• Title/Summary/Keyword: User's Evaluation

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Effectiveness of Evaluation for Visiting Care Service Institution: From the User's Point of View (방문요양서비스 기관 평가의 효과성 : 이용자 관점에서)

  • Cho, Han-Ra
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.150-158
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to confirm the effectiveness of the evaluation of long-term care insurance visiting care service institutions for the elderly from the user's point of view. To this end, data from a survey of 266 users collected through allocation sampling by region(14 cities and counties) in Jeollabuk-do and public data from 47 institutions were combined and analyzed using a multi-layered model. The main research results are as follows. First, among the five evaluation areas, the higher the score in the 'Rights·Responsibility' area, which is to give users a sense of rights and respect users, the higher the service quality and satisfaction. Second, among the five evaluation areas, the 'Rights·Responsibility' area had an effect on loyalty. In addition, it was found that the 'Outcome' area for satisfaction with institutions and employees and changes in users had an effect on loyalty. Third, it was found that 'Institutional Management', 'Environment·Safety', 'Process' did not affect service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty. Based on these results, it is proposed to reorganize the evaluation scale that users can recognize and that is faithful to the purpose.

Improving evaluation metric of mobile application service with user review data (사용자 리뷰 데이터를 활용한 모바일 어플리케이션 서비스 평가 척도 개선)

  • Lee, Burmguk;Son, Changho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.380-386
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    • 2020
  • The mobile application market has grown over the past decade since the advent of smartphones, making it the largest market for electronic device software. As competition intensifies in the mobile application market, the impact of application evaluations on the consumption and usage patterns of users has also significantly increased. Therefore, research has been conducted on measures to evaluate mobile applications, but most of the research has relied on qualitative methods such as expert-centered interviews or surveys. In addition, evaluation measures are being constructed from the service provider's perspective, not from the service user's perspective. However, the possibility of application-specific analyses that minimize the subjectivity of researchers is growing, as large amounts of user review data enable quantitative analysis of actual users' assessment of applications. Therefore, this study presents a methodology that can complement current problems with existing quality assessments for mobile applications by utilizing user review data. To this end, the Topic Modeling technique LDA (Latent Dirichlet allocation) is applied in order to elucidate ways to improve existing evaluation measures from a user's perspective. The study is expected to reduce bias in service assessment due to the subjectivity of service providers and researchers as well as provide a measure of assessment by area of mobile applications from a consumer perspective.

Has Retrieval Technology in Vertical Site Search Systems Improved over the Years? A Holistic Evaluation for Real Web Systems

  • Mandl, Thomas;Womser-Hacker, Christa;Gatzke, Natalia
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2015
  • Evaluation of retrieval systems is mostly limited to laboratory settings and rarely considers changes of performance over time. This article presents an evaluation of retrieval systems for internal Web site search systems between the years 2006 and 2011. A holistic evaluation methodology for real Web sites was developed which includes tests for functionality, search quality, and user interaction. Among other sites, one set of 20 Web site search systems was evaluated three times in different years and no substantial improvement could be shown. It is surprising that the communication between site and user still leads to very poor results in many cases. Overall, the quality of these search systems could be improved, and several areas for improvement are apparent from our evaluation. For a comparison, Google’s site search function was also tested with the same tasks.

Studios on the Physical and Psychological Analysis in Street Spaces for Improving the Streetscape of Olympic Daero (올림픽대로의 경관향상을 위한 가로공간 구성요소의 물리량과 심리량 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 김광래;진희성
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.23-41
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    • 1988
  • Environmental design pattern of the nine Small Urban Spaces at C.B.D. in City of Seoul are surveyed and analyzed for user's satisfaction and behavior under the environmental design evaluation by using Chrisopher Alexander's Pattern Language. Small Urban Spaces as a part of streetscape are formed by physical factors as well as visual environment and interacting user's behavior. Therefore, user's satisfacuion and behavior at the nine Urban Small Spaces were investigated under the further search for some possibilities of a pplication of those Pattern Languages. A pattern language has a structure of a network. It is used in sequence, going through the patterns, moving always from large patterns to smaller, always from the ones which create comes simply from the obsernation that most of the wonderful places of the city were not made by architects but by the people. It defines the limited number of arrangements of spaces that make sense in any given culture. And it actually gives us the power to generate these coherent arrangement of space. As a results, 'Plazl', 'Seats' and 'Accessibility' related design patterns are highly evaluated by Pattern Frequency, Pattern Interaction and their Composition ranks, thus reconfirm Whyte's Praise of urban Small Spaces in our inner city design environments. According to the multiple regression analysis of user's evaluation, the environmental functins related to the satisfaction were 'Plaza', 'Accessibility' and 'Paving'. According to the free response, user's prefer such visually pleasing environmental design object as 'Waterscape' and 'Setting'. In addition to, the basic needs in Urban Small Spaces are amenity facilities as bench, drinking water and shade for rest.

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A Study on Special Library's User Satisfaction with the Library Service Quality Evaluation (도서관 서비스 품질 평가를 통한 전문도서관 이용자 만족도 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hee;Kim, Tae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.69-87
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    • 2009
  • By exploring plausible relations between factors of service quality and user satisfaction, this study has derived significant determinants of user satisfaction. Based on the analytical findings, this study suggested practical measures to enhance user satisfaction of special libraries. If we determine the priority order of three dimensions of service quality depending on specialized areas of special libraries, and revise the items of higher correlations with user satisfaction, then we could effectively and efficiently level up user satisfaction of special libraries.

A Study for DHRMIS S/W Quantitive Quality Evaluation (국방 인사정보 S/W체계의 정량적 품질평가 연구)

  • Rho, Seung-Dam;Park, Dea-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2008
  • This paper is thing for a quantitive quality evaluation in national Defense Human Resource Management Information S/W system development. Apply a quantitive quality evaluation way to be based on an international standard to admonish at ISO/IEC 9126. Proposed 6 basis of count, and set up sub 27 items detailed functionality, reliability, use anger, efficiency, maintenance anger, a transplant result, and inspection of quality table wrote the Matrix measured S/W quality to a chart. Studied a quantitive evaluation plan of a Defense Human Resource Management Information S/W system to see weight by the priority order that reflected a characteristic of a national defense business to a Purpose of a subject user, and Presented. It is 80% in quantitive quality evaluation application satisfied under 8, Very Satisfied 7(87.5%) Satisfied 1(12.5%) of Defense Human Resource Managers and judgment worked as marked so that satisfaction of reliability and a user regarding functionality was high and there will be contribute to an elevation of defense capabilities as analyze efficient national defense S/W use and effect.

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A Study on Image Recommendation System based on Speech Emotion Information

  • Kim, Tae Yeun;Bae, Sang Hyun
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we have implemented speeches that utilized the emotion information of the user's speech and image matching and recommendation system. To classify the user's emotional information of speech, the emotional information of speech about the user's speech is extracted and classified using the PLP algorithm. After classification, an emotional DB of speech is constructed. Moreover, emotional color and emotional vocabulary through factor analysis are matched to one space in order to classify emotional information of image. And a standardized image recommendation system based on the matching of each keyword with the BM-GA algorithm for the data of the emotional information of speech and emotional information of image according to the more appropriate emotional information of speech of the user. As a result of the performance evaluation, recognition rate of standardized vocabulary in four stages according to speech was 80.48% on average and system user satisfaction was 82.4%. Therefore, it is expected that the classification of images according to the user's speech information will be helpful for the study of emotional exchange between the user and the computer.

A Structure of Personalized e-Learning System Using On/Off-line Mixed Estimations Based on Multiple-Choice Items

  • Oh, Yong-Sun
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we present a structure of personalized e-Learning system to study for a test formalized by uniform multiple-choice using on/off line mixed estimations as is the case of Driver :s License Test in Korea. Using the system a candidate can study toward the license through the Internet (and/or mobile instruments) within the personalized concept based on IRT(item response theory). The system accurately estimates user's ability parameter and dynamically offers optimal evaluation problems and learning contents according to the estimated ability so that the user can take possession of the license in shorter time. In order to establish the personalized e-Learning concepts, we build up 3 databases and 2 agents in this system. Content DB maintains learning contents for studying toward the license as the shape of objects separated by concept-unit. Item-bank DB manages items with their parameters such as difficulties, discriminations, and guessing factors, which are firmly related to the learning contents in Content DB through the concept of object parameters. User profile DB maintains users' status information, item responses, and ability parameters. With these DB formations, Interface agent processes user ID, password, status information, and various queries generated by learners. In addition, it hooks up user's item response with Selection & Feedback agent. On the other hand, Selection & Feedback agent offers problems and content objects according to the corresponding user's ability parameter, and re-estimates the ability parameter to activate dynamic personalized learning situation and so forth.

Evaluation Study of a Human-sized Bipedal Humanoid Robot Through a Public Demonstration in a Science Museum (과학관에서의 대중 시연을 통한 인간크기 이족보행 휴머노이드 로봇의 평가 연구)

  • Ahn, Tae-Beom;Kang, E-Sok
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.849-857
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    • 2015
  • Although human-sized bipedal humanoid robots have been developed as the ideal form of human-friendly robots, studies of humanoid robots from the user perspective and of actual interaction between humanoid robots and the public in daily environments are few. This paper presents a long-term public demonstration that encouraged interaction between a humanoid robot and unspecified individuals. We have collected a significant amount of subjective evaluation data from the public by performing a storytelling demonstration that enhanced people's empathy towards the robot. The evaluation model consists of the robot's human friendliness, which involves its impression on humans, interaction with humans, and imitation of human motions and the robot's human appearance which involves gender, age, height, and body type. This study shows that there is no significant difference in human-friendliness between gender groups (male and female), while there is a significant difference between age groups (children and adults). In human appearance, it appears that there is no significant difference between either gender groups or age groups, except for the case of the robot's height.