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Past History of Freshwater Zooplankton Research in South Korea and Korean Society of Limnology and Future Directions (한국하천호수학회를 통해 본 국내 담수 동물플랑크톤 연구의 역사와 현재, 미래의 연구 동향)

  • Hyun-Woo, Kim;Jeong, Hyun-Gi;Choi, Jong-Yun;Kim, Seong-Ki;Jeong, Kwang-Seuk;La, Geung-Hwan;Oh, Hye-Ji;Chang, Kwang-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.40-59
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    • 2018
  • This review summarizes the history of freshwater zooplankton research in Korean Society of Limnology and necessary future topics that are remain poorly investigated in South Korea based on main research topics of published articles focusing on lakes, reservoirs, rivers and wetland ecosystems. In Korea, a total 450 freshwater zooplankton species have been reported (85 species of cladocera, ca. 230 species of rotifera since 1939, and 138 species of copepoda), and they cover 10% of total zooplankton species list. In the present paper, we provide recent species list of zooplankton found in Korea and their taxonomic keys. Over periods of 45 years, there are 25 published papers for zooplankton biota in lentic ecosystems in Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment (KJEE). The ecology of zooplankton communities in rivers has focused on the mechanisms involved in regulating their abundance, diversity and spatio-temporal patterns of genus Bosmina and rotifers (genus Brachionus and Keratella) that are most frequently found from Korea. On the other hand, the studies on zooplankton in wetland has focused on Alona, Chydorus and Ceriodaphnia with special emphasis on their relationships with aquatic macrophytes. Even though studies on the freshwater ecosystem in Korea have a long history, a few of studies on zooplankton biota were conducted at rice paddy, Dumbeong and wetlands. During the last two decades, experimental advances in freshwater zooplankton ecology and understanding of structure and function of this biota were made from a series of articles mainly in journal of KJEE. For future studies, quantitative, experimental and interdisciplinary approaches would be key words to understand zooplankton ecology and their roles in aquatic ecosystems under changing environments, and we have suggested necessary zooplankton research fields and future directions.

Development of Change Detection Technique Using Time Seriate Remotely Sensed Satellite Images with User Friendly GIS Interface (사용자 중심적 GIS 인터페이스를 이용한 시계열적 원격탐사 영상의 변화탐지 기법의 개발)

  • 양인태;한성만;윤희천;김흥규
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2004
  • The diversity, expansion of human activity and rapid urbanization make modem society to faced with problems like damage of nature and drain of natural resources. Under these circumstances rapid and accurate change detection techniques, which can detect wide range utilization changes, are needed for efficient management and utilization plan of national territory. In this study to perform change detection from remote sensing images, space analysis technique contained in Geographic Information System is applied. And from this technique, the software. that can execute new change detection algorithm, query, inquiry and analysis, is produced. This software is on the basis of graphic user interface and has many functions such as format conversion, grid calculation, statistical processing, display and reference. In this study, simultaneously change detection for multi-temporal satellite images can be performed and integrated one change image about four different periods was produced. Further more software user can acquire land cover change information for an specific area through querying and questioning about yearly changes. Finally making of every application module for change detection into one window based visual basic program, can be produced user convenience and automatic performances.

Spatial Distribution of Tidal Flats in Korea (한국(韓國)의 간석지(干潟地) 분포(分布))

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Wha-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 1997
  • On the basis of the topographic maps in the 1910's and 1990's and the classification map of Landsat TM satellite image photographed on Sept 1, 1996, the spatial distribution and the current situation concerning tidal flats in Korea were studied by measuring the area with GIS Arc/Info system and examining the regional condition required to develop the tidal flats. The results are as follow; The tidal flat resources in Korea cover an area of about 3800 square meters, including the reclaimed one since the 1910's. And they are widely distributed in the west coast of South Jeonla, Kyunggi bay, Asan bay, the south coast of South Jeonla, Kunsan bay, Chunsoo bay, and the coast of South Kyungsang and Pusan when put in the order from bigger area. Given the area under the construction at present, more than 50% of the tidal flats are reclaimed ones. The tidal flats are being developed especially in Kyunggi and Asan bays because they perfectly measure up to the conditions required. For Kunsan bay, a remarkably good supply system of the alluvial sedimentary materials and a favorable coastline requirement for the coast of the South Jeonla also contribute to the development of the tidal flats. In the case study of Kunsan bay, it was shown that the shape of the tidal flat is making a continuous change and the area is getting bigger in terms of the multi-temporal change of the tidal flat development. However, while in the first half of the 20th century, the increasing rate of the area was considered to be rather high, it is considerably lowered almost to a standstill in the latter half of the century.

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Evaluation of Phosphorus Release Potential in Arable land with Different Landuse by Phosphorus Threshold (변곡점을 이용한 영농형태별 토양 인산 유출 잠재력 평가)

  • Lee, Seul-Bi;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Hong, Chang-Oh;Lee, Yong-Bok;Kim, Pil-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.343-347
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    • 2010
  • Heavy application of fertilizer and manure in excess from the optimum requirement for crop growth can increase phosphorus (P) accumulation and P release potential in soils. In this study, the relationship between soil test P and 0.01M $CaCl_2$ extractable P was analysed to evaluate the P release potential of agricultural soils under different land-use. The paddy, upland, plastic film house(PFH) soils were sampled from Tongyoung and Changnyeong, and Daegok areas in Gyeongnam province, respectively. With respect to the P accumulation, available P contents in upland and PFH soils were 619 and 796 mg $P_2O_5$/kg, respectively indicating that different land-use types can greatly impact soil P accumulation. As soil available P was increased in the paddy soil, the content of 0.01M $CaCl_2$ extractable P also linearly increased without change point. Comparatively, P threshold were detected at 520 mg $P_2O_5$/kg in both upland and PFH soils, indicating that P release potential were higher in these land-use systems. For reducing P release from agricultural soils, management of optimum P content is needed in soils possessing high P release potential. Further, the change point value, if it is to be used as an environmental indicator, requires more detailed investigation to cover a wide range of soil characteristics.

A Study on the Method for Ecological Restoration on Abandoned Concrete-paved Road - Focused on the Experimental Construction Site in Young Dong Province of GyungBu Express Highway(227.24~229.04km) - (콘크리트 폐도의 생태복원 방안 모색에 관한 연구 - 경부선 영동군 황간지역 시험시공지를 중심으로(경부고속도로 227.24~229.04km 지점) -)

  • Kim, Nam Choon;Ann, Phil Gun;No, Su Dae;Kim, Do Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2012
  • The unmanaged abandoned concrete roads are vulnerable toward the issues on soil and water pollution, which requires flexible managing method such as eco-corridor after the process of ecological restoration. Among various alternations of abandoned concrete-paved roads, ecological restoration technique may be the most suitable method in sites including high quality of natural environment. Therefore, as in Young dong province, GyungBu express highway (227.24~229.04km), which is near to Hwang-gan IC, the survey to measure its effect of soil under the paving and water pollution by abandoned concrete roads was discussed. Then, the restoration method of plantings of landscape trees and hydro-seeding methods of artificial soil media was appraised through consecutive monitoring. The soil adequacy analysis shows lower percentage of heavy metal substance in each depth level compared to standard limit stated by the Ministry of Environment, along with low concerns raised after the analysis on heavy metal content of the spilled water on the concrete roads. Meanwhile, Korean Weigela (Weigela subsessilis L.H. Baily) was found to be withered in small-scale landscape trees planting sites. Among the seeding plants. the family of leguminosae, Silene armeria, Dendranthema boreale, Caryopteris incana and Aster yomena show good establishment results. Overall studies on planting of small and large landscape trees, planting method of container plants, planting method of ground cover plants, and germination and development trend of seeding plants of the experimental restoration site on abandoned concrete roads are revealing specific trends in the way landscape woody plants establishment and growth. Finally, this study suggests further studies and survey on varied plant restoration methods on abandoned concrete-roads for developed design guidelines of their methods.

Community Structure and Understory Vegetation Distribution Pattern of Fagus engleriana Stand in Is. Ulleung (울릉도 너도밤나무림의 군집구조와 하층식생의 분포특성)

  • Cheon, Kwang-Il;Jung, Sung-Cheol;Lee, Chang-Woo;Byeon, Jun-Gi;Joo, Sung-Hyun;You, Ju-Han;Lee, Seul-Gi;Choi, Cheol-Hyun;Park, In-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2012
  • This study was intended for Fagus engleriana stand in Is. Ulleung where the disturbance of vegetation has been caused by the exploitation and the increase of tourists. For the effective conservation and management on this issue, this study was conducted provide basic data. The sixteen study sites ($20{\times}20m$) were installed in the dominant Fagus engleriana stand and the base environment and vegetation were investigated. The Fagus engleriana stand was classified into two groups, The Fagus engleriana stand was classified into two groups, community A is Fagus engleriana-Sorbus amurensis and community B is Fagus engleriana-Acer pictum subsp. Mono by cluster analysis and community A were nothing signigicant by indicator species analysis. Community B were Eight species (Tsuga sieboldii, Camellia japonica, Dystaenia takesimana ect.) significant by indicator species analysis. The diameter class of 16cm to 25cm was 53.7% in population structure of Fagus engleriana, which was the highest and showed inverse J-distribution. Species diversity index (H') of investigated woody layer group ranged from 0.99 to 2.05 and that of under layer group ranged from 1.75~2.59. According to Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) analysis, the woody layer was divided into community A developed in the region having relatively high sand content at high altitudes and community B formed at the place having relatively high clay content at low altitudes. Then this classification was significant through Multi-Response Permutation Procedures (MRPP) analysis. The distribution of understory vegetation through Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was induced by the silt content and cover degree of vegetation layer.

The Study of Costume in a Mill Yang Kobumri Mural Painting (밀양(密陽) 고법리(古法里) 고분벽화(古墳壁畵)에 나타난 복식(服飾) 연구(硏究))

  • Jo, Oh-Soon;Yoo, Joo-Lee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2001
  • When restoring a tomb of Songeun, Park Ik that damaged by typhoon in Kobubri, Chungdomyon, Mill Yang, Kyoung Nam in October 2000, a flower designed stone and fresco was discovered. Soneun Park Ik passed the civil service examination in Kongmin dynasty and was consecutively occupied Sajaedogam(司宰少監; regarded as one of second highest official rank). The fresco realistically depicts custom of ordinary people in end of Koryo, beginning of Chosun dynasty that it is considered as an important research material in study of ostumes. Therefore, this research intend to contribute to study of costumes in general public of Koryo that has insufficient study materials through study and analyze of costumes in the fresco with literature research. The number of figures in the fresco is presumed as 26-27 in all but clearly observed figures is only five women and four men and partly damaged figures are two men and two women. Women are worn relatively long yoo that can cover hip as an upper garment and Sang(裳) as trousers. The upper garments are all adjusted to right and has Jikryoung gik (straight collars) but there are strip attached collars or double collars among the Jikryoung gik. The length of Sang reaches to ankle and a waistband is trailed to below the knees. Most of hair are combed in the two sides and made a ring, moreover worn ceremonial coronet, which imply the ceremonial parade. Distinguished from the frescos of Koguryo, there are no women wearing Po(袍) also Yoo with Dae(帶) and without were coexisted. The mens costume is mainly appeared in two types. One(元) is Danryoungpo, Po with round collar and wearing a lozenge shaped crest with a brim, the other is Jikryoung Po, Po with straight collar, and wearing Ballib(拔笠), the latter is a costume of two man presumed as envoys. In the case of Danryoungpo, its length reached to ankle that shows decorum and in Jikryoungpo its length is below the knees that seem to offer practicality for envoys to guide a long journey. Both man and women are in decent cloth with a crest, which simple costume for ordinary people as a Chaksoopo that has comfortable length for movement and narrow sleeves. Songeun Park Ik actively worked under regency of One dynasty that influence of Mongol is seen in mans crest. There are some changes but including womens costume most of cloth are followed Korean traditional costume style.

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Dorsalis Pedis Free Flap for Hand Reconstruction: A Technique to Minimize Donor Deformity (족배동맥 유리피판술을 이용한 수부 재건: 공여부 이환율 최소화 방법)

  • Son, Dae Gu;Kim, Hyun Ji;Kim, Jun Hyung;Han, Ki Hwan
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2004
  • One of the major advantages of microsurgical reconstruction for defects of the hand is that these techniques allow for selection of the most ideal tissue to reconstruct a particular defect, thus optimizing the functional and aesthetic outcome. The dorsalis pedis free flap is an excellent reconstructive tool for various hand reconstructions. It has a reliable vasculature with vessels that are relative large on a long pedicle. It provides thin pliable tissue and be innervated by deep peroneal nerve. Coupled with its thinness and pliability, it is ideal for innervated cover of critically sensitive area, especially such as the hand. Thus it can be used as a cutaneotendinous flap, or an osteocutaneous flap. Otherwise, the major criticism with this flap is related to its uncertain vascularity and the donor defect. It is the purpose of this paper to outline our technique of flap elevation and donor site closure and to indicate our current use of this flap in hand reconstruction. We have treated 10 cases (6 burn scar contracture cases, 4 acute hand trauma cases) of hand reconstruction from Dec. 3, 1997 to Mar. 4, 2004 using dorsalis pedis free flap. The key points for sucess in terms of a viable flap and acceptable donor site are the preservation of the critical dorsalis pedis-first dorsal metatarsal vascular axis and the creation of a viable bed for grafting. In addition, we substituted preserved superficial fat skin graft for split thickness skin graft and wet environment was offered for good graft take. Preserved superficial fat skin is defined as composite graft containing epidermis, dermis and superficial fat layer. With sufficient care in flap elevation and donor site closure, a good graft take of preserved superficial fat skin under wet environment can be achieved with no functional disability and minimal cosmetic deformity in donor site. This flap has proved itself to be a best choice for hand reconstruction.

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A Practical New Technology of Removing Algal Bloom: K-water GATe Water Combine (조류(藻類)제어를 위한 실용적 신기술 : K-water 녹조수상콤바인)

  • Shin, Jae-Ki;Kim, Hojoon;Kim, Sea Won;Chong, Sun-A;Moon, Byong Cheun;Lee, Sanghyup;Choi, Jae Woo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.214-218
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    • 2014
  • We introduce a technical equipment of GATe (Green (algae)-tide) water combine developed by K-water. The GATe water combine consists of five modules: main body and buoyant, transfer hopper, screen conveyer, sludge remover, and separator of algae and waste. Also a sprinkler, as the pre-treatment step if necessary, is equipped to the device to spread out environmental-friendly algaecide under the circumstance that the level of algal bloom does not reach to the scum-forming condition. The overall module system of this device is very simple. Based on the field test, the device covers surface area of ca. $500,000m^2day^{-1}$ during the period from May to July, and treats water volume as much as $500,000m^3day^{-1}$ in spite of some variation depending on the water quality condition. The removal efficiency of the device appeared to be over 90%. In addition, the operating duration of the device was able to expand to cover the period between March and November. We expect this new technology can be used to solve algal bloom problems in drinking water resource and public water area.

Evaluation of Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Hybrid Retrofitting with Groove and Embedding FRP Rod and CFRP Sheet (표면요철 매입형 FRP봉과 CFRP시트를 복합 보강한 철근콘크리트 보의 구조성능 평가)

  • Ha, Gee-Joo;Ha, Young-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2014
  • In this study, experimental research was carried out to evaluate the structural performance of the reinforced concrete beam using hybrid retrofitting with two materials (groove and embedding FRP rod, CFRP sheet) in existing reinforced concrete buildings. Seven reinforced concrete beams, retrofitted groove and embedding FRP rod (NER series) and groove and embedding FRP rod with CFRP sheet (NERL series), and standard specimen (NBS) were constructed and tested under monotonic loading. Design parameters of test specimens are the amount of groove and embedding FRP rod and lapping CFRP sheet. Test results showed that the maximum load carrying capacity of specimens with groove and embedding FRP rod and groove and embedding FRP rod with CFRP sheet (NERL series) were increased the by 12~46% and 22~77% respectively in comparison with the standard specimen NBS. Test specimens NER series were failed with the adhesion slip and concrete cover separation. And test specimens NERL series were failed with the adhesion slip due to the confining effect of lapping CFRP sheet.