• 제목/요약/키워드: Use efficiency

검색결과 7,638건 처리시간 0.04초

Physiological and Genetic Mechanisms for Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Maize

  • Mi, Guohua;Chen, Fanjun;Zhang, Fusuo
    • Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2007
  • Due to the strong influence of nitrogen(N) on plant productivity, a vast amount of N fertilizers is used to maximize crop yield. Over-use of N fertilizers leads to severe pollution of the environment, especially the aquatic ecosystem, as well as reducing farmer's income. Growing of N-efficient cultivars is an important prerequisite for integrated nutrient management strategies in both low- and high-input agriculture. Taking maize as a sample crop, this paper reviews the response of plants to low N stress, the physiological processes which may control N-use efficiency in low-N input conditions, and the genetic and molecular biological aspects of N-use efficiency. Since the harvest index(HI) of modern cultivars is quite high, further improvement of these cultivars to adapt to low N soils should aim to increase their capacity to accumulate N at low N levels. To achieve this goal, establishment and maintenance of a large root system during the growth period may be essential. To reduce the cost of N and carbon for root growth, a strong response of lateral root growth to nitrate-rich patches may be desired. Furthermore, a large proportion of N accumulated in roots at early growth stages should be remobilized for grain growth in the late filling stage to increase N-utilization efficiency. Some QTLs and genes related to maize yield as well as root traits have been identified. However, their significance in improving maize NUE at low N inputs in the field need to be elucidated.

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에너지 이용 합리화를 위한 전기에너지 사용계획 수립에 관한 연구 (The research in rationalization of the use of energy in electric power)

  • 김만국;남시복
    • 한국조명전기설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국조명전기설비학회 2009년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.392-399
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    • 2009
  • This study investigates and analyzed electrical energy curtailment effect by each business department and by energy use efficiency elevation equipment because do an energy use plan that is enforced in each variety business that is developed in domestic by model. When plan the recent electrical energy use with this, I wish to contribute in energy use general planning establishment improvement that is aiming energy efficiency improvement newly by groping improvement plan moment deduce problem. Specially, search present condition and problem by electrical energy curtailment equipment application that probes mass and analyzed, and is applied in present our country according to analysis contents to the latest energy use plan that was enforced on energy use rationality narration but allowed purpose.

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생활 환경요인에 의한 근골격계 질환이 업무능률 및 삶의 질 저하에 미치는 영향 (Living Environment, Musculoskeletal Disorder and the Decrease of Work Efficiency & Quality of Life)

  • 박종호;김은정
    • 산경연구논집
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    • 제8권7호
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Due to the lack of physical activities and the increase of sedentary behaviors such as screen time, the health condition for contemporaries has been deteriorating. This study is designed to investigate how the use of worktable or tools unfit for body and sedentary behaviors can exercise influence on muscular skeletal disease and how it has an impact on lowering work efficiency and the quality of life with the medium of the muscular skeletal disease. Research design, data, and methodology - The research has developed a questionnaire with 5 hypothesis. The questionnaires were also made by interview and E-mail. 350 copies of questionnaires were distributed and 315 questionnaire were used for the analysis as valid data responses. SPSS ver.22.0 were used and made Cronbach's and reliability test, correlation, Baron & α Kenny 3 step mediated regression analysis. Results - The research has found that living environment factors have positive effect on the occurrence of musculosketal disease. Particularly, repeated use of unfit worktable or tools has a positive effect on the muscular skeletal disorder. And sedentary lifestyle also has a positive effect on the disease. The musculoskeletal disease caused by living environment has a positive impact on lowering the work efficiency. This study has also showed that the muscular skeletal disease has mediated the relationship between the living environment factors and the decrease of work efficiency due to musculoskeletal disease. The musculoskeletal disorders can effect the decrease of the quality of life as well, for the decrease of work efficiency has a positive effect on lowering the quality of life. Conclusions - Sedentary lifestyles, the use of worktable unfit for body, and the repeated use of a tool have caused the increase of muscular-skeletal diseases, and reduction of productivity as well as the hight cost of medical treatment for our contemporaries. Understanding the cause of disease morbidity, finding ways to prevent the disease, and educating people about them would contribute not only to improvement of individual health but also to the advancement of welfare for all.

전극 함몰형 고효율 실리콘 태양전지에서의 texturing 효과 (Texturing Effects on High Efficiency Silicon Buried Contact Solar Cell)

  • 지일환;조영현;이수홍
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 1995년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.172-176
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    • 1995
  • Schemes to trap weakly absorbed light into the cell have played an important role in improving the efficiency of both amorphous and crystlline silicon solar cells. One class of scheme relies on randomizing the direction of light within the cell by use of Lambertian(diffuse)surfaces. A second class of scheme relies on the use fo well defined geometrical features to control the direction of light wihin the cell, Widly used geometrical features in crystalline silicon solar cells are the square based pyramids and V-shaped grooves formed in (100) orientated surfaces by intersecting(III) crystallographic planes exposed by anisotropic etching. 18.5% conversion efficiency of Buried Contact Solar Cell with pyramidally textured surface has been achieved. 18.5% efficiency of silicon solar cell is one the highest record in the world The efficieny of cell without textured surface was 16.6%, When adapting textured surface to the Cell, the efficiency has been improved over 12%.

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신재생에너지 적용에 따른 화력발전 경제성분석 (Analysis of Economical efficiency for renewable energy in Steam Power Plant)

  • 최경식
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2014
  • Since the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) would be started in 2012, the use of renewable energy should be 11% of total energy use including bio-fuel in 2030. The economic efficiency for renewable energy in B power plant was considered with the bio-diesel, wind power and solar power. The Net Present Value (NPV) and Benefit/Cost Ratio(BC) were used for the economic efficiency with the cost and benefit analysis. In case of bio-diesel, the cost resulted from the fuel conversion and the benefit would be created with trade and environmental improvement. With regard to wind power and solar power, the construction cost would be required and benefit factors would be same as the bio-diesel. The wind power was the best of economic efficiency of renewable energy as the results of NPV and BC ratio. Whereas, the market of wind power was very popular and the techniques of wind power has been developing rapidly.

DEA에 의한 자동차 효율성 비교분석에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Efficiency Measurement of Vehicles by DEA Method)

  • 정경희;조재립
    • 대한안전경영과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한안전경영과학회 2008년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.189-199
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    • 2008
  • It is good to use DEA method as it can measure the efficiency without depending on a specific function like cost function. The method also finds out the most efficient group among the sample groups and gives us a specific number. For example, it shows what kind of factor of inefficient group gives how much input and produces how much output. Originally DEA, which was developed by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes, allows us not only to measure the relative efficiency of Decision Making Units(DMUs) of non-profit organizations whose success cannot be measured by a single bottom-line figure such as profit but also to integrate several variables, which have different measuring scale, into a single model. Therefore we can use physical scales and financial scales simultaneously in the same model without any transformation process. In this study, price and measurable performance indexes of vehicles are used as input and outputs respectively. The purpose of this study is to propose an effective approach for evaluating the relative efficiency of vehicles and to determine the vehicles have high performance efficiency compared to product cost.

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Improving water use efficiency in the Upper Central Irrigation Area in Thailand via soil moisture system and local water user training

  • Koontankulvong, Sucharit;Visessri, Supatra
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2022년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.8-12
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    • 2022
  • Water loss is one of the typical but challenging problems in water management. To reduced water loss or increase water efficiency, the pilot projects were implemented in the TTD's irrigation area. Modern soil moisture technology and local level water user training were conducted together as a mean to achieve improved water efficiency. In terms of technology, soil moisture sensors and monitoring system were used to estimate crop water requirement to reduce unnecessary irrigation. This was found to save 16.47% of irrigated water and 25.20% of irrigation supply. Further improvement of water efficiency was gained by means of local level water user training in which stakeholders were engaged in the network of communications and co-planning. The lessons learnt from the TTD pilot project was translated into good water management practices at local level.

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Entropy와 PCA-DEA 모형을 이용한 은행 대출상담사의 서비스 품질 효율성 분석 (An Analysis of Quality Efficiency of Loan Consultants in a Bank using Shannon's Entropy and PCA-DEA Model)

  • 최장기;김경택;서재준
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.7-17
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    • 2017
  • Loan consultants assist clients with loan application processing and loan decisions. Their duties may include contacting people to ask if they want a loan, meeting with loan applicants and explaining different loan options. We studied the efficiency of service quality of loan consultants contracted to a bank in Korea. They do not work as a team, but do work independently. Since he/she is not an employee of the bank, the consultant is paid solely in proportion to how much he/she sell loans. In this study, a consultant is considered as a decision making unit (DMU) in the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) model. We use a principal component analysis-data envelopment analysis (PCA-DEA) model integrated with Shannon's Entropy to evaluate quality efficiency of the consultants. We adopt a three-stage process to calculate the efficiency of service quality of the consultants. In the first stage, we use PCA to obtain 6 synthetic indicators, including 4 input indicators and 2 output indicators, from survey results in which questionnaire items are constructed on the basis of SERVQUAL model. In the second stage, 3 DEA models allowing negative values are used to calculate the relative efficiency of each DMU. In the third stage, the weight of each result is calculated on the basis of Shannon's Entropy theory, and then we generate a comprehensive efficiency score using it. An example illustrates the proposed process of evaluating the relative quality efficiency of the loan consultants and how to use the efficiency to improve the service quality of the consultants.

가정정보화와 이로 인한 가정자원관리의 변화에 대한 연구 - 인터넷사용을 중심으로 - (A Study of Home Informatization and it′s Effect on the Family Resource Management - focused on the Internet Use-)

  • 이기영;이현아
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of home informatization on the family resource management. For this purpose we analyze the level of home informatization focused on the Internet use and it's effects on the family resource management through time management and financial management. Data were collected from 582 housewives who use the Internet at home. The results show that home informatization through the Internet use has changed family resource management totally. It contributes to improve planning and efficiency of resource management, but simultaneously it causes the imbalance of resource management. And the Internet use of housewives also affects time allocation and household expenditure. These changes depend on socio-demographics variables, home informatization related variables, and personal resource variables. The results show that the ability to manage time and finance have much more importance to improve the level of planning and efficiency and to decrease the level of imbalance in managerial subsystem. The results of this research suggest several implications for public policy.

A comparative study on the nitrogen utilization efficiency and growth rate of domestic keumgang and chokyeong wheat

  • Lee, Won Je;Jeong, Chan Young;Lee, Seokjin;Kang, Chon-Sik;Lee, Hojoung
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제62권1호
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 2019
  • All countries, including Korea, are currently experiencing the effect of rapid climate change. As a result, the cultivation area of many crops including wheat is changing, or productivity is falling sharply. If enough nitrogen is present in the soil, the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide due to the greenhouse effect can lead to increased photosynthesis of plants, resulting in increased productivity. By contrast, a low proportion of nitrogen in soil does not increase production, often leading to the use of nitrogen fertilizers to increase crop productivity: this causes serious environmental pollution due to the leakage of nitrogen fertilizers used by crops. Increasing the understanding of the molecular level of the plant nitrogen use efficiency mechanism may contribute to increased productivity of crops and reduced of environmental pollution by nitrogen. In Korea, cultivars have developed 35 kinds of wheat, such as 'keumgang' and 'Chokyeong', which can be used for specific purposes such as baking or noodles. In this study we investigate 'keumgang' and 'Chokyeong' in order to elucidate the mechanism of nitrogen use ability of wheat and contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution by providing guidelines for the proper use of nitrogenous fertilizer.