• 제목/요약/키워드: Training and education

검색결과 7,215건 처리시간 0.049초

An Analysis of and Connection between the Lectures Related to Mathematics Education in National Universities of Education and Education Training Institutes (교육대학교와 교육연수원의 수학과목 분석 및 연계)

  • 황혜정;신항균;임민경
    • School Mathematics
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.315-342
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    • 2003
  • The goals of this study are basically to analyze the lectures related to mathematics education in national universities of education and in education training institutes, and ultimately to suggest the collaboration in the lectures related to mathematics education in national universities of education and education training institutes. In order to achieve the above goals, five universities were selected. Summing up these results, we suggest several ways to collaborate the mathematics education lectures in national universities of education and education training institutes. First, the training education in the national university of education has to offer more lectures which deal with the theory related with mathematical education and the fundamental area of mathematics. In addition to this, teaching in contents in terms of the area has to focus on the background knowledge related to the teaching contents. Second, based on the training education, the assigned education training institute has to reflect the periodical and social condition. In addition to this, it has to reflect the real condition around the school environment. With those efforts it has to make new kinds of lectures which concentrate on the recent trend or the understanding of the theory related with mathematical education. In this case, both obligatory and elective courses have to be offered. Third, the education training institute responsible for the staff development program has to open lectures with the contexts of real time teaching activities based on the experiences of the teachers. In this case, one or two particular subjects have to be dealt with in depth and lecturers have to be selected who are suitable for the lectures.

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A Basic Study on the Satisfaction of On-board Training for Cadets in Shipping Company (위탁선사 실습생의 승선실습 만족도에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Sin, Ho-Sig;Im, Myeong-Hwan
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.441-451
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    • 2015
  • The one-year onboard training, which has been implemented since 1988 according to the STCW Convention in 1978, is a crucial part of cadets' training and education. The choice of training shipping company is important that like a internship. This basic study is for the satisfaction at the shipping companies that trains cadets the Mokpo National Maritime University. The satisfaction for onboard training consists of a conscious, educational and environmental parts with six demographic characteristics and carried out the questionnaire survey of 206 cadets in shipping companies. The low parts of satisfaction are implemented cross tabulation analysis and in-depth interview for realize the reason. In this paper, the satisfaction from environmental part(3.83±0.75) is high but conscious part(3.35±0.86) and educational part(3.33±0.79) are low. In demographic characteristics, male in gender, apprentice officer in duty, others in kind of crew, container in kind of vessel and 30,000~100,000 tons in size of vessel are high satisfaction in general. Specifically, feeding service(4.02±0.75) in environment, influence on future vision(3.65±0.84) in consciousness, goal for training(3.50±0.65) in education showed the highest level in satisfaction.

Shipboard Training for the Efficient Maritime Education

  • Nam, Chung-Do
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • 제30권9호
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    • pp.735-740
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    • 2006
  • Marine officers should have crisis control ability because ship operation needs not only highly specialized information, but also functional capability due to the fact that there always exist dangers at sea, which are different from those at shore. Therefore, marine officers should be trained on the related specialized information under the systematical educational system including shipboard training. Their training is also based on the strong spiritual power and physical strength through the strict training process. In order to have these vocational personalities, dormitory life training and shipboard training courses seem to be essential processes, which are required of maritime education. The introduction of automatic system into the ship as a result of the recent development of technology brings decrease of the full number of crew. Consequently, marine officers are increasingly under heavy burden, and should have more ship operation capabilities than before. Maine officers should have not only specialized information which differs from that at shore, but also vocational adaptability which can reasonably tackle with all the problems which exist on the spot and are obstacles to individual, spiritual, physical, natural, and social demands. So it is required that marine officers should have study many areas to deal with as extra curricula besides their major field of study, which are unique characteristics of the education for them. These vocational adaptabilities are based on the spiritual characteristics, such as self-developmental education, responsibility, meticulous care, attentiveness, voluntary, planning, readiness, spontaneity, accuracy, self-denial, obedience, leadership, and etc.

A study on the device of effective industrial education training for ability of management development in small medium industry factory. (중소기업공장의 관리능력개발을 위한 효과적인 산업교육 훈련의 실시방안)

  • 신용백
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.60-64
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    • 1980
  • Top manager and factory manager in the small-medium industrial factory in Korea was conscious of industrial education training requirement more than past, it began the Saemaul movement in factory from 1974, and the 1st nation wide meeting of industrial Standardization & Quality control Movement from 1975, etc. It is that industrial education training through the influence of pan-industrial nation with program. Because it is non-system and unplanned that are a short period introduction of industrial education training operation. Now then they are received better apprecation through the information of the program ecommendation and consultancy of industrial education training from coordination with related professional agencies and goverment agency for small-medium industry promotion.

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Spillovers of Education and Job Training in Bringing Sustainable Economic Development in Pakistan: The Role of Research and Development Revisited

  • AMIN, Sara;LIAQAT, Malka;SAFDAR, Noreen;IQBAL, Sidra
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제9권5호
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2022
  • Current research intended to measure the spillovers of education and on-the-job training to enhance sustainable economic development. Consideration of research and development expenditures for on-the-job training expands the impact of education and, thus, may provide spillovers for Pakistan's economic growth. The primary focus of this research is to look at the combined impact of education and research and development spending as value-added variables for sustainable growth. The econometric study uses data from a variety of sources, including the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the Pakistan Economic Survey, and world development indices. The secondary annual time series data from 1976 to 2019 are analyzed. To adequately estimate the empirical model, ARDL has been used while the presence of the unit root has been tested using the ADF test. The findings show that education, research, and development all contribute to all-inclusive, sustainable economic growth. Labor and capital, among other traditional components, continue to be the backbone of the development process. Still, the spillover effect is much enhanced with the expansion in education and the on-job training in the form of research and development expenditures. Consequently, the introduction of research and development in education will lead to a sustainable and inclusive economy.

A Study on the Teaching Plan of Geologic Field Trip in the Earth Science Ecucation, High School (고등학교 지구 과학에서 야외 지질 조사의 지도 방법)

  • Oh, Mihn-Soo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 1978
  • In order to normalized the Earth Science Education, experiments and geologic field trainings are very important. But it have not carried out on account of many difficulties in current High School of Korea. These difficulties are lack of time, many problems of the text book, heavy teaching load, shortage of facilities and experimental equipments, and poor quality of teacher etc. The practical training of geologic field trip is very important in Earth Science Education. Finally, wirter propose a new teaching plan of geologic field training as follows: 1. The teacher must prepare the guide paper of field geologic training. 2. Subjects of practical training must simplify. 3. The teacher must take a pre-field investigation in order to get the teaching plan and the preparation of practical field training. 4. Let students observe for themselves on this guide, as if they were geologists. 5. The teacher must conclude about practical training after the working.

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A Study on operational issues and status of Certificate of Basic OSH Training in Construction (건설업 기초안전보건교육의 운용적 문제점과 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Geon;Kang, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2017
  • Full embroidery industrial accidents in recent years has shown a declining trend. But disaster embroidery of domestic construction industry were more than 20,000 deaths per year is about 500 people. The government has introduced a construction site often changing the recruitment of new construction based on health and safety as an alternative to road safety education training yisuje of construction workers, daily work periods short. Certificate of Basic OSH Training in Constructions had also been evaluated as successful by reducing the accident rate problem. It is conducted in private educational institutions has occurred on the friction between workers and employers and training costs are difficult to approach workers in the education standards for such facilities due to the superintendent. Educational institutions are institutions that have been caused by excessive competition lowered levels of education. There is also a lack of evaluation that the training is limited to the basic safety knowledge. These details are brought formal safety education purposes only and is introducing the results of other self jyeotgi difficult to reap the proceeds to good effect. In this study, we propose a plan for improving operational problems and enemy status based on research data presented after the Certificate of Basic OSH Training in Construction.

Palliative Care Education in Gynecologic Oncology: a Survey of Gynecologic Oncologists and Gynecologic Oncology Fellows in Thailand

  • Ratanakaaew, A;Khemapech, N;Laurujisawat, P
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권15호
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    • pp.6331-6334
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    • 2015
  • Background: The main purpose of this study was to survey the education and training of certified gynecologic oncologists and fellows in Thailand. A secondary objective was to study the problems in fellowship training regarding palliative care for gynecologic cancer patients. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted by sending a questionnaire regarding palliative care education to all certified gynecologic oncologists and gynecologic oncology fellows in Thailand. The contents of the survey included fellowship training experience, caring for the dying, patient preparation, attitudes and respondent characteristics. Statistics were analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation and chi-square. Results: One hundred seventy completed questionnaires were returned; the response rate was 66%. Most certified gynecologic oncologists and fellows in gynecologic oncology have a positive attitude towards palliative care education, and agree that "psychological distress can result in severe physical suffering". It was found that the curriculum of gynecologic oncology fellowship training equally emphasizes three aspects, namely managing post-operative complications, managing a patient at the end of life and managing a patient with gynecologic oncology. As for experiential training during the fellowship of gynecologic oncology, education regarding breaking bad news, discussion about goals of care and procedures for symptoms control were mostly on-the-job training without explicit teaching. In addition, only 42.9 % of respondents were explicitly taught the coping skill for managing their own stress when caring for palliative patients during fellowship training. Most of respondents rated their clinical competency for palliative care in the "moderately well prepared" level, and the lowest score of the competency was the issue of spiritual care. Conclusions: Almost all certified gynecologic oncologists and fellows in gynecologic oncology have a positive attitude towards learning and teaching in palliative care. In this study, some issues were identified for improving palliative care education such as proper training under the supervision of a mentor, teaching how to deal with work stress, competency in spiritual care and attitudes on responsibility for bereavement care.

A Study on the Activation Program of Field-Training with the Change of Economical Environment (기업환경변화에 따른 산학협동현장실습의 활성화 방안)

  • Jang Kyung-Chae
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • 제7권
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    • pp.341-363
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of industry-education cooperation field training is improving students' abilities & skills by working at industrial companies and experiencing how to apply their school knowledge to a real work for some period of time. The followings are recommendable ways of industry-education cooperation field training management to improve the students' adaptability of industrial companies with the most effectiveness (1) Prior to everything, setting the industry-education cooperation field training program to have extreme efficient and managing it with exhaustiveness & intensiveness is necessary. (2) Before sending students to industrial companies for education, the committee must make an inspection of industrial companies to decide whether they have the fine educational value. (3) To assign eve student to proper industrial companies, school authorities must survey the aptitude, desire and ability of each students and peculiarities of each industrial companies. (4) Figure out a way to increase the students' adaptability with a highest degree. (5) To help the employment of students who finished the industry-education cooperation field training with on admirable record, the committee must discuss that matter with industrial companies & students.

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A Study on the New Education and Training Scheme for Developing Seafarers in Seafarer 4.0 - Focusing on the MASS - (선원 4.0시대에 적합한 새로운 선원교육훈련 체계에 대한 연구 - 자율운항선박을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chang-Hee;Yun, Gwi-ho;Hong, Jung-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • 제25권6호
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    • pp.726-734
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    • 2019
  • The current maritime industry is expected to have a significant impact on the role of maritime-related technologies and systems, especially seafarers, in the rapidly changing Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS) aims to reduce the number of safety accidents and improve seafarers' working environment. With regard to MASS, the International Maritime Organization has been trying to minimize unexpected impact in the maritime education and training sector by establishing international conventions such as the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers. However, domestic designated educational institutions have not yet established an education and training scheme to develop seafarers who will be on board for MASS. Therefore, this paper reviews the technology of MASS, analyzes the changes in education and training in order to upgrade the qualifications, and suggests the competencies of smart seafarers equipped with the integrated management ability required for Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cybersecurity, and the Digital System Revolution through education and training. In addition, this study provides basic information for the education and training of seafarers who are optimized for the rapidly changing technological environment.