• Title/Summary/Keyword: Velcro

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Study on the Development of SCBA Belt for Firefighters (소방용 등지게 벨트의 제품개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Minyoung;An, Seungkook;Lee, Sunhee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.537-547
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    • 2017
  • This study evaluates the wearing performance of a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) belt for firefighters in Korea. A SCBA belt design was suggested based on the wearing evaluation of a SCBA belt; subsequently, prototypes I and II were created. A wearing evaluation of prototypes with improved design and design preference was performed. Six designs elements of the SCBA belt for firefighters were suggested based on the survey results of wearing the SCBA belt and for the SCBA belt design preference for use by firefighters. First, belt material should be made of black high-strength aramid textiles. In addition, Velcro should be used to attach and detach retroreflective and fluorescent materials along with various colors for visibility. Second, the chest belt should be made of the same material used for other parts; in addition, the chest belt should be moved to the center for center of gravity and a cobra buckle should be applied. Third, an O-ring should be applied to the back and the belt connected to the O-ring should distribute the weight in six axes. Fourth, a detachable air respirator should be able to separate by using upper and lower cobra buckles. Fifth, a separable leg belt and a detachable pocket are also suggested. Sixth, a ring for walkie-talkies, alarms and equipment as a fabric ring are also suggested. Prototype III with an improved design was created based on the results of the design suggestion.

Participatory Design Process with Concept Generation Toolkits - A Case Study of Designing the Stroller and Its Renting System for Department Stores - (컨셉도출 툴킷을 활용한 참여적 디자인 프로세스 - 백화점 유모차 및 대여 시스템의 디자인 사례연구 -)

  • 성기원;신현경;강학화;남택진
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a case study of designing the stroller and its renting system for department stores in order to verify the feasibility of the participatory design approach, in particular the concept generation toolkits and the participatory design workshops, in the product development process. As the concept generation toolkits to draw active user participation, a Velcro Covered stroller model and a Block Layout System were developed and used in a series of the participatory design workshops. The results suggest that the participatory design approach provides better understanding of what the users want and allows designers to avoid false expectation about the design context. It was also found that the experience of design team with the users in the workshop was a good source of design ideation. The study also suggests that participatory design approach can become more effective by developing the concept generation toolkits which are more appropriate for design problems and the methods to smoothly transform the concepts from users into synthesized design solutions.

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Research on the Actual Condition of Shape and Make-up of Peanut-Shaped Cloth Diaper for Baby on Market (시판중인 유아용 땅콩기저귀의 형태와 구성에 관한 실태조사)

  • Lee, Jung-Soon;Han, Gyung-Hee;Koo, Mi-Ran
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.122-134
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    • 2011
  • The peanut-shaped cloth diaper has cut uncomfortable crotch region off the square-shaped cloth diaper into a peanut-shape, and finished the edge by bias with multi-layers of fabric. This study has the purpose on providing the basic data for designing the peanut-shaped cloth diaper. For this purpose, the peanut-shaped cloth diapers on market were collected and analyzed by their shape and size, and also the patterns and differences in making were compared. 26 products from 17 brands were collected as samples. The analysis factors are the shape and size of the peanut-shaped cloth diaper, and characteristics and patterns in making. Among the samples, only 3 diapers were straight-shaped; the rest of them were peanut-shaped. The size difference between the big and small peanut-shaped cloth diapers was very large; the total length of the small one was 36.5cm-39cm which was very common, and the total length of the big one was more than 44cm. All diapers had longer width in the back than the front. The width of the front and back was different for each sample, therefore, it seemed to have some difficulties to set the standard. The peanut-shaped cloth diaper had different make-up depending on its characteristics including. absorbance, washing and drying. It was usually made by cotton woven of diamond jacquard or knit, and finished the edge by woven bias or knit bias. The peanut-shaped cloth diapers were various including a sheet of diaper, two sheets of diapers fixed with velcro, three sheets of diapers, and etc. For the patterns of the diapers, only two samples out of all had three dimensional shape, and the rest were produced using flat shape. There were no distinction between the diapers of girls and boys. Therefore, it is necessary to make the product based on scientific data about the peanut-shaped cloth diaper.

A Study on the Development of Working Uniform for Volunteer Fire Brigade Members (의용소방대의 근무복 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Seok, Hye-Jung;Kim, In-Sook;Chung, Gi-Soo;Bae, Ju-Hyeong;Kwon, Myoung-Sook;Yang, Min-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.7 s.221
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the wearing practices and problems in the working uniform for volunteer fire brigade members and then to develop its design with a improved movement adaptability, physical suitability, ease for equipment accommodation, functionality, convenience and fit. Based on the questionnaire, we have made a testing uniform for volunteer fire brigade members first. Through a subjective analysis for functionality and apparence, we suggested a final design. The final design includes the following elements: 1. It was a two-piece style composed of a jumper and trousers with the upper garments pulled out. Raglan sleeves were used to increase arm's movement scope. Pleats and velcro tapes were attached along the base hem of sleeves to prevent heat transmission. 2. Various types of pockets were attached to secure enough space for keeping things. 3. In trousers, spare space was given at the buttock area with rubber string inserted only at selected part of side lines, and knee pads were attached to prevent wearing out.

Torticollis Management Using the Customized Soft Neck Collar in CATCH 22 Syndrome Combined with Klippel-Feil Anomaly: A Case Report

  • Moon, Myung-Hoon;Kim, Soo-Yeon
    • Journal of Interdisciplinary Genomics
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2019
  • CATCH 22 syndrome is rare genetic disease that has various manifestations. Cervical vertebral anomaly, such as Klippel-Feil anomaly, is frequently observed in the patients with CATCH22 syndrome. We present the case of an 11-year-old female patient with CATCH22 syndrome and Klippel-Feil anomaly who had been treated torticollis using the customized soft neck collar. During the patient's first visit to our clinic, she presented with low ear set, skull deformity, intellectual disability, and tilting of the head to the left by approximately 25 degrees. Imaging studies revealed multisegmental fusion and C3 hemivertebrae of the cervical spine and left thoracic scoliosis at T4 with 50 degrees of Cobb's angle. We instructed passive stretching and applied the customized soft neck collar we invented. The ipsilateral aspect of the neck collar is designed to provide vertical support between the clavicle and mandibular angle and is adjustable in height. The Velcro was attached to the neck collar at the point of contact with the ipsilesional mandibular angle, which provides negative sensory feedback, inducing her to tilt neck to the contralesional side. We applied the neck collar for 2 hours a day. After 1 year of treatment, her neck inclination angle improved from 25 to 10 degrees. Providing negative sensory feedback using the customized soft neck collar can be one of the treatment options of postural management in patients with torticollis in cases of CATCH 22 syndrome combined with Klippel-Feil anomaly.

Analysis of the Categorization of Wearable devices for Infants and Children by Function, Characteristics, and Improvements (영유아용 웨어러블 디바이스의 기능별 분류, 특성 및 개선점에 대한 분석)

  • Roh, Eui Kyung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.655-666
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to classify wearable devices for infants and children according to their function, and to analyze the types and attachment methods of the devices by function, operating system, characteristics of materials, and types of batteries, and to identify the points for improvement. Forty-eight types of devices investigated through previous studies and keyword research online were analyzed. Wearable devices for infants and children were classified according to their functions into wearable monitors, wearable thermometers, GPS trackers, and smart watches. Devices had different shapes and attachment methods according to their functions, and were mainly clothes or accessory types. The accessory type devices were attached to the body using velcro, clips, bands, or adhesives. Wearable monitors and thermometers mainly used Bluetooth to transmit data wirelessly, and location trackers used various combinations of 4G(LTE), 5G networks, GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. Smartwatches had different functions depending on whether smart phones were linked to them or not. Wearable monitors and thermometers mainly used by infants provided material information, but other devices did not. These devices used rechargeable, replaceable, non-rechargeable or non-replaceable batteries. Wearable devices need to be improved to reduce the discomfort experienced by infants and children due to the attachment position, malfunction, skin trouble caused by materials, short time of use of batteries, version conflict and complexity with the device when linking with a smart phone, and non-operation when using Bluetooth.

A Study on how to Utilize the DR System using Assistive Devices (보조기구를 이용한 DR System 활용 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Seon-Yeol, Seo;Jeong-Ho, Kim;Jin-Ok, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2023
  • The hip joint device is an important immobilization device for internal rotation in the diagnosis of bone density test, microfracture, and arthritis. These fixing mechanisms have limitations in maintaining reproducibility due to the use of Velcro. In this study, we developed an improved hip joint device and evaluated its usefulness. For 30 students enrolled in the Department of Radiology, we evaluated the reproducibility through medical imaging and the time required for positioning by applying the conventionaling and improved device. Changes over time were also evaluated. As a result, compared to the conventional device, the improved device showed a 32% reduction in positioning time and improved reproducibility by about 6.2 times. As for the amount of change over time, the positioning time increased in the conventional device, but decreased in the improved device, and the reproducibility of the conventional device was lower than that of the improved device. Through this, it can be said that the use of the improved device improved the image quality and reduced the radiologist's workload.

Development of a Finger Tactile Stimulator Based on E-Prime Software (E-Prime에 기반한 손가락 촉각 자극기의 개발)

  • Kim, Hyung-Sik;Min, Yoon-Ki;Kim, Bo-Seong;Min, Byung-Chan;Yang, Jae-Woong;Lee, Su-Jeong;Choi, Mi-Hyun;Yi, Jeong-Han;Tack, Gye-Rae;Lee, Bong-Soo;Jun, Jae-Hoon;Chung, Soon-Cheol
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.703-710
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    • 2010
  • In this study, a tactile stimulator was developed to resolve some problems from the previous version of the system such as system configuration, inappropriate stimulation control and additional problems. The developed tactile stimulator consists of control unit, drive unit and vibrator unit. The control unit was controlled by E-Prime software to generate appropriate vibration pulses. The drive unit supplies enough energy to the vibrator to generate effective stimulation pulses. The vibrator unit consists of small coin type vibrator and velcro, and was made to be attached at the hand easily. The developed tactile stimulator was designed by small-size, light-weight, low-power, simple-fabrication, max 35 channels and little delay time from instruction signal of E-Prime software to vibrator. The duration and magnitude of stimulation was controlled by 10 grades and the problems concerning stimulation control were compensated by wideband frequency ranges. Additionally, the electrical safety was ensured by low voltage operation. Vibrator was made to be attached on finger as well as on any part of the subject. Since this tactile stimulator is developed based on E-Prime software which is widely used in cognitive science, it is believed that this stimulator be suitable for the wide application of cognitive science study.

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Development of Supplemental Equipment to Reduce Movement During Fusion Image Acquisition (융합영상(Fusion image)에서 움직임을 줄이기 위한 보정기구의 개발)

  • Cho, Yong Gwi;Pyo, Sung Jae;Kim, Bong Su;Shin, Chae Ho;Cho, Jin Woo;Kim, Chang Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.84-89
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: Patients' movement during long image acquisition time for the fusion image of PET-CT (Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography) results in unconformity, and greatly affects the quality of the image and diagnosis. The arm support fixtures provided by medical device companies are not manufactured considering the convenience and safety of the patients; the arm and head movements (horizontal and vertical) during PET/CT scan cause defects in the brain fundus images and often require retaking. Therefore, this study aims to develop patient-compensation device that would minimize the head and arm movements during PET/CT scan, providing comfort and safety, and to reduce retaking. Materials and Methods: From June to July 2012, 20 patients who had no movement-related problems and another 20 patients who had difficulties in raising arms due to shoulder pain were recruited among the ones who visited nuclear medicine department for PET Torso scan. By using Patient Holding System (PHS), different range of motion (ROM) in the arm ($25^{\circ}$, $27^{\circ}$, $29^{\circ}$, $31^{\circ}$, $33^{\circ}$, $35^{\circ}$) was applied to find the most comfortable angle and posture. The manufacturing company was investigated for the permeability of the support material, and the comfort level of applying bands (velcro type) to fix the patient's head and arms was evaluated. To find out the retake frequency due to movements, the amount of retake cases pre/post patient-compensation were analyzed using the PET Torso scan data collected between January to December 2012. Results: Among the patients without movement disorder, 18 answered that PHS and $29^{\circ}$ arm ROM were the most comfortable, and 2 answered $27^{\circ}$ and $31^{\circ}$, respectively. Among the patients with shoulder pain, 15 picked $31^{\circ}$ as the most comfortable angle, 2 picked $33^{\circ}$, and 3 picked $35^{\circ}$. For this study, the handle was manufactured to be adjustable for vertical movements. The material permeability of the patient-compensation device has been verified, and PHS and the compensation device were band-fixed (velcro type) to prevent device movements. A furrow was cut for head fixation to minimize the head and neck movements, fixing bands were attached for the head, wrist, forearm, and upper arm to limit movements. The retake frequency of PET Torso scan due to patient movements was 11.06% (191 cases/1,808 patients) before using the movement control device, and 2.65% (48 cases/1,732 patients) after using the device; 8.41% of the frequency was reduced. Conclusion: Recent change and innovation in the medical environment are making expensive medical image scans, and providing differentiated services for the customers is essential. To secure patient comfort and safety during PET/CT scans, ergonomic patient-compensation devices need to be provided. Therefore, this study manufactured a patientcompensation device with vertically adjustable ergonomic ROM according to the patient's body shape and condition during PET Torso scan. The defects in the basal ganglia images due to arm movements were reduced, and retaking was decreased.

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Development of the Aircap Module Attached to the Window Through Rolling (롤링을 통한 창호부착형 에어캡 모듈 개발)

  • Her, Ji Un;Seo, Jang Hoo;Kim, Yong Seong;Lee, Heang Woo
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.559-569
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    • 2017
  • Various studies examining how to conserve building energy have been conducted recently. From such studies it has been determined that insulation performance of an aircap is viable and therefore aircaps are used as material for improving insulation performance of windows. However, the aircap for improving insulation performance of a window is attached on the front, causing infringement of the prospect right. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop an aircap module attached to the window through rolling, conducting performance verification throughfull-scale testbed and verifying its effectiveness. Findings of this study are as follow : 1) The module suggested in this study enables setting of an area wherein the aircap is attached through rolling so that the aircap rolls up using Velcro tape, and an insulation bar is suggested to block the gap between the aircap and window glass. 2) When the aircap is applied to the window, consumption of lighting energy increased during summer and winter by 2.8%~16.4% and 0%~76.2% respectively in comparison to no aircap application, indicating that it is unsuitable for conserving lighting energy. 3) In terms of conserving cooling and heating energy, an advantageous or effective aircap attachment method is the method whereby an aircap is attached to the front surface of a window. However, the method whereby an aircap is attached to a part of a window and where no aircap is attached increases consumption of cooling and heating energy during summer and winter by 6.0%~35.7% and 2.7%~41.6% respectively in comparison to the method wherein an aircap is attached to the front surface of a window. 4) In consideration of conserving cooling, heating and lighting energy, the attachment of an aircap to the front surface of window is the most appropriate method, and it is appropriate to attach the aircap at a position that is 1,500 mm or higher from the floor to secure the prospect right and minimize energy loss.