• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tree Length

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Relation between crown-length, tree-height, diameter Clear-bale length and the longest branch length in a Pinus densiflora stand (적송림(赤松林)에 있어서의 성장인자간(成長因子間)의 상관(相關))

  • Yim, Kyong Bin;Pack, Myong Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 1966
  • Taking an opportunity of the application of clearcutting method, 140 red pine (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.) trees grown at Chon-nam province, the southern part of South Korea, were fellen and the tree height, clear-bole length, D.B.H. diameter at base(0.2m above from the ground line) and the length of the longest branch were measured. The correlation between factors mentioned were analysed. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The correlation between crown length and tree height (r=0.821) was sinificant. 2. The correlation between the diameter at base and D.B.H. was highly significant (r=0.961). D.B.H. can be calculated from multiplying the diameter at base by 0.88. 3. A weak relation between D.B.H and tree height was abserved. 4. The positive correlation between tree height and clear-bole-length was calculated, but it was not sharp between D.B.H. and the length of the longest branch. 5. The height, basal area, D.B.H. and volume increment by tree class calculated from the data of the stem analysis are presented (Tab. 3~10).

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Efficient Construction of Euclidean Steiner Minimum Tree Using Combination of Delaunay Triangulation and Minimum Spanning Tree (들로네 삼각망과 최소신장트리를 결합한 효율적인 유클리드 스타이너 최소트리 생성)

  • Kim, Inbum
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2014
  • As Steiner minimum tree building belongs to NP-Complete problem domain, heuristics for the problem ask for immense amount execution time and computations in numerous inputs. In this paper, we propose an efficient mechanism of euclidean Steiner minimum tree construction for numerous inputs using combination of Delaunay triangulation and Prim's minimum spanning tree algorithm. Trees built by proposed mechanism are compared respectively with the Prim's minimum spanning tree and minimums spanning tree based Steiner minimum tree. For 30,000 input nodes, Steiner minimum tree by proposed mechanism shows about 2.1% tree length less and 138.2% execution time more than minimum spanning tree, and does about 0.013% tree length less and 18.9% execution time less than minimum spanning tree based Steiner minimum tree in experimental results. Therefore the proposed mechanism can work moderately well to many useful applications where execution time is not critical but reduction of tree length is a key factor.

Water Tree Characteristics of XLPE/EnBA Blends as a function of Crosslinking Coagent Contents (XLPE/EnBA에서의 가교조제에 따른 수트리 특성)

  • 오우정;서광석;김종은
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.219-222
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    • 1998
  • In this study, The water tree characteristics were investigated when crosslinking coagent was added in XLPE/EnBA blends. When XLPE was blended with EnBA, there was a decrease of water tree length as an increase of nBA contents in XLPE/EnBA20 blends. The effect of crosslinking coagent. A was better than those of other crosslinking coagents B, C and D in water tree retardation. In case of XLPE/EnBA/Crosslinking coagent blends, water tree length was increased as the crosslinking coagents were increased from 0.2 to 2 phr in 2.0 phr DCP content. To clarify the effects of crosslinking coagent, the DCP contents were changed from 1.5 to 2.0 par in the same crosslinking coagent contents. Then, there was a decrease of water tree length as an increase of crosslinking coagent contents in 1.5 and 1.8 phr DCP contents.

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Mechanism for Building Approximation Edge Minimum Spanning Tree Using Portals on Input Edges (선분상의 포탈을 이용한 근사 선분 최소 신장 트리의 생성)

  • Kim, In-Bum;Kim, Soo-In
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.16A no.6
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    • pp.509-518
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a mechanism that produces an approximation edges minimum spanning tree swiftly using virtual nodes called portals dividing given edges into same distance sub-edges. The approximation edges minimum spanning tree can be used in many useful areas as connecting communication lines, road networks and railroad systems. For 3000 random input edges, when portal distance is 0.3, tree building time decreased 29.74% while the length of the produced tree increased 1.8% comparing with optimal edge minimum spanning tree in our experiment. When portal distance is 0.75, tree building time decreased 39.96% while the tree length increased 2.96%. The result shows this mechanism might be well applied to the applications that may allow a little length overhead, but should produce an edge connecting tree in short time. And the proposed mechanism can produce an approximation edge minimum spanning tree focusing on tree length or on building time to meet user requests by adjusting portal distance or portal discard ratio as parameter.

An Analysis on Treeing in XLPE by means of Image Processing (화상처리에 의한 XLPE의 트리잉 해석)

  • 이재봉;임장섭;정우성;김태성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1994.11a
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 1994
  • Studies on treeing phenomena have depended on the visual measurement using optical microscope. In the visual measurement, it is difficult to analyze the treeing in real time because voltages are applied discontinuously and impossible to calculate the deterioated area by treeing. Only tree type and length are studied. In this paper, image processing is introduced and voltages are applied continuously. The tree length and area are calculated in real time from tree inception to breakdown. Growing characteristics about tree types are compared for the normalized breakdown time.

Construction of UOWHF: New Parallel Domain Extender with Optimal Key Size (UOWHF 구생방법 : 최적의 키 길이를 가자는 새로운 병렬 도메인 확장기)

  • Wonil Lee;Donghoon Chang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2004
  • We present a new parallel algorithm for extending the domain of a UOWHF. Our algorithm is based on non-complete l-ary tree and has the same optimal key length expansion as Shoup's which has the most efficient key length expansion known so far. Using the recent result [8], we can also prove that the key length expansion of this algorithm and Shoup's sequential algorithm are the minimum possible for any algorithms in a large class of "natural" domain extending algorithms. But its prallelizability performance is less efficient than complete tree based constructions. However if l is getting larger then the parallelizability of the construction is also getting near to that of complete tree based constructions.tructions.

Cyclic testing of steel column-tree moment connections with various beam splice lengths

  • Lee, Kangmin;Li, Rui;Chen, Liuyi;Oh, Keunyeong;Kim, Kang-Seok
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cyclic behavior of steel column-tree moment connections used in steel moment resisting frames. These connections are composed of shop-welded stub beam-to-column connection and field bolted beam-to-beam splice. In this study, the effects of beam splice length on the seismic performance of column-tree connections were experimentally investigated. The change of the beam splice location alters the bending moment and shear force at the splice, and this may affect the seismic performance of column-tree connections. Three full-scale test specimens of column-tree connections with the splice lengths of 900 mm, 1,100 mm, and 1,300 mm were fabricated and tested. The splice lengths were roughly 1/6, 1/7, 1/8 of the beam span length of 7,500 mm, respectively. The test results showed that all the specimens successfully developed ductile behavior without brittle fracture until 5% radians story drift angle. The maximum moment resisting capacity of the specimens showed little differences. The specimen with the splice length of 1,300 mm showed better bolt slip resistance than the other specimens due to the smallest bending moment at the beam splice.

Algorithm for finding a length-constrained heaviest path of a tree (트리에서 길이 제한이 있는 가장 무거운 경로를 찾는 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Sung-Kwon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.13A no.6 s.103
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    • pp.541-544
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    • 2006
  • In a tree with each edge associated with a length and a weight (positive, negative, or zero are possible) we develop an O(nlognloglogn) time algorithm for finding a path such that its sum of weights is maximized and its sum of lengths does not exceed a given value. The previously best-known result is O($nlog^2n$), where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

The Study on Vigor and External Factors of Tree in Damaged Pine Stands by Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye (솔잎혹파리 피해임지내 수목의 외형적 인자와 관련한 수세변동과정 해석)

  • Lee, Chan-Yong;Kim, Joung-Kuk;Chae, Hee-Mun;Lee, Sang-Bae;Won, Dae-Sung
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2001
  • This paper investigated external factors (height. crown width. diameter breath height, clear length) of tree and electric resistance ($k{\Omega}$) in damaged forest by Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye. The height. crown width and diameter breath height of tree external factors have high a coefficient of correlation. but clear length has not a coefficient of correlation. In relationship of electric resistance and external factor. big tree that height. crown width. diameter breath height has lower electric resistance value than that of small tree. (low electric resistance value is high tree vigor, high electric resistance value is low tree vigor)) Dead tree have smaller diameter breath height. crown width. higher clear length than survival tree in damaged forest by Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye. To investigation of relationship external factors according to electric resistance value. electric resistance value was divided three class (< $l4k{\Omega}$, possible of survival. $14{\sim}20k{\Omega}$, > $20k{\Omega}$, possible of dead). In lower class(< $l4k{\Omega}$), external factors have bigger which was height. crown width. diameter breath height and lower which was clear length than them of higher class ($14{\sim}20k{\Omega}$, > $20k{\Omega}$). Linear regression solutions of electric resistance and external factors were Y = -0.572 ${\times}$ Height - 1.163 ${\times}$ crown width - 0.242 ${\times}$ diameter breath height + 0.757 ${\times}$ clear length + 25.765. Regression solutions were significant in 5%.

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Water Tree Characteristics of Crosslinked Polythylene (가교 폴리에틸렌의 수트리 특성)

  • Nam, Jin-Ho;Kim, Woong;Kim, Hyeon-Seok;Kim, Joon-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.295-295
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    • 2008
  • Water tree experiments were done for several types of cross-linked polyethylenes. Test method is followed by ASTM D6097. Polyethylene is divided for four subgroup. First One is chemically cross-linked general XLPE, and second one is chemically cross-linked tree-retardant XLPE, and the third one is silane cross-linked polyethylene made by monosil process, and the last one is silane cross-linked polythylene made by copolymer. Tree retardant XLPE shows the shortest water tree length. Cahemcally cross-linked general XLPE shows the longest water tree length. Silane cross-linked polyethylene by copolymer is similar to tree retardant XLPE and similar breakdown strength. So silane cross-linked XLPE by copolymer could be used for the the medium voltage cable which should have tree retardant characteristics.

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