• Title/Summary/Keyword: Training and education

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A study of quality of working life to dental hygienist's (치과위생사의 근로생활의 질(QWL)에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Hye-Seung;Kim, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.375-392
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : Dental hygienist's work satisfaction and stress affect the overall quality of work life(QWL). Therefore, this research is intended to suggest fundamental data to improve QWL by finding out characteristics of each work satisfaction and stress element. To this end, a total of 327 dental hygienists working at general hospitals, university hospitals, dental hospitals and dental clinics across Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon were surveyed. Results of survey are as follows. Methods : The collected data were analyzed by using an SPSS 12.0 statistical program, obtaining the following results. The collected data conducted a questionnaire survey for 327 dental hygienists who work at the hospitals, university hospitals, dental hospitals, and dental clinics located at Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon district from January until March, 2009, and drew the conclusions as follows. Result : 1. Demographic characteristics, income from 1.5 to 1.99 million were the whole lot, more than 2 million to less than 1.5 million was similar. Marital status Married Unmarried higher than the atheist religion, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, and other, respectively. Classification by level of education in the college graduate, university graduate, graduate diploma, respectively. 2. Are working in a job-related characteristics of dentistry, dental hospital, general and university hospital, respectively. The making in position, Mount, contractor, responsible, senior, was an intern in the order. The five-day workweek whether working at night and is not going to care whether the conduct was similar. Classification of working hours and 8 hours, 8 hours, 8 hours or less orderly, and total of less than 1-3 years of clinical experience, 5 years, less than one year, less than 3-5 years, respectively. 3. There comes out a significant difference according to age, income, position, gross clinical experience, and whether to put night shift into practice in job stability in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 4. There comes out a significant difference according to marital status, one's place of work, position, whether to put a five-day workweek into practice in work environment and benefits package in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics (p<.05). 5. There comes out a significant difference according to age, marital status, income, position, and gross clinical experience in education & training and benefits packages in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 6. There comes out a significant difference according to whether to put night medical treatment into practice in social usefulness in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 7. There comes out a significant difference according to marital status, income, one's place of work, gross clinical experience, work hours, and whether to put a five-day workweek into practice in leisure activity in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 8. There comes out a significant difference according to income, one's place of work, and position in wage level in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 9. There was no significant difference in all items related to human relations and free communication in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p>.05). Conclusions : It is necessary to analyze factors related to work satisfaction and stress in order to improve dental hygienist's quality of work life. Hospitals must support them systematically and institutionally and related organizations must conduct practical research.

Analysis on the actual state and plan for improvement for vocational courses are operated consignment in General high school (일반고등학교 직업과정 위탁 운영의 실태 분석 및 개선 방안)

  • Yoon, Kyoung-Suk;Yi, Sang-Bong
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.131-150
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study vocational courses in general high schools in each city in order to operate efficiently. Provinces operating status and the general high school vocational courses through the regular high school vocational courses siltae analysis to identify operational problems, and that is to derive ways to improve. Operating in the desired direction, the typical high school vocational courses ilbango select students that meet the purpose of operating as one that students admit you need the correct promotion and career guidance and vocational courses ilbango teachers of vocational courses is operating correctly recognize the purpose and students with career guidance and vocational courses so that you can operate effectively at: Provincial Office-wide need to conduct a systematic study. Vocational courses also target students ilbango sosokgyo (wonjeokgyo) to be completed in the course stated in the plan for the school and the need to practice, and professional students ilbango by configuring a separate class is most preferable to operate. If the person is prime target, with each region run by creating a class needs to definitely consider. Entrusted to the agency's key performance improvements in order to improve the employment rate in the direction of promotional materials for the students selected to take advantage of college enrollment than the employment data for the students and their parents ilbango vocational courses for the purpose and intent is necessary to provide accurate information In addition, the employment rate is relatively low industrial (information) to install the school department employment, and employment representatives (industry-academia co-coordinator), and by placing career paths and industries to ensure the needs of industry, including working conditions and students who wish adjusting to the role, and industrial college (2 years), industrial (information) through the school's agreement to the aggressive promotional schemes seonchwieop hujinhak. Getting the need to encourage. Vocational courses ilbango in the new and the abolition, rather than the case of some popular course when you are away from work and there, so if the course-changing industry, new or repealed to reflect the demands of social work and careful review of how to connect carefully to decide by. Commissioned a systematic quality management in education, in terms of industry (information) schools and public vocational training institutions or private vocational school is better than school. However, 16 cities across the country. Also only five of the major cities around the school has industry information. Ilbango vocational courses at the expected continued demand. Degrees, the operation in terms of comparative advantage in many ways the school's new industry information is necessary to consider.

Research on the Improvement of the Law of Record Management (기록관리법의 개정과 관련한 제문제 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.41-75
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    • 2004
  • This research discusses how to improve the current environment for record management in relation to the Revision of the Law of Record Management in South Korea. Three major issues are: 1) Legal status of the National Archives & Records Service of Korea as the government institution in charge of managing centrally records, 2) System for the education and training of professionals who specialize in record management, and 3) Foundation of the national museum and archives of records. Findings are as follows: First, the existing 'National Office of Records' as the government institution in charge of managing records, should be promoted to the 'National Archives & Records Service of Korea' in order to be administered by the class of a vice-minister in the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs. Second, the qualification criteria which currently requires the Master's degree of Record Management, should be modified to include the Bachelor's degree in the field in order to expand the pool of professional human resources. Also, to hire the public officials for record management, either the positions of 'researcher/record manager group' should be created, or the existing positions of librarian, archivist, and record manager should be integrated into the new position of 'record culture group'. Third, the most significant task for the office of record management of local governments is to inherit and further develop the traditional culture and documentary legacy which are unique to those local communities and governments at various levels, and a priority should be given to those tasks. Therefore, when the Law of Record Management will be later revised, the establishment of the office of record management for local governments at every level should be required, and the museum and archives of records should be also established as a significant part of the institution. Unique local culture and history of particular communities should be collected and preserved in systematically specialized and differentiated ways in those institutions of record management, and the names should be uniquely given to the institutions according to the characteristics of local governments.

Training Needs Analysis for the Roles and Competency of Field Representatives in Electric Work (전기공사 현장대리인의 역할 및 역량에 대한 교육요구분석)

  • Yun, Hyeon Woo;Yoon, Gwan Sik
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.142-162
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study are to provide the basic data materials and implementations for successful performance of electric-work field representatives of South Korean firms by identifying their roles and competency and examining their educational need. For this research purposes, three phased analysis was followed on: (1) the roles of electric-work field representatives, (2) competency of electric-work field representatives and (3) educational need for their competency. This research method was to conduct a focus group interview for 10 expert field representatives along with survey. The collected data materials were processed by MS Excel and SPSS 21.0 for statistical analysis including average, standard deviation and other basic statistics; the gap in awareness of field representatives; and need values. For the needs analysis, the difference between significance of field representatives' competency and current status was examined by t test. And the awareness gap between competency importance and current status was identified based on the Borich equation. The Locus for Focus model was employed herein to identify the kinds of competency with high importance and high inconsistency to prioritize. As a result, this research has found as follows: first, the roles of field representatives were found to be in 13 different kinds of roles. Second, electric-work field representatives were found to need to have 16 different skills. Third, regarding the 16 abilities, the gap between current status and significance was analyzed herein. The results showed statistically significant differences in all cases. The Borich needs analysis found the first required ability was communication ability followed by power of execution, conflict management ability, analytical thinking and time management ability. Also, the results of Locus for Focus model analysis displayed that the first quadrant(HH) included 7 highly-demanded abilities of communication ability, analytical thinking, decision making ability, specialty, time management ability, power of execution and drive for work implementation. The top-priority group was found to have 5 items of communication ability, analytical thinking, time management ability, power of execution and drive for work implementation which were commonly seen in the Locus for Focus model outcomes. Based on these findings, this research could identify the roles and competency of electric-work field representatives and provide the basic data materials applicable to future personal management of electricity companies including recruitment, division of work, job description, evaluation, etc. Also this research offered guidelines on demanded abilities in the field and where to place priority. The kinds of abilities with high educational demand as found in this research must be considered in designing educational programs for the competency building of field representatives. This research is expected to provide useful information in developing such educational programs for field representatives.

The Structural Relationship between Entrepreneurial Competency, Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition on and Entrepreneurial Intentions of Middle-aged Eldery Office Workers (중·장년 직장인의 창업역량과 창업기회인식 및 창업의지의 구조적 관계)

  • Choi, In Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the effect of entrepreneurial competency on entrepreneurial intentions by using the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition as a mediator for middle and middle-aged office workers. The sub-variables of entrepreneurial competency are classified into management competency, technology competency, business competency and funding competency. 222 copies of questionnaires collected from middle-aged and elderly office workers residing across the country centered on the metropolitan area were used for empirical analysis. Based on a simple mediating model with singular mediator using SPSS v22.0 and PROCESS macro v4.0. was analyzed. As a result of the analysis, first, among entrepreneurial competencies, business competency and funding capacity were found to have a positive (+) significant effect on the entrepreneurial intentions, but management and technical competency did not have a significant effect. The higher the business competency and funding competency. Second, it was found that all of the sub-variables of entrepreneurial competency had a significant effect in the positive (+) direction on the recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities. It was confirmed that management competency has the greatest influence on the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition and technology competence has the smallest effect. Third, it was found that the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition had a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions. The discovery of an opportunity recognizing opportunities for start-up is a prerequisite for entrepreneur. Fourth, it was found that the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition mediates between the management competency, technological competency, business competency, funding competency, and entrepreneurial intention. It suggests that opportunity discovery by recognizing opportunities for entrepreneurship is a prerequisite for start-up. As implications of this study, it suggests that in order to inspire middle-aged and elderly office workers to start their own business, it is necessary to have indirect experience with education and to establish and promote a government support system for financing.. Second, It suggests that education on leadership and organizational management is particularly necessary to strengthen the opportunity recognition. Third, it suggests that the discovery of opportunities to recognize opportunities for start-up is a prerequisite for entrepreneur. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a manual and conduct training on opportunity search, recognition, evaluation, and utilization according to the stage of opportunity development. Fourth, it suggests that in order to strengthen the intention to start a business, ALso, it is necessary to manage both the entrepreneurial competency and entrepreneurial opportunities recognition at the same time. By presenting the practical directions that can be given differentially, we intend to contribute to the provision of practical directions and policy establishment for the promotion of entrepreneurial activities of office workers who can give vitality to the ecosystem.

A Study on Improving Perception of Subject-Special Librarian and Subject-Special Services: Focusing on Survey Targeting Students Who Take 'Medical Terms and MeSH' and 'Health & Medical Information Sources' (주제전문사서와 주제전문서비스에 대한 인식제고를 위한 연구 - '의학용어와 MeSH', '보건의학정보원' 수강생 대상 설문조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Eui-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.437-456
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    • 2016
  • This study, based on the need for department of LIS education program that targets training of subject-special librarian, focuses on proving that such education can improve perception of subject-special librarian and strengthen career decision-making. This study is composed of two parts. First, this study investigates case studies about subject-special librarian cultivation. Second, this study includes a survey about subject-special librarian, improving understanding about subject-special librarian, and improving career decision-making which was carried out targeting students who take 'Medical Terms and MeSH', and 'Health & Medical Information Sources' courses. Results are as follows. First, most of the respondents felt the need for medical librarian and medical information services (88.7%), understood the role of medical librarian (92.5%), got to know more about the types and functions of medical information services (100%), and came to be more aware of the self-esteem a medical librarian feels as a professional. Second, relatively, the percentage of respondents who demonstrated the willingness to work at a medical library (45.3%) or work in the field of medical information services (26.4%) was noticeably low. Third, there were no statistical difference in whether the students took related courses or not, number of courses they took and difference in their school year, and in regard of the level of understanding of medical librarian and medical information services, those who took courses demonstrated higher understanding than did those who did not take those courses. Also, those who took the courses showed stronger willingness to work as a medical librarian. Fourthly, the curriculum carried out by the department of library and information service was effective in understanding medical librarian and medical information services, but makes students more cautious about deciding whether or not to start their career at a medical library. Lastly, it was recommended that there is a need to have the curriculum updated in order to help students overcome the difficulty and unfamiliarity they feel about medical subject.

The Effects of A Cognitive-Behavioral Anger Control Training on Anger Control Ability and Peer Relationships of Children (인지행동적 분노조절 훈련이 아동의 분노조절능력과 교우관계에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Mi-Ra;Lee, Young-Man
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this study were to consist an anger control program in order to help children confirm and modify their cognitive errors in peer anger-provoking situations(Lee Mi-gyeong, 2006), that and to examine the effects of this program on anger-provoking experience, anger controllability and peer relationship. The cognitive-behavioral anger control program was consisted of 16 sessions. The focus of the program were placed on perceiving angry feelings, confirming automatic thinking and cognitive errors and acquiring how to correct the cognitive errors(1st-10th sessions), and checking cognitive errors in 13 anger-provoking situations and practicing way to correct the errors(11th-15th sessions). To examine the effects of the program, 10 children who had a lot of anger-provoking experiences, and were poor at anger control and faced difficulties with peer relationship were selected. The cognitive-behavioral anger control program was implemented for eight weeks, twice a week, 40 minutes each. The collected data were analysed by the ANOVA method using the SPSS and Kwakstat(Kwak Ho-wan, 1993). What cognitive errors children made and how they modified the errors during the program were checked. The findings of the study were as follows: The cognitive-behavioral anger control program served to cut down on the anger-provoking experiences, to improve their anger controllability, to boost their peer relationship, and that effect lasted till six weeks later. And the cognitive errors they made during the program were in the order as follows: stating the oughtness of their behavior, followed by naming, seeing everything in black and white, emotional judgment, mind reading, linking the situation to themselves, overgeneralizing, and hasty conclusion. The ways to correct the cognitive errors were in the order as follows: putting oneself in another's place, explaining in a different manner, looking for proof, thinking of it is so difficult to indure, thinging of there is moral to it, and thinking of how angry after passing time.

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Maternal and Child Factors Associated with Early Detection of Cerebral Palsy (뇌성마비아 조기발견과 관련된 모자인자)

  • Bae, Sung-Soo;Park, Jung-Han
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.20 no.2 s.22
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    • pp.312-321
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    • 1987
  • To investigate the maternal and child factors associated with early detection of cerebral palsy, 74 mothers of cerebral palsy children who were born since January 1, 1980 and being treated at Taegu Rehabilitation Center for the Handicapped, Rehabilitiation Center of Taegu University, St. Paul Children's House and Pusan Welfare Association of Cerebral Palsy Children were interviewed from February to April 1987. There is no association between age of child when parents noticed the child's abnormality and educational level of father but it tend to be detected earlier when education level of mother is college or above compared with high school or under. There is a trend of earlier detection of child's abnormality although statistically not significant in case father is professional or managerial worker, monthly income of father is over \610,000, child is first-born, age of the parents is 34 years or under, child is a boy, and child has periodic well-baby check-up. The child's abnormality is detected earlier when mothers had 7 prenatal visits or more compared with those who had 6 visits or less (p<0.05). Parents noticed the child's abnormality first in 85.1% of the cases whereas doctors detected it first in 2.7% and this percentage was not different whether the child had periodic well-baby check-up or not. The first physician's diagnosis of the children was cerebral palsy in 36.5% and the rest was normal, need for observation, uncertain, etc. Parents took the child to doctor for diagnosis 2-3 months after they noticed the child's abnormality and after the child was diagnosed as cerebral palsy parents either took no therapeutic measure or brought the child to physiotherapy or acupuncture or gave herb medicine before they started specific rehabilitative therapy. For early detection of the cerebral palsy children, teaching of evaluation method for child development should be reinforced both in medical school and clinical training course and should train the specialist for diagnosis and treatment of crippling conditions. Also, public education is needed for the importance of early detection of crippling conditions and currently available methods for diagnosis and treatment.

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Beauty Shop Workers' Views of Job (미용사의 직무만족도와 직업관)

  • Oh, Ai-Ja;Nam, Chul-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.67-84
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to examine beauty shop workers' views of job. Data were collected from the workers in Seoul, Daegu, Pohang, Junjoo, and Kimhae from June 1, 2000 to August 31, 2000. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. According to general characteristics of the subjects, 28,7% of them was female; 94.2% 'specialized in hair'; 46.4% 'below twenty nine years old'; 47.1% 'married'; 59.7% 'highschool graduate'; 33.9% 'worked for below three years'; 28.5% 'monthly income of five hundred thousand to nine hundred ninety thousand won'; 62.3% 'working for above twelve hours a day' ; 41.0% 'above five workers' ; 40.6% 'working in city'. 2. 54.8% of the respondents thought that they were in good health. 76.3% of them smoked and 54.8% drank. 62.8% of them did not exercise and 78.7% was under stress. 61.5% responded that they chose the job because of its possibility of professional vocation. 91.0% of them obtained the beauty skill from beauty schools. 3. Among the factors which influenced job satisfaction, 'stable job and life security' was highest(43.9%), while 'interest in the job and amount of pay' was lowest(3.2%). 'Personal ability and use of originality' was 19.4% and 'harmonious relationship with fellow workers' was 18.1%. 'Job environment' was 7.1% and 'harmonious relationship with higher workers' was 4.5%. 4. The level workers' view of job was 113.8±17.3 points on the basis of 150 points. On the basis of 75 points, each item showed it points in order of self-development(22.3±3.8), service for customers(20.1±3.1), vocational mission(15.6±3.1), harmony with the others(18.9±3.5), working environment(18.6±3.6), and working condition(14.3±5.1). 5. Among the reasons why they considered leaving the job, 24.0% of them considered it because they could not free time, while 15.4% considered it because undesirable living environment or long distance from home. 15.0% thought it because they could not receive proper treatment as much as they worked and 12.8% thought they overworked. 6. When they move into new working places, they consider such factors as good working environment(24.1%), good place to open their own beauty shops(16.7%), good beauty shop to learn beauty skill(15.6%), chance to have job training(9.5%), and close place from home(9.0%). 7. 40.6% of the respondents wanted to leave the job, while 32.3% of them did not want to leave the job. The intention of leaving the displayed significant difference in the variables of age, working period, monthly income, marital status, the number of workers, location of the shop, rank, and reason of selecting the job. 8. According to the results of a regression analysis of factors which influenced job satisfaction, it was affected significantly by intention of leaving job, the number of workers, health condition, level of stress, and monthly income. The beauty shop workers showed low satisfaction level with working environment, working condition, and working mission, They considered leaving the job because of lack of free time, overwork, poor working environment, improper treatment, etc. Therefore, related professionals and organizations must device adequate measures in order to make them work with pride as creators of beauty.

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Syllabus Design and Pronunciation Teaching

  • Amakawa, Yukiko
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2000
  • In the age of global communication, more human exchange is extended at the grass-roots level. In the old days, language policy and language planning was based on one nation-state with one language. But high waves of globalizaiton have allowed extended human flow of exchange beyond one's national border on a daily basis. Under such circumstances, homogeneity in Japan may not allow Japanese to speak and communicate only in Japanese and only with Japanese people. In Japan, an advisory report was made to the Ministry of Education in June 1996 about what education should be like in the 21st century. In this report, an introduction of English at public elementary schools was for the first time made. A basic policy of English instruction at the elementary school level was revealed. With this concept, English instruction is not required at the elementary school level but each school has their own choice of introducing English as their curriculum starting April 2002. As Baker, Colin (1996) indicates the age of three as being the threshold diving a child becoming bilingual naturally or by formal instruction. Threre is a movement towards making second language acquisition more naturalistic in an educational setting, developing communicative competence in a more or less formal way. From the lesson of the Canadian immersion success, Genesee (1987) stresses the importance of early language instruction. It is clear that from a psycho-linguistic perspective, most children acquire basic communication skills in their first language apparently effortlessly and without systematic and formal instruction during the first six or seven years of life. This innate capacity diminishes with age, thereby making language learning increasingly difficult. The author, being a returnee, experienced considerable difficulty acquiring L2, and especially achieving native-like competence. There will be many hurdles to conquer until Japanese students are able to reach at least a communicative level in English. It has been mentioned that English is not taught to clear the college entrance examination, but to communicate. However, Japanese college entrance examination still makes students focus more on the grammar-translation method. This is expected to shift to a more communication stressed approach. Japan does not have to aim at becoming an official bilingual country, but at least communicative English should be taught at every level in school Mito College is a small two-year co-ed college in Japan. Students at Mito College are basically notgood at English. It has only one department for business and economics, and English is required for all freshmen. It is necessary for me to make my classes enjoyable and attractive so that students can at least get motivated to learn English. My major target is communicative English so that students may be prepared to use English in various business settings. As an experiment to introduce more communicative English, the author has made the following syllabus design. This program aims at training students speak and enjoy English. 90-minute class (only 190-minute session per week is most common in Japanese colleges) is divided into two: The first half is to train students orally using Graded Direct Method. The latter half uses different materials each time so that students can learn and enjoy English culture and language simultaneously. There are no quizes or examinations in my one-academic year program. However, all students are required to make an original English poem by the end of the spring semester. 2-6 students work together in a group on one poem. Students coming to Mito College, Japan have one of the lowest English levels in all of Japan. However, an attached example of one poem made by a group shows that students can improve their creativity as long as they are kept encouraged. At the end of the fall semester, all students are then required individually to make a 3-minute original English speech. An example of that speech contest will be presented at the Convention in Seoul.

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