• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urea solution

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Numerical Analysis on Melting Phenomena and Phase Interface Change of Frozen Urea-aqueous Solution by Electric Heater (전기 히터 방식의 동결 우레아 해동 현상 및 상경계면 이동에 대한 수치해석)

  • Woo, Seongmin;Choi, Byungchul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2014
  • Urea-SCR system is the selective catalytic reduction to reduce nitrogen oxides ($NO_x$) emitted from diesel vehicles. The objective of this study is numerical analysis of 3-dimensional unsteady melting problems of frozen urea by using an electric heater. It can be applied to determine capacity of power with respect to time and the location of the urea suction pipe in urea storage tank. The study includes the change of liquid volume fraction, temperature profiles and a influence of natural convection by using the commercial software STAR-CCM+(v7.06). The accuracy of the numerical analysis is estimated by comparisons with experimental data. After validation, a numerical analysis for freezing urea is conducted with four different heating power. From the results, it was found that relation of velocity of phase interface and amount of melting urea by increasing heating power in a container. There is also a difference in trend between velocity of phase interface and amounts of melting urea because of effect of natural convection.

Numerical Investigation of the Urea Melting and Heat Transfer Characteristics with Three Different Types of Coolant Heaters (냉각수 순환 방식 가열원 형상에 따른 요소수 해동 특성에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Yeop;Kim, Man-Young;Lee, Chun-Hwan;Park, Yun-Beom
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2012
  • Urea-SCR system, which converts nitrogen oxides to nitrogen and water in the presence of a reducing agent, usually AdBlue urea solution, is known as one of the powerful NOx reduction systems for mobile as well as stationary applications. For its consistent and reliable operation in mobile applications, such various problems as transient injection, ammonia slip, and freezing in cold weather have to be resolved. In this work, therefore, numerical study on three-dimensional unsteady heating problems were analyzed to understand the melting and heat transfer characteristics such as urea liquid volume fraction, temperature profiles and generated natural convection behavior in urea solution by using the commercial software Fluent 6.3. After validating by comparing numerical and experimental data with pure gallium melting phenomena, numerical experiment for urea melting is conducted with three different coolant heating models named CH1, 2, and 3, respectively. Finally, it can be found that the CH3 model, in which more coolant is concentrated on the lower part of the urea tank, has relatively better melting capability than others in terms of urea quantity of $1{\ell}$ for start-up schedule.

Influence of Foliar Application of Mixed Solution of Urea-Chemicals on Rice Plant Growth (비료농약(肥料農藥) 혼용살포(混用撒布)가 수도생육(水稻生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Shin, Jae-Sung;Seong, Ki-Seog;Oh, Byung-Youl
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.21-24
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    • 1986
  • This experiment was conducted to find out the feasibility of foliar application of mixed solution of urea and agricultural chemicals. One to two percent urea solution and chemicals were combined for joint application and the degradation of mixed solution was tested and its phytotoxicity was evaluated on rice plant. There were no changes of pH and components of mixed solution of urea and chemicals. However, it led to phytotoxicity in rice plant and more severe in higher urea content. The yields of rice were slightly lower in the mixed solution plot than in check one, however, no significant statistical difference was observed. Due to phytotoxicity, the foliar application of mixed solution is not agronomically sound.

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Preparation of Magnetite Nanoparticles by Two Step Reaction (2단계 반응에 의한 마그네타이트 나노입자의 제조)

  • Shin, Dae-Kyu;Riu, Doh-Hyung
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.148-155
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    • 2008
  • Nano magnetite particles have been prepared by two step reaction consisting of urea hydrolysis and ammonia addition at certain ranges of pH. Three different concentrations of aqueous solution of ferric ($Fe^{3+}$) and ferrous ($Fe^{2+}$) chloride (0.3 M-0.6 M, and 0.9 M) were mixed with 4 M urea solution and heated to induce the urea hydrolysis. Upon reaching at a certain pre-determined pH (around 4.7), 1 M ammonia solution were poured into the heated reaction vessels. In order to understand the relationship between the concentration of the starting solution and the final size of magnetite, in-situ pH measurements and quenching experiments were simultaneous conducted. The changes in the concentration of starting solution resulted in the difference of the threshold time for pH uprise, from I hour to 3 hours, during which the akaganeite (${\beta}$-FeOOH) particles nucleated and grew. Through the quenching experiment, it was confirmed that controlling the size of ${\beta}$-FeOOH and the attaining a proper driving force for the reaction of ${\beta}$-FeOOH and $Fe^{2+}$ ion to give $Fe_3O_4$ are important process variables for the synthesis of uniform magnetite nanoparticles.

A study on Property of Emission Gas by the Content Variation of Urea (UREA의 함량 변화에 따른 배출가스 특성분석)

  • Kang, Hyungkyu;Doe, Jinwoo;Hwang, Inha;Im, Jaeheuk;Ha, Jonghan;Na, Byungki
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2015
  • National and international regulations on the exhaust gases of diesel engines are being strengthened, and a study of the combutsion engine and the post-porcessing system are in progress as a variety of ways. There are many techniques for the removal of nitrogen oxide like HC-SCR, LNT, Urea-SCR. And the technical development on the Urea-SCR owing to high conversion efficiency and fuel economy characteristics has being processed. This study investigated the physical/chemical properties of urea according to the change of the urea content, and were analysed the characteristic of exhaust gas. According to the increase of urea content, the contests of biuret aldehyde, phosphate content was increased and the changes of emission quantity of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and particulate matter in the exhaust gas was very slight. The emission quantity of NOx was decreased in accordance with increasing the urea content and it was shown to be more than 80 % in the urea solution having more than 30 wt%.

A Study on the Injection Characteristics of Urea Solution to Improve deNOx Performance of Urea-SCR Catalyst in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine (대형 디젤 엔진용 요소분사 SCR촉매의 deNOx 성능향상을 위한 요소수용액의 분사특성 연구)

  • Jeong, Soo-Jin;Lee, Chun-Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2008
  • Urea-SCR, the selective catalytic reduction using urea as reducing agent, has been investigated for about 10 years in detail and today is a well established technique for deNOx of stationary diesel engines. In the case of the SCR-catalyst a non-uniform velocity and $NH_3$ profile will cause an inhomogeneous conversion of the reducing agent $NH_3$, resulting in a local breakthrough of $NH_3$ or increasing NOx emissions. Therefore, this work investigates the effect of flow and $NH_3$ non-uniformities on the deNOx performance and $NH_3$ slip in a Urea-SCR exhaust system. From the results of this study, it is found that flow and $NH_3$ distribution within SCR monolith is strongly related with deNOx performance of SCR catalyst. It is also found that multi-hole injector shows better $NH_3$ uniformity at the face of SCR monolith face than one hole injector.

Effect of urea on blood-luminol chemiluminescence reaction (Urea가 혈액-luminol 화학발광에 미치는 영향)

  • Youngpyo Bae;Sungwook Hong
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.332-339
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to verify the hypothesis that urea denatures hemoglobin in the blood, thereby exposing active sites of enzymes and enhancing the chemiluminescence of the blood-luminol reaction. When blood was pretreated with urea, higher concentrations of pretreatment urea or longer pretreatment times resulted in enhanced chemiluminescence in the blood-luminol reaction, supporting the above hypothesis. However, the chemiluminescence was enhanced when blood was treated with luminol mixed with an 8 M urea solution, although the fact that the time for urea to denature hemoglobin was shorter compared to when blood was pretreated with urea and followed by luminol. In addition, the chemiluminescence was enhanced when a transition metal without hemoglobin was reacted with urea-containing luminol. Based on these results, it is anticipated that urea not only denatures hemoglobin but also plays a role in the luminol-hydrogen peroxide reaction.

Numerical Investigation on the Urea Melting Characteristics with Coolant and Electric Heaters (냉각수 및 전기 가열 방식에 따른 요소수 해동 특성에 관한 수치해석 연구)

  • Lee, Seung Yeop;Kim, Man Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2016
  • A Urea-SCR(Selective Catalytic Reactor) system, which converts nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and water in the presence of a reducing agent, creates a major exhaust gas aftertreatment system for NOx reduction among other compounds. With regard to vehicle applications, a urea solution was chosen based on its eutectic composition of a 32.5wt% urea-water solution. An important advantage of this eutectic composition is that its melting point of $-11.7^{\circ}C$ is sufficiently low to avoid solidification in cold environments. However, the storage tanks must be heated separately in case of low ambient temperature levels to ensure a sufficient amount of liquid is available during scheduled start ups. In this study, therefore, a numerical investigation of three-dimensional unsteady heating problems analyzed to understand the melting processes and heat transfer characteristics including liquid volume fraction, temperature distributions, and temperature profiles. The investigations were performed using Fluent 6.3 commercial software that modeled coolant and electric heater models based on a urea solution. It is shown that the melting performance with the electric heater is higher than a coolant heater and is more efficient.

The Spray Characteristics and Spray Behavior Characteristic in Exhaust Gas Flow of Urea Solution Injector (Urea 수용액 분사용 인젝터의 분무 특성과 배기관내 분무 거동 특성)

  • Oh, Jung-Mo;Han, Young-Deok;Kim, Ki-Bum;Lee, Ki-Hyung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.999-1004
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    • 2010
  • Recently, many technologies have been developed in order to satisfy stringent emission regulations. However, in the case of diesel engines, the stringent emission regulations with respect to NOx and PM have not yet been satisfied. A dramatic reduction in the NOx and PM emissions could be achieved by using after-treatment systems such as lean NOx trap (LNT) and urea-SCR systems. However, the high temperature in the exhaust pipe affects the spray behavior of the secondary injector, which is used for supplying the Urea-SCR. Because of this high temperature, it is difficult to achieve uniform distribution of the reducing agent in the manifold. In this paper, the characteristics of a urea-SCR injector used for injecting in the exhaust pipe are presented. The purpose of this study was to investigate the spray characteristics of the injector, such as the spray angle, injection quantity, and SMD. In addition, laser diagnostics and high-speed-camera images were used to analyze the injector spray characteristics and to present a distribution of reduction in the transparent manifold.

Studies on the comparison of forage value and the accelerating of growth for several forage crops as prior crops of paddy field (답전작 사료작물의 사료 가치 비교 및 생육촉진에 관한 연구)

  • Ki-Chang Hong;Sin-Won Kang
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    • v.13
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 1973
  • In order to compare the forage value and to promote the growth without the hindrance of rice transplanting period for several forage crops as prior crops of paddy field, this experiment was conducted. Three kinds of foliar application, such solution as Urea, Gibb. and Gibb. +Urea were applied to promote the growth. The results gained are summarized as follows; 1. According to the forage crops, there were large difference of yields. The rankings of yield were shown as follows; Fresh weightㆍDry weight : Oats. Italian rye grass. White clover. Corn. Soybean. Crude protein content: Soybean. White clover. Corn. Italian rye grass. Oats. Crude protein Yield: White clover. Italian rye grass. Oats. Corn. Soybean. 2. The ranking of suitable forage crops as prior crops of paddy field were Oats, Italian rye grass, White clover, but Corn and Soybean were unsuited. 3. In general, length of stem, length and width of leaf were enlarged such rank as foliar application of Urea, Gibb. and Gibb. + Urea solution. There were apt to be increased fresh and dry weight by growth of stem length, these trend were shown among all crops and between foliar applications of same crops. 4. All crops were shown not only promoted growth but also increased yield by every treatments. The order of application effects were as follows; Fresh weigthㆍDry weigth: Gibb., Gibb. +Urea, Urea. Crude protein content and yield: Urea, Gibb, Gibb. + Urea. 5. In Oats, heading date was more accelerated 1, 2 and 3 days than control by foliar application of Urea, Gibb. and Gibb. + Urea respectively.

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