• Title/Summary/Keyword: Two-Zone Model

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Effects of Stiffness of Face Supporting Zone on Face Slab Behaviors of CFRD (CFRD 차수벽지지죤 강성이 콘크리트차수벽 거동에 미치는 영향)

  • Ha, Ik Soo;Seo, Min Woo;Kim, Hyoung Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.5C
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    • pp.351-358
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to recommend the simulation method and procedure of behaviors of CFRD(Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam) concrete face slab with impoundment by centrifuge tests, to examine the effects of the flexural rigidity of the concrete face slab on the face slab deformation from the centrifuge tests, and to evaluate the effects of the stiffness of face supporting zone on the displacement and moment of face slab by numerical analysis which is verified by the centrifuge tests. In this study, the centrifuge tests on the two model dams with the concrete face slab of different flexural rigidity were carried out. Also, the centrifuge tests were simulated by numerical analysis of which input material properties were obtained by the triaxial tests on the model materials. The validity of numerical analysis was evaluated by comparison between the results of centrifuge tests and numerical simulation. The deformation pattern of the concrete face slab was examined with the various stiffness of the face supporting zone by numerical analysis. From the results of centrifuge tests, the effects of face slab thickness on the deformation of face slab were negligible. From the results of centrifuge tests and numerical analysis, it was found that the amplitude of the maximum displacement of face slab and the position where the maximum displacement was mobilized with impoundment were affected by the stiffness of face supporting zone rather than the flexural rigidity of concrete face slab.

Extraction of a crack opening from a continuous approach using regularized damage models

  • Dufour, Frederic;Pijaudier-Cabot, Gilles;Choinska, Marta;Huerta, Antonio
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.375-388
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    • 2008
  • Crack opening governs many transfer properties that play a pivotal role in durability analyses. Instead of trying to combine continuum and discrete models in computational analyses, it would be attractive to derive from the continuum approach an estimate of crack opening, without considering the explicit description of a discontinuous displacement field in the computational model. This is the prime objective of this contribution. The derivation is based on the comparison between two continuous variables: the distribution if the effective non local strain that controls damage and an analytical distribution of the effective non local variable that derives from a strong discontinuity analysis. Close to complete failure, these distributions should be very close to each other. Their comparison provides two quantities: the displacement jump across the crack [U] and the distance between the two profiles. This distance is an error indicator defining how close the damage distribution is from that corresponding to a crack surrounded by a fracture process zone. It may subsequently serve in continuous/discrete models in order to define the threshold below which the continuum approach is close enough to the discrete one in order to switch descriptions. The estimation of the crack opening is illustrated on a one-dimensional example and the error between the profiles issued from discontinuous and FE analyses is found to be of a few percents close to complete failure.

A Numerical Study on the Effects of Buildings and Topography on the Spatial Distributions of Air Pollutants in a Building-Congested District (건물 밀집 지역에서 대기오염물질 분포에 미치는 건물과 지형의 영향에 관한 수치 연구)

  • Kang, Geon;Kim, Jae-Jin;Lee, Jae-Bum
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_1
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    • pp.139-153
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    • 2020
  • Using a computationalfluid dynamics(CFD) model, thisstudy evaluated the representativeness of an air quality monitoring system (AQMS) in an urban area and presented a methodology to determine the suitable AQMS locations for specific purposes. For this, we selected a 1.6 km × 1.6 km area around the Eunpyeong-gu AQMS (AQMS 111181) as a target area. We conducted simulationsfor two emission scenarios (scenario one: air pollutants transported from inflow boundaries, scenario two: air pollutants emitted from roads). Urban airflows were markedly influenced by mountainous terrain located in the northeast and southeast of the target area, and complicated airflow patterns occurred around the buildings. The distributions of air pollutants were dependent on the terrain (mountain) in scenario one, but the road location and building height in scenario 2. We evaluated whether the AQMS could represent the air quality in the target area based on the simulations for two scenarios. The concentrations simulated at the AQMS were similar in magnitude to the layer mean concentrations, which indicated good representativeness for the air quality in the target area. We also suggested which locations were suitable for different measurement purposes (hot spots, clean zones, average zones, shelter zones, equi-background zones).

Improving the linear flexibility distribution model to simultaneously account for gravity and lateral loads

  • Habibi, AliReza;Izadpanah, Mehdi
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2017
  • There are two methods to model the plastification of members comprising lumped and distributed plasticity. When a reinforced concrete member experiences inelastic deformations, cracks tend to spread from the joint interface resulting in a curvature distribution; therefore, the lumped plasticity methods assuming plasticity is concentrated at a zero-length plastic hinge section at the ends of the elements, cannot model the actual behavior of reinforced concrete members. Some spread plasticity models including uniform, linear and recently power have been developed to take extended inelastic zone into account. In the aforementioned models, the extended inelastic zones in proximity of critical sections assumed close to connections are considered. Although the mentioned assumption is proper for the buildings simply imposed lateral loads, it is not appropriate for the gravity load effects. The gravity load effects can influence the inelastic zones in structural elements; therefore, the plasticity models presenting the flexibility distribution along the member merely based on lateral loads apart from the gravity load effects can bring about incorrect stiffness matrix for structure. In this study, the linear flexibility distribution model is improved to account for the distributed plasticity of members subjected to both gravity and lateral load effects. To do so, a new model in which, each member is taken as one structural element into account is proposed. Some numerical examples from previous studies are assessed and outcomes confirm the accuracy of proposed model. Also comparing the results of the proposed model with other spread plasticity models illustrates glaring error produced due to neglecting the gravity load effects.

Analysis of post-failure response of sands using a critical state micropolar plasticity model

  • Manzari, Majid T.;Yonten, Karma
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.187-206
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    • 2011
  • Accurate estimations of pre-failure deformations and post-failure responses of geostructures require that the simulation tool possesses at least three main ingredients: 1) a constitutive model that is able to describe the macroscopic stress-strain-strength behavior of soils subjected to complex stress/strain paths over a wide range of confining pressures and densities, 2) an embedded length scale that accounts for the intricate physical phenomena that occur at the grain size scale in the soil, and 3) a computational platform that allows the analysis to be carried out beyond the development of an initially "contained" failure zone in the soil. In this paper, a two-scale micropolar plasticity model will be used to incorporate all these ingredients. The model is implemented in a finite element platform that is based on the mechanics of micropolar continua. Appropriate finite elements are developed to couple displacement, micro-rotations, and pore-water pressure in form of $u_n-{\phi}_m$ and $u_n-p_m-{\phi}_m$ (n > m) elements for analysis of dry and saturated soils. Performance of the model is assessed in a biaxial compression test on a slightly heterogeneous specimen of sand. The role of micropolar component of the model on capturing the post-failure response of the soil is demonstrated.

Development of 3D Meso-Scale finite element model to study the mechanical behavior of steel microfiber-reinforced polymer concrete

  • Esmaeili, J.;Andalibia, K.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.413-422
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    • 2019
  • In this study, 3D Meso-scale finite-element model is presented to study the mechanical behavior of steel microfiber-reinforced polymer concrete considering the random distribution of fibers in the matrix. The composite comprises two separate parts which are the polymer composite and steel microfibers. The polymer composite is assumed to be homogeneous, which its mechanical properties are measured by performing experimental tests. The steel microfiber-polymer bonding is simulated with the Cohesive Zone Model (CZM) to offer more-realistic assumptions. The CZM parameters are obtained by calibrating the numerical model using the results of the experimental pullout tests on an individual microfiber. The accuracy of the results is validated by comparing the obtained results with the corresponding values attained from testing the steel microfiber-reinforced polymer concrete incorporating 0, 1 and 2% by volume of microfibers, which indicates the excellent accuracy of the current proposed model. The results show that the microfiber aspect ratio has a considerable effect on the mechanical properties of the reinforced polymer concrete. Applying microfibers with a higher aspect ratio improves the mechanical properties of the composite considerably especially when the first crack appears in the polymer concrete specimens.

Genetic Algorithm Based Optimal Seismic Design Method for Inducing the Beam-Hinge Mechanism of Steel Moment Frames (철골모멘트골조의 보-힌지 붕괴모드를 유도하는 유전자알고리즘 기반 최적내진설계기법)

  • Park, Hyo-Seon;Choi, Se-Woon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, the optimal seismic design method for inducing the beam-hinge collapse mechanism of steel moment frames is presented. This uses the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II(NSGA-II) as an optimal algorithm. The constraint condition for preventing the occurrence of plastic hinges at columns is used to induce the beam-hinge collapse mechanism. This method uses two objective functions to minimize the structural weight and maximize the dissipated energy. The proposed method is verified by the application to nine story steel moment frame example. The minimum column-to-beam strength ratio to induce the beam-hinge collapse mechanism are investigated based on the simulation results. To identify the influence of panel zone on the minimum column-to-beam strength ratio, three analytic modeling methods(nonlinear centerline model without rigid end offsets, nonlinear centerline model with rigid end offsets, nonlinear model with panel zones) are used.

A Study on the Model of Inter-Korean Economic Integration Based on Industrial Cooperation (산업협력 기반 한반도경제정책의 구상)

  • Han, Hongyul
    • 사회경제평론
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.29-53
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    • 2018
  • This study provides a model of inter-Korean economic cooperation suggesting that economic cooperation should be centered on industrial cooperation. As an independent economic zone, the two Koreas will go through a gradual and functional process of cooperation. Also, economic convergence through 'openness and integration' of both markets is a pre-requisite of successful economic integration on the Korean peninsula. This success of the process requires industrialization of North Korea. This study suggests a model of 'the Corea Industrial Development Community on the Korean Peninsula. It aims to support industrialization of the North Korean economy as well as promotion of South Korea's SME competitiveness. It would help meet the demand for improvement of living conditions of North Korean people. Main policy measures includes: 1) co-effort to develop North Korea's provincial industrial zones, 2) upgrading North Korea's 'Jangmadang' into a highly efficient distribution market. Finally, through the construction of the Joint Industrial Development Zone, it is necessary to create a production sharing module for both Korea's industries.

Dynamic Responses of a Slender Offshore Structure Subject to Level Ice Load (平坦氷荷重을 받는 細長形 해양구조물의 動的 거동)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.156-166
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    • 1995
  • Regrading the development of offshore natural gas field near Sakhalin Island which is an ice-infested area, this study aims to estimate the dynamic ice load for construction of offshore structures operating in this region. In this paper the design ice load and dynamic responses of a slender Arctic structure upon continuous ice movement are sutdied. Crushing agter a certain elastic deformation is assumed as a primary failure mechanism at the contact zone between semi-infinite level ice edge and the face of structure. Dynamic interaction forces are calculated using a modified Korzhavin's equation and a two-dimensional ice-structure interaction model is adopted. To verify the numerical model, dynamic analysis is performed for on of the Baltic Sea channel markers whose response patterns were presiously observed.

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ADS-B based Trajectory Prediction and Conflict Detection for Air Traffic Management

  • Baek, Kwang-Yul;Bang, Hyo-Choong
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.377-385
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    • 2012
  • The Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) system is a key component of CNS/ATM recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as the next generation air traffic control system. ADS-B broadcasts identification, positional data, and operation information of an aircraft to other aircraft, ground vehicles and ground stations in the nearby region. This paper explores the ADS-B based trajectory prediction and the conflict detection algorithm. The multiple-model based trajectory prediction algorithm leads accurate predicted conflict probability at a future forecast time. We propose an efficient and accurate algorithm to calculate conflict probability based on approximation of the conflict zone by a set of blocks. The performance of proposed algorithms is demonstrated by a numerical simulation of two aircraft encounter scenarios.