• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographical change

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Development of Smart Multi-function Ground Resistivity Measuring Device using Arduino in Wind Farm (풍력 발전단지내 아두이노를 활용한 스마트 다기능 대지 고유 저항 측정 장치 개발)

  • Kim, Hong-Yong;Yoon, Dong-Gi;Shin, Seung-Jung
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2019
  • Conventional methods of measuring ground resistance and ground resistance field measurement are used to measure voltage drop according to the resistance value of the site by applying current by installing a constant interval of measurement electrode. If the stratified structure of the site site is unique, errors in boundary conditions will occur in the event of back acid and the analysis of the critical ground resistance in the ground design will show much difference from simulation. This study utilizes the Arduino module and smart ground measurement technology in the convergent information and communication environment to develop a reliable smart land resistance measuring device even if the top layer of land is unique, to analyze the land resistance and accumulate data to predict the change in the age of the land. Considering the topographical characteristics of the site, we propose a ground resistance measuring device and its method of measuring ground resistance so that the auxiliary electrode can be installed by correctly positioning the angle and distance in measuring ground resistance. Not only is ground resistance value obtained through electrodes installed to allow accurate ground resistance values to be selected, but it can also be used as a useful material for installing electrical facilities in similar areas. Moreover, by utilizing reliable data and analyzing the large sections of the site, a precise analysis of the site, which is important in ground design as well as construction cost, is expected to be used much in ground facility design such as potential rise.

A Study on Analysis of Landslide Disaster Area using Cellular Automata: An Application to Umyeonsan, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea (셀룰러 오토마타를 이용한 산사태 재난지역 분석에 관한 연구 - 서울특별시 서초구 우면산을 대상으로-)

  • Yoon, Dong-Hyeon;Koh, Jun-Hwan
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2012
  • South Korea has many landslides caused by heavy rains during summer time recently and the landslides continue to cause damages in many places. These landslides occur repeatedly each year, and the frequency of landslides is expected to increase in the coming future due to dramatic global climate change. In Korea, 81.5% of the population is living in urban areas and about 1,055 million people are living in Seoul. In 2011, the landslide that occurred in Seocho-dong killed 18 people and about 9% of Seoul's area is under the same land conditions as Seocho-dong. Even the size of landslide occurred in a city is small, but it is more likely to cause a big disaster because of a greater population density in the city. So far, the effort has been made to identify landslide vulnerability and causes, but now, the new dem and arises for the prediction study about the areal extent of disaster area in case of landslides. In this study, the diffusion model of the landslide disaster area was established based on Cellular Automata(CA) to analyze the physical diffusion forms of landslide. This study compared the accuracy with the Seocho-dong landslide case, which occurred in July 2011, applying the SCIDDICA model and the CAESAR model. The SCIDDICA model involves the following variables, such as the movement rules and the topographical obstacles, and the CAESAR model is also applied to this process to simulate the changes of deposition and erosion.

Analysis of large-scale flood inundation area using optimal topographic factors (지형학적 인자를 이용한 광역 홍수범람 위험지역 분석)

  • Lee, Kyoungsang;Lee, Daeeop;Jung, Sungho;Lee, Giha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.481-490
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the spatiotemporal patterns of flood disasters have become more complex and unpredictable due to climate change. Flood hazard map including information on flood risk level has been widely used as an unstructured measure against flooding damages. In order to product a high-precision flood hazard map by combination of hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, huge digital information such as topography, geology, climate, landuse and various database related to social economic are required. However, in some areas, especially in developing countries, flood hazard mapping is difficult or impossible and its accuracy is insufficient because such data is lacking or inaccessible. Therefore, this study suggests a method to delineate large scale flood-prone area based on topographic factors produced by linear binary classifier and ROC (Receiver Operation Characteristics) using globally-available geographic data such as ASTER or SRTM. We applied the proposed methodology to five different countries: North Korea Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar. The results show that model performances on flood area detection ranges from 38% (Bangladesh) to 78% (Thailand). The flood-prone area detection based on the topographical factors has a great advantage in order to easily distinguish the large-scale inundation-potent area using only digital elevation model (DEM) for ungauged watersheds.

Relation of Freshwater Discharge and Salinity Distribution on Tidal Variation around the Yeomha Channel, Han River Estuary (한강하구 염하수로 주변의 조석변화에 따른 염분분포와 담수와의 상관관계)

  • Yoon, Byung-Il;Woo, Seung-Buhm
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2012
  • Salinity distribution in estuary and tidal river is presented by many parameters including tidal forcing, river discharge and geographical effect. Understanding the characteristics of salinity structure is very important in the aspect of water-quality, ecological, and engineering viewpoint. Field measurement was carried out to study the distribution of salinity structure at 2 surface stations at Yeomha channel in the Han River estuary. The results of short- and long-term salinity change according to short and long tidal variability is investigated. For analyzing the axial salinity distribution at Yeomha channel, the salinity data from NFRDI is used in this study. The relationship between freshwater discharge and salinity distribution is represented through the nonlinear regression equation. The empirical equation for salt intrusion length scale, including tide, river discharge, and topographical effect is presented. As the comparison of empirical equation and existing data collected in study area, the characteristic of salt intrusion length and salinity distribution is changed by tide, fresh water, and geographical effect.

Research on the Variation of Deposition & Accumulation on the Shorelines using Ortho Areial Photos (수치항공사진을 이용한 해안선 침퇴적변화에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Chul-Uong;Lee, Chang-Hun;Oh, Che-Young;Son, Jung-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2009
  • The border of the shorelines in a nation is an important factor in determining the border of a national territory, but Korea's shorelines are rapidly changing due to the recent rise in sea level from global warming and growth-centered economic policy over the decades of years. This research was done centering on the areas having well-preserved shorelines as they naturally are and other areas having damaged shorelines in their vicinities due to artificial structures at the two beaches located at the neighboring areas and having mutually homogeneous ocean conditions with each other. First, this research derived the shorelines using the aerial photographies taken from 1947 until 2007 and revised the tidal levels sounding data obtained from a hydrographical survey automation system consisting of Echosounder[Echotrac 3100] and Differential Global Positioning System[Beacon]by using topographical data and ships on land obtained by applying post-processing Kinematic GPS measuring method. In addition, this research evaluated the changes and dimensional variations for the last 60 years by dividing these determined shorelines into 5 sections. As a result, the Haewundae Beach showed a total of 29% decrease rate in dimension as of the year 2007 in comparison with the year 1947 due to a rapid dimensional decline centering on its west areas, while the dimension of the Gwanganri Beach showed an increase in its dimension amounting to a total of 69% due to the decrease in flow velocity by artificial structures built on both ends of the beach-forming accumulation; thus, it was found that there existed a big difference in deposition & accumulation tendency depending on neighboring environment in spite of the homogeneous ocean conditions.

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Morphological Characteristics of Ocean Core Complexes (OCC) in Central Indian Ridge Using High-Resolution Bathymetry and Backscatter Intensity Data from a Deep-Towed Vehicle (심해예인 고해상도 수심 자료와 후방산란 강도 자료를 이용한 인도양 중앙해령 내 Ocean Core Complex 구조의 지형적 특성 분석)

  • Hwang, Gyuha;Kim, Seung-Sep;Son, Seung Kyu;Kim, Jonguk;Ko, Youngtak
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2020
  • We analyzed the morphological characteristics of OCC (Ocean Core Complexes) in the middle part of the Central Indian Ridge (MCIR) using high-resolution geophysical data recorded on the Deep-Tow SideScan Sonar IMI-30 system. In terms of slope-gradient variations calculated from the high-resolution bathymetry data, the normal faults formed by seafloor spreading were associated generally with slopes > 30° and resulted in high backscatter intensities, which reflect more topographic effects than acoustic medium variation. However, the areas associated with gentle slopes < 10° tend to show the backscatter intensities reflecting the acoustic characteristic of the medium. We show that the detachment faults exposing the OCCs were initiated with high-angle normal faults (58°) exhibiting outward and inward dips of a breakaway zone. In order to examine the spatial distribution of OCC structures, we characterized the transition from magmatic-dominant seafloor with abyssal hills to tectonic-dominant seafloor with OCC using the down-slope direction variation. The slope direction of the seafloor generally tends to be perpendicular to the ridge azimuth in the magmatic-dominant zone, whereas it becomes parallel to the given ridge azimuth near the OCC structures. Therefore, this spatial change of seafloor slope directions indicates that the formation of OCC structures is causally associated with the tectonic-dominant spreading rather than magmatic extension. These results also suggest that the topographical characteristics of seafloor spreading and OCC structures can be distinguished using high-resolution geophysical data. Thus, we propose that the high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter intensity data can help select potential areas of exploitation of hydrothermal deposits in MCIR effectively.

3D Wetlands Classification Mapping of Eulsukdo Area Using LiDAR Data (LiDAR 자료를 이용한 을숙도 지역 3차원 습지 구분도 제작)

  • Lee, Jae-One;Yi, Gi-Chul;Kim, Yong-Suk;We, Kwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.639-647
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    • 2009
  • In line with the rapid settlement of information society, the demand for geospatial information and its applications are dramatically increasing. The Project of National Geographic Information System(NGIS) is actively on going to meet up-to-dateness and accuracy of geospatial data. It is fact that the public interest in environmental issues is increasing than ever in accordance with the restoration of the four major rivers, core project of Green New Deal Policy, and the event of the Ramsar General Meeting. Because the Nakdong River Estuary is a place of great importance in both aspects of wetland and environment conservation, a variety of researches related to this area are progressing. Although artificial developments and natural phenomena are rapidly changing the topography and ecosystem of this area, the effort to build topographic DB for change monitoring is very slow. This study describes a Lidar surveying project over the restored wetland Eulsukdo, the southermost part of the Nakdong River, to establish precise topographic DB throughout producing 3D topographical maps and wetland classification maps. The results of this study will make a large contribution to the systematic maintenance and management for the restored Eulsukdo wetland.

Change of Soil and Water Temperature on the Different Topography and Irrigation Conditions of Paddy Land (지형(地形)과 관개조건(灌漑條件)에 따른 논의 수온(水溫) 및 지온변화(地溫變化))

  • Kim, Lee Yul;Jo, In Sang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 1989
  • Soil and water temperature were evaluated to relate rice growth to topographical chracteristics in paddy soils. Water temperature (WT) and so il temperature (ST) were measured under the various altitudes, slopes and irrigation methods. Temperature fluctuation and growth status in the same field were measured; 1. Air temperature (AT) and ST of 10cm soil depth were decreased with increasing altitude. Difference of its fluctuation in AT, WT and ST of 10cm soil depth in the lapse rate was 0.64, 0.84 and $0.82^{\circ}C$ per 100m elevation, respectively. 2. Maximum WT, in panicle initiation stage, was decreased slowly with increasing altitude whereas minimum WT fallen rapidly. It suggested that the lapse rate of WT was affected by minimum WT. 3. Source of irrigation water and irrigation method affected the WT. WT, ST and rice growth varied with the locations within the same field. 4. Pumping irrigation of artesian well resulted in more fluctuation of WT between irrigation intervals than did the conventional irrigation.

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Topographical Analysis of Landslide in Mt. Woomyeon Using DSM (DSM 자료를 이용한 우면산 산사태 지형 분석)

  • Kim, Gihong;Choi, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2020
  • Torrential rain causes landslide damage every year. In particular, the 2011 downpour caused landslides at numerous points throughout Mt. Woomyeon, which resulted in considerable damage to people and property. Because it occurred in an urban area, this case became a major social issue and received public attention. Measures were quickly implemented for multilateral investigations and recovery. Landslides caused by heavy rain are greatly affected by rainfall at the time. Landslides from the upper part erode the flow path, increasing the size, causing much damage to the lower part. This study selected a rural village area among the damaged areas of Mt. Woomyeon, and analyzed the change in terrain profile before and after a landslide using the DSM data obtained from airborne LiDAR. This area can be divided into three hydrological basins. For each basin, the analysis was performed on the average slope of each part of the flow path, as well as the erosion and deposition due to soil flow. As a result of the analysis, it was estimated that the total amount of soil from the Jeonwon village was 15,300㎥. These field data based on GIS can be used as basic information to predict damage in the case of a similar disaster, and it can be helpful in analyzing the results of various debris flow simulations.

A Study on the Application of FLO-2D Model for Analysis of Debris Flow Damage Area (토석류 피해지역 분석을 위한 FLO-2D 모형의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Hang-Il;Jun, Kye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2022
  • As the frequency of torrential rains and typhoons increases due to climate change, the frequency of occurrence of debris flow is also increasing. In particular, in the case of Kangwon-do, the occurrence of damage caused by mountain disasters is increasing as it has a topographical characteristic where the mountains and the coast are in contact. In order to analyze the flow characteristics in the sedimentary part of the debris flow, input data were constructed through numerical maps and field data, and a two-dimensional model, FLO-2D, was simulated. The damaged area was divided into the inflow part of the debris flow, the village center, and the vicinity of the port, and the flow center and flow velocity of the debris flow were simulated and compared with field survey data. As a result, the maximum flow depth was found to be 2.4 m at the debris flow inlet, 2.7 m at the center of the village, and 1.4 m at the port adjacent to the port so the results were similar when compared to the field survey. And in the case of the maximum flow velocity, it was calculated as 3.6 m/s at the debris flow inlet, 4.9 m/s in the center of the village and 1.2 m/s in the vicinity of the port, so It was confirmed that the maximum flow center occurred in the section where the maximum flow rate appeared.