• Title/Summary/Keyword: VISIT EXPERIENCES

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An Analysis of Teaching Strategies of Science Teacher's Teaching in Science Museum (과학관 학습 실행에서 나타난 과학 교사의 교수 전략 분석)

  • Han, Moonjung;Yang, Chanho;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.559-569
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    • 2014
  • In this case study, we investigated teaching strategies of science teacher's teaching in science museum. Two secondary science teachers who completed a teacher training course on teaching in science museums participated in this study. We conducted interviews about their perceptions on teaching in science museum and their teaching plans before teaching. Then, we observed and recorded their teaching practices in the science museum throughout one semester, and collected all of the teaching materials. The interviews were also conducted after every lessons and at the end of the semester. For the analysis of teaching strategies, we used a framework that was revised from the framework for museum practice (FMP). The analysis of results revealed that the teachers understood the significance of planning the activities in a series of pre-visit, during-visit, and post-visit, so that they structured their teaching as continuous activities, not as an one-time event. However, they showed differences in the extent of connecting the activities with the national science curriculum according to their teaching objectives. In addition, there were differences in strategies such as promoting social interaction, evoking students' curiosity and interest, providing students with choices and control, and inducing engagement and challenge depending on each teacher's perceptions and experiences on teaching in science museum. These results suggest that science teacher education for the professional development of teaching in science museum should systematically provide knowledge and experiences on teaching strategies based on appropriate perceptions on teaching in science museum.

Effects Food Tourism's Activities on Visiting Intention (음식관광의 참여활동이 방문의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.417-425
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    • 2010
  • This paper is 1) to find out food tourism possibility with representative local food in Dan Yang, 2) to suggest some guidelines to draw food tourists with how activities related with food affect on visit intention. The questionnaires are distributed 250 in Kyoung gi provice including Seoul. then used for data analysis 248. The results are as followed; First, 43.5% of the all respondents means for having food tourism, but 18.5% means no experiences, just having interest in food tourism. The types of food tourism showed simply visiting famous restaurant or participate on food festival. That means high possibility for food tourism. Second, tourists are tend to chose it according to recommend food by local residents, personal own taste, local cuisine & ingredients, visiting for traditional market in community, and participate on food festival in tour destination. Third, respondents are trying to chose local cuisine such as mushroom broth, mackjeok gui(Korean style barbeque), mixed rice with various herb, and rice with garlic & geondrei herb. Fourth, three variables which are food culture oriented, knowledge & information of food, health oriented in food tourism had high significant in visit intention.

A Study on Adult Women's Cosmetic Tattoo Experiences and Comparison of Health Concern and Health Practice between the Cosmetic Tattooed and Non-cosmetic Tattooed Groups (일 지역 성인여성의 미용문신 경험실태와 미용문신 경험유무에 따른 건강관심도, 건강실천행위 비교)

  • Kim, Se Young
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to compare the level of health concern and the health practice of adult women depending on their experiences with cosmetic tattooing. Methods: The participants were 396 adult women in Jeonnam and Jeonbuk Provinces and G City. Their levels of health concern were measured using the 5-point-5-item scale designed by Kim. For measuring their health practice, the 5-point-12-item scale designed by Kwak was used. Results: The percentage of cosmetic tattooed women was 58.8%. The average score of their health concern was 3.12 and that of their health practice 3.54. As for their levels of health concern, no differences were observed between those with cosmetic tattoo experience and those without. However, the group with cosmetic tattoo experience exhibited a higher level of health practice. Also, most members of the cosmetic tattooed group decided to visit their tattoo shops based on the availability of tattoo shapes or prices rather than considering infection risks. Conclusion: Health education is necessary to increase people's sensitivity to infection. This study shows that urgent attention for the management and regulation of the relevant ministries is required. Also, this study provides foundational information that will serve health education.

The Effects of a Maternal Self-Efficacy Promotion Program on Maternal Confidence and Mother-Infant Interaction

  • Kim, Hee-Soon;Oh, Ka-Sil;Yoo, Il-Young;Kim, Dong-Hee;Chae, Sun-Mi;Jin, Ju-Hye;Kenner, Carole;Kim, Mi-Ja
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.189-195
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a maternal self-efficacy promotion program for Korean primiparas on maternal confidence and mother-infant interaction. Method: This study was non-equivalent quasi-experimental research with a control group selected by purposive sampling. Based on Bandura’s (1986) self-efficacy theory, the research team developed the maternal self-efficacy promotion program. The program included achievement experiences, verbal persuasion, and vicarious experiences. The program was provided through face-to-face teaching at the time of discharge, counseling sessions over the telephone, and a home visit. Subjects also learned about parenting skills using a videotape developed by the research team. Sixteen primiparas were recruited to the experimental group at one hospital in Kyongi province, and fifteen primiparas who were matched according to socioeconomic status were recruited to the control group at a postpartum care center in the same province. Results: Subjects in the experimental group demonstrated significantly higher maternal confidence and mother-infant interaction than those in the control group. Conclusion: The maternal self-efficacy promotion program appears to be an effective nursing intervention for parenting of first-time mothers in Korea.

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An Analysis of the Tour and Recreation Values of the Parks (공원녹지의 관광위락가치에 관한 연구)

  • 임완현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1994
  • This paper examines the individual and social values of tour and recreation activities related to the characteristics and attractions of parks in urban area through a questionnaire. The data for this research consists of 2,942 samples based on interviews in sixteen parks in Daegu area. Implications of the findings for urban parks design and tour and recreation policy are discussed. Travel cost method and contingent valuation method are applied essentially. These methods yield a reasonable estimation of the relationship between tour and recreation values of the parks and the visit rate which can be used to estimate demand functions for tour and recreation experiences provided by a site. Semilog-type models can be used to estimate the use of the park. Finally, the tour and recreation value of each park per user-day is estimated by the total experiences of the users. This study is a modest but important step in the investigation of urban parks and recreation site demand and values. Many of the developments in contingent valuation method and travel cost modeling should now be applied to the urban scale parks and recreation sits. Such studies will contribute significantly to the improvement of methodology for tour and recreation values measuring, especially to individual and social benefits for the urban parks, and provide the much needed guidance for the allocation of scarce tour and recreation resources.

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Factors Affecting Patient Experience with Outpatient Care (외래 환자경험에 영향을 주는 요인)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Hoon
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 2021
  • Background: Good patient experience is positively associated with adherence to treatment recommendations, better clinical effectiveness, and health outcomes. This study aims to find out the key factors affecting positive patient experience to improve the quality of care using nationally representative survey data. Methods: The data was collected from the 6th National Health Nutrition Survey in 2015. Four patient experience items were investigated for patients with visiting outpatient care over the past year. Positive patient experience was defined as a case of responding always or usually yes. The t-test, chi-square test, and multiple logistic regression were performed to determine the key factors affecting the outpatient experience. Results: More than 80% of the respondents reported their care experience as positive excluding doctor spending enough time during the consultation. Male, poor health status, and single/divorced, and the longer time interval between outpatient care visit and survey were found to be significantly correlated with negative care experiences in the multiple logistic regression. Patients who received outpatient care at the oriental medicine clinic had a positive experience compared to those received outpatient care at the general hospital. However, patient factors including age, income, job, and insurance type had no significant association with patient experience. Conclusion: Health care providers should prioritize patients who report negative patient experiences and implement management decisions to improve the patient experience.

Dental fear cause and oral health care behavior in the dental hygiene clinic clients (치위생학과 구강위생교육실에 내원한 대상자의 치과공포 원인과 구강건강관리행태)

  • Lee, Joon-Mee;Jang, Sun-Ok
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.705-715
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This study is aimed to seek how to promote oral health care by leading the clients with dental fears to change their behaviors in oral hygiene care based on the analysis of the relationships between the dental fears and oral health care behaviors of the clients who visit the Dental Hygiene Education Room. Methods : This study analyzed the 361 dental hygiene records of the subjects with finished treatment and accurate records among a total of 370 clients who had received dental hygiene care at the Dental Hygiene clinic in Y University from March 2007 till June 2009. According to their general features, the study analyzed whether they had any dental fears and why such fears occurred and conducted Chi-square test to compare their oral hygiene care experiences and behaviors with dental fears. Data analysis was made using the SPSS 12.0K for Window, with level of significance set at 0.05. Results : 1. In terms of dental fear or non-fear, the comparison by gender showed that women had a higher level than men, with 76 women(47.2%) answering yes; the comparison by age showed that the age group of 30 years old or older had a higher level than other groups. 2. In terms of dental fear reasons, "the past pain experiences" recorded 34.2%, showing the highest rate. 3. In addition, dental fears had influences on regular dental examination, scaling and dental hygiene education and the subjects without dental fear showed higher levels in terms of tooth-brushing frequency and time. Conclusions : To control "the past pain experiences", future dental treatment should place priority on preventive treatment and get clients to cope with pains through the preliminary education with pains. Besides, to make an effective oral health care of the clients with dental fears, dental hygienists should control the fears of the clients and perform an appropriate oral health care for them using the communication techniques to make friendly and trustworthy impressions.

A Study on the Consumer's Choice Behavior of National Parks (소비자의 국립공원 선택행동에 관한 연구)

  • 안건용;김성진
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 1996
  • This study examines the relationships between desired recreation experiences recreational context and environmental attributes that influence the choice of national park in which to recreate. Eight hundred and five visitors in three national park in which to recreate. Eight hundred and five visitors in three national parks were surveyed. Seven recreational experience domains and four homogeneous groups were identified. The contributions of environmental attributes homogeneous groups were identified. The contributions of environmental attributes to the choice of national park were found to differ among four groups, and across recreational context such as past experience, membership, and the length of visit. The implications for national park management were discussed.

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A Study on the Lived Experiences of Homecare Nurses (가정간호사의 실무체험 연구)

  • 서문자;김소선;신경림;강현숙;김금순;박호란;김혜숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 2000
  • The Necessity and Purpose of the Study Recently the number of patients with chronic diseases and the aged patients is increasing steadily. Furthermore, due to the expansion of health insurance system, the number of patients hospitalized in the general hospital is increasing at a surprising speed. However, hospitals urge the early discharge of the patients for the efficiencies of hospital administration, and therefore, the number of patients who must be taken care of in their home is also increasing. Homecare nursing is one of the health care service for the patients at home who require continual attention and care, and now increasing attentions are given to it as one of the professional nursing fields. However, it was almost impossible to find a study on the actual experiences of the homecare nurses written by their own language in Korea, that it also posed a great difficulty in understanding their diverse experience. Considering these situation, this study will help understanding of them, and provide the fundamental data on their experiences for making policies to develop homecare nursing. Methods of Research Phenomenological research method was employed to analyze the lived experiences of homecare nurses fundamentally. Data collection Data were collected from August 1998 to December 1998 from ten homecare nurses who worked for patients under the homecare nursing setting as model cases designated by Seoul Nurses Association and who agreed to the purpose of this study after listening to and understanding the explanation completely. The in-depth interview was carried at the time which was convenient both for the researcher and participants for one or two hours, and recovered with the approval participants. The first interview covered diverse and broad areas like the situation of homecare nursing, and their feelings and thoughts over it, and in the second and third interviews, more specific questions are asked. Data Analysis For the phenomenological analysis, contents analysis was employed. The data collected from the participants were analyzed into the following procedures according to Van Manen 's phenomenological analysis. 1) Reserve the preconception of the researcher by restricting it inside parenthesis. 2) Make a thorough observation of the lived experiences by insight process. 3) Analyze the contents (Find out the repetitive factors) 4) Interpret the essence found. 5) State the meaning of the interpretation. Results and discussion 1. Fear and expectation for the first visit. (unfamiliarity, awkwardness, anxiety, shivering) 2. Mingle with the family (feeling friendly with the family, becoming like a family member) 3. Being proud of her own know-how (learning the know-how, organizing alternatives, building up confidence) 4. Pity for the poor. (criticizing the current government, feeling ashamed, feeling anger) 5. Difficulty of constructing cooperative system with physicians (strenuousness, frustration) 6. Helplessness due to the lack of support system (difficulty to get supplies, annoyance, embarrassment by institutional restraints) 7. Anxiousness for heavy traffic and parking (annoyance, hastiness) 8. Ethical conflicts (pity for the patients and family, skepticism about lengthening life maintenance) 9. Burden for the possible accident (pressure, anxiety, conflict, physical exhaustion) 10. Establishment of identity as a professional (fulfillment, worth, joy) 11. Being distressed at other's ignorance

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Activation Plan for Online Shopping Mall of Kids' Furniture (온라인 아동가구 쇼핑몰 활성화 방안)

  • Jang, Eun-Young;Lee, Sang-Joon;Lee, Kyeong-Rak;Lee, Sang-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2015
  • It is pretty hard to sell the kids' furniture online because of the characteristics of the consumers that they will like to make purchases after looking at the actual objects and then considering purchasing them. In this paper, we made the scheme to boost the on-line malls of the kids' furniture market by collecting the consumers' intention to buy before purchasing with questionnaire survey, comparing it with the real data of purchasing, and analyzing the differences. We analyzed the visit number of shopping mall, the page number of views, page duration time per visit, and customer's shopping path by using log data from the children's furniture online shopping mall server. In addition, we analyzed where the customer's influx route is among online advertising. We found that there are requirements for the designs, prices, brand names, and practicalities by the consumers purchasing the kids' furniture online. To strengthen competitiveness of the online kids' furniture malls, we proposed that reinforcing the on-line experiences of furniture, the differential strategies for the products, ensuring the fixed customers are needed.