• Title/Summary/Keyword: Unit basin

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Submarine Geology of Continental Margin of the East Sea, Korea (한국(韓國) 동해대륙단(東海大陸端) 해저지질(海底地質))

  • Kim, Chong Su
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.65-88
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    • 1982
  • In the last ten years, marine geological and geophysical survey and research were conducted by Japanese, Russian and American scientists in the East Sea of Korea (Japan Sea). Many research results were published. However, regional research of the geology of the continental margin of the Korean Peninsula was not conducted. This study has made on attempt to classify submarine strata and stratigraphic boundaries. The study has revealed characters of submarine geology and structure. Isopach maps of each identified stratigraphic unit have been constructed as the results of this study. The study was conducted on the basis of analyses of marine seismic surveys carried out in the continental margin of the East Sea between Kangneung and Pohang. Three depositional basins were identified in the study area and they were named as, Mukho Basin, Hupo Basin and Pohang Basin. The Mukho Basin is developed in continental slope and shelf in the area between Kangneung and Samcheog. Quaternary and Pliocene sediments attain a maximum thickness of 900 m. Basement rocks are interpreted as granite and gneiss. They are correlated with granite-gneiss of the Taebaecksan Series of Pre-cambrian age and the Daebo granite of Jurassic age. The Hupo Basin is developed in the continental shelf between Uljin and Youngdeok. Quaternary and Pliocene sediments attain a maximum thickness of 600 m. Basement rocks were interpreted as granite and gneiss and they are correlated with metamorphic rocks of Pre-cambrian age and the Daebo granites, comprising the Ryongnam Massif. The Pohang Basin is developed in the area between Pohang and Gangu. This basin contains Miocene and older sediments. Basement rocks are not shown. Many faults are developed within the continental shelf and slope. These faults strike parallel with the coast line. A north-south direction is predominant in the southern study area. However, in the northern study area the faults strike north, and north-west. The faults are parallel to each other and are step faults down-thrown to the east or west, forming horst and graben structures which develop into sedimentary basins. Such faults caused the development of submarine banks along the boundary between the continental shelf and slope. This bank has acted as a barrier for deposition in the Hupo Basin. Paleozoic sedimentary rocks distributed widely in the adjacent land area are absent in the Mukho Basin. This suggests that the area of the basin was situated above the sea level until the Pliocene time. The study area contains Pliocene sediments in general. These sediments overlie the basement complex composed of metamorphic rocks, granites, Cretaceous (Kyongsang System) sedimentary rocks and Miocene sedimentary rocks. These facts lead to a conclusion that the continental shelf and slope of the study area were developed as a result of displacements along faults oriented parallel to the present coast line in the post Miocene time.

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Runoff Analysis of a Linear Reservoir Model by the Geomorphologic Response Characteristics (지형학적 수문응답특성에 의한 선형저수지 모델 해석)

  • 조홍제
    • Water for future
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 1987
  • A Synthetic unit hydrograph method was suggested for the representation of a direct runoff hydrograph with empirical geomorphologic laws and geomorphologic parameters by applying geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph theory and Rossois results of application of GIUH theory to the Nash Model which is a linear reservoir model. The shape parameter m and scale parameter k can be derived by the Horton's empirical geomorphologic laws $R_A,R_B,R_L$ when ordered according to Strahler's ordering Scheme, main stream length and using the maximum velocity for the dynamic characteristics of a river basin, The derived response function was tested on some observed flood datas and showed promising. For the determination of the shape parameter m, eq. (16) was showed applying and m showed a good regression with the size of basin area.

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Revision of Snyder's Coefficient for Synthesizing Uint Hydrograph (단위유량도합성을 위한 Snyder 계수의 조정)

  • 선우중호;고영찬
    • Water for future
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 1986
  • The synthetic unit hydrograph is commonly used for the derivation of a design hydregraph. The existing Snyder's equation for the syntheses of unit hydrograph was found to give relatively a flat hydrograph in comparison with observed hydrograph and a revision is required. HEC-1 model is used to simulated observed hydrograhp in the South Han River basin and results are used as an input for the regression. The basin is subdivided into small drainage areas and the synthesized hydrograph is routed through channels. After the calculated hydrographs are compared with observed one, the synthesized hydrograph of each subbasisn is revised and the new snyder's equation is derived . The revised equation gives rapid increase of discharge in rising limb and larger peak.

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A Characteristic of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal in Anoxic/Oxic Basins combined with Iron Electrolysis (철 전기분해장치와 무산소/호기공정을 결합한 질소, 인제거 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Gyu
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.525-531
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this experiment is to better understand the nitrogen and phosphorus removal ratio according to operating conditions in an iron electrolysis system consisting of an anoxic basin, aerobic basin, and iron precipitation apparatus. Methods: Iron electrolysis consists of an iron precipitation reactor composed of iron plates in oxic and anoxic basins. We studied the interrelation coefficient between T-N and T-P removal rates and F/M ratio, and the C/N ratio and BOD removal rate. Results: The F/M ratio and the T-N and T-P removal rate per unit area have interrelation coefficients of 0.362 and 0.603, respectively. The removal rate per MLVSS and the T-N and T-P removal rate per unit area have respective interrelation coefficients of 0.49 and 0.59. Conclusions: The removal rate of T-N and T-P increased with the increasing F/M ratio in the influent, and they also linearly increased in proportion to the C/N ratio of influent and BOD removal rate of the reactor.

Evaluation on Actual Discharge Data for TMDL in Nakdong River Basin (낙동강수계 수질오염총량관리를 위한 유량조사 평가)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Hoon;Kim, Yong-Seok;Park, Bae-Kyung;Yoon, Jong-Su;Shin, Chan-Ki
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2008
  • To drive efficiently total water pollution load management, needs to calculate the exact load emissions, pollution load allocation and implementation evaluation in each unit area of watershed and accurate and regular flow of data. For these reasons, the Nakdong River TMDL Research Center has produced directly or indirectly in the average interval of eight days (30 times or more / year) 41 points for unit area of the total water pollution load management and 8-point of municipal requirement for a total of 49 branches as a flow data in 2004 from August. This acquired the survey flow is evidence of trends and changes each point in the Nakdong River based on time, such as 10 years based on average design flow available to the foundation of the summit as the major water policy is to be utilized. This study was performed on actual discharge measuring data and introduced performance results each drainage basin of Nakdong River from 2004 to 2008 over the total of past five years.

Evaluation and Comparison of Four Streamflow Record Extension Techniques for Namgang Dam Basin (남강댐 유역의 네 가지 하천유량자료 확장방법 비교 및 평가)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Hoon;Jung, Kang-Young;Yoon, Jong-Su;Cheon, Se-Uk
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2014
  • In this study, four methods for calculation of continuous daily flow was suggested using short-term or partial recording station of streamflow including missing data. Using these methods, standard flows at the outlet of unit/small basins for the management of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) in Namgang dam basin were estimated from full-period flow duration curve (FDC). Four methods of extension are described, and their properties are explored. The methods are regression (REG), regression plus noise (RPN), and maintenance of variance extension types 1 and 2 (MOVE.1, MOVE.2). In these methods, the continuous daily flow was calculated using extension equation based on correlation analysis, after conducting the correlation analysis between historic record of streamflow and long-term recording station (a base station). Finally the best optimal method was selected as the MOVE.2, and the standard flows in the abundant, ordinary, low and drought flow estimated from FDC was evaluated using MOVE.2 in unit/small basins.

Improvement of the storage coefficient estimating mehod for the clark model (Clark 단위도의 저류상수산정방법의 개선)

  • 윤태훈;박진원
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2002.05b
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    • pp.1334-1339
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    • 2002
  • The objective of this study is to help practicing engineers easily use the Clark model which is used for estimating the magnitude of design flood for small stream. A representative unit hydrograph was derived on the basis of the past rainfall-runoff data and unit hydrographs, and the storage coefficient of Clark model was estimated by using hydrograph recession analysis. Since the storage coefficient(K) is a dominating factor among the parameters of Clark method, a mulitple regression formula, which has the drainage area, main channel length and slope as parameters, is propsed to estimate K value of a basin where measured data are missing. The result of regression analysis showed that there is a correlation between a storage coefficient(K) and aforemetioned three parameters in homogenious basins. A regression formular for K was derived using these correlations in a basin of Han River, Nakdong River, Young River, Kum River and Sumjin River

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Unit Mass Estimation and Analysis from Fiber Dyeing and Finishing Facility Nearby Nakdong River Basin (낙동강수계에서 섬유염색 및 가공 업체에 대한 공정별 원단위산정 및 분석)

  • Gu, Jung-Eun;Nah, Dong-Hoon;Lee, Seung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.765-774
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    • 2009
  • Fiber Dyeing and Finishing facility has been recognized as an important pollution source due to its consumption of large volumes of water and chemicals. Unit mass discharge for the conventional water quality parameters such as flowrate, SS, $BOD_5,\;COD_{Mn},\;COD_{Cr}$, TN, TP were estimated. To represent the respective industries, three companies were carefully selected based on its manufacturing goods, flowrate and location at various unit operations and processes. More than 90% of decrease in unit mass estimation between influent and effluent of BOD was observed. But the values themselves were similar to those of Fiber Manufacturing facility due to the high loadings of organic matter. Biodegradability of influent was almost three times higher than that of effluent. Unit mass discharge estimations of unit process (estimated in this study) based on space, products and raw material were similar to those of composite process (estimated by National Institute of Environmental Research), while big difference was observed in the other factors. Unit mass discharge factors calculated in this study can be used as the reference for the estimation of water pollution loading costs in Nakdong river basin. For the effective water pollution control and management, it is essential to characterize the various types of water quality parameters from the effluents of individual industrial wastewater treatment plants.

Determination of Unit Hydrograph for the Hydrological Modelling of Long-term Run-off in the Major River Systems in Korea (장기유출의 수문적 모형개발을 위한 주요 수계별 단위도 유도)

  • 엄병현;박근수
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.52-65
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    • 1984
  • In general precise estimation of hourly of daily distribution of the long-term run-off should be very important in a design of source of irrigation. However, there have not been a satisfying method for forecasting of stationar'y long-term run-off in Korea. Solving this problem, this study introduces unit-hydrograph method frequently used in short-term run-off analysis into the long-term run-off analysis, of which model basin was selected to be Sumgin-river catchment area. In the estimation of effective rainfall, conventional method neglects the Soil moisture condition of catchment area, but in this study, the initial discharge (qb) occurred just before rising phase of the hydrograph was selected as the index of a basin soil moisture condition and then introduced as 3rd variable in the analysis of the reationship between cumulative rainfall and cumulative loss of rainfall, which built a new type of separation method of effective rainfall. In next step, in order to normalize significant potential error included in hydrological data, especially in vast catchment area, Snyder's correlation method was applied. A key to solution in this study is multiple correlation method or multiple regressional analysis, which is primarily based on the method of least squres and which is solved by the form of systems of linear equations. And for verification of the change of characteristics of unit hydrograph according to the variation of a various kind of hydrological charateristics (for example, precipitation, tree cover, soil condition, etc),seasonal unit hydrograph models of dry season(autumn, winter), semi-dry season (spring), rainy season (summer) were made respectively. The results obtained in this study were summarized as follows; 1.During the test period of 1966-1971, effective rainfall was estimated for the total 114 run-off hydrograph. From this estimation results, relative error of estimation to the ovservation value was 6%, -which is mush smaller than 12% of the error of conventional method. 2.During the test period, daily distribution of long-term run-off discharge was estimated by the unit hydrograph model. From this estimation results, relative error of estimation by the application of standard unit hydrograph model was 12%. When estimating by each seasonal unit bydrograph model, the relative error was 14% during dry season 10% during semi-dry season and 7% during rainy season, which is much smaller than 37% of conventional method. Summing up the analysis results obtained above, it is convinced that qb-index method of this study for the estimation of effective rainfall be preciser than any other method developed before. Because even recently no method has been developed for the estimation of daily distribution of long-term run-off dicharge, therefore estimation value by unit hydrograph model was only compared with that due to kaziyama method which estimates monthly run-off discharge. However this method due to this study turns out to have high accuracy. If specially mentioned from the results of this study, there is no need to use each seasonal unit hydrograph model separately except the case of semi-dry season. The author hopes to analyze the latter case in future sudies.

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Flood Alert and Warning Scheme Based on Intensity-Duration-Quantity (IDQ) Curve considering Antecedant Moisture Condition (선행함수지수를 고려한 강우강도-지속시간-홍수량(IDQ) 곡선기반의 홍수예경보기법)

  • Kim, Jin-Gyeom;Kang, Boosik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1269-1276
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    • 2015
  • The methodology of utilizing Intensity-Duration-flood Quantity (IDQ) curve for flood alert and warning was introduced and its performance was evaluated. For this purpose the lumped parameter model was calibrated and validated for gauged basin data set and the index precipitation equivalent to alert and warning flood was estimated. The index precipitation and IDQ curves associated by three different Antecedant Moisture Conditions (AMCs) are made provision for various possible flood scenarios. The test basin is Wonju-cheon basin ($94.4km^2$) located in Gangwon province, Korea. The IDQ curves corresponding to alert (50% of design flood level) and warning (70% of design flood level) level was estimated using the Clark unit hydrograph based lumped parameter model. The performance evaluation showed 0.704 of POD (Probability of Detection), 0.136 of FAR (False Alarm Ratio), and 0.633 of CSI (Critical Success Index), which is improved from the result of IDQ with single fixed AMC.