• 제목/요약/키워드: Uniformity index

검색결과 178건 처리시간 0.026초

Property of ion Exchange Resin having Tripropylamine as Functional Group for Development of Denitrogenation Process

  • Lee, Dong-Hwan;Lee, Yong-Hee;Lee, Kook-Eui;Roh, Jong-Su;Suh, Myung-Gyo
    • 한국환경보건학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국환경보건학회 2005년도 국제학술대회
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    • pp.355-358
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    • 2005
  • Nitrate-selective ion exchange resins involving bulky trialkyl amino as functional group were synthesized by the reaction of chloromethylated polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer and the corresponding tripropylamine in ethanol. Fundmental properties such as bulk density, water content, effeative diameter, uniformity coefficient, appearance index, exchange capacity and particle size distribution were fully measured. The synthesized resins appeared to be good for nitrate selection.

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LDV Measurement, Flow Visualization and Numerical Analysis of Flow Distribution in a Close-Coupled Catalytic Converter

  • Kim, Duk-Sang;Cho, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제18권11호
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    • pp.2032-2041
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    • 2004
  • Results from an experimental study of flow distribution in a close-coupled catalytic converter(CCC) are presented. The experiments were carried out with a flow measurement system specially designed for this study under steady and transient flow conditions. A pitot tube was a tool for measuring flow distribution at the exit of the first monolith. The flow distribution of the CCC was also measured by LDV system and flow visualization. Results from numerical analysis are also presented. Experimental results showed that the flow uniformity index decreases as flow Reynolds number increases. In steady flow conditions, the flow through each exhaust pipe made some flow concentrations on a specific region of the CCC inlet. The transient test results showed that the flow through each exhaust pipe in the engine firing order, interacted with each other to ensure that the flow distribution was uniform. The results of numerical analysis were qualitatively accepted with experimental results. They supported and helped explain the flow in the entry region of CCC.

Characteristic of size distribution of rock chip produced by rock cutting with a pick cutter

  • Jeong, Hoyoung;Jeon, Seokwon
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.811-822
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    • 2018
  • Chip size distribution can be used to evaluate the cutting efficiency and to characterize the cutting behavior of rock during cutting and fragmentation process. In this study, a series of linear cutting tests was performed to investigate the effect of cutting conditions (specifically cut spacing and penetration depth) on the production and size distribution of rock chips. Linyi sandstone from China was used in the linear cutting tests. After each run of linear cutting machine test, the rock chips were collected and their size distribution was analyzed using a sieving test and image processing. Image processing can rapidly and cost-effectively provide useful information of size distribution. Rosin-Rammer distribution pamameters, the coarseness index and the coefficients of uniformity and curvature were determined by image processing for different cutting conditions. The size of the rock chips was greatest at the optimum cut spacing, and the size distribution parameters were highly correlated with cutter forces and specific energy.

탄소피막고정저항기의 품질과 전류잡음과의 관계 (Relation between Quality and Current Noise in Carbon Film Resistors)

  • 노홍조
    • 대한전자공학회논문지
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    • 제9권5호
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 1972
  • 전류잡음은 탄소피막고정저항기의 품질을 나타내는 중요한 척도이다. 저항체피막상의 결함은 전류밀도의 불균형을 초래하고 결과적으로 전류잡음의 기대를 유발한다. 전류잡음의 크기는 저항재의 고유한 성질과 저항체의 처리, 조립 및 외장 등에 의한 여러 요인에 의존하고 있으나 각종 수명시험결과 저항기의 전기적특성과 전류잡음문에는 명백한 관계가 성립하고 있다. 대표군의 저항기에 대한 전류잡음지수의 정규분포를 표시하는 parameter를 해석하면 제품의 품질관리와 생산의 균일성을 판단하는 지표로서 매우 유용한 수단이다.

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Compact ECR plasma장치의 제작 및 특성 연구 (Study on the Fabrication and Characterization of Compact ECR Plasma System)

  • 윤민기;박원일;남기석;이기방
    • 전자공학회논문지A
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    • 제31A권4호
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 1994
  • A compact electron cyclotron resonance(ECR) plasma system composed of a microwave generator and a magnet coil was fabricated. A Langmuir single probe was used to investigate the plasma characteristics of the system through I-V measurements. The performance of the compact ECR plasma system was tested for the case of silicon etching reaction with $CF_{4}/O_{2}$(30%) mixed gas. Electron density and etch rate increased to maximum values and then decreased with increasing argon gas pressure, but electron temperature changed in the opposite way. The electron density and the electron temperature of argon gas plasma were 0.85${\times}~5.5{\times}10^{10}cm^{-3}$ and 4.5~6.0 eV, respectively, in the pressure range from $3{\times}10^{4}$ to 0.05Torr. The etch rate reached a maximum value at the position of 2.5cm from the bottom of plasma cavity. Etch rate uniformity was $\pm$6% across 6cm wafer. Anisotropic index was 0.75 at 1.5${\times}10^{-4}$Torr.

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Circular Polarizers for Reflective LCDs

  • Yoshimi, Hiroyuki;Yano, Shuji;Fujimura, Yasuo
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보디스플레이학회 2002년도 International Meeting on Information Display
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    • pp.905-909
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    • 2002
  • Characteristics of reflective LCDs, which have gained a lot of notice in recent years, rely largely on optical design of circular polarizers and the quarter-wave plates, as a component. Important design includes wavelength dispersion, viewing angle, uniformity of display and matching of refractive index. Our work has contributed to improving performance of reflective LCDs by enhancing the characteristics of polymer film using stretching and optical lamination technologies. To design that offers higher contrast and wider viewing angle, we have discovered that it is necessary to control viewing angle variation of the polarizing axis in order to compensate for the viewing angle of the polarizing film as well as the optical anisotropic properties of liquid crystal. Applying this technology to circular polarizers used for reflective LCDs enables design of wide viewing angle circular polarizers. In order to realize higher contrast for reflective LCDs, it is also necessary to design other optical materials including polarizing films. For design of hybrid optical film, it is particularly necessary to reduce surface reflection and interface reflection. This paper also reports our findings concerning this topic.

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Study on SiN and SiCN film production using PE-ALD process with high-density multi-ICP source at low temperature

  • Song, Hohyun;Seo, Sanghun;Chang, Hongyoung
    • Current Applied Physics
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    • 제18권11호
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    • pp.1436-1440
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    • 2018
  • SiN and SiCN film production using plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PE-ALD) is investigated in this study. A developed high-power and high-density multiple inductively coupled plasma (multi-ICP) source is used for a low temperature PE-ALD process. High plasma density and good uniformity are obtained by high power $N_2$ plasma discharge. Silicon nitride films are deposited on a 300-mm wafer using the PE-ALD method at low temperature. To analyze the quality of the SiN and SiCN films, the wet etch rate, refractive index, and growth rate of the thin films are measured. Experiments are performed by changing the applied power and the process temperature ($300-500^{\circ}C$).

Multiple-inputs Dual-outputs Process Characterization and Optimization of HDP-CVD SiO2 Deposition

  • Hong, Sang-Jeen;Hwang, Jong-Ha;Chun, Sang-Hyun;Han, Seung-Soo
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2011
  • Accurate process characterization and optimization are the first step for a successful advanced process control (APC), and they should be followed by continuous monitoring and control in order to run manufacturing processes most efficiently. In this paper, process characterization and recipe optimization methods with multiple outputs are presented in high density plasma-chemical vapor deposition (HDP-CVD) silicon dioxide deposition process. Five controllable process variables of Top $SiH_4$, Bottom $SiH_4$, $O_2$, Top RF Power, and Bottom RF Power, and two responses of interest, such as deposition rate and uniformity, are simultaneously considered employing both statistical response surface methodology (RSM) and neural networks (NNs) based genetic algorithm (GA). Statistically, two phases of experimental design was performed, and the established statistical models were optimized using performance index (PI). Artificial intelligently, NN process model with two outputs were established, and recipe synthesis was performed employing GA. Statistical RSM offers minimum numbers of experiment to build regression models and response surface models, but the analysis of the data need to satisfy underlying assumption and statistical data analysis capability. NN based-GA does not require any underlying assumption for data modeling; however, the selection of the input data for the model establishment is important for accurate model construction. Both statistical and artificial intelligent methods suggest competitive characterization and optimization results in HDP-CVD $SiO_2$ deposition process, and the NN based-GA method showed 26% uniformity improvement with 36% less $SiH_4$ gas usage yielding 20.8 ${\AA}/sec$ deposition rate.

Application of a newly developed software program for image quality assessment in cone-beam computed tomography

  • de Oliveira, Marcus Vinicius Linhares;Santos, Antonio Carvalho;Paulo, Graciano;Campos, Paulo Sergio Flores;Santos, Joana
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to apply a newly developed free software program, at low cost and with minimal time, to evaluate the quality of dental and maxillofacial cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Materials and Methods: A polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) phantom, CQP-IFBA, was scanned in 3 CBCT units with 7 protocols. A macro program was developed, using the free software ImageJ, to automatically evaluate the image quality parameters. The image quality evaluation was based on 8 parameters: uniformity, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), noise, the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), spatial resolution, the artifact index, geometric accuracy, and low-contrast resolution. Results: The image uniformity and noise depended on the protocol that was applied. Regarding the CNR, high-density structures were more sensitive to the effect of scanning parameters. There were no significant differences between SNR and CNR in centered and peripheral objects. The geometric accuracy assessment showed that all the distance measurements were lower than the real values. Low-contrast resolution was influenced by the scanning parameters, and the 1-mm rod present in the phantom was not depicted in any of the 3 CBCT units. Smaller voxel sizes presented higher spatial resolution. There were no significant differences among the protocols regarding artifact presence. Conclusion: This software package provided a fast, low-cost, and feasible method for the evaluation of image quality parameters in CBCT.

국내 석회석 노천광산에 대한 Kuz-Ram 모델의 적용성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Application of Kuz-Ram model to Domestic Open-pit Limestone Mine)

  • 이승중;김병렬;최성웅;진연호;정민수;민형동
    • 터널과지하공간
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.120-130
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    • 2016
  • 노천광산에서 발파파쇄석의 입도예측에 널리 활용되고 있는 Kuz-Ram 모델의 국내 석회석 노천광산에 대한 적용성을 분석하기 위해, 강원도 동해지역 석회석 노천광산을 대상으로 총 21회의 현장 시험을 수행하였다. 현장시험결과와 Kuz-Ram 모델 예측의 비교 분석 결과, 평균 파쇄입도에서는 최대 56.45%, 균등계수에서는 최대 37.52%의 오차가 나타나는 등, 암석계수와 균등계수에 대한 다양한 보정요소를 제시함에도 불구하고 Kuz-Ram 모델의 예측값에는 상당한 수준의 오차가 발견되었다. 또한 동일한 벤치에서 유사한 발파패턴으로 시험발파를 수행했음에도 각기 다른 보정요소를 적용해야 하는 문제점도 도출되었다. 따라서 국내 노천광산의 발파패턴 및 암반조건과는 다른 경험값을 바탕으로 개발된 Kuz-Ram 모델의 국내 적용성 확대를 위해서는 반드시 해당 광산의 현장조건에 맞도록 수정, 보완되어야 할 것이다.