• Title/Summary/Keyword: User interface Design

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A Study on the Development of the Data Linkage Method for Performance-based on Port Facility Maintenance Decision Marking System (성능기반의 항만시설물 유지관리 의사결정체계 개발을 위한 데이터 연계방안 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Hee;Kang, Yoon-Koo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2020
  • Recently, studies of integrated management platform and performance-based maintenance decision-marking systems have proceeded to the efficient management of port facilities. The purpose of this study was to manage and operate port facilities based on performance and to provide long-term durability and budgetary execution. Thus, it is essential to secure basic data to be analyzed in an integrated platform and decision-marking system. This study derived the data linkage measures to secure port facility design and management information. The target of deriving the data linkage was the POMS (Port Facility Management System) currently in operation by the MOF (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries). To derive data linkage, analyze the database of POMS and select the data required for the operation-integrated platform and decision-marking system. The final data linkage target was determined by compiling the requirements of the relevant experts and selecting the final target of three groups (port and facility information, management information, and user information). As a result, the API interface design was prepared for detailed linked data and data linkage framework between the linkage data of POMS. The provision of real-time data linkage between POMS and integrated platform is expected to improve the operational efficiency of the integrated platform.

Design and Implementation of Transport and Session Managers in a Multimedia Streaming Framework (멀티미디어 스트리밍 프레임워크에서 전송 및 세션 관리자의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lim, Eak-Jin;Lee, Sung-Young;Jeong, Chang-Yun
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2001
  • This paper deals with our experience for the design and implementation of Transport and Session managers in the Integrated Streaming Service Architecture (IS SA) that was developed by the authors. The ISSA is a streaming framework that allows to develop integrated multimedia streaming applications such as VOD system in unicast/multicast and real-time broadcastOive-cast). It also facilities standard real-time transport protocols such as RTp(Real-Time Transport Protocol)/RTCP(Real-time Control Protocol) and RTSP(Real-Time Streaming ProtocoD that allows to user openness. The ISSA supports diverse media fonnats and is independent from underlying networks and operating systems, and compatible with the global real-time multimedia database system (BeeHive) so that streaming media are efficiently retrieved, stored, and serviced. The role of the Transport Manager is to do packetization and depacketization for the different types of multimedia data and delivers the packetized media data in real-time. The Transport Manager uses RTP protocol. The role of the Session Manager is to establish and control the media channel by using RTSP protocol and to deliver the database transactions for the multimedia database by using RTTP(Real-Time Transaction Protocol) protocol. Both the Transport and Session Manager are doing their functions through the network interface in the ISSA that allows developers to various network programming interfaces and provides flexibility to the system.

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An analysis on satisfaction level of clinicians on implant surgical guidance system based on computed tomography (컴퓨터 단층 촬영을 기반으로 한 임플란트 가이드 시스템에 대한 임상가의 만족도 분석)

  • Hong, Min-ho;Jin, Ming-Xu;Lee, Du-Hyeong;Lee, Kyu-Bok
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.178-185
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct a comparative assessment on the satisfaction level for the two interfaces of surgical guide system (SimPlant and R2GATE), the design and convenience of manufactured surgical guides and the importance of using the surgical guides thereof by means of survey. Materials and Methods: Hereupon, they simulated the implant surgical process by mounting the two manufactured systems of surgical guide on a dental mold, respectively. The study subjects were instructed to complete the questionnaire as to the satisfaction level upon completion of the simulated surgery. This study summarized the data of each question after collecting the completed questionnaires. Then, this study analyzed the summarized data by utilizing statistical program SPSS 20.0 (IBM). Results: R2GATE had a higher value of the satisfaction level on the design and convenience of manufactures surgical guides. R2GATE group ($7.33{\pm}1.26$) was found to have a higher value in terms of the overall satisfaction level compared to SimPlant group ($6.67{\pm}1.26$) (${\alpha}$ = 0.05). Conclusion: The user satisfaction level on the surgical guide manufactured for R2GATE system was to such an extent as it can be widely used in clinical environment. Moreover, the surgical guide manufactured as R2GATE system can guide both the length and direction of a drill simultaneously. As a result, it is highly recommended for those beginners who do not have a lot of experience in implant placement.

Evaluation of Visual Perception in Smoking Cessation Websites and Construction of Antismoking Website

  • Lee, Yoon-Hyeon;Shin, Soon-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.95-109
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    • 2003
  • Tobacco use is the most readily preventable cause of premature death; it is a worldwide problem, with a significant impact on heath and well-being. In order to design an effective tobacco education program, it is important to understand smoking patterns and the underlying factors associated with smoking in different generations such as adults or young people. Despite a general decline in the prevalence of regular smoking among adults, recent surveys commissioned by the Ministry Heath & Welfare for the Republic of Korea have shown no evidence of any decline in smoking rates among young women and adolescents. The Republic of Korea has the highest adult male smoking percentage (65.1%) in the world and smoking in adolescents is still an increasing trend. Smoking in adolescents and young women is especially more dangerous, thus health education of anti-smoking directed at these groups is an important area that will benefit from using internet content that they can easily access. The purpose of this study is the evaluation of visual perception and effectiveness analysis in smoking cessation websites in promoting smoking cessation in adolescents and young women through Internet content. As a result of this project, at first we evaluated the Internet content of cyber smoking cessation programs by the evaluation criteria of web design interface. The Internet site of http://nosmokeguide.or.kr received the most superior evaluation in the domestic Internet content for smoking cessation and the Internet site of the National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids received the most superior evaluation in the foreign Internet content for smoking cessation. This evaluation was surveyed by an expert in Internet content and user. Secondly, we developed the Internet content for cyber smoking cessation program, namely, "Dr. Smoking" that contained several menus and a database regarding anti-smoking designed in accordance with the results of this evaluation. The domain address of Dr. Smoking is http://www.dmosmoking.com and our webpage has assorted kinds of news, information, self-diagnosis, prescription, consulting, a no-smoking mall etc. In conclusion, this project is designed to develop Internet content for the most effective smoking cessation program and to contribute to eliminating smoking from our society. We also will try to develop and upgrade this web-site in order to help a smoker who want to quit smoking and diminish the physical and socioeconomic harm from smoking.m smoking.

A Study on the Presentation of Easy-Order Prototype in the Internet Shopping Mall using the Cyber Fitting Type's 3D Avatar (Cyber Fitting형 3D Avatar를 이용한 인터넷 쇼핑몰 Easy-Order Prototype 유형 제시를 위한 연구)

  • Choi, Sung-Won;Lim, Ji-Young
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2006
  • The most important issue the online shopping mall for clothes is facing in the rapid growth of the online shopping mali is the high rate of the return of the goods alter purchase. The high rate of the return leads to the dissatisfaction md lack of trust from the consumers in the online shopping mall for clothes, which in turn leads to the bleak prospect for the online shopping mall for clothes as a result of the consumers' dissatisfaction. Although a type of online shopping mall using the cyber-fitting technology has emerged recently, it has succeeded only in provoking a visual interest, for it is also not satisfying the demand of the consumers by falling short in providing information. Thus, this research seeks for the resolutions of the problems related to the user-oriented online shopping. First of the resolutions is the development of a new prototype which the consumers can easily access; second is the visualization of the information using the 3D virtual-reality of he prototype through interface, which will help the consumers to make more accurate judgments. In other words, this study seeks to provide a type of prototype of an online shopping mall that meets the demand of the consumers using the 3D avatars, unlike the unilateral and conventional malls out there.

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Comparison of a Learner's Experience on Zoom and Spatial (줌과 스페이셜의 학습자 경험 비교 평가)

  • Yejin Lee;Kwang-Tae Jung
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.535-541
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    • 2022
  • Zoom has been most popularly used as a non-face-to-face online class tool since COVID19, but due to the recent spread of the metaverse, the use of the metaverse platform is increasing. In particular, since a metaverse platform 'Spatial' provides online classroom creation and various learning functions, and various interactions between instructors and learners or learners and learners are possible, it is highly likely to be used in university classes. Since Zoom and Spatial each have their own strengths and weaknesses for the purpose of class use, it is necessary to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each by comparing and analyzing the learner's experience in class use. In this study, a quantitative analysis of usability, immersion, and satisfaction and a qualitative analysis of individual opinions were performed in order to compare and analyze the learner's experience. SUS (System Usability Scale) was used for usability evaluation, and Magnitude Estimation method was used for immersion and satisfaction evaluation. Thirty-five people who had participated in classes using Zoom and Spatial participated as subjects in this study. Zoom was higher than Spatial at the significance level of 0.05 in usability and satisfaction. On the other hand, the immersion in class was higher in Spatial than in Zoom. Since Spatial provides online classroom creation and various learning functions, and provides various interactions and fun elements between instructors and learners or learners and learners, the immersion in classes was high. If the user interface and interaction of Spatial are improved in the future, it is judged that it can be used as an effective online teaching tool that can replace zoom in university classes.

Usability index evaluation system for mobile WAP service (무선인터넷 서비스 사용성 지수 평가 체계)

  • Park, Hwan-Su
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.152-157
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    • 2008
  • The customer satisfaction of WAP service greatly relies on the usability of the service due to the limited display size of a mobile phone and limitation in realizing UI (User Interface) for function keys, browser, and OS (operating system) Currently, a number of contents providers develop and deliver varying services, and thus, it is critical to control quality level of UI in consistent standards and manner. This study suggests usability index evaluation system to achieve consistent UI quality control of various WAP services. The system adopts both top-down and bottom-up approaches. The former concerns deriving UI design components and evaluation checklists for the WAP, based on the usability attributes and UI principles. The latter concerns deriving usability-related evaluation checklists from the established UI design features, and then grouping them from the viewpoint of usability principles and attributes. This bidirectional approach has two outstanding advantages: it allows thorough examination of potential elements that can cause usability problems from the standpoint of usability attributes, and also derives specific evaluation elements from the perspective of UI design components that are relevant to the real service environment. The evaluation system constitutes a hierarchical structure by networking usability attributes, UI guideline which indicates usability principles for each attribute, and usability evaluation checklist for each UI component that enables specific evaluation. Especially, each evaluation checklist contains concrete contents and format so that it can be readily marked in O/X. The score is based on the ratio of number of items that received positive answer to the number of total items. This enables a quantitative evaluation of the usability of mobile WAP service. The validity of the proposed evaluation system has been proved through comparative analysis with the real usability problems based on the user test. A software was developed that provides guideline for evaluation objects, criteria and examples for each checklist, and automatically calculates a score. The software was applied to evaluating and improving the real mobile WAP service.

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Design and Implementation of the SSL Component based on CBD (CBD에 기반한 SSL 컴포넌트의 설계 및 구현)

  • Cho Eun-Ae;Moon Chang-Joo;Baik Doo-Kwon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.192-207
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    • 2006
  • Today, the SSL protocol has been used as core part in various computing environments or security systems. But, the SSL protocol has several problems, because of the rigidity on operating. First, SSL protocol brings considerable burden to the CPU utilization so that performance of the security service in encryption transaction is lowered because it encrypts all data which is transferred between a server and a client. Second, SSL protocol can be vulnerable for cryptanalysis due to the key in fixed algorithm being used. Third, it is difficult to add and use another new cryptography algorithms. Finally. it is difficult for developers to learn use cryptography API(Application Program Interface) for the SSL protocol. Hence, we need to cover these problems, and, at the same time, we need the secure and comfortable method to operate the SSL protocol and to handle the efficient data. In this paper, we propose the SSL component which is designed and implemented using CBD(Component Based Development) concept to satisfy these requirements. The SSL component provides not only data encryption services like the SSL protocol but also convenient APIs for the developer unfamiliar with security. Further, the SSL component can improve the productivity and give reduce development cost. Because the SSL component can be reused. Also, in case of that new algorithms are added or algorithms are changed, it Is compatible and easy to interlock. SSL Component works the SSL protocol service in application layer. First of all, we take out the requirements, and then, we design and implement the SSL Component, confidentiality and integrity component, which support the SSL component, dependently. These all mentioned components are implemented by EJB, it can provide the efficient data handling when data is encrypted/decrypted by choosing the data. Also, it improves the usability by choosing data and mechanism as user intend. In conclusion, as we test and evaluate these component, SSL component is more usable and efficient than existing SSL protocol, because the increase rate of processing time for SSL component is lower that SSL protocol's.

A Study on Kiosk Satisfaction Level Improvement: Focusing on Kano, Timko, and PCSI Methodology (키오스크 소비자의 만족수준 연구: Kano, Timko, PCSI 방법론을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jaehoon;Kim, Pansoo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the degree of influence of measurement and improvement of customer satisfaction level targeting kiosk users. In modern times, due to the development of technology and the improvement of the online environment, the probability that simple labor tasks will disappear after 10 years is close to 90%. Even in domestic research, it is predicted that 'simple labor jobs' will disappear due to the influence of advanced technology with a probability of about 36%. there is. In particular, as the demand for non-face-to-face services increases due to the Corona 19 virus, which is recently spreading globally, the trend of introducing kiosks has accelerated, and the global market will grow to 83.5 billion won in 2021, showing an average annual growth rate of 8.9%. there is. However, due to the unmanned nature of these kiosks, some consumers still have difficulties in using them, and consumers who are not familiar with the use of these technologies have a negative attitude towards service co-producers due to rejection of non-face-to-face services and anxiety about service errors. Lack of understanding leads to role conflicts between sales clerks and consumers, or inequality is being created in terms of service provision and generations accustomed to using technology. In addition, since kiosk is a representative technology-based self-service industry, if the user feels uncomfortable or requires additional labor, the overall service value decreases and the growth of the kiosk industry itself can be suppressed. It is important. Therefore, interviews were conducted on the main points of direct use with actual users centered on display color scheme, text size, device design, device size, internal UI (interface), amount of information, recognition sensor (barcode, NFC, etc.), Display brightness, self-event, and reaction speed items were extracted. Afterwards, using the questionnaire, the Kano model quality attribute classification of each expected evaluation item was carried out, and Timko's customer satisfaction coefficient, which can be calculated with accurate numerical values The PCSI Index analysis was additionally performed to determine the improvement priorities by finally classifying the improvement impact of the kiosk expected evaluation items through research. As a result, the impact of improvement appears in the order of internal UI (interface), text size, recognition sensor (barcode, NFC, etc.), reaction speed, self-event, display brightness, amount of information, device size, device design, and display color scheme. Through this, we intend to contribute to a comprehensive comparison of kiosk-based research in each field and to set the direction for improvement in the venture industry.

A Study on the Design of Case-based Reasoning Office Knowledge Recommender System for Office Professionals (사례기반추론을 이용한 사무지식 추천시스템)

  • Kim, Myong-Ok;Na, Jung-Ah
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2011
  • It is becoming more essential than ever for office professionals to become competent in information collection/gathering and problem solving in today's global business society. In particular, office professionals do not only assist simple chores but are also forced to make decisions as quickly and efficiently as possible in problematic situations that can end in either profit or loss to their company. Since office professionals rely heavily on their tacit knowledge to solve problems that arise in everyday business situations, it is truly helpful and efficient to refer to similar business cases from the past and share or reuse such previous business knowledge for better performance results. Case-based reasoning(CBR) is a problem-solving method which utilizes previous similar cases to solve problems. Through CBR, the closest case to the current business situation can be searched and retrieved from the case or knowledge base and can be referred to for a new solution. This reduces the time and resources needed and increase success probability. The main purpose of this study is to design a system called COKRS(Case-based reasoning Office Knowledge Recommender System) and develop a prototype for it. COKRS manages cases and their meta data, accepts key words from the user and searches the casebase for the most similar past case to the input keyword, and communicates with users to collect information about the quality of the case provided and continuously apply the information to update values on the similarity table. Core concepts like system architecture, definition of a case, meta database, similarity table have been introduced, and also an algorithm to retrieve all similar cases from past work history has also been proposed. In this research, a case is best defined as a work experience in office administration. However, defining a case in office administration was not an easy task in reality. We surveyed 10 office professionals in order to get an idea of how to define a case in office administration and found out that in most cases any type of office work is to be recorded digitally and/or non-digitally. Therefore, we have defined a record or document case as for COKRS. Similarity table was composed of items of the result of job analysis for office professionals conducted in a previous research. Values between items of the similarity table were initially set to those from researchers' experiences and literature review. The results of this study could also be utilized in other areas of business for knowledge sharing wherever it is necessary and beneficial to share and learn from past experiences. We expect this research to be a reference for researchers and developers who are in this area or interested in office knowledge recommendation system based on CBR. Focus group interview(FGI) was conducted with ten administrative assistants carefully selected from various areas of business. They were given a chance to try out COKRS in an actual work setting and make some suggestions for future improvement. FGI has identified the user-interface for saving and searching cases for keywords as the most positive aspect of COKRS, and has identified the most urgently needed improvement as transforming tacit knowledge and knowhow into recorded documents more efficiently. Also, the focus group has mentioned that it is essential to secure enough support, encouragement, and reward from the company and promote positive attitude and atmosphere for knowledge sharing for everybody's benefit in the company.