• Title/Summary/Keyword: Valve System

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Power Line Communication Heating Control System by LonWorks (LonWorks를 이용한 전력선 통신 난방제어 시스템)

  • Kim, Myung-Ho;Kim, Sun-Boo
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.1150-1155
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    • 2006
  • In a heating control system, the indoor temperature controller transfers temperature signals inputed from the temperature sensor and the user to the valve controller. The valve controller recieves these signals then the valve controller controls the valve driving motor on two position control and controls the indoor temperature. When setting up a new valve driving motor from a long distance it is necessary to set up a new valve controller. But occasionary, due to construction, it is impossible to wire between the existing valve controller and the new valve controller. In this situation, the new and existing valve controllers can communicate via power line communication. In this paper it is proposed heating control system controls on two position control via power line communication.

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Transient Flow Behavior of Propellant with Actuation of Thrust Control Valve in Satellite Propulsion System (위성 추진시스템의 추력제어밸브 작동에 따른 추진제 비정상 유동 특성)

  • Kim, Jeong-Soo;Han, Cho-Young;Choi, Jin-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06e
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    • pp.294-298
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    • 2001
  • Satellite propulsion system is employed for orbit transfer, orbit correction, and attitude control. The monopropellant feeding system in the low-earth-orbit satellite blowdowns fuel to the thrust chamber. The thrust produced by the thruster depends on fuel amount flowed into the combustion chamber. If the thruster valve be given on-off signal from on-board commander in the satellite, valve will be opened or closed. When the thrusters fire fuel flows through opened thruster valve. Instantaneous stoppage of flow in according to valve actuation produces transient pressure due to pressure wave. This paper describes transient pressure predictions of the KOMPSAT2 propulsion system resulting from latching valve and thrust control valve operations. The time-dependent set of the fluid mass and momentum equations are calculated by Method of Characteristics (MOC).

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Development of double acting brake system integrated counter balance valve (카운터 밸런스 밸브를 내장한 양방향 유압 브레이크 시스템 개발)

  • 김형의;이용범;윤소남;이일영
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1991.10a
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    • pp.962-967
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    • 1991
  • A counter balance valve is used as one part of hydraulic motor brake system. The function of this valve is to protect over-run or free falling of inertia load. But occasionally the brake system with counter balance valve makes some undesirable problems such as pressure surges or vibrations. In this study, for the purpose of easy estimation about dynamic characteristics of hydraulic system including counter balance valve, precise formulation describing fluid dynamics and valve dynamics under various boundary conditions were made. Dynamic characteristics were analysed by numerical integration using Runge-Kutta method, because the equations in this circuit with counter balance valve contain various nonlinear terms. Propriety of this analysis method is verified by experiment. For the purpose of obtaining fundamental data for preventing instability, this study experimented the effects of the spool taper, spring constant, cylindrical choke. And we developed double acting brake system integrated counter balance valve.

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A Study on the Dynamic Behavior of a 2-step Variable Valve Switching System for Automotive Engines (자동차 엔진용 2단 가변밸브 기구의 스위칭 시스템 동적 거동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dongil;Kim, Dojoong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2014
  • Variable valve actuation system is one of the widely used techniques to improve the fuel efficiency and power of automotive engines. 2-step variable valve actuation systems are also paid attention for the application to direct acting type valve train systems. Besides its advantages in size, weight, relatively simple structure, ets, however, 2-step variable valve actuation system has inherent disadvantages in dynamic instability of switching system to alter discontinuous lift modes. In this study, both experimental and analytical studies are performed to understand the dynamic behavior of a switching mechanism of a 2-step variable valve actuation system, and present a design method to improve its dynamic instability.

Identification and Control of a Electro-Hydraulic Servo System Using a Direct Drive Valve (압력제어용 DDV를 이용한 전기.유압 서보시스템의 식별 및 제어)

  • 이창돈;이상훈;곽동훈;이진걸
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.124-130
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    • 2003
  • The electro-hydraulic servo system with a servo valve is applied widely in force control. However, the composition of control system using a servo valve is difficult due to nonlinearities in the servo valve, such as square-root terms in flow equation. The electro-hydraulic servo system using a DDV(Direct Drive Valve) instead of a servo valve was proposed and it's characteristics was estimated. The DDV and whole system are modelled by parameter identification using the input-and-output data, then the models are verified by the comparison of simulation with experiment. Also, the state feedback controller has been designed based on this model, then the performance of the electro-hydraulic force servo system using a DDV is evaluated by simulation and experimental results.

A Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Hydraulic Motor Brake System with Counter Balance Valve (카운터 밸런스 밸브를 내장한 유압 모터 브레이크 시스템의 동특성)

  • Yun, So-Nam;Lee, Ill-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.214-219
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    • 1993
  • Counter balance valve is used as one part of hydraulic motor brake system. The function of this valve is to protect over-run or free falling of inertia load. But occasionally the brake system with counter balance valve makes some undesirable problems such as pressure surges or vibrations. These problems may hurt system safety and driver's conformability. Nevertheless, studies on dynamic characteristics of hydraulic system including counter balance valve are very rare, so further accumulation of research results are required. In this study, for the purpose of easy estimation about dynamic characteristics of hydraulic system including counter balance valve, precise formulation describing fluid dynamics and valve dynamics under various boundary conditions were made. The equations obtained in the preceding process include some parameters that must be got experimentally. Flow coefficients of valve and choke are the most significant ones among the parameters. So these parameters are obtained experimentally in this study, and experimental equations obtained from the experimental data were used for numerical calculation. The equations were analysed by numerical integration using Runge-Kutta method, because the equations contain various nonlinear terms. From the numerical analysis, it was verified that the dynamic response of counter balance valve and pressure variation at each elements can be estimated very easily. So the analysing method developed in this study enabled very easy estimating the relation between the performances of counter balance valve and various physical parameters related to the valve. Conclusively, it is said that the results obtained in this study can be used very usefully to develop a new type counter balance valve or to apply the valve to actual hydraulic system for various industrial equipments.

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Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Electro - hydraulic Proportional Throttle Control Valve (전자 유압식 비례 교축 제어 밸브의 특성)

  • 오인호;이일영
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 1993
  • Nowadays, the cartridge valve can be controlled proportionally in remote place by adopting proportional solenoid and it becomes widely used as control component in hydraulic systems. Especially, multi stage proportional valve is attractive because it consumes less input power though its characteristics might slightly be defected. But, the system parameter should be carefully chosen to obtain optimistic characteristics. This study concerning three stage proportional throttle control valve is purposed to examine the influences of paameters to the dynamic characteristics. The typical transient and frequency responses of proportional throttle control valve were inspected through the experiments and compared to those derived from the theoritical analyses. And it was confirmed that the analyses are appropriate. Then the influences of various system parameters to the dynamic characteristics were examined by means of simulations. For the analyses, the basic equations derived from lumped model were linearized and the linearized equations were transformed to the transfer functions between inputs and outputs. Then the transient responses and frequency responses were obtained from transfer functions. 1. It is appropriate to estimate the dynamic characteristics of valve which has relatively sophisticated structure by means of system analyses using linearized equations. 2. Though the valve has two pilot stages, fairly good characteristics can be obtained by carefully choosing system parameters. 3. Main valve very quickly follows the movement of second pilot valve when the parameters of main valve(the oil supply passage and discharge passage fpr second pilot valve) are appropriately chosen.

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The Analysis and Experiments for the Design of Electro-mechanical Variable Valve Train System (VVT용 전자식 흡/배기 밸브 시스템 설계를 위한 해석 및 실험)

  • 박승현;오성진;이종화;박경석;김도중
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2001
  • As a method of variable valve train(VVT), Electro-Mechanical Valve(EMV) has been studied. Compared with conventional VVT system, the EMV system has a relatively simple structure. The system has two electromagnets, springs and an armature. The system can be operated by reciprocal action between armature and two electromagnets. And, the operating event can be controlled by electrical signal from controller. Therefore, reduction of emission and fuel consumption can be achieved through valve event control at each engine operating condition. In this study, characteristics of EMV system were investigated by simulations and experiments. The results of simulation and experiment show that the core shape and material characteristics are dominant parameters on magnetic force and delay time. In order to apply the system to commercial engine, it has a compact size and high stiffness springs(50N/mm) to increase the valve speed. Because of high valve seating velocity, loud noise and high impact force generated, which can lead to reduction of actuator durability. Therefore, further research is required to reduce valve seating velocity.

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Acoustic Valve Leak Diagnosis and Monitoring System for Power Plant Valves (발전용 밸브누설 음향 진단 및 감시시스템)

  • Lee, Sang-Guk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.425-430
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    • 2008
  • To verify the system performance of portable AE leak diagnosis system which can measure with moving conditions, AE activities such as RMS voltage level, AE signal trend, leak rate degree according to AE database, FFT spectrum were measured during operation on total 11 valves of the secondary system in nuclear power plant. AE activities were recorded and analyzed from various operating conditions including different temperature, type of valve, pressure difference, valve size and fluid. The results of this field study are utilized to select the type of sensors, the frequency band for filtering and thereby to improve the signal-to-noise ratio for diagnosis for diagnosis or monitoring of valves in operation. As the final result of application study above, portable type leak diagnosis system by AE was developed. The outcome of the study can be definitely applied as a means of the diagnosis or monitoring system for energy saving and prevention of accident for power plant valve. The purpose of this study is to verify availability of the acoustic emission in-situ monitoring method to the internal leak and operating conditions of the major valves at nuclear power plants. In this study, acoustic emission tests are performed when the pressurized temperature water and steam flowed through glove valve(main steam dump valve) and check valve(main steam outlet pump check valve) on the normal size of 12 and 18 ". The valve internal leak monitoring system for practical field was designed. The acoustic emission method was applied to the valves at the site, and the background noise was measured for the abnormal plant condition. To improve the reliability, a judgment of leak on the system was used various factors which are AE parameters, trend analysis, frequency analysis, voltage analysis and amplitude analysis of acoustic signal emitted from the valve operating condition internal leak.

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A Study on Exhaust Gas Characteristics and Engine Performance of EGR Valve Installed Engine for Development of EGR Valve Test System (EGR 밸브 평가 장치 개발을 위한 EGR 장착 엔진 성능 및 배출 가스 특성 연구)

  • Na, D.H.;Ko, C.S.;Seo, H.J.;Lee, C.E.
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2012
  • In this study, in order to understand contents and ranges of design for the EGR Valve test system for improving quality and performance of EGR Valve, engine performance and exhaust gas characteristic of 3L-class diesel engine was analyzed. Experimental operation of engine performance test was performed with 50% engine load and 20% and 100% opening ratio of EGR Valve. From test of performance and exhaust gas characteristic of engine, torque output of engine and temperature and pressure of inlet and outlet of EGR Valve were measured. As a result, for design of EGR Valve test system, input fluid flow of EGR Valve must be set the same amount with exhaust gas flow that was below of engine speed of 2,500 rpm, and temperature of inlet of EGR Valve must be set under about $510^{\circ}C$. And the difference of temperature between inlet and outlet of EGR Valve must be over than about $200^{\circ}C$. Exhaust gas of inlet and outlet of EGR Valve were under 1 bar that was not considerable, and the difference of pressure between inlet and outlet of EGR Valve were under 1 bar that could not effect on mechanical operation of EGR Valve.