• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tolerance control

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Comparative antidiabetic activity of different fractions of methanolic extract of Zingiber officinale Roscoe in streptozotocin induced NIDDM rats

  • Kadnur, Sanjay V.;Goyal, Ramesh K.
    • Advances in Traditional Medicine
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2005
  • Earlier we have reported the antidiabetic activity of fresh juice of rhizomes of Zingiber officinale (Z. officinale) and its correlation with 5-HT receptor antagonism. Since 6-gingerol the marker compound of Z. officinale is reported to posses 5-HT anatgonistic activity, the present investigation, was undertaken to find out the concentration of 6-gingerol present in methanolic extract of Z. officinale and its different fractions (petroleum ether, toluene and chloroform). We also evaluated these fractions for antidiabetic activity in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced neonatal type 2 diabetic rats. Fasting glucose and insulin levels in non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) rats were found to be significantly (P < 0.05) higher than control rats and these were significantly decreased by treatment with methanolic extract of Z. officinale and its fractions. The results of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) showed that methanolic extract and its fractions significantly (P < 0.05) decreased both STZ-induced increase in $AUC_{glucose}$ and $AUC_{insulin}$ values in NIDDM groups. Treatment with petroleum ether fraction produced a greater reduction in elevated glucose and $AUC_{glucose}$ levels as compared to treatment with other fractions. Treatment with methanolic extract of Z. officinale and its fractions also produced significant reduction in the elevated lipid, serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) levels in NIDDM rats. The effect of petroleum ether fraction on elevated lipid, SGOT and SGPT levels was significantly greater as compared to treatment with other fractions. The concentration of 6-gingerol was found to be maximum in petroleum ether fraction (11.430%) and minimum in chloroform fraction (0.973%). The methanolic extract and toluene fraction was found to contain 3.080% and 2.191 %, 6-gingerol respectively. In conclusion, our data suggest that methonolic extract and its fractions possess significant antidiabetic activity in NIDDM rats. The extent of activity appears to be dependent on the concentration of 6-gingerol present in the extract or its fractions.

Expression and Activity of Catalases Is Differentially Affected by GpaA (Ga) and FlbA (Regulator of G Protein Signaling) in Aspergillus fumigatus

  • Shin, Kwang-Soo;Yu, Jae-Hyuk
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.145-148
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    • 2013
  • Vegetative growth signaling of the opportunistic human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus is mediated by GpaA ($G{\alpha}$). FlbA is a regulator of G protein signaling, which attenuates GpaA-mediated growth signaling in this fungus. The flbA deletion (${\Delta}flbA$) and the constitutively active GpaA ($GpaA^{Q204L}$) mutants exhibit enhanced proliferation, precocious autolysis, and reduced asexual sporulation. In this study, we demonstrate that both mutants also show enhanced tolerance against $H_2O_2$ and their radial growth was approximately 1.6 fold higher than that of wild type (WT) in medium with 10 mM $H_2O_2$. We performed quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) for examination of mRNA levels of three catalase encoding genes (catA, cat1, and cat2) in WT and the two mutants. According to the results, while levels of spore-specific catA mRNA were comparable among the three strains, cat1 and cat2 mRNA levels were significantly higher in the two mutants than in WT. In particular, the ${\Delta}flbA$ mutant showed significantly enhanced and prolonged expression of cat1 and precocious expression of cat2. In accordance with this result, activity of the Cat1 protein in the ${\Delta}flbA$ mutant was higher than that of $gpaA^{Q204L}$ and WT strains. For activity of the Cat2 protein, both mutants began to show enhanced activity at 48 and 72 hr of growth compared to WT. These results lead to the conclusion that GpaA activates expression and activity of cat1 and cat2, whereas FlbA plays an antagonistic role in control of catalases, leading to balanced responses to neutralizing the toxicity of reactive oxygen species.

Experimental and FE Analyses of Hot Curvature-Forming for Aluminum Thick Plate Using Grid-Typed Hybrid Die (격자형 하이브리드 금형에 의한 열간 알루미늄후판 곡면성형공정해석 및 실험)

  • Lee, I.K.;Lee, J.M.;Son, Y.K.;Lee, C.J.;Kim, B.M.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.316-323
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    • 2011
  • The hot curvature-forming of large aluminum thick plate using a grid-typed hybrid die is a process for the production of a spherical LNG tank. Many variables such as the initial die surface quality, grid size, grid thickness, size of blank plate and cooling line design, control the success of the process. In addition, the plate used in this process is generally larger than $10{\times}10m$ in size. Thus, it is very difficult to predict the surface characteristics of the plate during forming and to measure the different parameters due to the high cost of the experiments. In order to optimize the process design for the grid-type die, the development of an analytical method to predict the surface characteristics of the final product in hot curvature-forming is needed. This paper described the development of the method and procedures for FE simulations of the hot curvature-forming process, including hot forming, air flow, cooling, and thermal deformation analyses. An experiment for a small scale model of the process was conducted to check the validity of the numerical method. The results showed that the curvature of the plate in the analysis agrees well with that of the experiment within 0.037 and 0.016% tolerance margins for its side and corner, respectively.

Design of flexure hinge to reduce lateral force of laser assisted thermo-compression bonding system (레이저 열-압착 본딩 시스템의 Lateral Force 감소를 위한 유연 힌지의 설계)

  • Lee, Dong-Won;Ha, Seok-Jae;Park, Jeong-Yeon;Yoon, Gil-Sang
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2020
  • Laser Assisted Thermo-Compression Bonding (LATCB) has been proposed to improve the "chip tilt due to the difference in solder bump height" that occurs during the conventional semiconductor chip bonding process. The bonding module of the LATCB system has used a piezoelectric actuator to control the inclination of the compression jig on a micro scale, and the piezoelectric actuator has been directly coupled to the compression jig to minimize the assembly tolerance of the compression jig. However, this structure generates a lateral force in the piezoelectric actuator when the compression jig is tilted, and the stacked piezoelectric element vulnerable to the lateral force has a risk of failure. In this paper, the optimal design of the flexure hinge was performed to minimize the lateral force generated in the piezoelectric actuator when the compression jig is tilted by using the displacement difference of the piezoelectric actuator in the bonding module for LATCB. The design variables of the flexure hinge were defined as the hinge height, the minimum diameter, and the notch radius. And the effect of the change of each variable on the stress generated in the flexible hinge and the lateral force acting on the piezoelectric actuator was analyzed. Also, optimization was carried out using commercial structural analysis software. As a result, when the displacement difference between the piezoelectric actuators is the maximum (90um), the maximum stress generated in the flexible hinge is 11.5% of the elastic limit of the hinge material, and the lateral force acting on the piezoelectric actuator is less than 1N.

Synthesis and herbicidal activities of N-[4-Cyano-2-fluoro-5-(substituted)phenyl]-3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimide (N-[4-Cyano-2-fluoro-5-(substituted)phenyl]-3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimide 유도체의 합성과 제초활성)

  • Ryu, Jae-Wook;Chung, Kun-Hoe;Ko, Young-Kwan;Woo, Jae-Chun;Koo, Dong-Wan;Kim, Tae-Joon;Choi, Jung-Sub;Park, Chae-Hyun;Kim, Dae-Whang
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.108-111
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    • 2005
  • A series of N-[4-cyano-2-fluoro-5-(2-pyrimidinyloxy, 2-benzyloxy or 2-pyridinyloxy)phenyl]-3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimides was synthesized, and the herbicidal activities of those deivatives were evaluated through pre- and post-emergence application under upland conditions in a greenhouse. The results showed that most compounds resulted in stronger herbicidal activity on broadleaf weeds than on grass weeds and higher through post-emergence than pre-emergence application. The N-[(4-cyano-2-fluoro-5-(2-pyrimidinyloxy) phenyl]-3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimide showed the best weed control efficacy and marginal corn safety at a rate of 60 g/ha through pre-emergence application.

Probiotic Potential of Enterococcus faecium Isolated from Chicken Cecum with Immunomodulating Activity and Promoting Longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans

  • Sim, Insuk;Park, Keun-Tae;Kwon, Gayeung;Koh, Jong-Ho;Lim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.883-892
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    • 2018
  • Probiotics, including Enterococcus faecium, confer a health benefit on the host. An Enterococcus strain was isolated from healthy chicken cecum, identified as E. faecium by 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis, and designated as E. faecium L11. To evaluate the potential of E. faecium L11 as a probiotic, the gastrointestinal tolerance, immunomodulatory activity, and lifespan extension properties of the strain were assayed. E. faecium L11 showed >66% and >62% survival in artificial gastric juice (0.3% pepsin, pH 2.5) and simulated small intestinal juice (0.5% bile salt and 0.1% pancreatin), respectively. Heat-killed E. faecium L11 significantly (p < 0.05) increased immune cell proliferation compared with controls, and stimulated the production of cytokines (IL-6 and $TNF-{\alpha}$) by activated macrophages obtained from ICR mice. In addition, E. faecium L11 showed a protective effect against Salmonella Typhimurium infection in Caenorhabditis elegans. In addition, feeding E. faecium L11 significantly (p < 0.05) extended the lifespan of C. elegans compared with the control. Furthermore, genes related to aging and host defense were upregulated in E. faecium L11-fed worms. In conclusion, E. faecium L11, which prolongs the lifespan of C. elegans, may be a potent probiotic supplement for livestock.

Flexural and Tensile Performance of Strain-Hardening Cement Composite with Synthetic Fibers (합성섬유를 사용한 변형경화형 시멘트 복합체의 휨 및 인장성능)

  • Kim, Sun-Woo;Lee, Min-Jung;Jang, Yong-Heon;Jang, Gwang-Soo;Song, Seon-Hwa;Yun, Hyun-Do
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.925-928
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    • 2008
  • Fiber is an important ingredient in strain-hardening cementitious composite (SHCC), which can control fracture of cementitious composite by bridging action. The properties of reinforcing fiber, as tensile strength, aspect ratio and elastic modulus, have great effect on the fracture behavior of SHCC. To apply SHCC to structural member, SHCC must have economical efficiency and workability as well as own excellent tensile performance. For these purposes, four-point bending and direct tensile tests on SHCC with only hybrid synthetic fibers, total fiber volume fraction, $V_f$, is 1.5%, are carried out. The research emphasis is on the mechanical properties of SHCC made in Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and Polyethylene (PE) fibers, and how this affects the composite property, and ultimately its strain-hardening performance. Also, effect of hybrid type and water-cement ratio on the behavior of SHCC was evaluated in this paper.

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Effects of Creativity Instruction Activities on Academic Motivation and Career Maturity of University Students : Based on NFTM-TRIZ Creativity Education Model (창의수업활동이 대학생의 학업동기 및 진로성숙도에 미치는 영향: NFTM-TRIZ 창의 교육 모형을 기반으로)

  • Kim, Hun-Hee;Choi, Yun-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of creativity instruction activities on academic motivation and career maturity of university students and the relationship between these factors. The subjects of this study were university students who took creativity liberal arts based on NFTM-TRIZ creativity education model for a term. The research scales were the self-efficacy scale and failure tolerance scale of academic motivation tests and the Career Maturity Inventory Attitude Scale. The results of this study were as follows : First, creativity instruction activities had a positive influence on academic motivation and career maturity. Especially the effects on self control efficacy, task preference level, career decisiveness and compromise showed significantly(p<.01). Secondly, academic motivation showed positive relationship with career maturity(p<.05).

A Study on Predictors of Entrepreneurial Intention in Different Genders: Cheonan Area in Korea (천안지역 성별간 사업의도 추측인자들에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Bum
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2010
  • While entrepreneurship is touted as an opportunity for women to exploit opportunities that are often not available in the traditional workplace, the rate of participation in entrepreneurship is lower for women than it is for men. What remains relatively unclear are the reasons that make this so. This regional study addresses this deficiency by examining two lines of thought related to entrepreneurial adoption: (1) the personal traits thought to contribute to entrepreneurship, and (2) the rational decision making processes that are believed to form a basis for entrepreneurial endeavors. My results find men and women to be different in both respects, with ambiguity tolerance, internal locus of control, perceived effectiveness of entrepreneurship, and having an entrepreneurial parent all positively predicting entrepreneurial intention for men. For women, perceived effectiveness of entrepreneurship and achievement motivation predict entrepreneurial intention. Women also rate the potential reward of entrepreneurship as significantly lower than do men, possibly because women entrepreneurs objectively face more obstacles than men with regard to obtaining financing and other stakeholder relations.

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Arthropod Diversity and Community Structure in Fields of Non-genetically Modified (GM) and Herbicide-tolerant GM Rice (PPO 저해 제초제 내성 유전자변형 벼가 절지동물군집에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Joong;Lee, Joon-Ho;Back, Kyoungwhan;Kim, Chang-Gi
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2015
  • One of the primary concerns about the environmental risks of genetically modified (GM) crops is that they may have adverse effects on the local arthropod communities. In this study, we investigated whether the arthropod diversity and community structure in fields of GM rice tolerant to protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibiting herbicides differ from those in non-GM (control) rice fields. The aim of this study was to assess the potential adverse effects of GM rice on the local arthropod communities. During the growing seasons in the study period, we collected arthropods from both fields by using yellow sticky traps and compared the diversity and community structure of arthropods from the two sites. Overall, the GM rice had no significant effect on the diversity of the local arthropod communities. In addition, multivariate analyses (permutational multivariate analysis of variance and nonmetric multidimensional scaling) showed that the structures of arthropod communities were not affected by the rice genotype (GM vs. non-GM), although these comparisons were made using data obtained at different sampling dates.