patients: A cross-sectional study

  • Bin Xu;Jung-Jin Park;Seong-Hun Kim
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.325-341
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    • 2024
  • Objective: To correlate temporomandibular joint (TMJ) morphology and position with cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA), and Jaw Tracker (JT) to develop a radiation-free, dynamic method for screening and monitoring the TMJ in orthodontic patients. Methods: A total of 236 orthodontic patients without symptoms of TMJ disorders who had undergone CBCT were selected for the JVA and JT tests in this cross-sectional study. TMJ position and morphology were measured using a three-dimensional analysis software. JT measurements involved six opening-closing cycles, and JVA measurements were performed using a metronome to guide the mouth opening-closing movements of the patients. The correlations among the three measuring devices were evaluated. Results: Abnormalities in condylar surface morphology affected the mandibular range of motion. The cut-off value results show that when various measurement groups are within a certain range, abnormalities may be observed in morphology (area under the curve, 0.81; P < 0.001). A 300/< 300 Hz ratio ≥ 0.09 suggested abnormal morphology (P < 0.05). Correlations were observed among the maximum opening velocity, maximum vertical opening position, and joint spaces in the JT measurements. Correlations were also observed between the > 300/< 300 Hz ratio, median frequency, total integral, integral < 300 Hz, and peak frequency with joint spaces in the JVA measurements. Conclusions: JT and JVA may serve as rapid, non-invasive, and radiation-free dynamic diagnostic tools for monitoring and screening TMJ abnormalities before and during orthodontic treatment.

Application of Hydro-Cartographic Generalization on Buildings for 2-Dimensional Inundation Analysis (2차원 침수해석을 위한 수리학적 건물 일반화 기법의 적용)

  • PARK, In-Hyeok;JIN, Gi-Ho;JEON, Ka-Young;HA, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2015
  • Urban flooding threatens human beings and facilities with chemical and physical hazards since the beginning of human civilization. Recent studies have emphasized the integration of data and models for effective urban flood inundation modeling. However, the model set-up process is tend to be time consuming and to require a high level of data processing skill. Furthermore, in spite of the use of high resolution grid data, inundation depth and velocity are varied with building treatment methods in 2-D inundation model, because undesirable grids are generated and resulted in the reliability decline of the simulation results. Thus, it requires building generalization process or enhancing building orthogonality to minimize the distortion of building before converting building footprint into grid data. This study aims to develop building generalization method for 2-dimensional inundation analysis to enhance the model reliability, and to investigate the effect of building generalization method on urban inundation in terms of geographical engineering and hydraulic engineering. As a result to improve the reliability of 2-dimensional inundation analysis, the building generalization method developed in this study should be adapted using Digital Building Model(DBM) before model implementation in urban area. The proposed building generalization sequence was aggregation-simplification, and the threshold of the each method should be determined by considering spatial characteristics, which should not exceed the summation of building gap average and standard deviation.

A Geophysical Survey of an Iron Mine Site (철광산 지역에서의 물리탐사 기술 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Kiyeon;Oh, Seokhoon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.575-587
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    • 2013
  • DC electrical and electromagnetic survey was applied to evaluate the reserve of an iron mine site. We analyzed the borehole cores and the cores sampled from outcrops in order to decide which geophysical method was efficient for the evaluation of iron mine site and to understand the geological setting around the target area. Based on the core tests for specific weight, density, porosity, resistivity and P-wave velocity, showing that the magnetite could be distinguishable by the electrical property, we decided to conduct the electrical survey to investigate the irone mine site. According to previous studies, the DC electrical survey was known to have various arrays with high resolutions effective to the survey of the iron mine site. However it was also known that the skin depth is too shallow to grasp the deep structure of iron mine. To compensate the weakness of the DC electrical method, we applied the MagnetoTelluric (MT) survey. In addition, a Controlled Source MT (CSMT) method was also applied to make up the shortcoming of MT method which is weak for shallow targets. From the DC electrical and MT survey, we found a new low resistivity zone, which is believed to be a magnetite reserve beneath the old abandoned mine. Therefore, this study was confirmed for additional utility value.

Determination of shear wave velocity profiles in soil deposit from seismic piezo-cone penetration test (탄성파 피에조콘 관입 시험을 통한 국내 퇴적 지반의 전단파 속도 결정)

  • Sun Chung Guk;Jung Gyungja;Jung Jong Hong;Kim Hong-Jong;Cho Sung-Min
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.125-153
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    • 2005
  • It has been widely known that the seismic piezo-cone penetration test (SCPTU) is one of the most useful techniques for investigating the geotechnical characteristics including dynamic soil properties. As the practical applications in Korea, SCPTU was carried out at two sites in Busan and four sites in Incheon, which are mainly composed of alluvial or marine soil deposits. From the SCPTU waveform data obtained from the testing sites, the first arrival times of shear waves were and the corresponding time differences with depth were determined using the cross-over method, and the shear wave velocity profiles (VS) were derived based on the refracted ray path method based on Snell's law and similar to the trend of cone tip resistance (qt) profiles. In Incheon area, the testing depths of SCPTU were deeper than those of conventional down-hole seismic tests. Moreover, for the application of the conventional CPTU to earthquake engineering practices, the correlations between VS and CPTU data were deduced based on the SCPTU results. For the empirical evaluation of VS for all soils together with clays and sands which are classified unambiguously in this study by the soil behavior type classification Index (IC), the authors suggested the VS-CPTU data correlations expressed as a function of four parameters, qt, fs, $\sigma$, v0 and Bq, determined by multiple statistical regression modeling. Despite the incompatible strain levels of the down-hole seismic test during SCPTU and the conventional CPTU, it is shown that the VS-CPTU data correlations for all soils clays and sands suggested in this study is applicable to the preliminary estimation of VS for the Korean deposits and is more reliable than the previous correlations proposed by other researchers.

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The control of TiO2 nanofiber diameters using fabrication variables in electrospinning method (전기 방사 공정의 제조 변수를 이용한 TiO2 나노섬유의 직경 제어)

  • Yoon, Han-Sol;Kim, Bo-Sung;Kim, Wan-Tae;Na, Kyeong-Han;Lee, Jung-Woo;Yang, Wan-Hee;Park, Dong-Cheol;Choi, Won-Youl
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2021
  • TiO2 has been used in various fields such as solar cells, dental implants, and photocatalysis, because it has high physical and chemical stability and is harmless to the body. TiO2 nanofibers which have a large specific surface area also show a good reactivity in bio-friendly products and excellent photocatalysis in air and water purification. To fabricate TiO2 nanofibers, an electrospinning method was used. To observe the diameter of TiO2 nanofibers with fabrication variables, the fabrication variables was divided into precursor composition variables and process variables and microstructure was analyzed. The concentrations of PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) and TTIP (Titanium(IV) isopropoxide) were selected as precursor composition variables, and inflow velocity and voltage were also selected as process variables. Microstructure and crystal structure of TiO2 nanofibers were analyzed using FE-SEM (Field emission scanning electron microscope) and XRD (X-ray diffraction), respectively. As-spun TiO2 nanofibers with an average diameter of about 0.27 ㎛ to 1.31 ㎛ were transformed to anatase TiO2 nanofibers with an average diameter of about 0.22 ㎛ to 0.78 ㎛ after heat treatment of 3 hours at 450℃. Anatase TiO2 nanofibers with an average diameter of 0.22 ㎛ can be expected to improve the photocatalytic properties by increasing the specific surface area. To change the average diameter of TiO2 nanofibers, the control of precursor composition variables such as concentrations of PVP and TTIP is more efficient than the control of electrospinning process variables such as inflow velocity and voltage.

A Moving Control of an Automatic Guided Vehicle Based on the Recognition of Double Landmarks (이중 랜드마크 인식 기반 AGV 이동 제어)

  • Jeon, Hye-Gyeong;Hong, Youn-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.8C
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    • pp.721-730
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    • 2012
  • In this paper the problem of a moving control of an automatic guided vehicle(AGV) which transports a dead body to a designated cinerator safely in a crematorium, an special indoor environment, will be discussed. Since a method of burying guided lines in the floor is not proper to such an environment, a method of moving control of an AGV based on infrared ray sensors is now proposed. With this approach, the AGV emits infrared ray to the landmarks adheres to the ceiling to find a moving direction and then moves that direction by recognizing them. One of the typical problems for this method is that dead zone and/or overlapping zone may exist when the landmarks are deployed. To resolve this problem, an algorithm of recognizing double landmarks at each time is applied to minimize occurrences of sensing error. In addition, at the turning area to entering the designated cinerator, to fit an AGV with the entrance of the designated cinerator, an algorithm of controlling the velocity of both the inner and outer wheel of it. The functional correctness of our proposed algorithm has been verified by using a prototype vehicle. Our real AGV system has been applied to a crematorium and it moves automatically within an allowable range of location error.