• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographic area

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Generation of Topographic Map Using GeoEye-1 Satellite Imagery for Construction of the Jangbogo Antarctic Station (GeoEye-1 위성영상을 이용한 남극의 장보고기지 건설을 위한 지형도 제작)

  • Kim, Eui-Myoung;Hong, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2011
  • Construction of the Jangbogo antarctic station was planned, and it requires detailed information on topography of the area around the station. The purpose of this research is to generate the topographic map to construct the Jangbogo antarctic station using the satellite image. To do this, surveying and pre-test of equipment were conducted. In addition, for sensor modeling of the GeoEye-1 satellite image, RPC-bias correction was done, and it showed that at least two control points are required. In generating the map, a 1/2,500 scale was deemed suitable in consideration of resolution of the image and the fact that supplementary topographic surveying would be impossible. In order to provide detailed information on the topography around the Jangbogo station, the digital elevation model based on image matching was created, and compared with GPS-RTK data, accuracy of vertical location about 0.6m was exhibited.

Application of Topographic Index Calculation Algorithm considering Topographic Properties (지형적 특성을 고려한 지형지수 산정 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeong;Kim, Sang-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 2000
  • The impact of land slope to the degree of flow divergence was considered employing distributional applications of slope exponents in the now directlOn algoriUnns. Lmear, exponential and ]X)wer law of distributional functIons were employed to address the variation of slope exponents m a terrain analysis. Dongok subwatershed at Wichun test watershed was selected as a study area. Digital Elevation Models of 20m, 30m, 40m and 50m grid size were made to perfonn the analysis. Various calcualtion methodologies of topographic index and the impact of grid sizes were investigated in terms of statistical and spatial aspects. DIstributional applications of slope e.xponents made it possible to represent the flow divergence and convergence about the ten-ain characteristics. The Monte~Carlo method was used to simulate six runoff events to check the impact of topographic factor in the runoff simulation.

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Weight Determination of Landslide Factors Using Artificial Neural Networks (인공신경 망을 이용한 산사태 발생요인의 가중치 결정)

  • 류주형;이사로;원중선
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the weights of the factors for landslide susceptibility analysis using artificial neural network. Landslide locations were identified from interpretation of aerial photographs, field survey data, and topography. The landslide-related factors such as topographic slope, topographic curvature, soil drainage, soil effective thickness, soil texture, wood age and wood diameter were extracted from the spatial database in study area, Yongin. Using these factors, the weights of neural networks were calculated by backpropagation training algorithm and were used to determine the weight of landslide factors. Therefore, by interpreting the weights after training, the weight of each landslide factor can be ranked based on its contribution to the classification. The highest weight is topographic slope that is 5.33 and topographic curvature and soil texture are 1 and 1.17, respectively. Weight determination using backprogpagation algorithms can be used for overlay analysis of GIS so the factor that have low weight can be excluded in future analysis to save computation time.

Application of Improved Algorithm for Topographic Index Calculation (개선된 지형지수 산정 알고리즘의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyeon;Lee, Ji-Yeong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.489-499
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    • 1999
  • This research investigated the applicapability of an improved algorithm to calculate the topographic index, ln($\alpha$/tan B), for the topography of Korea employing channel initiation threshold area(CIT) and an exponent for the gradient(H). hanjaechun subwatershed in Cheongdochun and Dongok subwatershed in Wichun test watershed were selected as study areas. The digital elevation models(DEM) of study areas have been made with the resolution from 10m to 100m. Application of CIT to the traditional algorithm provide reasonable computation method in considering channel pixel impact. Introduction of the gradient exponent(H) made it possible to obtain better flow convergence effect in concave topography comparing with the traditional multiple flow direction algorithm. The improved algorithm shows the capability to relax the overestimation problem of rising limb of hydrograph through reducing overestimated high value of topographic index.

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Utilizing noise mapping in environmental impact assessment in a downtown development area (도심지 개발사업에 따른 환경영향평가시 소음지도 적용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Shi-Won;Chang, Seo-Il;Park, Younge-Min;Choi, Jin-Kwon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.535-540
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    • 2005
  • In environmental impact assessment, noise impact assessment usually consists of three stages surveying the existing noise levels by measurements, predicting noise levels induced by construction works and predicting noise levels after the completion of project. When predicting noise level in urban area, this method does not consider acoustic phenomena like multi reflection, diffraction and absorption due to complex topographic configuration of building and terrains. For the purpose, a noise mapping tool is utilized to produce a series of noise maps, which are those for the present, for the works of construction and for the future. For accurate noise mapping, acoustical and topographic information is essential. Standard sound power levels and directivities of various construction equipments are required and scheduling of construction processes and locations of the equipments should be provided. In the case of exceeding legal limit, mitigation measures are applied to satisfy the legal limits and subsequent noise map is obtained and checked.

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Inplementation of flooding simulation in coastal area based on 3D satellite images and Web GIS

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Park, Hyeon-Cheol;Kim, Hyoung-Sub;Choi, Yong-Ki
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.166-169
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    • 2006
  • Our country's coast is vulnerable area to natural disaster which the repetitive damages occur every year including a loss of lives, the damage of facilities and erosion mostly except for the east coast because of a typhoon, tidal waves, sea water overflowing by topographic structure of low-lying gentle slope and shallow sea. However, as for prevention of natural disaster occurring every year, the situation is that it's centered on the restorationcentered measures and the general disaster prevention research to minimize damages at the time of disaster occurrence is insufficient. This study intendedlop t to devehe techniques possible for real time sampling of damage prediction areas on Web in order to support decision making for damage prevention and establishment of disaster prevention policy. For this, the thematic map was produced related to disaster based on high-resolution satellite picture, and the environmental DB similar to real world was constructed through topographic construction of three-dimension integrating the parts of land and the sea. In addition, the system was developed possible for the expression of damageable regions by real time grasp of dangerous regions at the time of disaster occurrence through over flowing simulation of three-dimension, and it's intended to prepare a basis to minimize damages to disaster situations through it.

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  • Kim, Dong-Young;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.281-284
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    • 2008
  • Due to the remarkable development of the GIS and spatial information technology, the information on the national land and scientific management are disseminated. According to the result of research for an efficient analysis of forest site, it presents distinguishing of satellite image and methodology of TPI (Topographic Position Index). The prediction of forest site distribution through this research, specified Gyeongju-si area, gives an effect to distinguishing honor system through Quickbird image with the resolution 0.6m. Furthermore it was carried out through TPI grid that is abstracted by DEM, slope of study area and type of topography, as well as it put its operation on analysis and verification of relativity between the result of prediction on forest site distribution and the field survey report. It distinguishes distribution of country rock that importantly effects to producing of soil, using 1: 5000 forest maps and grasping distribution type of soil using satellite image and TPI, it is supposed to provide a foundation of the result on prediction of forest site. With the GIS techniques of analysis, inclination of discussion, altitude, etc, and using high resolution satellite image and TPI, it is considered to be capable to provide more exact basis information of forest resources, management of forest management both in rational and efficient.

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Study on Driving System for Tidal Flat Vehicle (연약갯벌 차량용 주행장치 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yeu, Tae-Kyeong;Hong, Sup;Kim, Hyung-Woo;Choi, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a design approach of driving system for tidal flat vehicle. Firstly, topographic and geological survey of tidal flat zone was accomplished. 'Anac' located in the west-south coast of South Korea was chosen for the survey area. From the survey, the basic design data such as distribution of gullies size and bearing pressure was obtained. To figure out the shape of driving system, numerical simulations were carried out. Through the numerical dynamic simulations using $Recurdyn^{TM}$, the performance of various concepts of driving system was analyzed. From the results, we propose the conceptual design with the functions: a) low contact pressure, b) powerful driving force transmission, c) adaptation to the ground undulation. To satisfy these functional requirements, the driving system adopts rubber tracks, sprockets, tires and suspensions. The static structural analysis of the frame structure was executed as well, from which the detailed design was drawn out. To validate the performance of the designed driving system, the test vehicle which has gasoline engine of 27HP and mechanical transmission was constructed. The driving tests of the vehicle were performed twice at the "Anac" area, and unveiled its capability.

A Study on the Measurement of Slope by Softcopy Photogrammetry (소프트카피 사진측량에 의한 사면지반 측정)

  • 배상호;이형석;주영은
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2001
  • Topographic map is important for the additional detailed construction planning followed by slope sliding. It is a base map that is used to compute the volume of soil, the cost of construction, and check the stability in the area of slope sliding. In this study, 3D topographic data were acquired appling softcopy photogrammetry to the dangerous slope, and the method which can transform these data to the same coordinates system as early TM coordinates was designed. There was a problem when the one meter contour line was made by analysing the image taken from the distance three hundred meters. By solving this problem, this could be used as important data for the planning of road expansion construction. It is expected to be useful for the measurement of various dangerous area in civil engineering works.

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Precise Topographic Change Study Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing at Gomso Bay Tidal Flat (다중 원격탐사 플랫폼 기반 곰소만 갯벌 정밀 지형변화 연구)

  • Hwang, Deuk Jae;Kim, Bum-Jun;Choi, Jong-Kuk;Ryu, Joo Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_2
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2020
  • In this study, DEMs (Digital elevation model) based on LIDAR, TanDEM-X and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) are used to analyze topographic change of Gomso tidal flat during a few years. DEM from LIDAR data was observed at 2011 by KHOA (Korean hydrographic and oceanographic agency) and DEM based on TanDEM-X data was generated at Lee and Ryu (2017). UAV data was observed at KM and KH area of Gomso tidal flat. KM area was surveyed at MAY and AUG 2019, and KH area was surveyed at APR 2018 and MAY 2019. During research period, 2011 to AUG 2019, elevation of KM area is decreased 0.24 m in average, and Chenier is retreat to landward about 130 m. In KH area, elevation is increased 0.16 m in average during research period, 2011 to MAY 2019. It is expected that multi-platform remotely sensed data can help to study accurate topographic change of tidal flat.