• Title/Summary/Keyword: Unified Modeling Language

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A Survey Study on the Design and Development of UML-based Education for Novice Computer Programmers (컴퓨터 초보자 소프트웨어교육에 있어서의 UML 도구의 적합성 연구)

  • Kim, Yun-Woo;Oh, Ji-Hye;Oh, Uran;Park, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2019
  • To evaluate the suitability of UML (Unified Modelling Language) in terms of educating novice software engineers, we have conducted a survey study with 102 students who were enrolled in a mandatory course for sophomores in computer science and engineering department. The results indicate that UML 1) has high satisfaction rate among software novices as an education material, 2) improves computational thinking and problem-solving skills, and 3) increases the efficacy of learning when the education program is implemented in the order of UML, programming practice, and physical computing. This paper suggests the applicability of UML as a new education paradigm in software education.

Design of Standard Model for 3D Cadastre System Development (3D 지적시스템 개발을 위한 표준모델 설계)

  • Jung, Young-Jin;Kwak, Byung-Yong;Koh, June-Hwan
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.193-205
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    • 2015
  • The existing 2D cadastre as the core engine of land administration systems met with the difficulty of managing and representing the real 3D world. As a result, a 3D cadastre system has emerged as a solution oriented towards managing, representing and providing 3D spatial information related to physical status, land rights, restrictions and responsibilities. The aim of this study is to establish the foundation of the 3D cadastre information system. With this in mind, this paper aims not only to set up the data range of the 3D cadastre, but also to design a conceptual model based on an LADM (Land Administration Domain Model) through the investigation of legal restrictions and land uses relating to spaces in 3D.

Extension of UML to Represent Components Interface Focusing on Interaction (상호작용 중심의 컴포넌트 인터페이스를 표현하기 위한 UML의 확장)

  • Park, Seong-Ho;Choe, Eun-Man
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2002
  • This paper focuses components interactions which is important factor in designing software components. We classified several types of interaction between components and suggested appropriate graphical notation to extend UML and design process with extended method. Suggested notation and process was verified by practical experiment which is performed in travel agent component application. Representing interaction between components is not same to representing association between classes. UML in current version needs to be extended for representing this kind of components interaction. This research covers UML extension for components interaction and experiment for showing effectiveness.

Object-Oriented Software Regression Testing by Class Node Analysis (클래스 노드 분석에 의한 객체 지향 소프트웨어 회귀 테스팅)

  • Kwon, Young-Hee;Li, Len-Ge;Koo, Yeon-Seol
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.3523-3529
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we propose an improved regression testing method, which use method as the basic unit of changing. The testing method consists of three steps. We represent the relationship of classes using the notation of UML(Unified Modeling Language), find the nodes of the modified methods and affected methods by node analysis, and then select changed test cases from the original test cases. The proposed object-oriented regression testing method can reduce the number of test cases, testing time and cost through reuse of test cases.

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Text Case Extraction with Message Sequence Diagram (MSD) based on UML2.4.1 (UML2.4.1 기반 메시지-순차적 다이어그램을 통한 테스트 케이스 추출 연구)

  • Woo, SuJeong;Kim, D.H.;Son, S.H.;Kim, Robert Young Chul
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.1567-1570
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    • 2012
  • 기존 연구에서는 순차적, 상태, 엑티브 다이어그램 기반의 테스트케이스 추출을 초점을 두고 있다. 하지만 현재 최신의 모델링 언어인 UML2.4.1(Unified Modeling Language) 기반으로 한 테스트케이스 추출 메커니즘은 없다. 그래서 본 논문은 UML2.4.1 기반에 기존의 원인-결과 다이어그램의 접목을 통해 테스트케이스 추출 메커니즘을 제안 한다. 이를 위해 UML2.4.1 의 메시지-순차적 다이어그램에 ECA Rule(Event Condition Action)기법을 적용하고, 제안한 접목 알고리즘을 통해 확장된 메시지-순차적 다이어그램을 원인-결과 다이어그램과 접목한 후, 결정 테이블화로 테스트케이스를 발생한다. 이러한 절차를 통해 모델링 기반에서 테스트케이스 추출 가이드가 제공된다. 본 논문에서는 복잡한 메시지-순차적 다이어그램을 통해 테스트케이스 발생 사례연구로서 자동차 와이퍼 시스템을 적용한다.

A Systematic Design Automation Method for RDA-based .NET Component with MDA

  • Kum, Deuk Kyu
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2019
  • Recent Enterprise System has component driven real-time distributed architecture (RDA) and this kind of architecture should performed with satisfying strict constraints on life cycle of object and response time such as synchronization, transaction and so on. Microsoft's .NET platform supports RDA and is able to implement services including before mentioned time restriction and security service by only specifying attribute code and maximizing advantages of OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA). In this study, a method to automatically generate an extended model of essential elements in an enterprise-system-based RDA as well as the platform specific model (PSM) for Microsoft's .NET platform are proposed. To realize these ideas, the functionalities that should be considered in enterprise system development are specified and defined in a meta-model and an extended UML profile. In addition, after defining the UML profile for .NET specification, these are developed and applied as plug-ins of the open source MDA tool, and extended models are automatically generated using this tool. Accordingly, by using the proposed specification technology, the profile and tools can easily and quickly generate a reusable extended model even without detailed coding-level information about the functionalities considered in the .NET platform and RDA.

UML-ITS Usability Evaluation of Intelligent Tutoring System

  • Sehrish Abrejo;Amber Baig;Mutee U Rahman;Adnan Asghar Ali
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2023
  • The most effective tutoring method is one-on-one, face-to-face in-person human tutoring. However, due to the limited availability of human tutors, computer-based alternatives have been developed. These software based alternatives are called Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) which are used to tutor students in different domains. Although ITS performance is inferior to that of human teachers, the field is growing and has recently become very popular. User interfaces play key role in usability perspective of ITS. Even though ITS research has advanced, the majority of the work has concentrated on learning sciences while mostly disregarding user interfaces. Because of this, the present ITS includes effective learning modules but a less effective interface design. Usability is one approach to gauge a software's performance, while "ease of use" is one way to assess a software's quality. This paper measures the usability effectiveness of an ITS which is designed to teach Object-Oriented (OO) analysis and design concepts using Unified Modeling Language (UML). Computer Supported Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) survey was conducted for usability evaluation of UML-ITS. According to participants' responses to the system's usability survey, all responses lie between 1 to 3 scale points which indicate that the participants were satisfied and comfortable with most of the system's interface features.

A UML-based Approach towards Test Case Generation and Optimization

  • Shahid Saleem;Saif U. R. Malik;Bilal Mehboob;Roobaea Alroobaea;Sultan Algarni;Abdullah M. Baqasah;Naveed Ahmad;Muhammad Hasnain
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.633-652
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    • 2024
  • Software testing is an important phase as it ensures the software quality. The software testing process comprises of three steps: generation, execution, and evaluation of test cases. Literature claims the usage of single and multiple 'Unified Modeling Language' (UML) diagrams to generate test cases. Using multiple UML diagrams increases test case coverage. However, the existing approaches show limitations in test case generation from UML diagrams. Therefore, in this research study, we propose an approach to generate the test cases using UML State Chart Diagram (SCD), Activity Diagram (AD), and Sequence Diagram (SD). The proposed approach transforms UML diagrams into intermediate forms: SCD Graph, AD Graph, and SD Graph respectively. Furthermore, by integrating these three graphs, a System Testing Graph (STG) is formed. Finally, test cases are identified from STG by using a traversal algorithm such as Depth First Search (DFS) that is an optimization method. The results show that the proposed approach is better compared to existing approaches in terms of coverage and performance. Moreover, the generated test cases have the ability to detect faults at the unit level, integration, and system level testing.

Applying Meta-model Formalization of Part-Whole Relationship to UML: Experiment on Classification of Aggregation and Composition (UML의 부분-전체 관계에 대한 메타모델 형식화 이론의 적용: 집합연관 및 복합연관 판별 실험)

  • Kim, Taekyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2015
  • Object-oriented programming languages have been widely selected for developing modern information systems. The use of concepts relating to object-oriented (OO, in short) programming has reduced efforts of reusing pre-existing codes, and the OO concepts have been proved to be a useful in interpreting system requirements. In line with this, we have witnessed that a modern conceptual modeling approach supports features of object-oriented programming. Unified Modeling Language or UML becomes one of de-facto standards for information system designers since the language provides a set of visual diagrams, comprehensive frameworks and flexible expressions. In a modeling process, UML users need to consider relationships between classes. Based on an explicit and clear representation of classes, the conceptual model from UML garners necessarily attributes and methods for guiding software engineers. Especially, identifying an association between a class of part and a class of whole is included in the standard grammar of UML. The representation of part-whole relationship is natural in a real world domain since many physical objects are perceived as part-whole relationship. In addition, even abstract concepts such as roles are easily identified by part-whole perception. It seems that a representation of part-whole in UML is reasonable and useful. However, it should be admitted that the use of UML is limited due to the lack of practical guidelines on how to identify a part-whole relationship and how to classify it into an aggregate- or a composite-association. Research efforts on developing the procedure knowledge is meaningful and timely in that misleading perception to part-whole relationship is hard to be filtered out in an initial conceptual modeling thus resulting in deterioration of system usability. The current method on identifying and classifying part-whole relationships is mainly counting on linguistic expression. This simple approach is rooted in the idea that a phrase of representing has-a constructs a par-whole perception between objects. If the relationship is strong, the association is classified as a composite association of part-whole relationship. In other cases, the relationship is an aggregate association. Admittedly, linguistic expressions contain clues for part-whole relationships; therefore, the approach is reasonable and cost-effective in general. Nevertheless, it does not cover concerns on accuracy and theoretical legitimacy. Research efforts on developing guidelines for part-whole identification and classification has not been accumulated sufficient achievements to solve this issue. The purpose of this study is to provide step-by-step guidelines for identifying and classifying part-whole relationships in the context of UML use. Based on the theoretical work on Meta-model Formalization, self-check forms that help conceptual modelers work on part-whole classes are developed. To evaluate the performance of suggested idea, an experiment approach was adopted. The findings show that UML users obtain better results with the guidelines based on Meta-model Formalization compared to a natural language classification scheme conventionally recommended by UML theorists. This study contributed to the stream of research effort about part-whole relationships by extending applicability of Meta-model Formalization. Compared to traditional approaches that target to establish criterion for evaluating a result of conceptual modeling, this study expands the scope to a process of modeling. Traditional theories on evaluation of part-whole relationship in the context of conceptual modeling aim to rule out incomplete or wrong representations. It is posed that qualification is still important; but, the lack of consideration on providing a practical alternative may reduce appropriateness of posterior inspection for modelers who want to reduce errors or misperceptions about part-whole identification and classification. The findings of this study can be further developed by introducing more comprehensive variables and real-world settings. In addition, it is highly recommended to replicate and extend the suggested idea of utilizing Meta-model formalization by creating different alternative forms of guidelines including plugins for integrated development environments.

Design and Implegmentation of an Enterprise Server for Component-based Geographic Information Systems (컴포넌트 기반 지리 정보 시스템을 위한 엔터프라이즈 서버의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Kang-Jun;Hong, Dong-Suk;Park, Ji-Woong;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 1999
  • Recently, the new software paradigm in information technology (IT) is the component-based development (CBD) technology that has brought as a result of the distributed computing environment (DCE). The CBD has reduced a program developing time and has been designed to make a distributed computing environment easier in the Internet and Intranet environments. These changes of software technology have influence on the geographic information system (GIS) and the CBD technology is highly needed as a point of view of the technique and policy of the geographic information system. In this paper, we designed and implemented an Enterprise Server for the efficient development and management of GIS components. Especially, the Enterprise Server was developed with the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification 1.1 that had been proposed as an industry standard by the Sun Microsystems. The Enterprise Server can allows users to manage the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Design Patterns for the development of GIS components, develop a GIS component container which obeyed the Open Geodata Interoperability Specification (OpenGlS), manage spatial metadata through a spatial XML (eXtensible Markup Language) engine, and implement a TESTBED server for testing and verification of developed GIS components.

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