• Title/Summary/Keyword: Value Added Service

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The Quality Characteristics of Kanghwang(Curcuma aromatica Salab.) Tofu Prepared with Various Coagulants (응고제에 따른 강황 두부의 품질 특성)

  • Park, Geum-Soon;Lee, Shin-Ho;Park, Kyoung-Nam
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.547-553
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    • 2007
  • The physicochemical and functional properties of tofu prepared with kanghwang(Curcuma aromatica Salab.) were investigated, in order to study the effects of six different commercial coagulants. The coagulant concentrations were determined as 0.3% GDL, 0.3% $MgCl_2$, 1.0% $CaCl_2$, 1.5% $CaSO_4$, 0.45% mixed coagulant, and 1.5% Milky-Mg by pre-experiments. Also, the optimum concentration for the added kanghwang(Curcuma aromatica Salab.) was chosen as 0.01%. The yields of the kanghwang tofu prepared with Milky-Mg, mixed, and GDL coagulants were higher than those prepared with $MgCl_2$, $CaCl_2$, and $CaSO_4$. The pH of the kanghwang tofu prepared with the $MgCl_2$ coagulant was higher than when made with the other coagulants. The turbidity of the kanghwang tofu was highest when it was coagulated with GDL, and moisture content was highest or the of kanghwang tofu coagulated with $CaCl_2$. In the color analysis of the kanghwang tofu, the $L^{***}$ value was highest with the Milky-Mg coagulant, while the $a^{***}$ value was highest and the b value lowest with the GDL coagulant. For the textural properties, the hardness results were in the order of $CaSO_4$ > $CaCl_2$ > $MgCl_2$ > mixed > GDL > Milky-Mg, springiness, gumminess, and brittleness were highest in the tofu coagulated with Milky-Mg. For the overall acceptability of the sensory properties, the Kanghwang tofu that was made using the mixed coagulant had the highest score.

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Network Planning on the Open Spaces in Geumho-dong, Seoul (서울 금호동 오픈스페이스 네트워크 계획)

  • Kang, Yon-Ju;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2012
  • Geumho-dong, Seoul, a redeveloped residential area, is located in the foothills of Mt. Eungbong. The geographical undulation, the composition of a large apartment complex, and the partial implementation of the redevelopment project have caused the severe physical and social disconnections in this area. In order to recover functioning in the disconnected community, this study pays attention to the regeneration of the open spaces as an everyday place and in the form a network system among those open spaces. Various types of the open spaces are classified into points or faces, 'bases' and linear 'paths' analyze the network status. More than half of the open space have connecting-distance of 500m or more. Furthermore, many areas are not even included in the service-area of the open spaces. Analysis of the connectivity and integration value using the axial map has carried out to check weak linkages and to choose the sections where additional bases are required. In addition, to improve the quality of the bases and the paths, a field investigation is conducted and problems are diagnosed. The network planning of the open spaces in Geumho-dong is established, ensuring the quality and quantity of bases and paths. The plan includes the construction of an additional major base in the central area and six secondary bases in other parts, and comes up with ways to improve the environment of underdeveloped secondary bases. In the neighborhood parks at Mt. Daehyun areas, the major path are added, and the environment of the paths is improved in certain areas. Because of the network planning, the connecting-distances between bases are reduced significantly, the connectivity and integration value of the area are increased, and the service areas of the open spaces cover the whole area properly. Although this study has some limitations such as the needs for the legal and institutional supports and difficulties of a quantitative indexing process, its significance lies in the suggestion of a more reasonable and practical plan for the overall network system by defining complex types of open spaces simply and clearly and by examining the organic relationships quantitatively and qualitatively.

An Analysis of Nursing Behavior and Unit of Treatment Cost of Non- Insurance Patients (종합병원의 비보험환자 처치행위 양상과 수가분석에 관한 연구)

  • 오세영
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.41-55
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    • 1980
  • The medical care insurance system, being put into practice nearly for three years, seem to have brought about some considerable problems as serious for the government as to consider a revision of that system. As one of the most serious problems of present system, the treatment cost of insurance patients is so remarkably low in comparison with than of non-insurance cases that normal operation of hospitals is threatened and care services of low quality are induced. The researcher carried out this survey to analyze and bring to light several aspects of treatment cost of non-insurance patients as a material for a re-assessment of the cost of insurance cases which shows a a considerable difference in amount at the standpoint of hospitals with than of non-insurance cases and further, hoping the significant blind spot of present insurance system(that is, the absence of regulations' for cost assessment by patterns or types of health care treatment) will be mended in near future. The survey was carried out with the treatment invoice sheets of total 902 in-hospital Patients of a general hospital in Seoul during the period of the 2 nd quarter of the year(1979). Among total 902 patients, 694 cases were used for analysis, because those disease or syndromes shared by less than 10% of the patients were put aside before procession. The data were analyzed by kinds or types of diseases, demographic characteristics of patients, hospitalization patterns, types of nursing treatment, etc. The result of analysis was as follows 1. Among all the non-insurance cases, those who received one or more kinds of nursing treatment mounted up to 96. 7 %. The invoice issue frequency per person was 7.2 times, while that frequency per day for a person was 0.8, : the treatment cosr per person was ₩22,650 while its daily average was ₩2,430, due to the average 9.3 in-hospital days per person. 2. As to the nursing treatment types by the demographic characteristics of patients and hospitalization patterns. a. The unit cost female patients was generally more expensive them that of males, and independent nursing service was more given than other types of treatment. As to age, higher age groups received independent nursing service most, while the youngest group received instrumental and integrated nursing services. b. As to room grade, the unit cost of I.C.U. cases was the highest : and the cast of private room patients was higher than that of public room patients. By in-hospital days, the curve of function showed L. type : that is, the longer stay, the lower function. 3. State of treatment types by kinds of disease were ; a. Dependent nursing service showed comparatively high availability in surgical and neurologic disease and independent nursing service was most received by medical, obstetrical and urological patients, while instrumental and integrated services were most available for respiratory disease and obstetrical and neurologic diseases next. b. The invoice issue frequency per day for a patient was highest in obstetrical disease 3.8 times, and the unit cost(per one invoice sheet) was also highest in obstertrical disease(₩10,880) and next in neurologic cases(₩ 4,690 ). 4. As to the pertained departments. a. Cost amount per person was highest in department of Psychiatries daily cost was highest in obstetrical cases : while the invoice issue frequency was highest in obstetrics and next in pediatrics. b. In departments in need of surgical operation, dependent nursing care was highly availabl : while in internal medicine and obstetrics, independent service was higher. Psychiatrics showed the highest the of integrate nursing while pediatrics and obstetrics higher of instrumental services. The variation co-efficien of treatment cost came out to be relatively in high in special surgery, opthalmology and internal medicine. 5. State of treatment cost by types of nursing behavior was. a. The average frequency of invoice issue was 3.5 (times). Among the type four types of treatment, instrumetal service (4.3) and independent nursing behavior(3.9) showed higher frequency than average respectively. But as to unit cost (per invoice). dependent (₩5,200) and integrated (₩5,340) nursing care services were higher than average and considerably higher than the other two types. b. In repect patient distribution. independent nursing behavior(80.3% ) was the highest and depend ent nursing (31.7% ) the lowest. The variation co-efficient of treatment cost appeared highest in dependent nursing be havior as a whole, and among that, doctor's diagnosis showed the highest coefficient value (100.7). In conclusion, the variaty of treatment cost(treatment itself ) by various characteristics and treatment types pro- that treatment various sort of patients and treatment cost of various types of nursing behavior cannot be uniform. Therefore, to attain the equalization of health care service and its cost both for insurant and non-insurant patients, a more specific provision for assessment of cost should be added to the present medical care insurance system and, in addition, the cost of nursing treatment is desired to be inserted into the treatment invoice.

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Brand Equity and Purchase Intention in Fashion Products: A Cross-Cultural Study in Asia and Europe (상표자산과 구매의도와의 관계에 관한 국제비교연구 - 아시아와 유럽의 의류시장을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Ko, Eun-Ju;Graham, Hooley;Lee, Nick;Lee, Dong-Hae;Jung, Hong-Seob;Jeon, Byung-Joo;Moon, Hak-Il
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.245-276
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    • 2008
  • Brand equity is one of the most important concepts in business practice as well as in academic research. Successful brands can allow marketers to gain competitive advantage (Lassar et al.,1995), including the opportunity for successful extensions, resilience against competitors' promotional pressures, and the ability to create barriers to competitive entry (Farquhar, 1989). Branding plays a special role in service firms because strong brands increase trust in intangible products (Berry, 2000), enabling customers to better visualize and understand them. They reduce customers' perceived monetary, social, and safety risks in buying services, which are obstacles to evaluating a service correctly before purchase. Also, a high level of brand equity increases consumer satisfaction, repurchasing intent, and degree of loyalty. Brand equity can be considered as a mixture that includes both financial assets and relationships. Actually, brand equity can be viewed as the value added to the product (Keller, 1993), or the perceived value of the product in consumers' minds. Mahajan et al. (1990) claim that customer-based brand equity can be measured by the level of consumers' perceptions. Several researchers discuss brand equity based on two dimensions: consumer perception and consumer behavior. Aaker (1991) suggests measuring brand equity through price premium, loyalty, perceived quality, and brand associations. Viewing brand equity as the consumer's behavior toward a brand, Keller (1993) proposes similar dimensions: brand awareness and brand knowledge. Thus, past studies tend to identify brand equity as a multidimensional construct consisted of brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand knowledge, customer satisfaction, perceived equity, brand associations, and other proprietary assets (Aaker, 1991, 1996; Blackston, 1995; Cobb-Walgren et al., 1995; Na, 1995). Other studies tend to regard brand equity and other brand assets, such as brand knowledge, brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and so on, as independent but related constructs (Keller, 1993; Kirmani and Zeithaml, 1993). Walters(1978) defined information search as, "A psychological or physical action a consumer takes in order to acquire information about a product or store." But, each consumer has different methods for informationsearch. There are two methods of information search, internal and external search. Internal search is, "Search of information already saved in the memory of the individual consumer"(Engel, Blackwell, 1982) which is, "memory of a previous purchase experience or information from a previous search."(Beales, Mazis, Salop, and Staelin, 1981). External search is "A completely voluntary decision made in order to obtain new information"(Engel & Blackwell, 1982) which is, "Actions of a consumer to acquire necessary information by such methods as intentionally exposing oneself to advertisements, taking to friends or family or visiting a store."(Beales, Mazis, Salop, and Staelin, 1981). There are many sources for consumers' information search including advertisement sources such as the internet, radio, television, newspapers and magazines, information supplied by businesses such as sales people, packaging and in-store information, consumer sources such as family, friends and colleagues, and mass media sources such as consumer protection agencies, government agencies and mass media sources. Understanding consumers' purchasing behavior is a key factor of a firm to attract and retain customers and improving the firm's prospects for survival and growth, and enhancing shareholder's value. Therefore, marketers should understand consumer as individual and market segment. One theory of consumer behavior supports the belief that individuals are rational. Individuals think and move through stages when making a purchase decision. This means that rational thinkers have led to the identification of a consumer buying decision process. This decision process with its different levels of involvement and influencing factors has been widely accepted and is fundamental to the understanding purchase intention represent to what consumers think they will buy. Brand equity is not only companies but also very important asset more than product itself. This paper studies brand equity model and influencing factors including information process such as information searching and information resources in the fashion market in Asia and Europe. Information searching and information resources are influencing brand knowledge that influences consumers purchase decision. Nine research hypotheses are drawn to test the relationships among antecedents of brand equity and purchase intention and relationships among brand knowledge, brand value, brand attitude, and brand loyalty. H1. Information searching influences brand knowledge positively. H2. Information sources influence brand knowledge positively. H3. Brand knowledge influences brand attitude. H4. Brand knowledge influences brand value. H5. Brand attitude influences brand loyalty. H6. Brand attitude influences brand value. H7. Brand loyalty influences purchase intention. H8. Brand value influence purchase intention. H9. There will be the same research model in Asia and Europe. We performed structural equation model analysis in order to test hypotheses suggested in this study. The model fitting index of the research model in Asia was $X^2$=195.19(p=0.0), NFI=0.90, NNFI=0.87, CFI=0.90, GFI=0.90, RMR=0.083, AGFI=0.85, which means the model fitting of the model is good enough. In Europe, it was $X^2$=133.25(p=0.0), NFI=0.81, NNFI=0.85, CFI=0.89, GFI=0.90, RMR=0.073, AGFI=0.85, which means the model fitting of the model is good enough. From the test results, hypotheses were accepted. All of these hypotheses except one are supported. In Europe, information search is not an antecedent of brand knowledge. This means that sales of global fashion brands like jeans in Europe are not expanding as rapidly as in Asian markets such as China, Japan, and South Korea. Young consumers in European countries are not more brand and fashion conscious than their counter partners in Asia. The results have theoretical, practical meaning and contributions. In the fashion jeans industry, relatively few studies examining the viability of cross-national brand equity has been studied. This study provides insight on building global brand equity and suggests information process elements like information search and information resources are working differently in Asia and Europe for fashion jean market.

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Quality Characteristics of Sulgidduk Added with Turmeric Powder (울금 분말을 첨가한 설기떡의 품질 특성)

  • Seo, Kwang-Myung;Chung, Yeon-Hun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the quality characteristics of sulgidduck with addition of 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7% turmeric powder. The moisture content of sulgidduck ranged from 33.71% to 37.75. The addition of turmeric powder to sulgidduck tended to decrease the pH value, whereas it did not change $brix^{\circ}$ values of the samples. For Hunter color values, addition of turmeric powder to sulgidduck tended to decrease lightness (L) and increase redness (a) and yellowness (b). For textural characteristics, addition of turmeric powder decreased hardness, whereas adhesiveness and springiness of the samples were unaffected. The addition of turmeric powder to sulgidduk tended to increase gumminess. The addition of turmeric powder to sulgidduk tended to decrease chewiness. In the sensory evaluation, addition of 3% turmeric powder resulted in the best score in terms of taste and overall preference. Therefore, these results suggest that addition of 3% turmeric powder could be applied for making turmeric powder sulgidduk.

Sensory Characteristics of Pork Sausages with Added Citrus Peel and Dried Lentinus edodes Powders (감귤과피분말 및 건 표고버섯을 첨가한 돈육 소시지의 관능적 특성)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyon;Choi, Ju-Rak;Kim, Min-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.1623-1630
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    • 2011
  • The effects of addition of citrus peel powders (C 0, 0.5, 1 & 2%), dried Lentinus edodes powders (L 0, 0.5, 1 & 2%), and their combination (C-L) on the chemical, sensory and textural properties of pork sausages were studied. Addition of 0.5, 1 or 2% C, L, and C-L all significantly decreased moisture content, pH, and color a-values of sausage samples, whereas ash content and color b-value were increased (p<0.05). C, L, and C-L did not affect protein, fat, carbohydrates contents or texture characteristics. Sensory evaluation was performed by multivariate data analysis, namely principal component analysis (PCA). Eighty-two percent total variation was observed in the main structured information among the test groups: the first (PC1) and second (PC2) components of variation were 59 and 23%, respectively. Eight parameters (sweet flavor, pork aroma, bitterness, rancidity, salty flavor, color, sour flavor and citrus aroma) were utilized to describe the main sensory characteristic of the sausages. Addition of 0.5, 1 & 2% citrus peel was obviously correlated with PC1 (salty flavor, sour flavor and citrus aroma, pork aroma, and sweet flavor and rancidity), whereas addition of 0.5 & 1% Lentinus edodes was related with PC2 (aroma and rancidity).

Antibacterial activity of Callophyllis japonica-methanol extracts against the pathogenic bacteria from swine (볏붉은잎 추출물의 돼지 유래 병원성 세균에 대한 항균효과)

  • Jeong, Jin-Woo;Jeong, Chan-Woo;Kim, Jeong-Tae;Yang, Won-Joon;Ahn, Mee-Jung;Kim, Byeoung-Hak;Kim, Joo-Ah;Shin, Tae-Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.353-359
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    • 2009
  • Interest in marine organisms as potential sources of bioactive agents has increased in recent years. The red seaweed, Callophyllis (C.) japonica, is abundant in the coastal regions of Jeju Island in South Korea. A previous study shows that C. japonica extracts have antioxidant activity and radioprotective effects. In this study, an methanol extract of C. japonica was tested whether it has antibacterial effects against the bacteria from swine. In vitro antibacterial activities of the crude extracts prepared from the C. japonica using 80 % methanol were tested for inhibitory activity against the Escherichia (E.) coli (S175), Enterococcus (E.) faecium (ATCC 51558), Salmonella (S.) Typhimurium and Staphylo-coccus (S.) aureus (ATCC 25923) by using broth dilution method. All organisms were incubated in brain heart infusion medium containing 1% extract at 0, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hrs. The 3 days-old piglets were fed an experimental diet supplemented with 1% C. japonica for 1 week. And the change of the coliform bacteria in feces were examined after supplement of C. japonica for 1 week. When the inocula containing $10^2{\sim}10^3$CFU/ml of each organism were used the extracts of C. japonica showed various degrees of antibacterial effects on all bacteria tested. The CFU value ($6.3\times10^8$CFU/ml) of C. japonica for E. coli was decreased 30% compared with vehicle controls ($9.0\times10^8$CFU/ml) after 8 hrs incubation. The proliferation rate of E. faecium was inhibited about 68% at 4 hrs, 81% at 8 hrs and 76% at 12 hrs after incubation, respectively. The proliferation rate of S. Typhimurium was inhibited about 96% at 4 hrs, 90% at 8 hrs and 72% at 12 hrs after incubation with extracts of C. japonica. The proliferation rate of S. aureus was inhibited more than 90% each time courses. Conclusively, a red seaweed extract of C. japonica was found to be effective against a number of gram negative and gram positive bacteria such as E. coli, E. faecium, S. Typhimurium, and S. aureus. The number of coliform bacteria was increased in the 1% C. japonica-treated group, as compared to those of controls. This result suggests that C. japonica extracts be added as an effective natural antibacterial agent. The precise mechanism of antibacterial effects and its application on swine industry remains to be further studied.

Analysis of the Spillover Effects of the Welfare for the disabled Capital Expenditures (장애인복지비 지출의 파급효과 분석)

  • Kim, Keum-Hwan;Pak, Ae-Kyung;Kim, Youn-Jae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2012
  • The social welfare service is expanding to different field as the social welfare budget is increasing. By this opportunity, it needs to make clear of the basis of argument that the necessity of development of Korean government's support and aid by social policy should be worked. This research dealt with the national economic effect in relation to welfare for the disabled in terms of welfare economics. Budget spending for the achievement of welfare for the disabled makes an enterprise or a person spend money continually either in a direct or indirect way. This study shows by the use of analysing the related production effects, as an economical influence of welfare for the disabled budget assuming by means of measuring. The results are analyzed that the production of one trillion and three hundred billon won is annually caused and 8,015.9 hundred million won of the direct and indirect added value is caused by the welfare of the disabled budget expenditure of three local governments of capital area. And it is also assumed it creates employment cause personnel (17.673.2 person) and job cause members (26.825.2). The result of the study anticipates the role of basic research material for the necessity of intervention, support, and aid by the government and local government revised policy for the disabled welfare field at this point in time where the welfare budget policy in terms of universal social service is reinforced, rather than the trend, until recently, of realizing the social welfare budget as consumption expenditure and the function of performing the effect and evaluation in tentative action of social conflict.

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Quality Characteristics of Brown Sauce with Added Apricot During Storage (살구 첨가 브라운 소스의 저장 기간에 따른 품질특성)

  • Lee, Jung-Ae;Shin, Young-Ja;Park, Geum-Soon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.877-883
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    • 2007
  • To evaluate the potential use of apricot as a sauce ingredient, the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of apricot brown sauce were compared. Various concentration (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%) of apricot were used to evaluate the quality characteristics of the sauce during storage for 12 days at $4^{\circ}C$. The pH value of the 5 types of brown sauce ranged from 3.8 to 4.6, and these pH levels were stable during the storage period. The L-values of the 0% apricot brown sauce were higher than those of the 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% apricot brown sauce. All the samples tended to have higher viscosities during storage, especially after three days after. In the sensory evaluation, softness, roasted flavor, texture, after taste, and overall taste were highest for the 10% and 20% apricot brown sauce. For the overall acceptability, the $10{\sim}20%$ apricot brown sauce attained the highest score.

Reference System for LBS supported Location Based Value added Service (위치기반 응용 서비스(항법, 디렉토리, 위치추적)를 지원하는 LBS 표준 참조 시스템)

  • Lee, Nack-Hun;Park, Joo-Hoon;Ahn, Byung-Ik
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.12a
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2004
  • 최근 들어 무선인터넷 및 모바일 컴퓨팅 기술의 급속한 발전과 함께 향후 그 수요가 증대될 것으로 예상되는 분야가 위치기반 서비스(LBS: Location Based Service) 기술이다. 위치기반 서비스는 이동 중인 사용자의 위치정보를 여러 가지 부가 서비스와 결합시켜 다양한 서비스를 제공하는 것으로 휴대 단말기와 무선 네트워크, 위치 측위 기술, 각종 응용 어플리케이션 등이 총체적으로 합쳐져 제공되는 서비스로 이동성, 개인성, 적시성 등을 사용자에게 제공해 주는 GIS의 차세대 핵심기술로 발전이 예상되는 분야이다[2][3]. 현재 미국, 유럽 등을 중심으로 3GPP/3GPP2, OMA, OGC, ISO, MAGIC 등의 국제 표준화 기구 및 단체에서 위치기반 서비스에 대한 표준화가 활발히 진행되고 있으며, 국내에서도 그 중요성을 인지하고 LBS 표준화에 정보, 업체, 학계 및 연구기관의 LBS 관련 전문가들로 구성된 LBS 표준화 포럼을 중심으로 국내 LBS 기술 표준을 위한 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내 LBS 표준들을 기반으로 위치기반 서비스에서 가장 기본적이고 핵심이 되는 서비스를 제공하는 표준 참조 시스템을 개발하고자 한다. 개발하고자 하는 표준 참조 시스템은 사용자의 위치를 추적하고 확인할 수 있는 위치추적 서비스와 주변 시설물 검색을 위한 디렉토리 서비스, 목적지까지의 경로를 안내하는 항법 서비스를 위한 기능 인터페이스 표준을 제공한다. 위치기반 서비스를 위한 표준 창조 시스템은 위치기반 응용 서비스의 기능 규격과 표준 인터페이스를 제공함으로써 위치기반 서비스 및 시스템 개발의 중복을 방지하고 상호 호환성을 확보 할 수 있다.문제에 적용이 가능한 창조 모델로 이용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.}94,\;29.4{\pm}30.3,\;45.1{\pm}44$로 Mel 10군과 Mel 30군이 유의적인 감소를 보였으나(p<0.05) 이들 두 군 간의 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과로, 랫트에서 복강수술 후 melatonin 10mg/kg투여가 복강 내 유착 방지에 효과적이라고 생각된다.-1}{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로서 두 생태계에 축적되었다.여한 3,5,7군에서 PUFA 함량이 증가한 반면, SFA 함량은 감소하여 P/S 비율, n-3P/n-6P 비율은 증가하는 경향이었으며 이는 간장의 인지질, 콜레스테롤 에스테르, 총 지질의 지방산조성에서도 같은 경향을 볼 수 있었다.X>$(C_{18:2})$와 n-3계 linolenic acid$(C_{18:3})$가 대부분을 차지하였다. 야생 돌복숭아 과육 중의 지방산 조성은 포화지방산이 16.74%, 단불포화지방산 17.51% 및 다불포화지방산이 65.73%의 함유 비율을 보였는데, 이 중 다불포화지방산인 n-6계 linoleic acid$(C_{18:2})$와 n-3계 linolenic acid$(C_{18:3})$가 지질 구성 총 지방산의 대부분을 차지하는 함유 비율을 나타내었다.했다. 하강하는 약 4일간의 기상변화가 자발성 기흉 발생에 영향을 미친다고 추론할 수 있었다. 향후 본 연구에서 추론된 기상변화와 기흉 발생과의 인과관계를 확인하고 좀 더 구체화하기 위한 연구가 필요할 것이다.게 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.는 초과수익률이 상승하지만, 이후로는 감소하

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