• Title/Summary/Keyword: Time-variability

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Principles and Current Trends of Neural Decoding (뉴럴 디코딩의 원리와 최신 연구 동향 소개)

  • Kim, Kwangsoo;Ahn, Jungryul;Cha, Seongkwang;Koo, Kyo-in;Goo, Yong Sook
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.342-351
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    • 2017
  • The neural decoding is a procedure that uses spike trains fired by neurons to estimate features of original stimulus. This is a fundamental step for understanding how neurons talk each other and, ultimately, how brains manage information. In this paper, the strategies of neural decoding are classified into three methodologies: rate decoding, temporal decoding, and population decoding, which are explained. Rate decoding is the firstly used and simplest decoding method in which the stimulus is reconstructed from the numbers of the spike at given time (e. g. spike rates). Since spike number is a discrete number, the spike rate itself is often not continuous and quantized, therefore if the stimulus is not static and simple, rate decoding may not provide good estimation for stimulus. Temporal decoding is the decoding method in which stimulus is reconstructed from the timing information when the spike fires. It can be useful even for rapidly changing stimulus, and our sensory system is believed to have temporal rather than rate decoding strategy. Since the use of large numbers of neurons is one of the operating principles of most nervous systems, population decoding has advantages such as reduction of uncertainty due to neuronal variability and the ability to represent a stimulus attributes simultaneously. Here, in this paper, three different decoding methods are introduced, how the information theory can be used in the neural decoding area is also given, and at the last machinelearning based algorithms for neural decoding are introduced.

Methods to Apply GoF Design Patterns in Service-Oriented Computing (서비스 지향 컴퓨팅을 위한 GoF 디자인 패턴 적용 기법)

  • Kim, Moon-Kwon;La, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Soo-Dong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.19D no.2
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    • pp.187-202
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    • 2012
  • As a representative reuse paradigm, the theme of service-oriented Paradigm (SOC) is largely centered on publishing and subscribing reusable services. Here, SOC is the term including service oriented architecture and cloud computing. Service providers can produce high profits with reusable services, and service consumers can develop their applications with less time and effort by reusing the services. Design Patterns (DP) is a set of reusable methods to resolve commonly occurring design problems and to provide design structures to deal with the problems by following open/close princples. However, since DPs are mainly proposed for building object-oriented systems and there are distinguishable differences between object-oriented paradigm and SOC, it is challenging to apply the DPs to SOC design problems. Hence, DPs need to be customized by considering the two aspects; for service providers to design services which are highly reusable and reflect their unique characteristics and for service consumers to develop their target applications by reusing and customizing services as soon as possible. Therefore, we propose a set of DPs that are customized to SOC. With the proposed DPs, we believe that service provider can effectively develop highly reusable services, and service consumers can efficiently adapt services for their applications.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.821-832
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    • 2015
  • As a part of the short-period variability survey (SPVS) at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory, we obtained time-series BV CCD images in the region of the open cluster NGC 1039 (M34). The observations were performed for 22 nights from July 29, 2008 to September 26, 2010. We also made LOAO observations for 10 days from September 18, 2009 to October 30, 2010 to confirm the small variabilties of ${\delta}$ Scuti-type variable stars. In this paper we presented the observational properties of 28 variable stars found in the region. They are seven ${\delta}$ Scuti-type variable stars, two ${\gamma}$ Doradus-type variable stars, four-teen eclipsing binary stars and five semi-long periodic or slow irregular variables, respectively. Only three variables were listed in the GCVS and the rest are newly discovered ones. We have performed multiple-frequency analysis to determine pulsation frequencies of the ${\delta}$ Scuti-type and ${\gamma}$ Doradus-type variable stars, using the discrete Fourier transform and linear least-square fitting methods. We also have derived the periods and amplitudes of 12 eclipsing binaries from the phase fitting method, and presented the light curves of all variable stars.

Changes in Means and Extreme Events of Changma-Period Precipitation Since mid-Joseon Dynasty in Seoul, Korea (조선 중기 이후 서울의 장마철 강수 평균과 극한강수현상의 변화)

  • Choi, Gwangyong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2016
  • In this study, long-term changes in means and extreme events of precipitation during summer rainy period called Changma (late June~early September) are examined based on rainfall data observed by Chukwooki during Joseon Dynasty (1777~1907) and by modern rain-gauge onward (1908~2015) in Seoul, Korea. Also, characterizations of the relevant changes in synoptic climate fields in East Asia are made by the examination of the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis I data. Analyses of 239-year time series of precipitation data demonstrate that the total precipitation as well as their inter-annual variability during the entire Changma period (late June~early September) has increased in the late 20th century and onward. Notably, since the early 1990s the means and extreme events during the summer Changma period (late June~mid-July) and Changma break period (late July~early August) has significantly increased, resulting in less clear demarcations of sub-Changma periods. In this regard, comparisons of synoptic climate fields before and after the early 1990s reveal that in recent decades the subtropical high pressure has expanded in the warmer Pacific as the advection of high-latitude air masses toward East Asia was enhanced due to more active northerly wind vector around the high pressure departure core over Mongolia. Consequently, it is suggested that the enhancement of rising motions due to more active confluence of the two different air masses along the northwestern borders of the Pacific might lead to the increases of the means and extreme events of Changma precipitation in Seoul in recent decades.

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Packet Loss Concealment Algorithm Based on Speech Characteristics (음성신호의 특성을 고려한 패킷 손실 은닉 알고리즘)

  • Yoon Sung-Wan;Kang Hong-Goo;Youn Dae-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.7C
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    • pp.691-699
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    • 2006
  • Despite of the in-depth effort to cantrol the variability in IP networks, quality of service (QoS) is still not guaranteed in the IP networks. Thus, it is necessary to deal with the audible artifacts caused by packet lasses. To overcame the packet loss problem, most speech coding standard have their own embedded packet loss concealment (PLC) algorithms which adapt extrapolation methods utilizing the dependency on adjacent frames. Since many low bit rate CELP coders use predictive schemes for increasing coding efficiency, however, error propagation occurs even if single packet is lost. In this paper, we propose an efficient PLC algorithm with consideration about the speech characteristics of lost frames. To design an efficient PLC algorithm, we perform several experiments on investigating the error propagation effect of lost frames of a predictive coder. And then, we summarize the impact of packet loss to the speech characteristics and analyze the importance of the encoded parameters depending on each speech classes. From the result of the experiments, we propose a new PLC algorithm that mainly focuses on reducing the error propagation time. Experimental results show that the performance is much higher than conventional extrapolation methods over various frame erasure rate (FER) conditions. Especially the difference is remarkable in high FER condition.

Pore Water Chemistry of Intertidal Mudflat Sediments: 1. Seasonal Variability of Nutrient Profiles (S, N, P) (조간대 퇴적물의 공극수 지구화학 : 1. 용존 영양염 (S, N, P)의 계절변화)

  • Lee, Chang-Bok;Kim, Dong-Seon
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.8-20
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    • 1990
  • A series of pore water data were obtained during the different time over one year period between October 1987 and October 1988, from a site on a muddy intertidal flat, located in the Kyeong-gi Bay, west coast of Korea, The results have revealed that the tidal flat is an environment of active nutrient the subface supplied by the overlying seawater is almost completely removed from the pore water at depth of about 10 cm below the sediment surface. The nutrients such as ammonium and phosphate are produced through this process and subsequently accumulated in the pore water forming steep gradients near the sediment surface. Below the main sulfate redirection zone, a secondary peak of dissolved sulfate was often observed. Greal seasonal variation of the pore water nutrient profiles was observed, which was particularly clear in their maximum concentration as well as in their concentration gradient. The rate constants of sulfate reduction and nutrient regeneration, estimated by using a diagenetic model (Berner, 1980), differ by an order of magnitude between the summer and winter seasons. The difference in sediment temperature may account for most of the calculated variation. The C:N:P ratio, calculated from the pore water nutrient gradients also exhibits a slight seasonal difference. The organic matter being decomposed by sulfate reduction appears to be depleted in depleted in nitrogen, compared to the average marine organic matter.

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Status and Prospect of Unmanned, Global Ocean Observations Network (글로벌 무인해양관측 네트워크 현황과 전망)

  • Nam, Sunghyun;Kim, Yun-Bae;Park, Jong Jin;Chang, Kyung-Il
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.202-214
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    • 2014
  • We introduce status and prospect of increasingly utilizing, unmanned, global ocean observing systems, and the global network to integrate, coordinate, and manage the systems. Platforms of the ocean observing system are diversified in order to resolve/monitor the variability occurring at multiple scales in both three-dimensional space and time. Here purpose, development history, and current status of the systems in two kinds - mobile (surface drifter, subsurface float, underwater glider) and fixed platforms (surface and subsurface moorings, bottom mounts), are examined and the increased future uses to produce synergies are envisioned. Simultaneous use of various mobile and fixed platforms is suggested to more effectively design the observing system, with an example of the NSF-funded OOI (Ocean Observations Initiative) program. Efforts are suggested 1) to fill the data gap existing in the deep sea and the Southern Ocean, and toward 2) new global network for oceanic boundary currents, 3) new technologies for existing and new sensors including biogeochemical, acoustic, and optical sensors, 3) data standardization, and 4) sensor calibration and data quality control.

Assessment of Analytical Performance of Open-path Monitoring System: Tests of DOAS System in Relationship with Meteorological Conditions (광투과 관측시스템의 분석기능 평가: 기상인자에 따른 DOAS 시스템의 검정)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyun;Kim, Min-Young
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2001
  • To evaluate the influence of meteorological conditions on the performance of DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) system, we analyzed the concentrations of three criteria pollutants and relevant environmental parameters measured during 14 month periods between Jun. 1999 and Oct. 2000. According to our study, the performance of DOAS can be sensitively influenced via various manners (such as among different chemicals and/or between different time periods). It turns out that O$_3$ exhibits most frequently the weakest agreement between two systems. When comparison was made among different meteorological parameters, the strongest variability was seen from such ones as windspeed, wind direction, and irradiance. In addition, the absolute differences in measured concentrations between two systems were compared against various environmental parameters by means of linear regression analysis. Results of this analysis indicated that the differences between the two tend to decrease with the increase of such parameters as windspeed. It is thus concluded on the basis of our study that the simultaneous evaluation of meteorological data should be an essential step toward the accurate assessment of pollutant concentration data obtained by DOAS measurement system.

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Feasibility Study of Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold Based Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for Locally Advanced Left Sided Breast Cancer Patients

  • Swamy, Shanmugam Thirumalai;Radha, Chandrasekaran Anu;Kathirvel, Murugesan;Arun, Gandhi;Subramanian, Shanmuga
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.20
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    • pp.9033-9038
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    • 2014
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) based volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) for locally advanced left sided breast cancer patients undergoing radical mastectomy. DIBH immobilizes the tumor bed providing dosimetric benefits over free breathing (FB). Materials and Methods: Ten left sided post mastectomy patients were immobilized in a supine position with both the arms lifted above the head on a hemi-body vaclock. Two thermoplastic masks were prepared for each patient, one for normal free breathing and a second made with breath-hold to maintain reproducibility. DIBH CT scans were performed in the prospective mode of the Varian real time position management (RPM) system. The planning target volume (PTV) included the left chest wall and supraclavicular nodes and PTV prescription dose was 5000cGy in 25 fractions. DIBH-3DCRT planning was performed with the single iso-centre technique using a 6MV photon beam and the field-in-field technique. VMAT plans for FB and DIBH contained two partial arcs ($179^{\circ}-300^{\circ}CCW/CW$). Dose volume histograms of PTV and OAR's were analyzed for DIBH-VMAT, FB-VMAT and DIBH-3DCRT. In DIBH mode daily orthogonal ($0^{\circ}$ and $90^{\circ}$) KV images were taken to determine the setup variability and weekly twice CBCT to verify gating threshold level reproducibility. Results: DIBH-VMAT reduced the lung and heart dose compared to FB-VMAT, while maintaining similar PTV coverage. The mean heart $V_{30Gy}$ was $2.3%{\pm}2.7$, $5.1%{\pm}3.2$ and $3.3%{\pm}7.2$ and for left lung $V_{20Gy}$ was $18.57%{\pm}2.9$, $21.7%{\pm}3.9$ and $23.5%{\pm}5.1$ for DIBH-VMAT, FB-VMAT and DIBH-3DCRT respectively. Conclusions: DIBH-VMAT significantly reduced the heart and lung dose for left side chest wall patients compared to FB-VMAT. PTV conformity index, homogeneity index, ipsilateral lung dose and heart dose were better for DIBH-VMAT compared to DIBH-3DCRT. However, contralateral lung and breast volumes exposed to low doses were increased with DIBH-VMAT.

Non-stationary Rainfall Frequency Analysis Based on Residual Analysis (잔차시계열 분석을 통한 비정상성 강우빈도해석)

  • Jang, Sun-Woo;Seo, Lynn;Kim, Tae-Woong;Ahn, Jae-Hyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.5B
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    • pp.449-457
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    • 2011
  • Recently, increasing heavy rainfalls due to climate change and/or variability result in hydro-climatic disasters being accelerated. To cope with the extreme rainfall events in the future, hydrologic frequency analysis is usually used to estimate design rainfalls in a design target year. The rainfall data series applied to the hydrologic frequency analysis is assumed to be stationary. However, recent observations indicate that the data series might not preserve the statistical properties of rainfall in the future. This study incorporated the residual analysis and the hydrologic frequency analysis to estimate design rainfalls in a design target year considering the non-stationarity of rainfall. The residual time series were generated using a linear regression line constructed from the observations. After finding the proper probability density function for the residuals, considering the increasing or decreasing trend, rainfalls quantiles were estimated corresponding to specific design return periods in a design target year. The results from applying the method to 14 gauging stations indicate that the proposed method provides appropriate design rainfalls and reduces the prediction errors compared with the conventional rainfall frequency analysis which assumes that the rainfall data are stationary.