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Studies on the Desertification Combating and Sand Industry Development(I) - Present Status and Countermeasures for the Combating Desertification in China - (사막화방지(沙漠化防止) 및 방사기술개발(防沙技術開發)에 관한 연구(硏究)(I) - 중국(中國)의 사막화현황(沙漠化現況) 및 방지대책(防止對策) -)

  • Woo, Bo-Myeong;Lee, Kyung-Joon;Jeon, Gi-Seong;Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Choi, Hyung-Tae;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Byung-Kwon;Kim, So-Yeon;Lee, Sang-Ho;Jeon, Jeong-Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.45-76
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    • 2000
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate and understand the present status of various types of "deserts", such as sand desert, gravel desert, rock desert, earth desert, salt desert, desert, rocky desert, gobi desert, sandy desert, clay desert, etc., and the general countermeasures for the combating "desertification" "desertization", and to develop the technologies on the revegetation and restoration for the combating desertification in China. The methods of this study were mainly composed of field surveys on the several experimental sites and research institutes related to combating desertification in China, and examinations on the various technologies for the combating desertification at the Daxing Experimental Station of Beijing Forestry University. The conclusion from this study may be summarized as follows; 1. Status and tendency of desertification in China : China is one of the countries seriously threatened by desertification. Desertification affected areas in China are mainly distributed in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas in China, covering the most regions of the Northeast China (eastern region of Inner-Mongolia), the northern part of the North China (middle and western region of Inner-Mongolia, Shaanxi, Ningsha, Gansu) and the western part of the Northwest China (Xinzang, Qinghai, Xizang). The total area affected by desertification in China is approximately 2.622 million km2. It covers 27.3% of the total territory of China. Until recently, it is estimated that the annual spreading ratio of desertification in China is 2,460 km2. Therefore, desertification is mostly serious problems facing to the Chinese people. 2. The causes and environmental effect of desertification : The desertification in China is mainly caused by compound factors, including natural condition and human activities. In China, the desertification is started by the decrease of precipitation, continuous dry and drought, strong wind, wind and water erosion, land degradation and loss of natural vegetation caused by climate variation, and accelerated by the human activities, such as over-cultivating, over-grazing, over-cutting of woods, irrational use of water resources. Because desertification has affected the geographical features, soil nutrients contents, salinity, vegetation coverage and the functions of ecosystem, the environmental deteriorations in the desertification affected areas are very seriously. 3. The fundamental strategies of combating desertification in China are the increase of education and awareness of people through various mass media, the revision of laws to guarantee operation of Desertification Combating Law and to improve many relating laws and regulations, the application of advanced technologies and training of experts, the establishment of discriminative policies, and increasing arrangement of budget-investment, and so on. China, as a signed country in UNCCD, has made efforts for the combating desertification. Korea is also signed country in UNCCD, so we should play an important role in the desertification combating projects of China for the northest asia and global environmental conservation as well as environmental conservation of Korea.

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KoFlux's Progress: Background, Status and Direction (KoFlux 역정: 배경, 현황 및 향방)

  • Kwon, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.241-263
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    • 2010
  • KoFlux is a Korean network of micrometeorological tower sites that use eddy covariance methods to monitor the cycles of energy, water, and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the key terrestrial ecosystems in Korea. KoFlux embraces the mission of AsiaFlux, i.e. to bring Asia's key ecosystems under observation to ensure quality and sustainability of life on earth. The main purposes of KoFlux are to provide (1) an infrastructure to monitor, compile, archive and distribute data for the science community and (2) a forum and short courses for the application and distribution of knowledge and data between scientists including practitioners. The KoFlux community pursues the vision of AsiaFlux, i.e., "thinking community, learning frontiers" by creating information and knowledge of ecosystem science on carbon, water and energy exchanges in key terrestrial ecosystems in Asia, by promoting multidisciplinary cooperations and integration of scientific researches and practices, and by providing the local communities with sustainable ecosystem services. Currently, KoFlux has seven sites in key terrestrial ecosystems (i.e., five sites in Korea and two sites in the Arctic and Antarctic). KoFlux has systemized a standardized data processing based on scrutiny of the data observed from these ecosystems and synthesized the processed data for constructing database for further uses with open access. Through publications, workshops, and training courses on a regular basis, KoFlux has provided an agora for building networks, exchanging information among flux measurement and modelling experts, and educating scientists in flux measurement and data analysis. Despite such persistent initiatives, the collaborative networking is still limited within the KoFlux community. In order to break the walls between different disciplines and boost up partnership and ownership of the network, KoFlux will be housed in the National Center for Agro-Meteorology (NCAM) at Seoul National University in 2011 and provide several core services of NCAM. Such concerted efforts will facilitate the augmentation of the current monitoring network, the education of the next-generation scientists, and the provision of sustainable ecosystem services to our society.

A Study of the History of Korean Public Library after the Korean Liberation Day - An Emphasis on the influence of public Libraries System under the Japanese Imperialism- (광복이후 한국 공공도서관사 연구 -일제하 공공도서관제도의 영향을 중심으로-)

  • Kim Po Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.20
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    • pp.65-125
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    • 1991
  • The study has tried to analize and appraise how did public library system under the Japanese imperialism affect the establishment and managemant of Korean public libraries. To achieve the purpose of the above-mentioned study, the contents of Japanese library statute under Japanese imperialism and the current Korean library law have been mutually compared, at the same time, the vestiage of Japanese imperialism in view of the establishment, personnel administration and reading systems have been concretely investigated, analyzed and compared. The conclusions obtained from the above are as followings. 1. In those days of the Korean Liberation, the situation of Korean public libraries was such as it under the Japanese rule and so, their names were only changed. However, as a part of its independent activities, the national library have once carried out the various programs such as the training of professional librarians, the establishment of the new classification schedule and the chief Librarian and deputy Librarian from the professional librarians in the office regulations, and they were well worth being the good examples for today's Korean library circle. Though the Goverment of the Republic of Korea had been formally established, the situation of the library circle was very dull owing to the Korean war for a long time. In 1963, The Korean library law was promulgated, but the establishment of public libraries did not give satisfactory results because of the institutional fragility. In the 1980's the importance of library was embossed from the viewpoint of life-long education and the number of libraries was increased. However, there were still the remaining vestiges of Japanese library system in the practical library services. 2. After the Korean Liberation, the influnces of public library system under the Japanese imperialism showed in the office regulation of national library and the Korea library Law were also in the legal mechanism. In particular, the regulations of The staff-member of public library and Admission fee of public library including the chief librarian have referred to the library system under the Japanese imperialism since the liberation day to date. 3. At that time of the Korean Liberation, the U.S.Military Government Office had decided that the public library administration should be attached to the administration of local and internal affairs in accordance with the Japanese administative system. As a result, the public libraries had been forced to be indirectly affected by public library system under the Japanese imperialism for twenty years since the Liberation. 4. Since the Liberation, the personnel adminstration of public library has been so far on the steps of model under the Japanese imperialism. As the result of the field survey, the position standards of local chief librarians, non-professional character, the extra post system and the preponderant appointment of non-professional offices have analyzed by the influence of Public library system under the Japanese imperialism. Therefore, the Government authorities-concerned must readjust the standards of qualification and the divided duties corresponding to the position of public library staff members and to stipulate expressly in the revised library law. In addition, the regulation of the admission fee should be also actively detected for the free adminssion of library users. 5. Since the Liberation Day, the reading methods of public library have been so far similar to reading method under the Japaness imperialism. For example, the admission fee levied, the complicated procedures of using books including entrance and exit of a library, no-admission system, the limited lending books, the deposit system of outdoor lending books and the surety liable jointly and severally are originally caused by bureaucracy of under the Japanese imperialism. Therefore, the public libraries should make an offer space and opportunities which can enjoy freedom to the gull in future. The procedures and standards of library users will be simplified, if possible. As the above-mentioned, the actual conditions of Korean public libraries have been examined and analyzed. As the result of it, there are still the remaining vestiges of public library system under the Japanese imperialism in the establishment and management of the nation-wide public libraries. Such the remnants are an obstacle to the democratic development of public libraries and so, the authorities-concerned should take the proper-measures as soon as possible.

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Business Incubator Manager's Competency Characteristics Affect Organizational Commitment and Work Performance : Focused on the Manager's Self-Efficacy (창업보육센터 매니저의 역량 특성이 조직몰입과 업무성과에 미치는 영향 : 매니저의 자기효능감을 중심으로)

  • Park, Sang-Ho;Kang, Shin-Cheol
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 2021
  • Representative domestic start-up support organizations include the Business Incubator(BI), Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development(KISED), Techno Park(TP), and Center of Creative Economy Innovation(CCEI), and there are about 260 Business incubator nationwide. The Business incubator is operated by universities, research institutes, and private foundations or associations. The organization consists of the center director and the incubating professionals (hereinafter referred to as "manager"), etc., and performs tasks such as center operation management and incubation support services for tenant companies. Until now, research on the operation of Business Incubator has been mainly focused on the performance of tenant companies. Studies on whether the manager's competency characteristics directly or indirectly affect the performance of the tenant companies through psychological mediators such as self-efficacy and organizational commitment were very scarce. The purpose of this study is to explore various factors influencing organizational commitment and job performance by the competence characteristics of Business incubator managers, and to explain the causal relationship among those factors. In particular, the difference in perception was investigated by a manager's survey that influences organizational commitment and work performance at the Business incubator. Through this, we intend to present practical implications for the role of managers in the operation of Business incubators. This study is an exploratory study, and the subject of the study was a survey of about 600 managers working at Business incubator nationwide, of which 116 responses were analyzed. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, and reliability. Structural equation model analysis was performed for hypothesis tests. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the cognitive characteristics of the Business incubator manager, communication, and situational response as the behavioral characteristics had a positive effect on the manager's self-efficacy, and the behavioral characteristics had a greater effect on the self-efficacy. It was also found that the manager's cognitive and behavioral characteristics, and self-efficacy had a positive effect on organizational commitment and work performance. In particular, a manager's self-efficacy has a positive effect on organizational commitment and work performance. This result showed that the manager's competency characteristics increase the manager's self-efficacy as a mediating factor rather than directly affecting organizational commitment and work performance. This study explains that the manager's competency characteristics are transferred to organizational commitment and work performance. The results of the study are expected to reflect the job standard of the National Competency Standards (NCS) and basic vocational competency to the job competency of managers, and it also provides a guideline for the effective business incubator operation in terms of human resource management. In practice, it is expected that the results of the study can reflect the vocational basic skills of the Business Incubator manager's job competency in the National Competency Standards(NCS) section, and suggest directions for the operation of the Business Incubator and the manager's education and training.

A Study on the Education and Training system in Korean Animation Industry - Suggestions about Curriculum in a Department of Animation in Korean Universities from the Perspective of Arts and Cultural Management (한국 애니메이션 인력 양성 시스템에 대한 연구 - 대학 애니메이션 교육 과정에 대한 예술경영적 제언)

  • Kang, Yunju
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.34
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    • pp.317-344
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    • 2014
  • Perspectives on the basis of arts and cultural management, this study intends to suggest improvements in core curriculums that are required in order for South Korea, a country that has initiated into the animation industry through outsourcing from big-budget animation production countries such as America and Japan, to develop its own strong base in creative animation industry. The perspectives of arts management in this context means an integration nexus between human studies, social science and management, and suggestions are as follow: First, it is crucial to understand the current trend of animation industry structure across the globe, as well as to develop the ability of co-production. Animation industry often requires technical skills, capital strength and human resources, each having equal importance. Therefore, thorough analysis of the three components in worldwide animation industry must be preceded for animation production services. To do so, collaboration with major animation creation countries is the best option and is highly encouraged, so that the national animation curriculum shall be enhanced to meet such demands and hence develop various abilities. The second is a good understanding of new-media and new-platforms. Not only the traditional distributor of animation such as television and theater, the distribution system expands its scope to a variety of online sources including pod-casts and the Internet. Under these circumstances, a deep understanding towards animation distribution system and an analysis of the new consumer channel are also of paramount importance for animation production. Third, a possibility of animation supply chain through diversified routes and media have paved the way for a possible animation production services and distribution without a mega-budget. Thus, new curriculum shall need to reinforce marketing and management aspects that will in turn help individuals to establish a self-employed creative business. Last but not least, this study further includes illustration of current curriculum of animation studies in national universities, followed by detailed suggestions for the curriculum improvements based on the above mentioned three factors. It was observed that the current curriculums have been solely focused on practical works and technical skills of animation and art studies; a four-year-course colleges that provide animation courses usually lack components of human studies, social science and management. Thus, this study proposes essential contexts of management studies that are needed for individual business and also curriculum improvements that are derived from the analysis of the current industry and the new media.

Utilization Pattern and Percept ion and Attitude of Rural Residents towards Primary Health Post (관할지역 주민의 보건진료소에 대한 태도와 이용양상)

  • Park, Chun-Na;Park, Jae-Yong;Han, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2001
  • In order to ascertain the utilization patterns and Perception and attitudes of Primary Health Post(PHP) by rural residents in farm areas, a survey was conducted of 753 households(1,803 persons) in 24 PHPs in Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk- do, from December 10, 2000 to January 15, 2001. The morbidly rate of acute illnesses for last two weeks for all households was 29.6%, and the rate of use of medical facilities to treat acute illness was 98.3%. The morbidly rate was highest between the ages of 60 and 69, with a rate of 35.4%. The higher their ages and the lower their educational levels were, the higher the morbidly rate was. The morbidly rate of chronic illnesses for one year for all households was 19.2%, and the rate of use of medical facilities to treat chronic illness was 92.8%. The elderly over 70 years old had the highest morbidly rate of 37.2%. The higher their ages and the lower their educational levels were, the higher the chronic illnesses rate was. For the rate of use of medical facilities to treat acute diseases, the use of PHPs was 89.5%, accounting for the majority of the time. However, for chronic diseases, hospitals and clinics were used more often, with a rate of 48.9%, compared to the use of PHPs, 40.2%. Their previous experiences on the use of PHPs one year before the survey showed that 94.8% used PHPs, 72.2% just visited them, not for the purpose of getting any medical assistance, and 73.3% received health education from PHPs. 98.5% remembered the locations of PHPs, 98.6% thought that PHPs were helpful for their health management, and 84.3% said that PHPs were playing great roles in development of their communities. 97.4% said that they found PHPs necessary. They understood the main job of PHPs as in the order of disease treatment, vaccination and health counseling. The work that they mostly wanted PHPs to do was health counseling and health management, which 31.6% answered. 88.9% said the examination fee was not expensive, 98.4% said CHPs were kind, and 97.0% said they were satisfied with the services at PHPs. Complaints about PHPs included a lack of a variety of medications, said by 42.9%, and poor facilities, by 15.8%. According to the above results, it is concluded that local residents on survey were frequently using PHPs due to their geographical and economical conditions. Also, the residents appeared to be satisfied with the services at PHPs, and they had a high demand for public health service as well as disease treatment. Considering the complaints about medications and medical facilities and equipment, active supports are required to manage PHPs in a way it can provide desirable services to the residents in remote villages through the readjustment of PHPs' functions, reinforcement of facilities and equipment and enhancement of CHPs ' training.

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Effect of treadmill exercise on autophagy related protein expression in the cardiac muscle of high-fat diet fed rats (트레드밀 운동이 고지방 식이 쥐 심근세포의 자가포식 관련 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Kang, Eun-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of obesity on the expression of autophagy-related proteins in cardiac muscle. To this end, obesity was induced in rats through 20 weeks of high-fat diet, and the animals were then subjected to 8 weeks of treadmill exercise. Subsequently, the expression of proteins that regulate the induction of autophagy, formation of autophagosome, and fusion of autophagosome and lysosome was confirmed. Obesity was induced in the experimental animals (SD rats) through 20 weeks of high-fat diet (carbohydrate: 20%, fat: 60%, and protein: 20%), and they were subsequently subjected to 8 weeks of treadmill exercise (5 days/week, 30 min/day, 5 minutes; 8m/min, 5 minutes; 11m/min, 20 minutes; 14m/min). The experimental groups comprised the normal diet control group (ND-CON, n=10), high-fat diet comparison group (HFD-CON, n=10), and high-fat exercise group (HFD-TE, n=10). Oral glucose tolerance test was conducted before and after 8 weeks of treadmill exercise, and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. Through fasting insulin and fasting glucose levels, HOMA-IR, which is an index of insulin resistance, and abdominal visceral fat/body weight (AVF/BW) were calculated for comparison. Moreover, autophagy-related proteins were analyzed from cardiac tissue to investigate the effects of exercise training. Obesity was successfully induced in the HFD-CON group through long-term high-fat diet, and the HFD-CON group had higher body weight, AUC, HOMA-IR, and AVF/BW compared to the ND-CON group. The HFD-TE group, which underwent 8 weeks of treadmill exercise, showed improvements in AUC, HOMA-IR, and AVF/BW. Although the body weight tended to decrease as well, there was no statistically significant difference. mTOR and AMPK, which are involved in the induction of autophagy, both decreased in obesity but increased upon exercise. Beclin-1, BNIP3, ATG-7, p62, and LC3, which are related to the formation of autophagosomes, all increased in obesity and decreased after exercise. Cathepsin L and LAMP2, which regulate the fusion of autophagosome and lysosome, both decreased in obesity and increased upon exercise. Physical activity, including treadmill exercise, was found to induce normal autophagy and improve pathological phenomena observed in metabolic diseases. Therefore, the findings suggest the need to consider treadmill exercise as a primary means to achieve effective prevention and treatment of cardiac diseases.

The Empirical Study on the Effects of the Team Empowerment caused by the Team-Based Organizational Structure in KBS (팀제가 팀 임파워먼트에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구;KBS 팀제를 중심으로)

  • Ahn, Dong-Su;Kim, Hong
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.167-201
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    • 2006
  • Korean corporations are transforming their vertical operational structure to a team-based structure to compete in the rapidly changing environment and for improved performance. However, a high percentage of the respondents in KBS said that despite the appearance of the present team structure, the organization operates much like a vertically-structured organization. This result can be attributed to the lack of study and implementation toward the goal of empowerment, the key variable for the success of the team-based structure. This study aims to provide policy suggestions on how to implement the process of empowerment, by investigating the conditions that hinder the process and the attitude of the KBS employees. For the cross-sectional study, this thesis examined the domestic and international references, conducted a survey of KBS employees, personal interviews and made direct observations. Approximately 1,200 copies of the Questionnaire were distributed and 474 were completed and returned. The analysis used SPSS 12.0 software to process the data collected from 460 respondents. For the longitudinal-study, six categories that were common to this study and "The Report of the Findings of KBS Employees' View of the Team Structure" were selected. The comparative study analyzed the changes in a ten-month period. The survey findings showed a decrease of 24.2%p in the number of responses expressing negative views of the team structure and a decrease of 1.29%p in the number of positive responses. The findings indicated a positive transformation illustrating employees' improved understanding and approval of the team structure. However, KBS must address the issue on an ongoing basis. It has been proven that the employee empowerment increases the productivity of the individual and the group. In order to boost the level of empowerment, the management must exercise new, innovative leadership and build trust between the managers and the employees first. Additional workload as a result of shirking at work places was prevalent throughout all divisions and ranks, according to the survey data. This outcome leads to the conclusion that the workload is not evenly distributed or shared. And the data also showed the employees do not trust the assessment and rewards system. More attention and consideration must be paid to the team size and job allocation in order to address this matter; the present assessment and rewards system need to be complemented. The type of leadership varies depending on the characteristics of the organization's structure and employees' disposition. KBS must develop and reform its own management, leadership style to suit the characteristics of individual teams. Finally, for a soft-landing of KBS team structure, in-house training and education are necessary.

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The Stakeholder's Response and Future of Mountain Community Development Program in Rep. of Korea (한국 산촌개발사업에 대한 이해관계자의 의식과 향후 발전방안)

  • Yoo, Byoung Il;Kim, So Heui;Seo, Jeong-Weon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.4 s.161
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    • pp.214-225
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    • 2005
  • The mountain village development program in Korea started in the mountain villages, the 45.9% of total land and one of the typical marginal region, from 1995 to achieve the equilibrium development of national land and the sustainable mountain development in Chapter 13 in Agenda 21, and it has been accelerated to increase the happiness and the quality of life of mountain community residents through the expansion by province and the improvement of related laws and regulations. This study has been aimed to analyze the response of main stakeholder's -mountain village residents and local government officials - on mountain villages development, and to provide the future plan as community development. The survey and interview data were collected from the mountain villages which already developed 59 villages and developing 15 villages in 2003. The mountain village development program has achieved the positive aspects as community development plan in the several fields, - the voluntary participation of residents, the establishment of self-support spirit as the democratic civilians, the development of base of income increasement, the creation of comfortable living environment, the equilibrium development with the other regions. Especially the mountain residents and local government officials both highly satisfy with the development of base of income increasement and the creation of comfortable living environment which are the main concerns to both stakeholder. However through the mountain development program, it is not satisfied to increase the maintenance of local community and the strengthening of traditional value of mountain villages. Also to improve the sustainable income improvement effects, it is necessary to develop the income items and technical extension which good for the each region. In the decentralization era, it is necessary for local government should have the more active and multilateral activities for these. With this, the introduction of methods which the mountain community people and the local government officials could co-participate in the mountain villages' development from the initial stages and the renovation of related local government organizations and the cooperatives will be much helpful to the substantiality of mountain development program. Also it is essential for the assistance of central government to establish the complex plan and the mountain villages network for all mountain area and the exchange of information, the education and training of mountain villages leader who are the core factor for the developed mountain villages maintenance, the composition of national mountain villages representatives. In case the development proposals which based on the interests of the main stakeholder's on mountain community could be positively accepted, then the possibility of the mountain village development as one of community development will be successfully improved in future.

Occupational Demands and Educational Needs in Korean Librarianship (한국적 도서관학교육과정 연구)

  • Choi Sung Jin;Yoon Byong Tae;Koo Bon Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.12
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    • pp.269-327
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    • 1985
  • This study was undertaken to meet more fully the demands for improved training of library personnel, occasioned by the rapidly changing roles and functions of libraries as they try to adapt to the vast social, economic and technological changes currently in progress in the Korean society. The specific purpose of this research is to develop a standard curriculum at the batchelor's level that will properly equip the professional personnel in Korean libraries for the changes confronting them. This study started with the premise that to establish a sound base for curriculum development, it was necessary first to determine what concepts, knowledge, and techniques are required for professional library personnel to perform it at an optimal level of efficiency. Explicitly, it was felt that for the development of useful curricula and courses at the batchelor's level, a prime source of knowledge should be functional behaviours that are necessary in the job situation. To determine specifically what these terminal performance behaviours should be so that learning experience provided could be rooted in reality, the decision was reached to use a systems approach to curriculum development, which is an attempt to break the mold of traditional concepts and to approach interaction from an open, innovative, and product-oriented perspective. This study was designed to: (1) identify what knowledge and techniques are required for professional library personnel to perform the job activities in which they are actually engaged, (2) to evaluate the educational needs of the knowledge and techniques that the professional librarian respondents indicate, and (3) to categorise the knowledge and techniques into teaching subjects to present the teaching subjects by their educational importance. The main data-gathering instrument for the study, a questionnaire containing 254 items, was sent to a randomly selected sample of library school graduates working in libraries and related institutions in Korea. Eighty-three librarians completed and returned the questionnaire. After analysing the returned questionnaire, the following conclusions have been reached: (A) To develop a rational curriculum rooted in the real situation of the Korean libraries, compulsory subjects should be properly chosen from those which were ranked highest in importance by the respondents. Characters and educational policies of, and other teaching subjects offered by, the individual educational institution to which a given library school belongs should also be taken into account in determining compulsory subjects. (B) It is traditionally assumed that education in librarianship should be more concerned with theoretical foundations on which any solution can be developed than with professional needs with particulars and techniques as they are used in existing library environments. However, the respondents gave the former a surprisingly lower rating. The traditional assumption must be reviewed. (C) It is universally accepted in developing library school curricula that compulsory subjects are concerned with the area of knowledge students generally need to learn and optional subjects are concerned with the area to be needed to only those who need it. Now that there is no such clear demarcation line provided in librarianship, it may be a realistic approach to designate subjects in the area rated high by the respondents as compulsory and to designate those in the area rated low as optional. (D) Optional subjects that were ranked considerably higher in importance by the respondents should be given more credits than others, and those ranked lower might be given less credits or offered infrequently or combined. (E) A standard list of compulsory and optional subjects with weekly teaching hours for a Korean library school is presented in the fourth chapter of this report.

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