• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trust model

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An Access Control Based Privacy Protection Model in ID Management System (ID관리시스템의 접근통제기반 프라이버시 보안모델)

  • Choi Hyang-Chang;Noh Bong-Nam;Lee Hyung-Hyo
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2006
  • The vulnerability of privacy in the Identity Management System (IMS) is the most pressing concern of ordinary users. Uncertainty about privacy keeps many users away from utilization of IMS. Therefore, this paper proposes an access-control oriented privacy model for IMS. The proposed model protects privacy using access control techniques with privacy policies in a single circle of trust. We address characteristics of the components of for the proposed model and describe access control procedures. After that, we show the architecture of privacy enforcement and XML-based schema for privacy policies.

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A Study on Antecedents of Cognitive and Affective Trust Leading to IT Service Project Performance (IT서비스 프로젝트에 있어서 인지적 신뢰와 정서적 신뢰를 형성하는 요인들에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jungin;Park, Jun-Gi;Lee, Jungwoo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.51-71
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    • 2014
  • This study explores the influence of cognitive and affective trust on IT service project performance. Technology and Business expertise are posited as antecedents for cognitive trust which social bonding and relationship conflict as over for affective trust. Communication is posited as the commons antecedent for both kind of trust. A study was administered among IT Project leading in different projects. Analysis of 169 data point in general supports the research model. For building cognitive trust, Communication is formal to be must important while business expertise the second and technical expertise the third. For affective trust, the influence of antecedent are relatively smaller than the case of cognitive trust. For project performance, Cognitive trust seem to have stronger impact as IT may have direct impact as well as indirect impact via affective trust. Findings trust though the impact is smaller than the cognitive trust. In practice, this means to maintain Balanced approach in fostering trust-cognitive and affective.

Social Network-based Hybrid Collaborative Filtering using Genetic Algorithms (유전자 알고리즘을 활용한 소셜네트워크 기반 하이브리드 협업필터링)

  • Noh, Heeryong;Choi, Seulbi;Ahn, Hyunchul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.19-38
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    • 2017
  • Collaborative filtering (CF) algorithm has been popularly used for implementing recommender systems. Until now, there have been many prior studies to improve the accuracy of CF. Among them, some recent studies adopt 'hybrid recommendation approach', which enhances the performance of conventional CF by using additional information. In this research, we propose a new hybrid recommender system which fuses CF and the results from the social network analysis on trust and distrust relationship networks among users to enhance prediction accuracy. The proposed algorithm of our study is based on memory-based CF. But, when calculating the similarity between users in CF, our proposed algorithm considers not only the correlation of the users' numeric rating patterns, but also the users' in-degree centrality values derived from trust and distrust relationship networks. In specific, it is designed to amplify the similarity between a target user and his or her neighbor when the neighbor has higher in-degree centrality in the trust relationship network. Also, it attenuates the similarity between a target user and his or her neighbor when the neighbor has higher in-degree centrality in the distrust relationship network. Our proposed algorithm considers four (4) types of user relationships - direct trust, indirect trust, direct distrust, and indirect distrust - in total. And, it uses four adjusting coefficients, which adjusts the level of amplification / attenuation for in-degree centrality values derived from direct / indirect trust and distrust relationship networks. To determine optimal adjusting coefficients, genetic algorithms (GA) has been adopted. Under this background, we named our proposed algorithm as SNACF-GA (Social Network Analysis - based CF using GA). To validate the performance of the SNACF-GA, we used a real-world data set which is called 'Extended Epinions dataset' provided by 'trustlet.org'. It is the data set contains user responses (rating scores and reviews) after purchasing specific items (e.g. car, movie, music, book) as well as trust / distrust relationship information indicating whom to trust or distrust between users. The experimental system was basically developed using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), but we also used UCINET 6 for calculating the in-degree centrality of trust / distrust relationship networks. In addition, we used Palisade Software's Evolver, which is a commercial software implements genetic algorithm. To examine the effectiveness of our proposed system more precisely, we adopted two comparison models. The first comparison model is conventional CF. It only uses users' explicit numeric ratings when calculating the similarities between users. That is, it does not consider trust / distrust relationship between users at all. The second comparison model is SNACF (Social Network Analysis - based CF). SNACF differs from the proposed algorithm SNACF-GA in that it considers only direct trust / distrust relationships. It also does not use GA optimization. The performances of the proposed algorithm and comparison models were evaluated by using average MAE (mean absolute error). Experimental result showed that the optimal adjusting coefficients for direct trust, indirect trust, direct distrust, indirect distrust were 0, 1.4287, 1.5, 0.4615 each. This implies that distrust relationships between users are more important than trust ones in recommender systems. From the perspective of recommendation accuracy, SNACF-GA (Avg. MAE = 0.111943), the proposed algorithm which reflects both direct and indirect trust / distrust relationships information, was found to greatly outperform a conventional CF (Avg. MAE = 0.112638). Also, the algorithm showed better recommendation accuracy than the SNACF (Avg. MAE = 0.112209). To confirm whether these differences are statistically significant or not, we applied paired samples t-test. The results from the paired samples t-test presented that the difference between SNACF-GA and conventional CF was statistical significant at the 1% significance level, and the difference between SNACF-GA and SNACF was statistical significant at the 5%. Our study found that the trust/distrust relationship can be important information for improving performance of recommendation algorithms. Especially, distrust relationship information was found to have a greater impact on the performance improvement of CF. This implies that we need to have more attention on distrust (negative) relationships rather than trust (positive) ones when tracking and managing social relationships between users.

The Effect of Franchisor's On-going Support Services on Franchisee's Relationship Quality and Business Performance in the Foodservice Industry (외식 프랜차이즈 가맹본부의 사후 지원서비스가 가맹점의 관계품질과 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jae-Han;Lee, Yong-Ki;Han, Kyu-Chul
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 2010
  • Introduction The purpose of this research is to develop overall model which involves the effect of ongoing support services by franchisor on franchisee's relationship quality(trust, satisfaction, and commitment) and business performance(financial and non-financial performance), and to investigate the relationships among trust, satisfaction, commitment, financial and non-financial performance. This study also suggests franchise business or franchise system should be based on long-term orientation between franchisor and franchisee rather than short-term orientation, or transactional relationship, and proposes the most effective way of providing on-going support services by franchisor with franchisee thru symbiotic relationship among franchisor and franchisee Research Model and Hypothesis The research model as Figure 1 shows the variables on-going support services which affect the relationship quality between franchisor and franchisee such as trust, satisfaction, and commitment, and also analyze the effects of relationship quality on business performance including financial and non-financial performance We established 12 hypotheses to test as follows; Relationship between on-going support services and trust H1: On-going support services factors (product category & price, logistics service, promotion, information providing & problem solving capability, supervisor's support, and education & training support) have positive effect on franchisee's trust. Relationship between on-going support services and satisfaction H2: On-going support services factors (product category & price, logistics service, promotion, information providing & problem solving capability, supervisor's support, and education & training support) have positive effect on franchisee's satisfaction. Relationship between on-going support services and commitment H3: On-going support services factors (product category & price, logistics service, promotion, information providing & problem solving capability, supervisor's support, and education & training support) have positive effect on franchisee's commitment. Relationship among relationship quality: trust, satisfaction, and commitment H4: Franchisee's trust has positive effect on franchisee's satisfaction. H5: Franchisee's trust has positive effect on franchisee's commitment. H6: Franchisee's satisfaction has positive effect on franchisee's commitment. Relationship between relationship quality and business performance H7: Franchisee's trust has positive effect on franchisee's financial performance. H8: Franchisee's trust has positive effect on franchisee's non-financial performance. H9: Franchisee's satisfaction has positive effect on franchisee's financial performance. H10: Franchisee's satisfaction has positive effect on franchisee's non-financial performance. H11: Franchisee's commitment has positive effect on franchisee's financial performance. H12: Franchisee's commitment has positive effect on franchisee's non-financial performance. Method The on-going support services were defined as an organized system of continuous supporting services by franchisor for the purpose of satisfying the expectation of franchisee based on long-term orientation and classified into six constructs such as product category & price, logistics service, promotion, providing information & problem solving capability, supervisor's support, and education & training support. The six constructs were measured agreement using a 7-point Likert-type scale (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree)as follows. The product category & price was measured by four items: menu variety, price of food material provided by franchisor, and support for developing new menu. The logistics service was measured by six items: distribution system of franchisor, return policy for provided food materials, timeliness, inventory control level of franchisor, accuracy of order, and flexibility of emergency order. The promotion was measured by five items: differentiated promotion activities, brand image of franchisor, promotion effect such as customer increase, long-term plan of promotion, and micro-marketing concept in promotion. The providing information & problem solving capability was measured by information providing of new products, information of competitors, information of cost reduction, and efforts for solving problems in franchisee's operations. The supervisor's support was measured by supervisor operations, frequency of visiting franchisee, support by data analysis, processing the suggestions by franchisee, diagnosis and solutions for the franchisee's operations, and support for increasing sales in franchisee. Finally, the of education & training support was measured by recipe training by specialist, service training for store people, systemized training program, and tax & human resources support services. Analysis and results The data were analyzed using Amos. Figure 2 and Table 1 present the result of the structural equation model. Implications The results of this research are as follows: Firstly, the factors of product category, information providing and problem solving capacity influence only franchisee's satisfaction and commitment. Secondly, logistic services and supervising factors influence only trust and satisfaction. Thirdly, continuing education and training factors influence only franchisee's trust and commitment. Fourthly, sales promotion factor influences all the relationship quality representing trust, satisfaction, and commitment. Fifthly, regarding relationship among relationship quality, trust positively influences satisfaction, however, does not directly influence commitment, but satisfaction positively affects commitment. Therefore, satisfaction plays a mediating role between trust and commitment. Sixthly, trust positively influence only financial performance, and satisfaction and commitment influence positively both financial and non-financial performance.

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Extending of TAM through Perceived Trust and its Application to Autonomous Driving (지각된 신뢰에 기반한 기술수용모델의 확장과 자율주행에의 적용에 관한 실증연구)

  • Lee, Kangmun;Roh, Taewoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of technology acceptance model (TAM) on behavioral intention in order to grasp the degree of technology acceptance on autonomous driving among the various factors that consumers perceive as unmanned vehicle system becomes commercialized. In addition to the mediating effect of perceived usefulness proposed by the existing TAM, this study proposed the perceived trust (PT) and hypothesized its mediating effect on behavioral intention to use the self-driving. Path anlaysis is adopted to investigate our hypothesis using the structural equation model. The sample used for the analysis was 149 valid data among 160 responses. The effects of total effect, direct effect, and indirect effect were confirmed by hypothesis test on mediating effect. Non-parametric bootstrapping analysis was also performed to confirm the robustness. All the hypotheses were significant and we found a partial indirect effect, which implies that mediation effect of PT on behavioral intention.

A Study on the Effects of Loyalty Program on Relationship Quality and Re-visit intention - A Focus on the Moderating Effects of Restaurant Type - (충성도 프로그램이 관계품질과 재방문의도에 미치는 영향 - 레스토랑 유형의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sun Lyung;Namkung, Young;Yoon, Hye Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.186-194
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the effect of loyalty program in family and fastfood restaurant on relationship quality (trust, commitment) and revisit intention. Based on total 394 samples obtained from empirical research, this study reviewed the reliability and fitness of a research model using the Amos program. The hypothesized relationships in the model were simultaneously tested using a structural equation model (SEM). The proposed model provided an adequate fit to the data, ${\chi}^2$ 102.338 (df 48), GFI .959, RMR .049, NFI .970, CFI .984 SEM resulted that loyalty progam (${\beta}$= .429, t=7.880, p< .001) showed a positive significant effect on trust, and that loyalty program (${\beta}$= .455, t=9.532, p< .001) had a positive significant effect on commitment. Also, both trust (${\beta}$= .450, t=6.595, p< .001) and commitment (${\beta}$= .474, t=5.117, p< .001) had a positive significant effect on revisit intention. In addition, there were moderating effects related to restaurant type (family and fastfood restaurant) in terms of causal relationships between loyalty program, relationship quality and revisit intention. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.

The Effects of Job-Seeking Stress, Appearance Recognition, Financial Distress, Trust in Government, and Locus of Control on University Students' Happiness (취업스트레스, 외모인식, 재무스트레스, 정부신뢰도, 내외통제성이 대학생의 행복에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Min-Koo;Lee, Gyoung-Gun;Lee, Suk-Yong;Chun, Jun-Ha;Han, Yong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2017
  • Most people seek a happy life and happiness positively affects sentiment, satisfaction with life, creativity, human relationship, business productivity, and even health and life extension. However, according to a survey in 2013, subjective happiness of adolescents (including university students) was very low compared to other age groups in Korea. Therefore this paper examined the effects of job-seeking stress, appearance recognition, financial situation, trust in government, and locus of control on university students' happiness using SEM (structural equation modeling). 207 university students in Seoul, Korea have been surveyed. At first, an initial experimental SEM model among these variables has been set up and reliability analysis has been conducted. Then multiple regression analyses on job-seeking stress and happiness as well as SEM analysis have been conducted. As a result of these analyses, the SEM model has been revised two times. The final SEM model passed the goodness-of-fit test (using RMR, GFI, NFI, CFI, and IFI indices). The final SEM model showed the followings. First, Higher job-seeking stress (especially sentimental part, rather than environment or action related parts) negatively affects happiness. Second, Trust in government also affects happiness both directly and indirectly. Third, Locus of control is affected both by trust in government and financial situation. Fourth, appearance recognition heavily affects job-seeking stress. In addition, appearance importance is higher than appearance interest, meaning that students who are not very interested in appearance usually recognize the importance of appearance. Finally, happiness is affected neither financial situation nor appearance recognition. Therefore, even either they are in a poor financial situation or not happy with their appearance, they can be happy if they have firm locus of control.

A Comparative Study on Consumer Attitude and Intention toward Online Food Purchasing in Korea and Vietnam: The Moderating Effect of Nationality

  • Chung, Jae-Eun;Nguyen, Thi Bich Loan;Nguyen, Thi Thu Ha;Moon, Hee-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - This paper empirically analyzed the determinants of the online food market in Korea and Vietnam as representatives of the developed market and emerging market. The online food market can be regarded as having a high potential value. This study aims to suggest the appropriate implications for each developed market and emerging market by empirically comparing and analyzing customers' online food purchase determinants in the growth change of the online food market. Design/methodology - The empirical model of this study was established with the motif of the TAM+Trust model suggested by Nguyen et al.'s (2019) existing theoretical framework. Davis's (1989) TAM model was adopted to establish a framework related to the determinants that consumers would accept, for the online food purchasing method. Then, the trust variable is added to the framework which is regarded as an important effector especially in food related researches. In this study's comparative analysis, the multi-group structural equation modeling analysis was implemented. Findings - The main finding of this study can be summarized as that the moderating effect of nationality is significant. This means that there is an obvious difference between the developed online food market and the emerging online food market. In addition, as the growth of the online market changes, the significant determinants of consumers' attitudes and purchase intentions are somewhat different. However, the usefulness of online food purchasing methods and the trust of websites were analyzed as significant factors. Originality/value - Although the potential of the online food market is abundant, studies on the determinants of customer's attitude and purchase intention are insufficient. Moreover, comparative studies between countries have not been conducted in existing studies. Therefore, the research value of this paper can be explained in that it has suggested implications for the continued growth of the online food market.

The Effects of Fairness and Quality on the Trust and Loyalty in the R&D Processes (연구개발 과정에서 공정성과 품질이 신뢰와 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Yonggil
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.115-136
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    • 2018
  • Recently R&D projects take a collaborative works which involve industries, research institutions, and academic fields together. Collaborative R&D enjoys the economy of scales and economic efficiencies in that costs and risks share each others and compensate their competences. But there are some problems. The imbalance of power, the asymmetry of information, loss of trust, and opportunism among the co-researchers make the collaborative R&D difficult to succeed and disappointed outcomes. There are many variables on explaining the interorganizational relationships. Among them, I choose some relevant variables, construct research model and some hypotheses. Independent variables are fairness and quality, and dependent variables is loyalty. And trust are treated as the intervening variable between the independent variables and dependent variable. To test the research model and some hypothesis empirically, I collected the data using the questionnaire, The questionnaire was distributed to the persons that do collaborative R&D in Daeduck Innopolis. Sample size was 448, it was enough to analyze statistically. Data were analysed using the SPSS and AMOS. Procedural fairness and distributive fairness affect the organizational trust positively, and procedural fairness and distributive fairness affect member trust positively. Procedural quality and outcome quality affect the organizational quality positively. Procedural quality affects the member trust positively, but outcome quality does not affect member trust. Procedural fairness and distributive fairness does not affect the loyalty positively. Procedural quality does not affects loyalty, but outcome quality affects the loyalty positively. The organizational trust affects loyalty positively, and member quality affect loyalty positively.

Roles of Buyer's Trust and Distrust in Open Markets: Focusing on Transfer between Intermediary and Seller (오픈마켓에서 구매자의 신뢰와 불신의 역할: 중개업체와 판매자간 전이를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Suk-Joo;Choi, Seulbi;Ahn, Hyunchul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.360-374
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates the effects of trust and distrust on intention to purchase in open markets, based on the ideas derived from previous studies such as coexistence of trust and distrust, and two distinct trustees in open markets-intermediary and sellers. Specifically, this study i) proposes a trust-distrust model of intermediary and sellers, ii) explores the transfer of trust and distrust from intermediary to sellers, and iii) discovers the antecedents of trust and distrust. The empirical validation using Partial Least Squares shows three results as follows. First, trust in intermediary positively affects intention to purchase through the mediated impact of trust in sellers. That is, trust in intermediary transfers to trust in sellers. Second, distrust in intermediary negatively affects intention to purchase through the mediated impact of customers' perceived risk. Third, structural assurance and perceived website quality positively affect trust in intermediary. The results of this research have implications for intermediary firms not only to build trust but also to manage distrust level. However, this study could not identify any antecedent of distrust, so further research for these antecedents will be needed in the future.