• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topography Structure

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Slope topography effect on the seismic response of mid-rise buildings considering topography-soil-structure interaction

  • Shabani, Mohammad J.;Shamsi, Mohammad;Ghanbari, Ali
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.187-200
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    • 2021
  • The main factor for the amplification of ground motions near the crest or the toe of a slope is the reflection of the incident waves. The effects of the slope topography on the surrounding lands over the crest or at the toe can amplify the seismic responses of buildings. This study investigates the seismic performance of the slope topography and three mid-rise buildings (five, ten, and fifteen-storey) located near the crest and toe of the slope by 3D numerical analysis. The nonlinear model was used to represent the real behavior of building and ground elements. The average results of seven records were used in the investigations. Based on the analysis, the amplification factor of acceleration near the crest and toe of the slope was the most effective at distances of 2.5 and 1.3 times the slope height, respectively. Accordingly, the seismic performance of buildings was studied at a distance equal to the height of the slope from the crest and toe. The seismic response results of buildings showed that the slope topography to have little impact on up to five-storey buildings located near the crest. Taking into account a topography-soil-structure interaction system increases the storey displacement and base shear in the building. Accordingly, in topography-soil-structure interaction analyses, the maximum lateral displacement was increased by 71% and 29% in ten and fifteen-storey buildings, respectively, compare to the soil-structure interaction system. Further, the base shear force was increased by 109% and 78% in these buildings relative to soil-structure interaction analyses.

Analysis on the Topography Spatial Structure and the Geomagnetic Disturbances for the Ideal Spot of Birthplaces - In the Case of Jeollanam-do Area - (명당 생가터의 지형 공간구조와 지자기교란에 관한 분석 - 전라남도 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Seop;Kim, Myung-Sin
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2012
  • This paper is an analysis on the topography spatial structure and geomagnetic disturbance for the ideal spot of birthplaces in Jeollanam-do area. Here, representating the ideal spots for birthplaces means those homes that are wellknown to a lot of local residents, It also it speaks on the birthplaces where famous people spend their childhood. We chose three such birthplaces and analyzed them into Feng-Shui regarding the topography spatial structure, and also analyzed them for the geomagnetic disturbances. On the basis of such an analysis, we found a relation between the ideal spot of birthplaces and the geomagnetic disturbances. We studied the impact of geomagnetic disturbances on ideal spot of birthplaces. As a result, three birthplaces turned out to be an ideal spot with regards to our analysis of Feng-Shui and the topography spatial structure, also they had uniformly distributed almost no geomagnetic disturbances with stable the structure of the earth's stratum. Consequently we could know that the ideal spot of birthplaces did not a little affect mental health and physical health of the birthplace residents by liveliness while they lived fetal life until childhood.

Numerical Study on the Hydroelastic Response of the Very Large floating Structure Considering Sea-Bottom Topography (해저 지형을 고려한 초대형 부유체의 유탄성 거동 해석)

  • Kyoung, Jo-Hyun;Kim, Byoung-Wan;Cho, Seok-Hyu;Hong, Sa-Young
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.42 no.4 s.142
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    • pp.357-367
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    • 2005
  • A numerical method is developed for the hydroelastic response of the Very Large Floating Structure considering the sea-bottom topography. The sea-bottom effects on the hydroelastic response of the floating structure is studied. The sea-bottom topography should be considered when the floating structure is constructed near the shore. To investigate the sea-bottom effects, four different sea-bottom topographies are considered in this study. finite-element method based on the variational formulation is used in the fluid domain, The pontoon-type floating structure is modeled as the Kirchhoff plate. The mode superposition method is adopted for the hydroelastic behavior of the floating structure.

Surface Structure and X-ray Topography of $NdAl_3(BO_3)_4$ Single Crystals Grown from High Temperature Solution of $BaO-B_2O_3-Nd_2O_3-Al_2O_3$ System ($BaO-B_2O_3-Nd_2O_3-Al_2O_3$계 고온 용액으로부터 성장된 $NdAl_3(BO_3)_4$ 단결정의 표면구조와 X-선 Topography)

  • 정선태;강진기;김정환;정수진
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 1994
  • By surface structure and X-ray topographic observation, growth mechanism of NAB single crystal grown by TSSG technique using a BaB4O7 flux was studied. Surface structure of grown crystals were investigated by optical microscope. Growth history and crystal defects included within grown crystal were investigated using X-ray topography. The {001} faces were grown by 2-D nucleation growth. As decreasing cooling rate, growth mechanism of {111} and {11} was changed from 2-D nucleation growth to the growth by screw dislocation. Only surface striations developed parallel to a-axis were observed on {010} faces. Growth sector of NAB crystals were divided into {001}, {111}, {010}, {021}, {11}. The inclusion which was usually trapped between {001} faces was investigated.

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Reduction of Run-up Height of Vertical Structure using Bottom Topography (해저 지형을 이용한 연직 구조물의 처오름 감소)

  • Jung, Tae-Hwa;King, Gyu-Young;Cho, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.436-445
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    • 2007
  • An analytical solution which can be applied to an arbitrarily varying topography is derived by using the continuity and momentum equations. Applying the fact that the solution of the governing equation is expressed as Bessel function in such case that the water depth varies linearly, the present solution is obtained by assuming the water depth as series of constant slope. The present solution is verified by comparing with analytical solution derived previously and investigates the effects of bottom topography to run-up height of vertical structure.

A Study on Spatial Structure Characteristics of Earthen Walled Fortresses (토성(土城)의 공간구조 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Seok;Jang, Mi-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2014
  • The purposes of this study is to investigate spatial structure characteristics of earthen walled fortresses based on topography, which are locational and Plane morphology, Cross sections of earthworks. Target areas of this study are 37 earthen walled fortresses which are designated as cultural properties. This study is conducted with methodologies of literature review, field investigation, investigation on topography materials and relation analyses of topography&spatial structure. The results from study on spatial structure of earthen walled fortresses are as follows. First, Earthen walled fortresses on flat topography were adjacent to water systems like rivers or streams. Plane morphology showed regular shapes. The cross section morphology presented trapezoid the most with earthworks of which outer and inner walls were built. Second, More than 70% of earthen walled fortresses on hilly topography had water system within close range of approximately 1.5km. Plane morphology was mainly with more than 73% of irregular types. Cross sections of earthworks were of morphology with more than 86% of bordered type and another type leaning against existing topography like mountains. Third, 59% of earthen walled fortresses in mountain areas had water system within their close range, which indicated that they depended on external water system less than those with hilly topography. Plane morphology was mainly with more than 67% of irregular types. Cross sections of earthworks were of monoslope method with more than 94% of bordered type and another type leaning against mountains.

Application of Fractal Demension for Topography Analysis of Frictional Surface of Case Hardened Steel (표면경화강의 마찰면 형상특징 해석을 위한 프렉탈 차원의 적용)

  • Cho, Yon-Sang;Ok, Chul-Ho;Park, Heung-Sik;Jun, Tae-Ok
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.755-759
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    • 2000
  • The determination of surface topography is believed to be extremely important in the areas of contact mechanics, adhesion and friction. In order to describe topography of various frictional surface. the wear test was carried out under different experimental conditions in dry friction. And fractal descriptors was applied to frictional surface of laser modified steel with image processing System. These descriptors to analyze surface structure are fractal dimension. Surface fractal dimension can be determined by sum of intensity difference of surface pixel. Topography of frictional surface can be effectively obtained by fractal dimensions.

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Topographical Analysis of Frictional Surface of Laser Modified Steel by Fractal Dimension (Fractal 차원에 의한 레이저 개질강의 마찰면 형상해석)

  • 오동석;조연상;옥철호;진동규;박흥식;이광영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.240-246
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    • 1999
  • The determination of surface topography is believed to be extremely important in the areas of contact mechanics, adhesion and friction. In order to describe topography of various frictional surface, the wear test was carried out under different experimental conditions in dry friction. And fractal descriptors was applied to frictional surface of laser modified steel with image processing system. These descriptors to analyze surface structure are fractal dimension. Surface fractal dimension can be determined by sum of intensity difference of surface pixel. Topography of frictional surface can be effectively obtained by fractal dimensions.

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Three-dimensional Inversion of Resistivity Data (전기비저항 탐사자료의 3차원 역산)

  • Yi Myeong-Jong;Kim Jung-Ho;Cho Seong-Jun;Chung Seung-Hwan;Song Yoonho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 1999
  • The interpretation of resistivity data has, so far, mainly been made under the assumption that the earth is of relatively simple structure and then using one or two-dimensional inversion scheme. Since real earth structure and topography are fully three-dimensional and very complicated In nature, however, such assumptions often lead to misinterpretation of the earth structures. In such situations, three-dimensional inversion is probably the only way to get correct image of the earth. In this study, we have developed a three-dimensional inversion code using the finite element solution for the forward problem. The forward modeling algorithm simulates the real field situation with irregular topography. The inverse problem is solved iteratively using the least-squares method with smoothness constraint. Our inversion scheme employs ACB (Active Constraint Balancing) to enhance the resolving power of the inversion. Including Irregular surface topography in the inversion, we can accurately define the earth structures without artifact in the numerical tests. We could get reasonable image of earth structure by Inverting the real field data sets taken over highway bridge construction site.

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Study of Shear Fracture System of Janghung Area by Landslide Location Analysis (산사태 발생 자료 분석에 의한 장흥지역의 전단 단열계 연구)

  • 이사로;최위찬;민경덕
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.547-556
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze shear fracture system using landslide location occurred 1998 at Janghung area. For the geological implication, foliation was surveyed and analyzed, and location of landslide, geological structure and topography were constructed into spatial database using GIS. With the constructed spatial database, shear fracture system was assessed by the relation analysis between strike and dip of the foliation and aspect and slope of the topography. We compared strike and dip of foliation and aspect and slope of topography and recognized the typical fracture pattern, strike and dip of joint, that coincided with shear fracture system. The result tells us that foliation of gneiss has geometrical relation to joint or fault that leading landslide. GIS was used to analyze vast data efficiently and the result can be used to assess the landslide susceptibility as important factor.

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