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Social media big data analysis of Z-generation fashion (Z세대 패션에 대한 소셜미디어의 빅데이터 분석)

  • Sung, Kwang-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the social media accounts and performed a Big Data analysis of Z-generation fashion using Textom Text Mining Techniques program and Ucinet Big Data analysis program. The research results are as follows: First, as a result of keyword analysis on 67.646 Z-generation fashion social media posts over the last 5 years, 220,211 keywords were extracted. Among them, 67 major keywords were selected based on the frequency of co-occurrence being greater than more than 250 times. As the top keywords appearing over 1000 times, were the most influential as the number of nodes connected to 'Z generation' (29595 times) are overwhelmingly, and was followed by 'millennials'(18536 times), 'fashion'(17836 times), and 'generation'(13055 times), 'brand'(8325 times) and 'trend'(7310 times) Second, as a result of the analysis of Network Degree Centrality between the key keywords for the Z-generation, the number of nodes connected to the "Z-generation" (29595 times) is overwhelmingly large. Next, many 'millennial'(18536 times), 'fashion'(17836 times), 'generation'(13055 times), 'brand'(8325 times), 'trend'(7310 times), etc. appear. These texts are considered to be important factors in exploring the reaction of social media to the Z-generation. Third, through the analysis of CONCOR, text with the structural equivalence between major keywords for Gen Z fashion was rearranged and clustered. In addition, four clusters were derived by grouping through network semantic network visualization. Group 1 is 54 texts, 'Diverse Characteristics of Z-Generation Fashion Consumers', Group 2 is 7 Texts, 'Z-Generation's teenagers Fashion Powers', Group 3 is 8 Texts, 'Z-Generation's Celebrity Fashions' Interest and Fashion', Group 4 named 'Gucci', the most popular luxury fashion of the Z-generation as one text.

Cross Flow Indirect Evaporative Cooler Made of a Plastic Film/Paper Composite (플라스틱 필름/종이 복합 재질의 직교류 간접증발소자)

  • Kim, Nae-Hyun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2017
  • Indirect evaporative cooling, which utilizes a cooling effect obtained by the evaporation of water, is energy-effective compared to the conventional vapor compression method. It is also eco-friendly, due to the non-usage of CFC refrigerant. In this study, three indirect evaporative cooler samples of the cross flow type(size: $300mm{\times}300mm{\times}300mm$, channel pitch: $5mm{\times}5mm$, $5mm{\times}7mm$, $7mm{\times}7mm$) were made using plastic/paper composites. Tests were conducted to measure indirect evaporative efficiencies and pressure drops. Results showed that the efficiency was the highest for the $5mm{\times}5mm$ sample, owing to the largest surface area. The saved electrical energy was also the greatest for that sample. The pressure drop of the wet channel was larger than that of the dry channel as expected. A theoretical model was proposed, which underestimated both the indirect evaporation efficiency and the pressure drop.

Multiaccess Memory System supporting Local Buffer Memory System to Processing Elements (처리기에 지역 버퍼 메모리 시스템을 지원하는 다중접근기억장치)

  • Lee, Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2012
  • A memory system with the linear skewing scheme has been regarded as one of suitable memory systems for a single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) architecture. The memory system supports simultaneous access n data to m memory modules within various access types with a constant interval in an arbitrary position in two dimensional data array of $M{\times}N$. Although $m{\times}cells$ memory cells are physically required to support logical two dimensional $M{\times}N$ array of data by means of the memory system, at least (m-n)${\times}cells$ memory cells remain in disuse, where cells is (M-1)/q+(N-1)/$p{\times}{\lceil}M/q{\rceil}+1$. On keeping functionalities the memory system supports, $(n{\times}t){\times}N/p$ out of a number of unused memory cells, where t>0, being used as local buffer memories for n processing elements is proposed in this paper.

The Effects of Auditory Biofeedback Training and Kicking Training on Walking Speeds in Patients with Hemiplegia

  • Jun, Hyun Ju;Lee, Jin Su;Kim, Ki Jong
    • Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.675-682
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to examine the effects of auditory biofeedback training and kicking training on walking times in patients with hemiplegia to determine if the effects of such training would be maintained even after stopping the intervention. Thirty hemiplegia patients were selected and randomly assigned to a control group of 10 patients to receive general exercise treatment; an auditory biofeedback training group of 10 patients to receive auditory biofeedback training, along with general exercise; and a kicking training group to receive kicking training, along with general exercise. All the patients received their respective training 12 times in total, three times per week for four weeks. In addition, all those in the control and experimental groups received the same general exercise treatment 12 times in total, three times per week for four weeks, and underwent follow-up tests thereafter. The patients' 10m walking times were measured using a stopwatch. The significance was analyzed using repeated-ANOVAs. In cases where there were interactions between measuring times and groups, in each group were examined using repeated-ANOVAs. In cases where there were differences, post-hoc tests were conducted using repeated of contrast test. The 10m walking times of the control and experimental groups were significant differences in 10m walking times were shown between measurement times(p<.05), and significant differences in the interactions between measuring times and groups were shown between the groups(p <.05). However, no significant differences in 10m walking times were shown between the groups(p>.05). The auditory biofeedback training group showed significant decreases in walking times four weeks after the beginning of the intervention(p<.05) and significant increases eight weeks after the beginning of the intervention(p<.05). The kicking training group showed significant decreases in walking time four weeks after the beginning of the intervention(p<.05) and maintained the walking times without showing any significant differences eight weeks after the beginning of the intervention(p>.05). The walking speeds of only the kicking training group were maintained until eight weeks after the beginning of the intervention.

Antimuscarine-like Action of Licorice Alkaloidal Fraction on Intestinal Smooth Muscle -Studies of Alkaloid of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. III- (감초(甘草) Alkaloidal Fraction 의 평활근(平滑筋)에 대(對)한 Acetylcholine 길항작용(拮抗作用) -감초 알카로이드에 관한 연구 (제 3 보)-)

  • Kim, Myung-Suk;Oh, Jin-Sup;Hong, Sa-Ack
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 1969
  • Antimuscarinic agent like antispasmodic actions of licorice alkaloidal fraction, obtained from the Glycyrrhiza glabra L., was compared with that of atropine quantitatively. For this purpose, the author calculated the kinetic constants and $ED_{50}$ for acetylcholine antagonism by these drugs on rat ileum and guinea-fig ileum longitudinal muscle according to Paton's theoretical equations describing the combination of an antagonist drug with its receptors. The results are as follows. 1. On rat ileum. a) Licorice alkaloidal fraction $K_1$ (association rate constant)=$4.078{\times}10^2\;(s^{-1}\;gm^{-1}\;ml)$ $K_2$ (dissociation rate constant)=$6.986{\times}10^{-4}\;(s^{-1})$ $ED_{50}(K_2/K_1)=1.772{\times}10^{-6}(gm/ml)$ b) Atropine $K_1=5.136{\times}10^6$, $K_2=7.714{\times}10^{-4}$, $ED_{50}=1.408{\times}10^{-10}$ 2. On guinea-pig ileum longitudinal muscle a) Licorice alkaloidal fraction $K_1=1.30{\times}10^2$, $K_2=1.25{\times}10^{-3}$ $ED_{50}=9.58{\times}10^{-6}$ b) Atropine $K_1=5.75{\times}10^6$, $K_2=1.54{\times}10^{-3}$ $ED_{50}=2.68{\times}10^{-10}$ Above results present that 1 r of licorice alkaloidal fraction has equal fotency of acetylcholine antagonism with $8.5{\times}10^{-5}r$ of atropine on rat ileum, $2.8{\times}10^{-5}r$ on guinea-pig ileum longitudinal muscle. This facts suggest that the site and numbers of licorice alkaloid receptors of guinea-pig ileum are different from that of rat ileum. Besides, it also gives a suggestion that licorice alkaloidal fraction may be a partial antagonist on guinea-pig ileum in this experimental conditions.

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Influence of the Objectionable Stems on the Physical Characteristics during the Cigarette Combustion (부적합 엽맥편이 궐련의 연소중 물리적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim Soo-Ho;Park Won-Jin;Kim Jong-Yeol;Rhee Moon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2006
  • In order to improve the final product quality, tobacco industry has gradually decreased the size and number of steams in the cigarette. Especially, steams bigger than $3{\times}3$ mm($length{\times}thickness$) and $2{\times}10$ mm($width{\times}length$) are not acceptable in the process as objectionable stems. A total number of 12 samples where the $length{\times}tickness$ samples were prepared by decreasing the present sample ($3{\times}3$ mm) with 1 mm up to $1{\times}1$ mm, and the $width{\times}length$ samples were prepared by decreasing the present sample ($2{\times}10$ mm) with 2 mm up to $2{\times}6$ mm for the stems in leaf and stems in expanded cut-tobacco were prepared to apply a fire ball drop test using stems. In addition, cigarettes were produced for these stems in order to analyze the forced fire ball drop including the burning, encapsulation and unencapsulation pressure drop and a single or unspecified direction combustion. Based on the results of the test, it was evident that the fire ball drop in the stems in expanded cut-tobacco presented a lower level than that of the stems in leaf. Also, the stems in expanded cut-tobacco presented a larger swelling and higher burning for a single direction than that of the stem in leaf. In addition, it was considered that the management criteria for objectionable stems should be changed as $3{\times}3$ mm and $2{\times}8$ mm for the $length{\times}thickness$ and $width{\times}length$ sample, respectively, in both steams in leaf and expanded cut-tobacco.

Comparison of Vertical and Horizontal Eye Movement Times in the Selection of Visual Targets by an Eye Input Device

  • Hong, Seung Kweon
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2015
  • Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate how well eye movement times in visual target selection tasks by an eye input device follows the typical Fitts' Law and to compare vertical and horizontal eye movement times. Background: Typically manual pointing provides excellent fit to the Fitts' Law model. However, when an eye input device is used for the visual target selection tasks, there were some debates on whether the eye movement times in can be described by the Fitts' Law. More empirical studies should be added to resolve these debates. This study is an empirical study for resolving this debate. On the other hand, many researchers reported the direction of movement in typical manual pointing has some effects on the movement times. The other question in this study is whether the direction of eye movement also affects the eye movement times. Method: A cursor movement times in visual target selection tasks by both input devices were collected. The layout of visual targets was set up by two types. Cursor starting position for vertical movement times were in the top of the monitor and visual targets were located in the bottom, while cursor starting positions for horizontal movement times were in the right of the monitor and visual targets were located in the left. Results: Although eye movement time was described by the Fitts' Law, the error rate was high and correlation was relatively low ($R^2=0.80$ for horizontal movements and $R^2=0.66$ for vertical movements), compared to those of manual movement. According to the movement direction, manual movement times were not significantly different, but eye movement times were significantly different. Conclusion: Eye movement times in the selection of visual targets by an eye-gaze input device could be described and predicted by the Fitts' Law. Eye movement times were significantly different according to the direction of eye movement. Application: The results of this study might help to understand eye movement times in visual target selection tasks by the eye input devices.

Evaluation and Identification of Promising Bivoltine Double Hybrids of the Silkworm Bombyx mori L. for Tropics Through Large Scale In-House Testing

  • Dayananda, Dayananda;Kulkarni, Satish;Rao, Pala Rama Mohana;Gopinath, Obalaiah;Kumar, Sundara Murthy Nirmal
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.187-191
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    • 2011
  • An attempt was made to assess the potentiality of bivoltine double hybrids under simulated conditions of farmers to identify the suitable bivoltine double hybrid combination. Four bivoltine double hybrids developed at Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute (CSRTI), Mysore along with popular single hybrid, $CSR2{\times}CSR4$ as control was assessed for economic traits. The rearing results showed significant improvement of 20-24% in fecundity of the double hybrids studied over single hybrid. Among the double hybrids, $[D7{\times}S5]{\times}[D13{\times}S1]$ recorded significantly higher survival (89.58 %), cocoon yield (76.328 kg/ 50,000 eggs), cocoon price (Rs. 180.87/kg) and lower cocoon leaf ratio of 1: 21.80. The performance of the reeling traits were also found significantly superior in $[D7{\times}S5]{\times}[D13{\times}S1]$ with higher filament length (1100 m), reelability (88%), raw silk (18.55%) and neatness (92 points) compared to $CSR2{\times}CSR4$ and other double hybrids evaluated. Besides, the cocoons of $[D7{\times}S5]{\times}[D13{\times}S1]$ exhibit uniformity in size with a standard deviation of < 8. Overall data indicated the superiority of $[D7{\times}S5]{\times}[D13{\times}S1]$ compared to the other hybrids evaluated and it has profound influence in expressing the full potentiality in the field.

Spatial Distribution Pattern of Chloranthus japonicus Population at Mt. Ahop (아홉산 홀아비꽃대 집단의 공간적 분포 양상)

  • Huh, Man Kyu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.148-152
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    • 2018
  • The patchiness of local environments within a habitat is assumed to be a primary factor affecting the spatial patterns of plants, and a randomization procedure is developed for testing the null hypothesis that only spatial association with patches determined the spatial patterns of plants. Chloranthus japonicus (Chloranthaceae) is an herbaceous perennial and a member of the genus Chloranthus in the family Chloranthaceae. The spatial pattern of C. japonicus was analyzed according to several patchiness indices, population uniformity or aggregation under different sizes of plots by dispersion indices, and spatial autocorrelation. Population densities (D) varied from 0.356 to 2.270, with a mean of 1.527. The values of dispersion indices ( at Mt. Ahop were lower than 1 at six plots ($2m{\times}2m$, $2m{\times}4m$, $4m{\times}4m$, $4m{\times}8m$, $8m{\times}8m$, and $8m{\times}16m$), but the two large plots ($16m{\times}16m$ and $16m{\times}32m$) were higher than 1. Thus, the aggregation indices ( were negative at Mt. Ahop, which indicates a uniform distribution. The two large plots ($16m{\times}16m$ and $16m{\times}32m$) had positive CIs. However, the values were not large (0.009 for the $16m{\times}16m$ plot and 0.038 for the $16m{\times}32m$ plot). The mean crowding ($M^{\ast}$) and patchiness index (PAI) showed positive values for all plots.


  • LEE Keun-Tai;HAN Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 1979
  • Mechanical agitation in fermentation process enhances the fermentation activity of microbes by means of oxygen supply and frequent collision with substrate. However, the fermentation activity of microaerophilic bacteria is inhibited by the excess oxygen resulted from the mechanical agitation. On this account, a a strain of Lactobacillus bulgarius was cultured to know the inhibition effect of the mechanical agitation and determine the optimum conditions for tile process of lactic acid fermentation. The growth rate of L. bulgaricus and the consumption rate of tile substrate revealed an identical pattern in changes. The two rates were constant in the range of the modified Reynolds number of $1\times10^5\;to\;5\times10^5$ while they showed linear increase in the range of the modified Reynolds number of $1\times10^5\;to\;10\times10^5$. Under the conditions of the modified Reynolds number more than $10\times10^5$, the both rates decreased. At the modified Reynolds number of $10\times10^5$, the maximum specific growth rate and the saturation constant of L. bulgaricus were 0.58/hr and 6.74g/l, respectively.

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