• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urban change detection

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Unsupervised Classification of Landsat-8 OLI Satellite Imagery Based on Iterative Spectral Mixture Model (자동화된 훈련 자료를 활용한 Landsat-8 OLI 위성영상의 반복적 분광혼합모델 기반 무감독 분류)

  • Choi, Jae Wan;Noh, Sin Taek;Choi, Seok Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2014
  • Landsat OLI satellite imagery can be applied to various remote sensing applications, such as generation of land cover map, urban area analysis, extraction of vegetation index and change detection, because it includes various multispectral bands. In addition, land cover map is an important information to monitor and analyze land cover using GIS. In this paper, land cover map is generated by using Landsat OLI and existing land cover map. First, training dataset is obtained using correlation between existing land cover map and unsupervised classification result by K-means, automatically. And then, spectral signatures corresponding to each class are determined based on training data. Finally, abundance map and land cover map are generated by using iterative spectral mixture model. The experiment is accomplished by Landsat OLI of Cheongju area. It shows that result by our method can produce land cover map without manual training dataset, compared to existing land cover map and result by supervised classification result by SVM, quantitatively and visually.

An Experimental Study on the Detection of Loosened Areas in a Ground cavity Using a Micro Penetration Test (초소형 관입시험기를 이용한 지반공동 주변지반의 이완영역탐지를 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Ho-Youn;Kim, Young-Ho;Park, Yoon-Suk;You, Seung-Kyong;Han, Jung-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.299-306
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    • 2019
  • In this study, a model experiment that simulates the behaviour of the ground composed of several compacted layer was intended to measure the loosened area in the event of a ground cavity through a LAD (Loosened area detector). It was confirmed that the size of the cone diameter was affected by the ground composed of fine grain + granulated soil layered through the model soil. In order to select the appropriate cone type, a scale effect experiment was conducted. From the test results, a micro-cone was chosen for the most suitable indoor model experiment. In the case of applying LAD in this study, the loosening condition of the ground was determined by the rapid change in penetration resistance caused by the difference in the boundary surface and relative density due to the compaction of the ground for indoor model testing. The range of loosened area occurring in the cavity was estimated through the penetration resistance characteristics on the ground, and the failure area was identified through the reduction rate of penetration resistance in the loosening area.

The Characteristics analysis of a Flux-lock Type Fault Current Limiter according to the Winding Directions for Power Grid (전력계통 적용을 위한 결선방향에 따른 자속구속형 한류기의 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Mi-Yong;Park, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.5879-5884
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    • 2013
  • With the rapid industrialization and economical development, the electricity demands of the industrial facilities and densely populated large cities are continuing to increase in Korea. The increase in the power consumption requires the extension of power facilities, but it is difficult to secure spaces for equipment installation in the limited space of urban areas. In addition, the 154 kV or 345 kV transmission systems in Korea has a short transmission distance, and are connected to one another in network structures that ensure the high reliability and stability of power supply. This structure reduces the impedance during the fault in power system, and increases the magnitude of in the short circuit fault current. The superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) was devised to effectively address these existing problems. The SFCL is a new-concept eco-friendly protective device that ensures fast operation and recovery time for the fault current and does not need additional fault detection devices. Therefore, many studies are being conducted around the world. In this paper, based on the wiring method the initial fault current characteristics, current limiting characteristics, according to the incident angle and the change in inductance current limiting characteristics were analyzed in a multifaceted methods.

Development of an Image Processing System for the Large Size High Resolution Satellite Images (대용량 고해상 위성영상처리 시스템 개발)

  • 김경옥;양영규;안충현
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.376-391
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    • 1998
  • Images from satellites will have 1 to 3 meter ground resolution and will be very useful for analyzing current status of earth surface. An image processing system named GeoWatch with more intelligent image processing algorithms has been designed and implemented to support the detailed analysis of the land surface using high-resolution satellite imagery. The GeoWatch is a valuable tool for satellite image processing such as digitizing, geometric correction using ground control points, interactive enhancement, various transforms, arithmetic operations, calculating vegetation indices. It can be used for investigating various facts such as the change detection, land cover classification, capacity estimation of the industrial complex, urban information extraction, etc. using more intelligent analysis method with a variety of visual techniques. The strong points of this system are flexible algorithm-save-method for efficient handling of large size images (e.g. full scenes), automatic menu generation and powerful visual programming environment. Most of the existing image processing systems use general graphic user interfaces. In this paper we adopted visual program language for remotely sensed image processing for its powerful programmability and ease of use. This system is an integrated raster/vector analysis system and equipped with many useful functions such as vector overlay, flight simulation, 3D display, and object modeling techniques, etc. In addition to the modules for image and digital signal processing, the system provides many other utilities such as a toolbox and an interactive image editor. This paper also presents several cases of image analysis methods with AI (Artificial Intelligent) technique and design concept for visual programming environment.

Detection for Region of Volcanic Ash Fall Deposits Using NIR Channels of the GOCI (GOCI 근적외선 채널을 활용한 화산재 퇴적지역 탐지)

  • Sun, Jongsun;Lee, Won-Jin;Park, Sun-Cheon;Lee, Duk Kee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_4
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    • pp.1519-1529
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    • 2018
  • The volcanic ash can spread out over hundreds of kilometers in case of large volcanic eruption. The deposition of volcanic ash may induce damages in urban area and transportation facilities. In order to respond volcanic hazard, it is necessary to estimate efficiently the diffusion area of volcanic ash. The purpose of this study is to compare in-situ volcanic deposition and satellite images of the volcanic eruption case. In this study, we used Near-Infrared (NIR) channels 7 and 8 of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) images for Mt. Aso eruption in 16:40 (UTC) on October 7, 2016. To estimate deposit area clearly, we applied Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a series of morphology filtering (Eroded, Opening, Dilation, and Closing), respectively. In addition, we compared the field data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) report about Aso volcano eruption in 2016. From the results, we could extract volcanic ash deposition area of about $380km^2$. In the traditional method, ash deposition area was estimated by human activity such as direct measurement and hearsay evidence, which are inefficient and time consuming effort. Our results inferred that satellite imagery is one of the powerful tools for surface change mapping in case of large volcanic eruption.

A Study on Building Object Change Detection using Spatial Information - Building DB based on Road Name Address - (기구축 공간정보를 활용한 건물객체 변화 탐지 연구 - 도로명주소건물DB 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Insu;Yeon, Sunghyun;Jeong, Hohyun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2022
  • The demand for information related to 3D spatial objects model in metaverse, smart cities, digital twins, autonomous vehicles, urban air mobility will be increased. 3D model construction for spatial objects is possible with various equipments such as satellite-, aerial-, ground platforms and technologies such as modeling, artificial intelligence, image matching. However, it is not easy to quickly detect and convert spatial objects that need updating. In this study, based on spatial information (features) and attributes, using matching elements such as address code, number of floors, building name, and area, the converged building DB and the detected building DB are constructed. Both to support above and to verify the suitability of object selection that needs to be updated, one system prototype was developed. When constructing the converged building DB, the convergence of spatial information and attributes was impossible or failed in some buildings, and the matching rate was low at about 80%. It is believed that this is due to omitting of attributes about many building objects, especially in the pilot test area. This system prototype will support the establishment of an efficient drone shooting plan for the rapid update of 3D spatial objects, thereby preventing duplication and unnecessary construction of spatial objects, thereby greatly contributing to object improvement and cost reduction.

A Study on the Methodology for Analyzing the Effectiveness of Traffic Safety Facilities Using Drone Images (드론 영상기반 교통안전시설 효과분석 방법론 연구)

  • Yong Woo Park;Yang Jung Kim;Shin Hyoung Park
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.74-91
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    • 2023
  • Several that analyzed the effectiveness of traffic safety facilities a method of comparing changes in the number of accidents, accident severity, speed through traffic accident data before and after installation or speed data collected from vehicle detection systems (VDS). , when traffic accident data is used, it takes a long time to collect because must be collected for at least one year before and after installation. , the road environment may change during this period, such as the addition of other traffic safety facilities in addition to the facilities to be analyzed. , the location of the VDSs for speed data is often different from the location where analysis is required, and there is a problem in that the investigators are exposed to the risk of traffic accident during on-site investigation. Therefore, this study a case study by establishing a methodology to determine effectiveness video images with a drone, extracting data using a program, and comparing vehicle driving speeds before and after speed reduction facilities. Vehicle speed surveys using drones are much safer than observational surveys conducted on highways and have the advantage of tracking speed changes along the vehicle, it is expected that they will be used for various traffic surveys in the future.

A Study on People Counting in Public Metro Service using Hybrid CNN-LSTM Algorithm (Hybrid CNN-LSTM 알고리즘을 활용한 도시철도 내 피플 카운팅 연구)

  • Choi, Ji-Hye;Kim, Min-Seung;Lee, Chan-Ho;Choi, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Jeong-Hee;Sung, Tae-Eung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2020
  • In line with the trend of industrial innovation, IoT technology utilized in a variety of fields is emerging as a key element in creation of new business models and the provision of user-friendly services through the combination of big data. The accumulated data from devices with the Internet-of-Things (IoT) is being used in many ways to build a convenience-based smart system as it can provide customized intelligent systems through user environment and pattern analysis. Recently, it has been applied to innovation in the public domain and has been using it for smart city and smart transportation, such as solving traffic and crime problems using CCTV. In particular, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the easiness of securing real-time service data and the stability of security when planning underground services or establishing movement amount control information system to enhance citizens' or commuters' convenience in circumstances with the congestion of public transportation such as subways, urban railways, etc. However, previous studies that utilize image data have limitations in reducing the performance of object detection under private issue and abnormal conditions. The IoT device-based sensor data used in this study is free from private issue because it does not require identification for individuals, and can be effectively utilized to build intelligent public services for unspecified people. Especially, sensor data stored by the IoT device need not be identified to an individual, and can be effectively utilized for constructing intelligent public services for many and unspecified people as data free form private issue. We utilize the IoT-based infrared sensor devices for an intelligent pedestrian tracking system in metro service which many people use on a daily basis and temperature data measured by sensors are therein transmitted in real time. The experimental environment for collecting data detected in real time from sensors was established for the equally-spaced midpoints of 4×4 upper parts in the ceiling of subway entrances where the actual movement amount of passengers is high, and it measured the temperature change for objects entering and leaving the detection spots. The measured data have gone through a preprocessing in which the reference values for 16 different areas are set and the difference values between the temperatures in 16 distinct areas and their reference values per unit of time are calculated. This corresponds to the methodology that maximizes movement within the detection area. In addition, the size of the data was increased by 10 times in order to more sensitively reflect the difference in temperature by area. For example, if the temperature data collected from the sensor at a given time were 28.5℃, the data analysis was conducted by changing the value to 285. As above, the data collected from sensors have the characteristics of time series data and image data with 4×4 resolution. Reflecting the characteristics of the measured, preprocessed data, we finally propose a hybrid algorithm that combines CNN in superior performance for image classification and LSTM, especially suitable for analyzing time series data, as referred to CNN-LSTM (Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory). In the study, the CNN-LSTM algorithm is used to predict the number of passing persons in one of 4×4 detection areas. We verified the validation of the proposed model by taking performance comparison with other artificial intelligence algorithms such as Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and RNN-LSTM (Recurrent Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory). As a result of the experiment, proposed CNN-LSTM hybrid model compared to MLP, LSTM and RNN-LSTM has the best predictive performance. By utilizing the proposed devices and models, it is expected various metro services will be provided with no illegal issue about the personal information such as real-time monitoring of public transport facilities and emergency situation response services on the basis of congestion. However, the data have been collected by selecting one side of the entrances as the subject of analysis, and the data collected for a short period of time have been applied to the prediction. There exists the limitation that the verification of application in other environments needs to be carried out. In the future, it is expected that more reliability will be provided for the proposed model if experimental data is sufficiently collected in various environments or if learning data is further configured by measuring data in other sensors.

The Study on the Relationship between Land Use and Groundwater Quality in the Rapidly Urbanized Area (도시화가 빠르게 진행된 지역의 토지이용과 지하수 수질과의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • An, Jung-Gi
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2002
  • The use of land at the time of investigation of groundwater quality in the rapidly urbanized Bu-chon city is classified into 5 categories based on the change process of land use. The difference in groundwater quality according to the land use and its usage period is tested by non-parametric statistical procedures. The seven constituents of water quality with the highly frequent detection in the area for this study are used for the statistical test. The shallow groundwater quality within the areas of the same land use at the time of investigation varies significantly according to the period of land usage. The concentration of KMnO$_4$consumed and hardness is significantly higher in the old residential area (of more than 20 years old) than in the younger one (of less than 10 years old). The quality of the shallow groundwater is also significantly different among the three categories with the similar period of land usage (of more than 15 years old). The concentration of No$_3$-N, hardness and total solid is significantly higher in the residential area than in the agricultural one (namely, the area used as paddy fields 2 to 5 years ago). The median concentration of these constituents is 2.2 to 3.8 times higher in the residential area than in the agricultural one. The concentration of NO$_3$-N, KMnO$_4$, consumed and Cl is significantly higher in the industrial area than in the agricultural one. The median concentration of these constituents is 5.5 to 18 times higher in the industrial area than in the agricultural one. The concentration of KMnO$_4$consumed is significantly higher in the industrial area than in the residential area. The median concentration of these constituents is 12 times higher in the industrial area than in the residential one. The spatial distribution of shallow groundwater quality in the rapidly urbanized area is closely related to the period of land usage as well as the land use, which is presumed to be attributed to the difference in the concentration and leakage rate of the contaminants leaking from damaged sewer into shallow groundwater.