• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ubiquitous city

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Producing True Orthophoto Using Multi-Dimensional Spatial Information (다차원공간정보를 이용한 실감정사영상 제작 방안)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.241-253
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    • 2008
  • Recently, it is appearing that new paradigm of urban planning that ubiquitous concept such as the u-City, uECO-City is introduced while is rising necessity about third dimensional geo-spatial information of high quality for urban area. Orthophoto can manufacture by expense and time that is less easily than digital map using personal computer even if is not highly technician and according as position relation between manmade feature and natural feature is equal, can get information of distance, angle, horizontal and vertical position coordinate of topographic, area etc.. directly through orthophoto. Also, visual effect is good that orthophoto is expressed by image and interpretation is easy to detailed part of topographic. Manufacture and practical use are consisting in various field, for it is having advantage that can recognize information effectively than digital map. Therefore, this study presents a way of generating a detailed DSM for producing a true-orthphoto of the urban area, and this study also presents a way to produce an optimum true-orthophoto for an urban area by investigating through experiment the optimum variable for the geometric and radiometric correction of the orthophoto. This study also examined the potentials of the thesis by building a 3-dimensional city model of the model region with the above thesis on optimum generating method.

Changes in the Number of Matching Points in CCTV's Stereo Images by Indoor/Outdoor Illuminance (실내·외 조도에 따른 스테레오 CCTV 영상 정합점 수 변화)

  • Moon, Kwang Il;Pyeon, Mu Wook;Kim, Jong Hwa;Kim, Kang San
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2015
  • The Ubiquitous City (U-City) spatial information technology aimed to provide services freely anytime and anywhere by converging high-tech information & communication technology in urban infrastructure has been available in diverse patterns. In particular, there have been studies on the development of 3D spatial information after selecting and matching key points with stereo images from the many Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) in the U-City. However, the data mostly used in extracting matching points haven't considered external environmental impacts such as illuminance. This study tested how much the matching points needed to construct 3D spatial information with the CCTV whose image quality is dependent upon changes in illuminance fluctuate under the same hardware performances. According to analysis on the number of matching points by illuminance, the number of matching points increased up to 3,000Lux in proportion to the illuminance when IRIS, shutter speed and ISO were fixed. In addition, a border between an object and background became more distinctive. When there was too much light, however, the page became brighter, and noise occurred. Furthermore, it was difficult to name key points because of the collapse of an inter-object border. It appears that if filmed with the study results, the number of matching points would increase.

Development of Urban Object Identification System Based on Network for Intelligent Urban Facility Management (지능형 도시시설물 관리를 위한 네트워크 기반 도시공간객체식별자(UOID) 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 2011
  • Recently, Urban has been innovated through u-City and Smart City. Urban facility management system is developing using the latest IT technology for real-time monitoring and prevention. In this paper, we propose an UOID(Unique Object IDentification), a standard location-based ID system for urban facility object and develop the UOID service system based on network for innovation of urban facility management system. The system has been tested through Test-bed for connectivity and stability. We wish that the proposed UOID and network service system manages u-City facilities effectively and also provides various ubiquitous services to the citizen, one of the integrate service of u-City platform.

The Investigation of Problems for Next Generation Energy System during Existing Urban Plan Stage (기존 도시계획 단계에서 차세대에너지시스템 적용시 문제점 검토)

  • Park, Jin-Young;Kim, Sam-Uel;Park, Yool;Lee, Sang-Jin;Lee, Jurng-Jae
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.190-195
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    • 2009
  • Since the industrial revolution, the global environmental problems such as greenhouse gas accumulation and the average temperature increase have caused people's attention. 'Low Carbon, Green Growth' was presented to cope with these global concerns, as one of main policies of 2008 in Korea. The paradigm of a green urban development is started to concern the whole city's energy problems owing to realize 'Low Carbon, Green Growth' in the urban side. The government established a nation's basic energy plan for 20 years, and some local cities made efforts to develop new renewable energy such as the solar, wind and water energy which are suitable to each city's character. As a part of these efforts, the concept of U-Eco city is newly appeared to reflect upon ubiquitous technique, urban ecology and the next generation energy system. However, urban plan is difficult to adopt this next generation energy system with existing laws, regulations and technical systems. The new executive and systematic system is needed to realize the U-Eco city U-Eco for the management of an efficient city. In this study, the authors investigate the concept of the next generation energy system and U-Eco city to realize the energy-efficient city plan and analyze problems to occur during the application of them in an existing city plan. Then, the authors show the remedies to deal with occurred problems.

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Utilizing Spatial-data to Provide for U-Service Based on U-GIS

  • Lee, Seok-Ho;Lee, Ji-Yeong;Kim, Hyong-Bok
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.405-416
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    • 2009
  • According to the changes of the city's paradigm, the demand on u-City increases rapidly. u-City has been built at 54 areas in Korea (as of May 2009). One of the important determinants of success or failure in the increasing of u-City is how to provide u-Services. Most current u-Services are Sensor Network-based monitoring services to manage urban infrastructure. u-GIS is one of fundamental requirements to implement 'any time and any where' u-Service which covers the essential meaningful term "ubiquitous". Hence, in this paper, we 1) describe the definition of the spatial awareness, 2) discuss how to converge (Spatial Embedding) among different spatial data : topographic spatial data, sensor spatial data, and more, 3) bring forth an advanced form of u-Service, 4) analyze the state-of-the-art u-GIS techniques.

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A Study on the Establishment of IT Service Model for the Possibility of Application in Construction Field - Focused on the building facility - (건설분야에 적용가능한 IT 서비스 모델 구축방안 연구 - 빌딩시설물을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Woo-Sik;Hong, Chang-Hee
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2011
  • The object of this study is to build service model that combines developing IT technology with construction filed. It combines existing traditional construction project with high-tech IT choosingly, diverting construction project from labour-intensive to value-added technology-intensive industry. By doing so, it plans improving productivity and creation of new market. Now most ideal field of combining construction with IT technology is U-City industry that is being emphasized recently. Therefore, For this study, We analyze present condition of several IT technology used in construction and U-City project. Also, determining priority of promising IT technology for requirement analysis of consumer. And it proposes plan for construction of U-City service model through prospect and environment analysis of U-City and IT industry.

A Study on U-Service for Security in U-City Newtown Planning (신도시계획의 계획지표를 반영한 U-City의 U-방범서비스 개선방안 연구)

  • Yoon, Hyo Jin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.5D
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    • pp.645-654
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    • 2009
  • This study started with necessity of historical spatial planning skills in U-city planning. Though U-city technology and information are very important, U-city development should be considered on the base of various experience of spatial planning. This study explored spatial planning indexes change in the recent newtown plans. In particular, safety and security were intensively analyzed. In addition, many theories on safe urban space, ubiquitous technology, traditional defensible space, and CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) are compared. The findings are as follows. First, each planning is not integrated and there is lack of network among each planning. Specifically, from the crime prevention perspective, there is only mechanical monitoring such as CCTV without architectural approach. Even though CCTV is social needs, it is necessary to adopt it with architectural environment in order to improve the synergy effect of spatial planning and non-spatial planning.

Developing u-Service Evaluation Methodology for Optimal u-Service Group of u-City Project (u-City사업의 최적 u-서비스군 선정을 위한 가치평가모형 (u-SEM) 개발)

  • Byun, Wan-Hee;Cho, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Yong-Taeck
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2007
  • Nowaday, in Korea, many u-City projects have been developed as a core business in the new town development project by national or local level of government. However, the new business projects have some problems, such as excessive number of u-services, increased project funds and period, and lower u-services due to lack of u-service evaluation methodologies. Therefore, this paper proposes a new u-service evaluation methodology to solve current problems. The methodology gives an ability to guard general u-service groups for reaching the main goal of the u-City project, and then select alternative u-service groups against being limited by the law and technology in the project year. Besides, as a key variable on performing u-City plans, the complexity between stakeholders is considered in the methodology. Finally, through the Optimal Sequential Method in the methodology, the maximum value of u-service group is obtained as a optimal service group of u-City.

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A Study on the Analysis of Service-linkage between the u-City and ITS (u-City와 ITS의 서비스 연관성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yang-Bin;Kim, Gyeong-Seok;Seo, Min-So;Lee, Sun-Ha
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2008
  • Ubiquitous City (u-City) and Intelligent Transport System (ITS) provide services, which are different from each other yet have close relation to each other partially. Thus, since a redundancy issue occurs or it is difficult to efficiently provide services depending on the relation degree, it is required to analyze the relation of services between the two systems and to elicit a priority. A table of relation among the services was created and the relation degree was analyzed by performing a survey for experts. As a result of calculating the total marks by accumulating and summing up the survey results, the incident management service and u-accident/calamity and disaster service of the ITS had the lowest value. The project priority was as follows: The basic principle of the project was that services with high relation degrees shall be worked on first. The services were categorized in each step and packaging the services could result in the synergy effect. This study is significant since it analyzed the relation degree between u-City and ITS and proposed schemes for efficiently working on the project by eliciting the priority of the services based on the analysis results.

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Developing Management System for Urban Facilities Based on Ubiquitous (유비쿼터스 기반의 도시시설물 관리시스템 개발)

  • Choi, Byoung-Gil;Lee, Cheol-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.1 s.39
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2007
  • The final object of this research is to construct general management system that can manage diverse facilities of city on the basis of ubiquitous technology. Defining data format of items in each management, type and code for the urban facilities, the researcher designed database of urban facilities through the process of establishing logic model and data modelling. By inputting designed database into RFID Tag of each urban facilities and using RFID Reader and PDA, the researcher developed system that can efficiently manage the basic attributes and information and management information of urban facilities. Applying the general management system for urban facilities constructed on the basis of ubiquitous, the researcher could check the information of target facilities and input revised data. Further, it was found that the characteristics of RFID Tag and GPS should improve the optimal hardware combination and PDA performance for the surrounding environmental influence and system performance.

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