• Title/Summary/Keyword: Time-of-fight

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Methods of Mineral Engineering in a Fight Against Varrosa Infestation

  • Pawlikowski, Maciej;Przybyszewski, Hubert;Stepien, Lech
    • The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of previous study centered around introducing minerals into bee colonies was to observe the Varrosa destructor mites-repelling effect of minerals ("Pszczelarstwo" 6/2016). The results of research published so far confirmed the purpose of using minerals in the fight against Varrosa infestation. This publication presents partial results of the next stage of research. Using foundation enriched with studied minerals in right proportions leads to diminishing the number of Varroa destructor parasites in bee colonies. It may also contribute to increase in the amount of honey obtained from bees. Foundations with minerals were in most cases correctly filled with larvae, and the new generation of bees didn't show any morphometric or physical-motor aberrations. The effect of minerals in the foundation weakens with time, which requires adequate reaction from the beekeeper. The study showed no negative effect of mineral suspensions added directly to royal jelly of larvae in the swarm cells and worker cells on the development of bees. Additional research was carried out in August and September and led to surprising observations, which are still too early to report. It obliges us to carry out further, extended subject research on a large number of bee colonies in 2017.

The French approach to enforcement of arbitral awards, international public policy and corruption

  • Samantha Nataf
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.31-68
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    • 2023
  • In recent years, French courts have decided to adopt an uncompromising stance in the fight against corruption in international arbitration. While French enforcement/annulment courts were originally conducting a limited review of arbitral awards dealing with corruption allegations on international public policy grounds, they now carry a full re-examination of such awards accepting that a corruption plea be raised for the first time before them and admitting new evidence. What is at stake, in terms of international public policy, is to define the happy medium between, on the one hand, the necessity to preserve the enforceability of international arbitral awards, and, the necessity to fight corruption. This paper presents the evolution of French case law in the past years and makes a critical assessment of the French approach by comparison with other jurisdictions.

Cockpit Crew Scheduling using Set Partitioning Problem (집합분할모형을 이용한 운항승무원의 승무경로 일정계획)

  • 김국연;이영훈
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.39-55
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    • 2004
  • Efficient crew scheduling for cockpit crew is important in airline industry due to operational safety and cost associated with the flight duty time. Because of complexity of regulations imposed to the cockpit crew. it is complicated to generate an efficient schedule. Schedule of cockpit crew can be generated through two steps; selecting of flight patterns. and scheduling of them to the specific time horizon. Heuristic method is developed and applied with massive data in a limited time of computation. A set of flight patterns is selected from all possible flight patterns. which are generated by composing the flight leg based on regulations. by using the set partitioning problem with objective function of oversea stay cost. The selected set of flight patterns found at the first step is allocated to 4 week crew schedule to minimize the variance of total fight time assigned to each crew. The crew schedules obtained are evaluated and compared with the ones currently used in one of major airline company.

Proteome analysis: Salmoenlla enteritidis antigen proteins (Proteomics 기법을 이용한 Salmonella enteritidis의 항원 단백질 분석)

  • Park, Mi-rim;Shin, Yong-seung;Han, Dae-yong;Kim, Yong-hwan;Jung, Tae-sung;Lee, Hu-Jang;Lee, Eung-Goo;Kim, Jong-su;Kim, Eun-hee;Kim, Gon-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2004
  • The common pathogen Salmonella enteirtidis (S. enteritidis) is the major cause of foodborne disease. Protein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting using the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of fight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) can analysis unambiguously identity the spots from 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) gel. In this report, we examined protein components from patterns of S. enteritidis proteins. In addition, antigens that are recognized by sera can be identified by immunoblotting. This study that 2-DE analysis of S. enteritidis yields useful information concerning S. enteritidis proteome, the results that have been obtained led to a more detailed understanding of Salmonella pathology and open further interesting fields for future work.


    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.40 no.5_6
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    • pp.857-871
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    • 2022
  • In this work, we formulated a mathematical model for divorce in marriage and extended in to an optimal control model. Firstly, we qualitatively established the model positivity and boundedness. Also we saw sensitivity analysis of the model and identified the positive and negative indices parameters. An optimal control model were developed by incorporating three time dependent control strategies (couple relationship education, reducing getting married too young & consulting separators to renew their marriage) on the deterministic model. The Pontryagin's maximum principle were used for the derivation of necessary conditions of the optimal control problem. Finally, with Newton's forward and backward sweep method numerical simulation were performed on optimality system by considering four integrated strategies. So that we reached to a result that using all three strategies simultaneously (the strategy D) is an optimal control in order to effectively control marriage divorce over a specified period of time. From this we conclude that, policymakers and stakeholders should use the indicated control strategy at a time in order to fight against Divorce in a population.

Time of Fight Resonace Investigation of Amorphous Selenium Films (비정질 셀레늄 필름의 공명 비행시간 조사)

  • Park, J.K.;Park, S.K.;Lee, D.G.;Choi, J.Y.;Ahn, S.H.;Eun, C.K.;Nam, S.H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.501-504
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    • 2001
  • We used time-of-flight method to analyze transport properties of charge carrier which is produced by X-ray exposure. It is the research of charge transport and specific property of trap that is performed in direct digital x-ray image receptor. But the results shows us different measurement value of electron and charge drift mobility and it is difficult to precise analysis about charge transport properties and trap mechanism. We measured transit time and drift mobility of charge carriers using time-of-flight method to evaluate the correlation of a-Se thickness change and electric field. We made a testing glass with a-Se of 400 ${\mu}m$ thickness on coming glass using thermoevaporation method and built Au electrode with 300nm, $2{\varphi}$ on both sides of a-Se, As a result of this experiment, electron and hole transit time was each $229.17{\mu}s$ and $8.73{\mu}s$ at $10V/{\mu}m$ electric field and Drift mobility was each $0.00174 cm^{2}/V{\cdot}s$, $0.04584cm^{2}/V{\cdot}s$.

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Time of Flight Resonace Investigation of Amorphous Selenium Films (비정질 셀레늄 필름의 공명 비행시간 조사)

  • 박지군;박성광;이동길;최장용;안상호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.501-504
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    • 2001
  • We used time-of-flight method to analyse transport properties of charge carrier which is produced by X-ray exposure. It is the research of charge transport and specific property of trap that is performed in direct digital x-ray image receptor. But the results shows us different measurement value of electron and charge drift mobility and it is difficult to precise analysis about charge transport properties and trap mechanism. We measured transit time and drift mobility of charge carriers using time-of-fight method to evaluate the correlation of a-Se thickness change and electric field. We made a testing glass with a-Se of 470 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ thickness on corning glass using thermoevaporation method and built Au electrode with 300nm, 2$\phi$ on both sides of a-Se. As a result of this experiment, electron and hole transit time was each 229.17 $\mu$s and 8.737 $\mu$s at 10V/${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ electric field and Drift mobility was each 0.00174 $\textrm{cm}^2$/V.s, 0.04584 $\textrm{cm}^2$/V.s.

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Real-time Processing for Target of Opportunity Positioning of Counter-fire with Scan-line Algorithm (스캔라인 알고리즘을 이용한 대화력전 임기표적의 실시간 영역 결정)

  • Jeon, Gi-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.148-151
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    • 2007
  • The CF(Counter-fire) is neutralizing enemy's all command control systems and fire support elements. It will weaken a battle continuous ability and an intension to fight. At the beginning of the CF is obtaining locations of targets using various detection assets. CF command center processes acquired target information and send it to attacking equipments. The targets are classified into two classes, preplanned target and target of opportunity The target of opportunity is potential threaten, so it needs to take a immediate and exact process for determining location of target of opportunity. This paper proposes the real-time processing algorithm for offensive weapons to strike target of opportunity, and presents the result of its performance.

Hot Electron Emission Test of an Ion Source for a Micro Mass Spectrometer (초소형 질량 분석기를 위한 이온 발생기의 열전자 방출 시험)

  • Yoon, Hyeun-Joong;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Park, Tae-Gyu;Yang, Sang-Sik;Jung, Kwang-Woo
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.50 no.8
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    • pp.419-422
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents the principle and fabrication of a novel micro mass spectrometer and emission test of hot electron for ionization. A micro mass spectrometer consists of a micro ion source and a micro ion separator. The micro ion source consists of a hot filament and grid electrodes. Electrons emitted from a hot filament are to ionize some sample molecules. The ions are accelerated to an ion detector by an electric field. Mass can be analyzed by using the time of fight depending on the mass-to-charge ratio. The current of hot electron emission from the hot filament is measured for various input voltages.

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The Comment on Valuable and Significant Mozi's Theories Based on a military Thoughts (논(論)『묵자(墨子)』군사사상급기현대의의(軍事思想及其現代意義))

  • Hwang, SeongKyu
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.25
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    • pp.315-332
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    • 2009
  • This research shows that Mozi setting forth a military thoughts will be discussed and lighted up in modern value. Mozi's theory on a military was formed in order to protect weak people from the strong in the basis of his philosophy of not attacking. It is different from the art of war for attack. There are some merits in Mozi's strategy of war that we have to take notice of. First of all, Mozi indicated that married women, the old and children was provided with specific roles in the war times. Especially, married women' parts will be equal to men. The old and children should usually be respected for the government to offer them important roles in the war time. Therefore, this paper will be showed in the respect of Mozi's thoughts that is considered as human being's fundamental rights in terms of ensuring the weak's rights. Furthermore, Mozi's theories on technology from loving the civil was applied to defensive fight and his advanced arms was arranged in the actual fight. However, his arms could be useful to the only defensive fight. This case was reflected as Mojia's theories that science is sincerely useful toward the civil. There will be some small or large wars in the future. Mozi's theories based on a military peaceful thoughts that everyone ought to be loved without discrimination should be highly valued when all wars will take place for the purpose of their own profits.