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  • 제목/요약/키워드: Transition-state

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Korean Phoneme Recognition Using duration-dependent 3-State Hidden Markov Model (음소길이를 고려한 3-State Hidden Markov Model 에 의한 한국어 음소인식)

  • Yoo, H.-C.;Lee, H.-J.;Park, B.-C.
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 1989
  • This paper discribes the method associated with modeling of Korean phonemes. Hidden Markov models(HMM's) may be viewed as an effective technique for modeling the inherent nonstationarity of speech signal. We propose a 3-state phoneme model to represent the sequentially changing characteristics of phonemes, i.e., transition-to-stationary-to-transition. Also we clarify that the duration of a phoneme is an important factor to have an effect in recognition accuracy and show that improvement in recognition rate can be obtained by using duration-dependent 3-state hidden Markov models.

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The Study of Decision-Making Model on Small and Medium Sized Management States of Financial Agencies and Monitoring Progressive Insolvency : Case of Mutual Savings Banks

  • Ryu, Ji-Cheol;Lee, Young-Jai
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 2008
  • This paper studies small and medium sized financial agency's management states that take advantage of the Korea Federation of Saving Bank's data. It also presents the management state and the decision-making model that monitors progressive insolvency by standardizing transfer path between relevant groups. With this in mind, we extracted explanatory variables for predictions of insolvency by using existing studies of document related insolvency. First of all, we designed a state model based on demarcated groups to take advantage of the self organizing map that groups in line with a neural network. Secondly, we developed a transition model by standardizing the transfer path between individual banks in a state model. Finally, we presented a decision-making model that integrated the state model and the transition model. This paper will provide groundwork for methods of insolvency prevention to businesses in order for them to have a smooth management system in the financial agencies.

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Test Sequence Generation Using Multiple Unique State Signature(MUSS)

  • Jung, Yoon-Hee;Hong, Beom-Kee
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and information Science
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    • v.2 no.6
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 1997
  • A procedure presented in this paper generates test sequences to check the conformity of an implementation with a protocol specification, which is modeled as a deterministic finite state machine (FSM). Given a FSM, a common procedure of test sequence generation, first, constructs a directed graph which edges include the state check after each transition, and produces a symmetric graph G* from and, finally, finds a Euler tour of G*. We propose a technique to determine a minimum-cost tour of the transition graph of the FSM. The proposed technique using Multiple Unique State Signature (MUSS) solves an open issue that one MUIO sequence assignment may lead to two more edges of unit cost being replicated to from G* while an optimal assignment may lead to the replication of a single edge of high cost. In this paper, randomly generated FSMs have been studied as test cases. The result shows that the proposed technique saves the cost 4∼28% and 2∼21% over the previous approach using MUIO and MUSP, respectively.

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A computation method of reliability for preprocessing filters in the fire control system using Markov process and state transition probability matrix (Markov process 및 상태천이확률 행렬 계산을 통한 사격통제장치 전처리필터 신뢰성 산출 기법)

  • Kim, Jae-Hun;Lyou, Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 1999
  • An easy and efficient method is proposed for a computation of reliability of preprocessing filters in the fire control system when the sensor data are frequently unreliable depending on the operation environment. It computes state transition probability matrix after modeling filter states as a Markov process, and computing false alarm and detection probability of each filter state under the given sensor failure probability. It shows that two important indices such as distributed state probability and error variance can be derived easily for a reliability assessment of the given sensor fusion system.

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Theoretical Studies on the Gas-Phase Wolff Rearrangement of Ketocarbenes

  • 김찬경;이익준
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.395-401
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    • 1997
  • The substituent effects in the gas-phase rearrangement of carbenes to ketenes involved in the Wolff reaction have been investigated theoretically using the AM1 method. In the initial state, carbene, there is a relatively strong vicinal n-σ* interaction between the lone pair (n) and carbonyl group (σ*). In the bridged transition state (TS), electronic charge is transferred from the migrating ring (Z-ring) toward the nonmigrating ring (Y-ring). The carbenes are stabilized by an electron donor Y (δσY < 0) whereas the TS is stabilized by an electron acceptor Y (δσY > 0). Multiple regression analysis of log (kYZ/kHH)(=-δΔG≠/2.3RT) leads to a relatively large negative cross-interaction constant, ρYZ=-0.53, log (kYZ/kHH)=2.96 σY--1.40 σZ-0.53 σY-σZ reflecting an extensive structural change in the transition state due to the stabilization of the initial state by the vicinal n-σ* overlap. When the solvent (water) effects are accounted for by the SM2.1 model of the Cramer and Truhlar method, the magnitude of all the selectivity parameters, ρY-, ρZ and ρYZ (=-0.66) are increased.

Magnetic Properties of Cu-doped AlN Semiconductor (AlN 반도체와 Cu의 도핑 농도에 대한 자성)

  • Kang, Byung-Sub;Lee, Haeng-Ki
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2010
  • First-principles calculations based on spin density functional theory are performed to study the spin-resolved electronic properties of AlN doped with a Cu concentration of 6.25%-18.75%. The ferromagnetic state is more energetically favorable state than the antiferromagnetic state or the nonmagnetic state. For Al0.9375Cu0.0625N, a global magnetic moment of 1.26 mB per supercell, with a localized magnetic moment of 0.75 mB per Cu atom is found. The magnetic moment is reduced due to an increase in the number of Cu atoms occupying adjacent cation lattice position. For Al0.8125Cu0.1875N, the magnetism of the supercell disappears by the interaction of the neighboring Cu atoms. The nonmagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition is found to occur at this Cu concentration. The range of concentrations that are spin-polarized should be restricted within very narrow.

Virtual Prototyping of Portable Consumer Electronic Products Based on HMI Functional Simulation (HMI 기능 시뮬레이션 기반 개인용 휴대전자제품의 가상시작)

  • Park, Hyung-Jun;Bae, Chae-Yeol;Moon, Hee-Cheol;Lee, Kwan-Heng
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.854-861
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    • 2005
  • The functional behavior of a portable consumer electronic (PCE) product is nearly all expressed with human-machine interaction (HMI) tasks. Although physical prototyping and computer aided design (CAD) software can show the appearance of the product, they cannot properly reflect its functional behavior. In this paper, we propose a virtual prototyping (VP) system that incorporates virtual reality and HMI functional simulation in order to enables users to capture not only the realistic look of a PCE product but also its functional behavior. We obtain geometric part models of the product and their assembly and kinematics information with the help of CAD and reverse engineering tools, and visualize them with various display tools. We adopt state transition methodology to capture the HMI functional behavior of the product into a state transition chart, which is later used to construct a finite state machine (FSM) for the functional simulation of the product. The FSM plays an important role to control the transition between states of the product. The proposed VP system receives input events such as mouse clicks on buttons and switches of the virtual prototype model, and it reacts to the events based on the FSM by activating associated activities. The VP system provides the realistic visualization of the product and the vivid simulation of its functional behavior. It can easily allow users to perform functional evaluation and usability testing. Moreover, it can greatly reduce communication errors occurring in a typical product development process. A case study about VP of an MP3 player is given to show the usefulness of the proposed VP system.

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Kinetic Studies of Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction of para-Substituted Benzoyl Compounds with Pyridines (파라치환 벤조일화합물과 피리딘의 친핵성치환반응에 대한 속도론적 연구)

  • Jeong Wha Kim;Tae Sup Uhm;Ik Choon Lee;In Sun Koo
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 1985
  • Kinetic studies of nucleophilic substitution reaction of substituted benzoyl cyanides and benzoyl chlorides with pyridines were conducted at 25C in pure acetone solvent. Results showed that (ⅰ) magnitudes of _{\rho}_S, _{\rho}_N and β associated with a change of substituent in the nucleophile indicate relatively advanced bond-formation in the transition state, (ⅱ) the potential energy surface model is able to predict the reaction mechanism, but it is unable to predict the transition state variation to a more product-like transition state, where bond-formation is much more progressed than bond breaking, upon changing the leaving group to that with better leaving ability (ⅲ) the quantum mechanical model predicted the product-like transition state and slightly better leaving ability of CN- as compared with Cl-.

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Steady-State/Transient Performance Simulation of the Propulsion System for the Canard Rotor Wing UAV during Flight Mode Transition

  • Kong, Changduk;Kang, Myoungcheol;Ki, Jayoung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.513-520
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    • 2004
  • A steady-state/transient performance simulation model was newly developed for the propulsion system of the CRW (Canard Rotor Wing) type UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) during flight mode transition. The CRW type UAV has a new concept RPV (Remotely Piloted Vehicle) which can fly at two flight modes such as the take-off/landing and low speed forward flight mode using the rotary wing driven by engine bypass exhaust gas and the high speed forward flight mode using the stopped wing and main engine thrust. The propulsion system of the CRW type UAV consists of the main engine system and the duct system. The flight vehicle may generally select a proper type and specific engine with acceptable thrust level to meet the flight mission in the propulsion system design phase. In this study, a turbojet engine with one spool was selected by decision of the vehicle system designer, and the duct system is composed of main duct, rotor duct, master valve, rotor tip-jet nozzles, and variable area main nozzle. In order to establish the safe flight mode transition region of the propulsion system, steady-state and transient performance simulation should be needed. Using this simulation model, the optimal fuel flow schedules were obtained to keep the proper surge margin and the turbine inlet temperature limitation through steady-state and transient performance estimation. Furthermore, these analysis results will be used to the control optimization of the propulsion system, later. In the transient performance model, ICV (Inter-Component Volume) model was used. The performance analysis using the developed models was performed at various flight conditions and fuel flow schedules, and these results could set the safe flight mode transition region to satisfy the turbine inlet temperature overshoot limitation as well as the compressor surge margin. Because the engine performance simulation results without the duct system were well agreed with the engine manufacturer's data and the analysis results using a commercial program, it was confirmed that the validity of the proposed performance model was verified. However, the propulsion system performance model including the duct system will be compared with experimental measuring data, later.

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An extension of state transition graph for distributed environment (분산된 환경에서의 상태 전이 그래프의 확장)

  • Suh, Jin-Hyung;Lee, Wang-Heon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2010
  • In a typical web environment, it is difficult to determine the update and re-computation status of WebView content or the transition of WebView processing included in web page. If an update to one of data is performed before a read operation to that, we could get a wrong result due to the incorrect operation and increase a complexity of the problem to process. To solve this problem, lots of researchers have studied and most of these problems at the single user environment is not problems. However, the problems at a distributed environment might be occurred. For this reason, in this paper, we proposed the extended state transition graph and algorithms for each status of WebView for explaining WebView state in the distributed environment and analyze the performance of using the materialized WebView and not. Additionally, also analyze the timing issues in network and effectiveness which follows in size of WebView contents.