• Title/Summary/Keyword: Users Movement

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Study on the Development of Social Evaluation Model for Aids to Navigation Accident (항로표지사고의 사회적비용 평가모델 개발에 관한 연구(I))

  • Moon, Beom-Sik;Gug, Seung-Gi;Lee, Young-Tae
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2018
  • Aids to Navigation (AtoN) is a marine traffic safety facility used to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of shipping and enhance the protection of the marine environment by the regulations or guidelines of The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA). Our country is managing AtoN to provide consistent services for AtoN users, although an average of 141 AtoN accidents occur annually. An AtoN accident forces non-planned work on the managers to resort the function, and causes psychological anxiety for its users, ultimately resulting in economic losses. This study developed the Social Cost evaluation model of AtoN accidents. The model can be used to quantify the manager's economic activities related to the shutdown and recovery, as well as the cost associated with the inconvenience to AtoN users. The Social Cost evaluation model of AtoN accidents is proposed as the sum of the encounter cost, administration cost and risk cost.

A Study on the Family Planning Program of The Korean Catholic Church Its Acceptability's, and Effctivenes (가톨릭 교회를 중심으로 한 한국에서의 자연가족계획 방법 수용 및 사용효과에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Shin-Ae
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.170-187
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    • 1993
  • The natural growth rate of the Korean population has decreased from 3.0% in 1960 to 1.0% in 1990. This was done with family planning program which was introduced by the government in 1961. The family planning program focused on birth control rather than the characteristics of the individuals and motivations of contraception. People were simply forced to use the method. Whereas, Natural Contraceptive is a method of family planning based solely on the timing of intercourse with the naturally occurring' physiological manifestation of fertilization and in fertilization during the menstrual cycle. This is the combination of self fertility awareness with periodic abstinence. Natural family .planning(NFP) programs in Korea were first started in the Chun-Chen diocese of catholic church by Bishop Thomas Stewart in 1970 In 1975, the Bishops conference launched the Korea Happy Family Movement in the Catholic Hospital Association, to promote the natural family planning. An average of 70,000 people, including adolescents, college students, unmarried and married persons, arid the clergies were trained during a six-year period (1986-1991). 61.5%(24,542 people) of those who completed 3 cycles during 6 year period (1986-1991) became autonomous users and the range was from 48.1% to 78.2%. In 1986, 22.7% of NFP individuals who drooped out of the program because of the desire for conception (23.4%), the difficulty of the method used(25.8%), and the loss of interest(22.8%). During the six-year period the unplanned pregnancy rate at the NFP was 2.9%. The range of the pregnancy rate was at 1.2-9.8%. The rate was decreased as years passed. The major reason for the failure of contraceptive was error by the individuals(61.1%). The percentage of the success of conception was 18.1% of 2.979 for achieving pregnancy. The highest percentage was 58.2% (99 users) in Kwang-Joo diocese and next was 37.1% (10 users) in Chong Joo diocese.

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Multi Spatial Interaction Interface in Large-scale Interactive Display Environment (대규모 인터랙티브 디스플레이 환경에서의 멀티 공간 인터랙션 인터페이스)

  • Yun, Chang-Ok;Park, Jung-Pil;Yun, Tae-Soo;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2010
  • The interactive display is providing various interaction modes to users through various ubiquitous computing technologies. These methods were studied for their interactions, but the limits that it is provided to only single user and the device usability were generated. In this paper, we propose a new type of spatial multi interaction interface that provide the various spatial touch interactive to multi users in the ambient display environment. Therefore, we generate the interaction surface so that a user can interact through the IR-LEDs Array Bar installed in the ceiling of the ambient display environment. At this time, a user can experience the various interactions through the spatial touch in an interaction surface. Consequently, this system offers the interactive display and interface method that the users can interact through natural hand movement without the portable devices.

Development of concentration measurement system in online education based on OpenCV (온라인 교육을 위한 OpenCV 기반 집중도 측정 시스템 개발)

  • Yim, Dae-Geun;Koh, Kyu Han;Jo, Jaechoon
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2020
  • There have been many developments and innovations in the educational environments in line with the rapidly evolving information age. E-Learning is a representative example of this rapid evolution. However, E-Learning is challenging to maintain students' concentration because of the low engagement level and limited interactions between instructors and students. Additionally, instructors have limitations in identifying learners' concentration. This paper proposes a system that can measure E-learning users' concentration levels by detecting the users' eyelid movement and the top of the head. The system recognizes the eyelid and the top of the head and measures the learners' concentration level. Detection of the eyelid and the top of the head triggers an event to assess the learners' concentration level based on the users' response. After this process, the system provides a normalized concentration score to the instructor. Experiments with experimental groups and control groups were conducted to verify and validate the system, and the concentration score showed more than 90% accuracy.

An Empirical Study on Click Patterns in Information Exploration (검색결과 역배열 제시를 통한 순서 기반 정보탐색 유형 실증연구)

  • Cho, Bong-Kwan;Kim, Hyoung-Joong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.301-307
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    • 2018
  • Generally, search engine summarizes the main contents of the search results so that user can click the site providing the information of the contents to search first. In this study, we demonstrated whether the user clicks on the search results based on the summary content provided by the search engine or on the order of the search result placement through empirical studies through the presentation of search results. By using the API provided by the search engine company, a search site that presents the search results in a regular and inverse order is created, and the click action of each user's search result is displayed in the order of actual click order, click position, and the user's search type such as the route of movement. As a result of the analysis, most users account for more than 60% of users who click on the first and second exposed search results regardless of the search results. It is confirmed that the search priority of users is determined according to the order of search results regardless of the summary of search results.

A Study on the Estimation of User′s Psychological Carrying Capacity in Mt. Chi-ak National Park Campsite (치악산국립공원 야영장의 이용자의 심리적 수용능력 추정에 관한 연구)

  • 권영선;이경재;송근준
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1988
  • ^x This study was executed to measure the user's psychological carrying capacity in the National Park Campsite in the district of Temple Ku- Ryong as a model of analysis, which is made socio - psychological approach. The results are as follows ; 1. Since this Place hart a beautiful scenery and some cultural assets prosperties and lies near the metroplitan area, 67.5% of the user come from the district, such as Seoul, Inchon, Kyong - Ki Do, and the purpose of camping is to appease their stress and to promote friendly relationship one another. 2. Since most of the campers(86%) didn't recognize the injury of the natural environment, the enlightment movement and the public information for the protection of natural environment are urgent. And they thought that the good campsite is located near the stream(43.6%) or a quiet place(33.4%). 3. As the space per a man increase, the degree of their satisfactions showed the tendency to increase. The user's satisfaction were analyzed by three statistic methods, correlation, multiple regression and factor analysis. Affecting factors to the user's psychology by the varimax varimax rotated factor analysis were classified physical arts ecological satisfaction. 4. The carrying capacity of the campsite by the degree of psychological satisfaction of the user was measured. The result was that the proper space for one user campsite was 35m$^2$ 5. The 58% of the informants said that they root disturbed by the overcrowding in the campsite. But most of the users thought that it was not good to control the number of the users. And the 67.3% of the respondents answered that the best method was that we control the number of the users by order of arrival if we have to control it.

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Non-verbal Emotional Expressions for Social Presence of Chatbot Interface (챗봇의 사회적 현존감을 위한 비언어적 감정 표현 방식)

  • Kang, Minjeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • The users of a chatbot messenger can be better engaged in the conversation if they feel intimacy with the chatbot. This can be achieved by the chatbot's effective expressions of human emotions to chatbot users. Thus motivated, this study aims to identify the appropriate emotional expressions of a chatbot that make people feel the social presence of the chatbot. In the background research, we obtained that facial expression is the most effective way of emotions and movement is important for relationship emersion. In a survey, we prepared moving text, moving gestures, and still emoticon that represent five emotions such as happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, and anger. Then, we asked the best way for them to feel social presence with a chatbot in each emotion. We found that, for an arousal and pleasant emotion such as 'happiness', people prefer moving gesture and text most while for unpleasant emotions such as 'sadness' and 'anger', people prefer emoticons. Lastly, for the neutral emotions such as 'surprise' and 'fear', people tend to select moving text that delivers clear meaning. We expect that this results of the study are useful for developing emotional chatbots that enable more effective conversations with users.

A Study of Integrated Press System Implementation for Traffic Information (교통정보 언론제공 연계시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Sung-Hak;Park, Hoy-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study is to propose an integrated press system design for traffic information service by multi-connecting traffic information services which are now being serviced by each different requirements for the press service and by providing advanced traveler information service which organically user oriented design such as traffic broadcast, news, journal, semantic web and also related traffic ontology as well as road traffic information. For the objective, the status of domestic and foreign traffic information supply system was analyzed and then the requirements by media were reviewed. Then, by analyzing the system implementation method and the implementation system the method of implementing such the system was suggested. The design method suggested in this study enabled the information users to utilize a variety of traffic information through intervening between the necessary and sufficient conditions of information users and information suppliers. Throughout the result of this study, for the users who used the integrated transport, the efficient space movement and the economic using value was improved. Providing the traffic information through the press media will become useful information to road drivels, and it is effected that the traffic volume will be dispersed and the traffic jam will be relieved owing to the supply of traffic information to the press.

User's emotion while browsing 3D web interfaces (3D 웹 인터페이스 브라우징에서의 사용자 감성어휘 도출)

  • Lee, Yu-Yeung;Ryoo, Han-Young;Jeong, Sang-Hoon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.659-668
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    • 2010
  • This paper examines users' emotion from both 2D and 3D web interfaces and finds their differences. First, 77 words representing users' emotion were collected from the previous research papers. Second, a web survey system was developed using these collected words and prepared 3 web interface prototypes to collect users' emotions from different types of web interfaces. Finally, a web survey was conducted and its results were analyzed. The result of the survey showed that there were emotional words that were commonly experienced from either 2D or 3D web interfaces. However, it also showed that there were emotional differences between 2D and 3D web interface; 3D web interfaces provide users with specific emotional experiences because of their own characteristics - depth and dynamic movement. It is believed that the words collected from the survey could be the criteria to evaluate the quality of the 3D web interfaces and encourage the research on users' emotion from 3D interfaces.

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Implementation of Voice Control on PDA using the Text Independent Vocabulary Recognizer (가변어휘 인식기를 이용한 PDA상에서의 음성제어 구현)

  • Kwak Sang Hun;Choi Seung Ho;Shin Do Sung;Kim Jin Young
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    • no.43
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    • pp.57-72
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    • 2002
  • The technology of speech recognition has a wide field of application. The range of such technology is spreading into mobile computing having the large amount of movement for communication equipments at the present time. Particularly, recognition in internet environment is rapidly moving into mobile environment. Because of these environments, users want the faster speed of data transmission and the lighter portable equipment for data access. That is PDA(Personal Digital Assistant). Therefore, we designed a triphone-based text independent vocabulary recognizer for the implementation of speech control in this paper. The text independent vocabulary recognizer is based on the state .joint algorithm with decision trees

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