• Title/Summary/Keyword: Value Valuation

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A Study on the Horizontal and Vertical Equity of Officially Assessed Land Price in Seoul (공시지가의 형평성에 관한 연구 - 서울특별시를 중심으로 -)

  • Jin, Dong-Suk;Choi, Yun-Soo;Kim, Jae-Myeong;Yoon, Ha-su
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.133-153
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    • 2020
  • Officially assessed land price has been the index of South Korea since 1989 throughout different sectors of tax and welfare. Officially assessed land price is used as a tax valuation for the tax on property holdings, and the equity of such is the most important factor in the fair taxation for the people of South Korea. On this wise, this research analyzed and verified the horizontal and vertical inequity of officially assessed land price in Seoul by using the real transaction data between 2016 and 2018. In fact, Seoul's assessment ratio for the entire three-year period was 60.64% and it showed to increase each year. Horizontal equity was found to be most favorable in 2017, and the horizontal equity of each borough of Seoul appeared to improve each year. Vertical inequity was found to have reverse inequality in most boroughs of Seoul, however, some parts of Gangnam districts such as Gangnam-gu, Seocho-gu, and Gangdong-gu presented progressive inequality. Such example showed the need for improvement in terms of balance by each borough. The use of quantile regression demonstrated reverse inequality in most quantile, but, the differences in the value of the coefficient by each quantile showed the need for improvement of officially assessed land price with the equity of each quantile. Through the equity verification of officially assessed land price, it was analyzed that the lack of equity was found by year, by borough, and by use district. In order to redeem the lack of equity, the government must systematically supplement the real-estate disclosure system by initiating ratio studies to verify horizontal and vertical equity.

A Study on Development of Technology Protection Rating Methodology using Statistics (통계기법을 적용한 기술보호 등급분류 방법론 개발 연구)

  • Yang, Jeong-Eun;Yang, Younggyu;Cho, YunGyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.671-678
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    • 2021
  • In a previous study, technology protection levels were set on a qualitative basis. That study lacked quantitative standards, so here, we conduct a study to complement the previous study and to present an objective standard. This paper provides a method of setting a technical protection level that applies statistical analysis. To set the technology protection level, statistical analysis of six technical survey items is performed first. Second, the technical survey items are analyzed by AHP to quantify the opinions of experts in order to derive weights for each technical survey item. Finally, by using the normal distribution scatter map and median calculation method, the technology protection level is selected in three stages using the final detailed factor technology score reflecting the weight. The technology protection level methodology developed through this study is the first methodology with objectivity that can evaluate defense technology by level. If this methodology is applied in practice, it is believed that it will provide a scientific and quantitative technology value judgment criterion when setting the technology protection level in the future.

A Study on Punitive Damages System in Technology Protection Related Laws: Focusing on Patent Act, TSPA, ITPA, FTSA, MBCA (기술보호 관련 법률에서의 징벌적 손해배상제도에 대한 고찰: 특허법, 영업비밀보호법, 산업기술보호법, 하도급법, 상생협력법을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Yongsun
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.19-41
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    • 2020
  • In Korea, punitive damages were introduced in the 2011 Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act(FTSA), and in 2019 the Patent Act, Trade Secret Protection Act(TSPA), Industrial Technology Protection Act(ITPA), and Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Act(MBCA). In punitive damages, the judgment of 'intentional' is especially important, and it is necessary to refer to US precedents since there is no accumulated case. Major Company can avoid intentional counseling through the advice of lawyers, but SMEs may have to punish punitive damages due to a lack of awareness of the system. In the case of TSPA, ITPA, FTSA, and MBCA, except for Patent Act, the provisions related to proof of damage have not been well maintained yet. Therefore, the data submission order system of these laws needs to be revised to the level of patent Act need to be. TSPA needs to be amended in the future to estimate the amount of the royalties in estimating the amount of damages so that it can receive the 'reasonably' estimated amount rather than the usual amount. On the other hand, ITPA, FTSA, and MBCA do not have any provisions for the estimation of damages. Besides, it is difficult to evaluate the technology value in the case of leakage or deodorization of new technologies. Therefore, valuation needs to be carried out by a credible institution along with the development of a model for calculating damages.

A Study on System of Feasibility Study and Issues of Economic Analysis in Cultural Facility Construction: Focused on the National Museum of Contemporary Art(MMCA), Seoul (문화시설 건립 타당성조사의 체계와 경제성 분석에서의 쟁점 - 국립현대미술관 서울관 건립사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Sang-chul
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.53
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    • pp.101-125
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents the problems and improvement methods in estimating demand and benefit, which have been controversial in the feasibility study of building cultural facilities. Although there are justifications for supplying cultural facilities by expanding leisure time and increasing income, the economic burden from the insolvent operation after construction is high. Feasibility studies can prevent these problems in advance. In order to estimate the demand for cultural facilities, similar facilities were selected and the gravity model was used to estimate the demand. In the future, it is necessary to prepare the criteria for setting the reference facility to increase the accuracy of the demand estimation. In addition, in the case of cultural facilities constructed through feasibility study, it is necessary to induce and enforce the disclosure of operational data and information, and to establish a database so that it can be used as a reference facility for demand estimation in future feasibility study on cultural facility. Accurate benefit estimation requires multiple CVM surveys. In addition to the current CVM survey, this paper suggest that supplementary online non-face-to-face surveys is considered. Furthermore, this research suggests that the use of video media for explanation of alternative materials for cultural facilities to be constructed because the WTP may be excessive due to lack of alternatives for survey respondents in the current CVM survey.

A Comparative Study of the Efficiency among Korea, Chinese, and Japanese Ports (한·중·일 항만효율성 비교연구)

  • KOO, Jong-soon;LEE, Jung-sun;JEON, Dong-hwa
    • The Journal of shipping and logistics
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.457-474
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the efficiency of major ports in Northeast Asia such as Korea, China and Japan. For the empirical analysis, we tried to apply the data envelopment analysis (DEA), which is an efficiency evaluation model based on mathematical programming theory, and we also established a model to Northeast Asian ports. In our opinion, DEA analysis which involves multiple inputs as well as multiple outputs in its efficiency valuation makes analysis more suitable for port efficiency measurement because ports produce a number of different outputs. In this paper, we attempted to analyze the relative efficiency of 27 ports (5 Korean ports, 13 Chinese ports, 9 Japanese ports) through DEA-CCR, DEA-BCC models. According to the result, Chinese ports are relatively efficient than Korean and Japanese ports. The result of the analysis shows that 7 Chinese ports are efficient in DEA-CCR model in 2009, but in DEA-BCC model 8 Chinese ports and 1 Koran port are efficient. Most of inefficient ports have a value closed to 1 in efficiency for scale, it means that the reason of inefficiency is caused from the technical aspect. Furthermore, we also verified that there exists excess of input in Korean and Japanese ports than Chinese ports.

Willingness to pay for eco-friendly products: case of cosmetics

  • Joung, Soon Hee;Park, Sun Wook;Ko, Yoon Jin
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2014
  • Environmental concern has been an important issue for a few decades, and the extent of consumer demand for eco-friendly consumption has been increased. This study seeks to investigate consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) a premium for eco-friendly cosmetics. This study evaluates how much more a consumer is willing to pay for eco-friendly cosmetics and examines significant factors influencing consumers' WTP for eco-friendly cosmetics. Consumers' WTP is measured using four different ecofriendly cosmetics: low-priced skin care cosmetics, low-priced makeup cosmetics, high-priced skin care cosmetics, and high-priced makeup cosmetics. This study uses the contingent valuation method (CVM) to estimate consumer's WTP for eco-friendly cosmetics. Survey questions were designed using both dichotomous choice and payment card method of CVM. Through face to face interviews and on-line surveys, the data were collected from women between 20 and 49 years old residing in Seoul and Kyeonggi area, Korea, in May 2010. A total of 226 questionnaires (132 from interviews and 94 from on-line) were included for the analytical sample in this study. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, T-test and Log-Logit analysis. The findings are as follows: First, the WTP measured by dichotomous choice method was estimated using the Log-Logit analysis. The results showed that the estimated WTP for low-priced skin care cosmetics was 19,152 won, which was 27.7% higher than the reference price, 15,000 won. For low-priced makeup cosmetics, the estimated WTP was 18,524 won, and its green premium was 21.0%. The estimated WTP for high-priced skin care cosmetics was 59,128 won, which was 18.3% higher than the reference price, 50,000 won. For high-priced makeup cosmetics was 57,666 won, and its green premium was 15.3%. Second, the WTP measure by payment card method was estimated using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the respondents were willing to pay 17,955 won for low-priced skin care cosmetics, which was 19.7% higher than the reference price, 15,000 won and 17,595 won for low-priced makeup cosmetics, which was 17.3% higher than the reference price. For high-priced skin care cosmetics, the average WTP was 56,950 won which was 13.9% higher than the reference price, 50,000 won. For high-priced makeup cosmetics, the average WTP was 55,650 won, which was 11.3% higher than the reference price. Overall, the WTP was higher in order of low-priced skin care, low-priced makeup, high-priced skin care, and high-priced makeup. It means that consumers decide degree of premium based on the price and the attributes of eco-friendly products. Third, the findings showed that age, monthly income, and having children or not were statistically significant factors that influenced consumers' willingness to pay for eco-friendly cosmetics. Other explanatory variables such as education, marital status, job, purchase experience of eco-friendly products, and environmental concerns did not show any statistical significance. The major contribution of this study is the investigation of the value of green attributes of the products by using CVM. Unlike most previous researches, this research used two methods of CVM, the dichotomous choice and the payment card, so it enhanced the reliability of research. According to this study, consumers showed price sensitivity when they pay green premium. These findings can be used as useful information to establish marketing strategies for green cosmetics.

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Comparative assessment of the effective population size and linkage disequilibrium of Karan Fries cattle revealed viable population dynamics

  • Shivam Bhardwaj;Oshin Togla;Shabahat Mumtaz;Nistha Yadav;Jigyasha Tiwari;Lal Muansangi;Satish Kumar Illa;Yaser Mushtaq Wani;Sabyasachi Mukherjee;Anupama Mukherjee
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.795-806
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    • 2024
  • Objective: Karan Fries (KF), a high-producing composite cattle was developed through crossing indicine Tharparkar cows with taurine bulls (Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss, and Jersey), to increase the milk yield across India. This composite cattle population must maintain sufficient genetic diversity for long-term development and breed improvement in the coming years. The level of linkage disequilibrium (LD) measures the influence of population genetic forces on the genomic structure and provides insights into the evolutionary history of populations, while the decay of LD is important in understanding the limits of genome-wide association studies for a population. Effective population size (Ne) which is genomically based on LD accumulated over the course of previous generations, is a valuable tool for e valuation of the genetic diversity and level of inbreeding. The present study was undertaken to understand KF population dynamics through the estimation of Ne and LD for the long-term sustainability of these breeds. Methods: The present study included 96 KF samples genotyped using Illumina HDBovine array to estimate the effective population and examine the LD pattern. The genotype data were also obtained for other crossbreds (Santa Gertrudis, Brangus, and Beefmaster) and Holstein Friesian cattle for comparison purposes. Results: The average LD between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was r2 = 0.13 in the present study. LD decay (r2 = 0.2) was observed at 40 kb inter-marker distance, indicating a panel with 62,765 SNPs was sufficient for genomic breeding value estimation in KF cattle. The pedigree-based Ne of KF was determined to be 78, while the Ne estimates obtained using LD-based methods were 52 (SNeP) and 219 (genetic optimization for Ne estimation), respectively. Conclusion: KF cattle have an Ne exceeding the FAO's minimum recommended level of 50, which was desirable. The study also revealed significant population dynamics of KF cattle and increased our understanding of devising suitable breeding strategies for long-term sustainable development.

A Study on the Sensitibities of Cashflow and Growth Opportunities to Investments (기업투자와 성장기회, 현금흐름의 민감도에 관한 실증연구)

  • Lee, Won-Heum
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 2007
  • We test a model of investment-cashflow-growth opportunities relationship in order to estimate the sensitivities to investments. In this study, we use a new proxy variable for the value of growth opportunities(hereafter "VGO"), which is based on the seminal papers of M&M(1958:1961:1963) and Lee(2006;2007). The empirical findings on the sensitivities of cashflow and growth opportunities are as follows. First, when the traditional proxy variables for the growth opportunities such as Tobin's Q, MBR and sales growth are included with the new proxy VGO in the estimation, their coefficients are turned out to be insignificant. Second, only the new proxy variable VGO shows a statistically significant positive sensitibity to investment, which can be regarded that the growth opportunities hold the positive influences to investments. Third, the Tobin's Q can be decomposed into three factors such as the value of growth opportunities(VGO), the value of asset-in-place and valuation errors. It turns out that only the VGO shows a statistically significant positive relationship with investment among others. This means that the new variable VGO is a good proxy variable for the growth opportunities in the investment-cashflow sensitivity analysis. In sum, thanks to the above findings in this study, we can say that it will not be proper to choose a proxy variable for the growth opportunities from the traditional set of proxies such as Tobin's Q, MBR, or sales growth rate.

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A Study on the Ecosystem Services Value Assessment According to City Development: In Case of the Busan Eco-Delta City Development (도시개발에 따른 생태계서비스 가치 평가 연구: 부산 에코델타시티 사업을 대상으로)

  • Choi, Jiyoung;Lee, Youngsoo;Lee, Sangdon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.427-439
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    • 2019
  • Natural environmental ecology ofthe environmental impact assessment(EIA)is very much lacking in quantitative evaluation. Thus, this study attempted to evaluate quantitative assessment for ecosystem service in the site of Eco-delta project in Busan. As a part of climate change adaptation, this study evaluated and compared with the value for carbon fixation and habitat quality using the InVEST model before and after development with three alternatives of land-use change. Carbon fixation showed 216,674.48 Mg of C (year 2000), and 203,474.25 Mg of C (year 2015)reducing about 6.1%, and in the future of year 2030 the value was dropped to 120,490.84 Mg of C which is 40% lower than year 2015. Alternative 3 of land use planning was the best in terms of carbon fixation showing 6,811.31 Mg of C. Habitat quality also changed from 0.57 (year 2000), 0.35 (year 2015), and 0.21 (year 2030) with continued degradation as development goes further. Alternative 3 also was the highest with 0.21(Alternative 1 : 0.20, Alternative 2 : 0.18). In conclusion,this study illustrated that quantitative method forland use change in the process of EIA can helpdecision making for stakeholders anddevelopers with serving the best scenario forlow impact of carbon. Also it can help better for land use plan, greenhouse gas and natural environmental assets in EIA. This study could be able to use in the environmental policy with numerical data of ecosystem and prediction. Supplemented with detailed analysis and accessibility of basic data, this method will make it possible for wide application in the ecosystem evaluation.

Impact of Net-Based Customer Service on Firm Profits and Consumer Welfare (기업의 온라인 고객 서비스가 기업의 수익 및 고객의 후생에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Jin;Lee, Byung-Tae
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.123-137
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    • 2007
  • The advent of the Internet and related Web technologies has created an easily accessible link between a firm and its customers, and has provided opportunities to a firm to use information technology to support supplementary after-sale services associated with a product or service. It has been widely recognized that supplementary services are an important source of customer value and of competitive advantage as the characteristics of the product itself. Many of these supplementary services are information-based and need not be co-located with the product, so more and more companies are delivering these services electronically. Net-based customer service, which is defined as an Internet-based computerized information system that delivers services to a customer, therefore, is the core infrastructure for supplementary service provision. The importance of net-based customer service in delivering supplementary after-sale services associated with product has been well documented. The strategic advantages of well-implemented net-based customer service are enhanced customer loyalty and higher lock-in of customers, and a resulting reduction in competition and the consequent increase in profits. However, not all customers utilize such net-based customer service. The digital divide is the phenomenon in our society that captures the observation that not all customers have equal access to computers. Socioeconomic factors such as race, gender, and education level are strongly related to Internet accessibility and ability to use. This is due to the differences in the ability to bear the cost of a computer, and the differences in self-efficacy in the use of a technology, among other reasons. This concept, applied to e-commerce, has been called the "e-commerce divide." High Internet penetration is not eradicating the digital divide and e-commerce divide as one would hope. Besides, to accommodate personalized support, a customer must often provide personal information to the firm. This personal information includes not only name and address, but also preferences information and perhaps valuation information. However, many recent studies show that consumers may not be willing to share information about themselves due to concerns about privacy online. Due to the e-commerce divide, and due to privacy and security concerns of the customer for sharing personal information with firms, limited numbers of customers adopt net-based customer service. The limited level of customer adoption of net-based customer service affects the firm profits and the customers' welfare. We use a game-theoretic model in which we model the net-based customer service system as a mechanism to enhance customers' loyalty. We model a market entry scenario where a firm (the incumbent) uses the net-based customer service system in inducing loyalty in its customer base. The firm sells one product through the traditional retailing channels and at a price set for these channels. Another firm (the entrant) enters the market, and having observed the price of the incumbent firm (and after deducing the loyalty levels in the customer base), chooses its price. The profits of the firms and the surplus of the two customers segments (the segment that utilizes net-based customer service and the segment that does not) are analyzed in the Stackelberg leader-follower model of competition between the firms. We find that an increase in adoption of net-based customer service by the customer base is not always desirable for firms. With low effectiveness in enhancing customer loyalty, firms prefer a high level of customer adoption of net-based customer service, because an increase in adoption rate decreases competition and increases profits. A firm in an industry where net-based customer service is highly effective loyalty mechanism, on the other hand, prefers a low level of adoption by customers.