• Title/Summary/Keyword: UCA

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Performance of Frequency Planning and Channel Allocation Algorithm for Unified Inter-Cell Interference Avoidance and Cancellation in OFDMA Cellular Systems (OFDMA 셀룰러 시스템에서 셀 간 간섭 회피 및 제거 기법을 적용한 주파수 설계와 채널 할당 알고리즘의 성능)

  • Lee, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Dong-Woo;Lee, Hee-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.2A
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose UCA algorithms that are applied to the unified inter-cell interference mitigation through frequency plannings in OFDMA cellular systems. Under three frequency plannings, UCA algorithms allocate frequency channels to UEs(User Equipments). Proposed UCA algorithms require the information of received signal power from home sector and neighbor sectors respectively. We compare all possible combinations of UCA algorithms and frequency plannings through compute simulation. A primary performance measure is the low 5th percentile of SINR at UEs. The proposed UCA algorithms can avoid the interference to neighbor cells by allocating relatively low transmit power to centrally-located UEs and cancel inter-cell interference at cell-edge UEs by a coordinated symbol repetition. We show that UCA algorithm 2 applied in frequency planning 1 is promising among other combinations of UCA algorithms and frequency palnnings in terms of the low 5th percentile of SINR at UEs.

Study on the implementation of power utility network using UCA and Fieldbus (UCA(Utility Communication Architecture)와 필드버스를 이용한 전력설비 자동화통신망 구축 방안 연구)

  • Hwang, In-Hui;Choi, In-Ho;Hong, Seung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.11c
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    • pp.537-539
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    • 1999
  • 본 연구에서는 UCA와 필드버스를 이용한 전력 설비 통합 자동화통신망 구축 방안을 제시한다. 이를 위하여 (i) UCA와 필드버스의 프로토콜간 인터페이스 작업 최소화와 (ii) 게이트웨이 내에서의 연산작업 최소화의 요구사항을 만족하는 UCA-필드버스 게이트웨이 구성 방안을 제시하고, 게이트웨이 내에서 UCA와 필드버스의 프로토콜 매핑 방법을 기술한다.

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Commercial Aspects of Ubiquitous Contents Access Technologies : User Perspective Analysis using QFD (사용자 관점 UCA 기술 경제성 분석 : QFD 응용)

  • Han, Hyun-Soo;Park, Eun-Young;Kim, Kwang-Yong;Park, Sun-Young
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.59-74
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we investigated economic viability of UCA (Ubiquitous Contents Access) technologies from user adoption perspective. UCA technologies are expected to 9et embedded into media and telecom merging services. Embracing new technologies such as UCA technologies, forged through an industry convergence, means opting for a technological innovation that will have technological as well as economic and strategic implications. As such, we adopted user perspective innovation adoption theories to explore key antecedents affecting consumer acceptance of these emerging technologies. Subsequently. using QFD (Quality Function Deployment) method, the impacts of UCA technical functions on user's perceived value enhancements are estimated. The QFD analysis result indicates that the new UCA service technologies could achieve about 42% enhancement on user perceived adoption intention compared to existing digital contents service technologies. The proposed analysis framework and findings suggests significant insights for further research.

A Study on the Implementation of Automation Network for Power Utility using UCA and Fieldbus (UCA와 필드버스를 이용한 전력 설비 자동화 통신망 구축 방안 연구)

  • Choe, In-Ho;Hwang, In-Hwi;Hong, Seung-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.287-298
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    • 2000
  • The UCA is a standard-based approach to utility communications which provides for wide scale integration of functional areas including customer interface, distribution, transmission, power plant, control center, and corporate information systems. Field devices in the power facilities require real-time communications, and they must be interconnected into fieldbus. This study introduces a method of implementing gateway that interfaces UCA and fieldbus. In this study, PROFIBUS and FOUNDATION Fieldbus are selected as candidate fieldbus protocols. Protocol interface in the gateway can be accomplished by mapping objects and services of UCA and fieldbus. MOst of the UCAs CASM objects and services are directly mapped into those of the application and user layers of fieldbus. However, some CASM services are not supported in the application and user layers of fieldbus. This study presents the method of implementing those services. In order to show that the implementation of interface is possible, this study presents pseudo-codes of interface program that maps the objects and services of UCA and fieldbus.

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Epigenetic regulation of long noncoding RNA UCA1 by SATB1 in breast cancer

  • Lee, Jong-Joo;Kim, Mikyoung;Kim, Hyoung-Pyo
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.49 no.10
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    • pp.578-583
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    • 2016
  • Special AT-rich sequence binding protein 1 (SATB1) is a nuclear matrix-associated DNA-binding protein that functions as a chromatin organizer. SATB1 is highly expressed in aggressive breast cancer cells and promotes growth and metastasis by reprograming gene expression. Through genome-wide cross-examination of gene expression and histone methylation, we identified SATB1 target genes for which expression is associated with altered epigenetic marks. Among the identified genes, long noncoding RNA urothelial carcinoma-associated 1 (UCA1) was upregulated by SATB1 depletion. Upregulation of UCA1 coincided with increased H3K4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) levels and decreased H3K27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) levels. Our study showed that SATB1 binds to the upstream region of UCA1 in vivo, and that its promoter activity increases with SATB1 depletion. Furthermore, simultaneous depletion of SATB1 and UCA1 potentiated suppression of tumor growth and cell survival. Thus, SATB1 repressed the expression of oncogenic UCA1, suppressing growth and survival of breast cancer cells.

A Study on the Calcium and Sodium Intakes and Urinary Calcium Excretion of Adults in Busan (부산지역 일부 성인들의 칼슘 및 나트륨의 섭취와 소변중 칼슘배설실태에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Hwa-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.215-226
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to assess calcium and sodium intakes and urinary excretion of adults in Busan and to evaluate the relationship between urinary calcium excretion (UCa) and the status of anthropometric, blood pressure, urine analysis, and nutrient intake of subjects. Nutrient intake by 24 hr recall, 24 hr urinary calcium and sodium excretion (UNa) were measured with 87 adults aged 20-59 yrs (42 men and 45 women). The mean calcium intake was 88.0% for men and 103.0% for women of Recommended Intake. The mean sodium intake was 283.4% for men and 250.5% for women of Adequate Intake (AI). The mean 24hr UCa was 127.4 mg in men and 107.3 mg in women. The mean 24 hr UNa was 3650.6mg in men and 3276.4mg in women. The intake and urinary excretion of calcium and sodium were not significantly different by gender. UCa showed significantly positive correlations with sodium intake and UNa in men (p < 0.001, p < 0.05) and women (p < 0.001, p < 0.001) and with age, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and sodium density in women (p < 0.05, p < 0.05, p<0.01). The UCa/creatinine showed significantly positive correlations with age, sodium intake, sodium density, and UNa in women (p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.01, p < 0.01). When UCa was stratified into quartile (Q1-Q4), age, SBP, UCa, UNa, sodium intake, and AI percentage of sodium (p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p < 0.001) were significantly higher in Q4. The mean intake and AI percentage of sodium in Q4 were 4768.8mg and 329.0. Based on the results, UCa was related to age, SBP, UNa, and sodium intake. Therefore, nutritional education of decreasing sodium intake for decreasing UCa is needed.

Characteristic Polynomial of 90 UCA and Synthesis of CA using Transition Rule Blocks (90 UCA의 특성다항식과 전이규칙 블록을 이용한 CA 합성법)

  • Choi, Un-Sook;Cho, Sung-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.593-600
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    • 2018
  • Cellular automata (CA) have been applied to effective cryptographic system design. CA is superior in randomness to LFSR due to the fact that its state is updated simultaneously by local interaction. To apply these CAs to the cryptosystem, a study has been performed how to synthesize CA corresponding to given polynomials. In this paper, we analyze the recurrence relations of the characteristic polynomial of the 90 UCA and the characteristic polynomial of the 90/150 CA whose transition rule is <$00{\cdots}001$>. And we synthesize the 90/150 CA corresponding to the trinomials $x^{2^n}+x+1(n{\geq}2)$ satisfying f(x)=f(x+1) using the 90 UCA transition rule blocks and the special transition rule block. We also analyze the properties of the irreducible factors of trinomials $x^{2^n}+x+1$ and propose a 90/150 CA synthesis algorithm corresponding to $x^{2^n}+x^{2^m}+1(n{\geq}2,n-m{\geq}2)$.

Ground Reflection Effect on OAM Multi-Mode Transmission System Based on Uniform Circular Arrays (UCA 기반 OAM 다중모드 전송시스템에 대한 지면 반사의 영향)

  • Yoo, Jeong-Ung;Son, Hae-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.28-31
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    • 2018
  • This paper investigates the ground reflection effect on the channel capacity of an orbital angular momentum (OAM) multi-mode transmission system that uses uniform circular array (UCA) antennas. The ground-reflected signals cause inter-mode interferences between the OAM modes, and lead to system performance degradation. The OAM multi-mode channel capacity severely degrades owing to the ground reflection as the transmission distance increases. Increasing the UCA height above the ground and using highly directive array elements can mitigate the ground reflection effect and increase the channel capacity.

Performance Evaluation of Cascade AOA Estimator Based on Uniform Circular Array

  • Kim, Tae-yun;Hwang, Suk-seung
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2020
  • For a wireless communication system, the angle-of-arrival (AOA) of the signal has a variety of applications. The signal AOA is estimated utilizing various antenna array structure such as Uniform Linear Array (ULA), Uniform Rectangular Array (URA), and Uniform Circular Array (UCA). In this paper, we introduce a cascade AOA estimation algorithm based on the UCA, which is consisted of CAPON and Beamspace MUSIC. CAPON is employed to estimate approximate AOA groups including multiple AOA signals and Beamspace MUSIC is employed to estimate detailed signal AOAs in the estimated AOA groups. In addition, we provide the computer simulation results for verifying and analyzing the performance of the cascade AOA estimator based on UCA.

Ubiquitous Content Access (UCA) Technology for Convergence of Broadcasting and Communications (통방융합 유비쿼터스 콘텐츠 서비스 기술)

  • Kang, J.W.;Kim, J.G.;Hong, J.W.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.21 no.4 s.100
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2006
  • UCA 기술은 이종망과 다양한 단말로 구성되는 통방융합 환경에서 사용자가 언제 어디서나 원하는 방송 콘텐츠를 다양한 수준의 품질이 보장된 형태로 접근/소비할 수 있는 유비쿼터스 콘텐츠 서비스를 제공하기 위한 상호연동 가능한 멀티미디어 프레임워크기술이다. UCA 기술은 OSMU, E2E QoS-enabled 콘텐츠 서비스, 개인 맞춤형 소비를 위한 서비스 기능 등을 제공하는 것으로, 향후 All-IP 기반의 통합 인프라로 진행될것으로 전망되는 통방융합의 기반 기술로 통방융합 Info-Structure를 제공하기 위한 기술이라고 할 수 있다. 본 고에서는 UCA 기술의 전반적인 기술 개요 및 표준 기반의주요 핵심기술을 소개하고 관련 기술개발 동향 및 전망을 살펴본다.