• Title/Summary/Keyword: Time Pattern

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An Intrusion Detection System Using Pattern Classification (패턴 분류를 이용한 침입탐지 시스템 모델)

  • 윤은준;김현성;부기동
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2002
  • Recently, lots of researchers work focused on the intrusion detection system. Pattern matching technique is commonly used to detect the intrusion in the system, However, the method requires a lot of time to match between systems rule and inputted packet data. This paper proposes a new intrusion detection system based on the pattern matching technique. Proposed system reduces the required time for pattern matching by using classified system rule. The classified rule is implemented with a general tree for efficient pattern matching. Thereby, proposed system could perform network intrusion detection efficiently.

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Normalization Diagnosis of Aging Process on Partial Discharge Signals of CV Cable (CV케이블의 부분방전 신호를 통한 열화과정의 정량적 진단)

  • 소순열;임장섭;김진사;이준웅;김태성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1997.11a
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    • pp.451-455
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    • 1997
  • The partial discharge has been blown as the chief breakdown of power equipments. The analysis and the recognition is much difficult because the partial discharge signal is very small and has complex aging pattern. Recently, insulation aging diagnosis based on pattern of phase(Ф), partial discharge magnitude(q), number(n) has been very important. Owing to depreciate the reappearance of aging progress at the electrical tree pattern and to be difficult to analyze visually, the study on partial discharge pattern is suggested to normalizing analysis method of partial discharge signals. This parer is purposed on prediction of life-time measurement of cv-cable, on decision of risk degree with normalization and real-time measurement of partial discharge signals for aging diagnosis of cv-cable. As normalizing the aging signals of electrical tree in cv-cable, it is able to confirm risk degree of insulation material with the distribution of Ф-q-n and recognize the process of aging pattern using neural network.

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    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.1113-1122
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    • 2015
  • This paper is concerned with the pattern formation of a diffusive predator-prey model with two time delays. Based upon an analysis of Hopf bifurcation, we demonstrate that time delays can induce spatial patterns under some conditions. Moreover, by use of a series of numerical simulations, we show that the type of spatial patterns is the spiral wave. Finally, we demonstrate that the spiral wave is asymptotically stable.

Study on Optimal Appointment Pattern using Plastic Surgery Appointment Data (성형외과 예약 고객 데이터를 반영한 최적 예약 패턴 연구)

  • Choi, Jiyeon;Chung, Yerim
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study investigates the best appointment pattern which can enhance customer's satisfaction and hospital's efficient management reflecting plastic surgery clinic's service characteristics. Methodology: The data of this study is obtained from Plastic surgery Clinic which is located in the civic center. By collecting and analyzing the data, we build the simulation model using ARENA. Based on 5 appointment patterns that was suggested in formal appointment scheduling studies, we experiment 3 simulation models; 'Basic Appointment Pattern' that has no restriction, 'Restriction on Second Customer' that restricts the number of second customer's in each slot, 'Restriction on Process Time' that restricts the number of second customer who has long process time in each slot. We can check robustness of the appointment patterns by experimenting on off-peak day and peak day, during peak season. Findings: This study confirms that these 2 restrictions can give a better result than 'Basic Appointment Pattern' that just simply distributes customers by number. Especially, the performance of Triangle-like pattern which is the best appointment pattern in the formal study has been improved by adding restrictions. Based on 'DET', 'Restriction on Second Customer' shows a better result. Meanwhile, based on 'E(WT)', 'Restriction on Process Time' shows a better result. Overall, based on 'DET+E(WT)', 'Restriction on Second Customer' shows a better result. Practical Implications: The purpose of each hospital may alter as demand for plastic surgery grows increasingly. Thus, each hospital should be always prepared to introduce appointment pattern for changed purpose. In order to respond flexibly to these changes, it is necessary for medical personnel to improve the awareness or for hospital to create an environment by constructing appointment program so that medical personnel does not need to put more labor on work.

Comparison of Pattern and Cause of Activity Injury in Military Service (군부대에서 신체활동시 병사의 상해 유형과 원인 비교 분석)

  • Cho, Byung-Jun;Kim, Hak-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2005
  • This research focused on studying the phenomena of activity injuries occurred in military service, the object of which is soldiering soldiers in army. I made a inquiry paper including 6 items such as injury frequency, athletic event when you are injured, injury pattern, injury part in body and injury time according to military classes, and distributed it to elected 421 soldiers, the number of which is the total number of injured soldiers having time for physical activities in a year(last 2002 year). The results were as follows ; First, Injury frequency was according to private middle classes, private second classes, private last classes, private first classes. Second, Athletic event when you are injured was according to soccer, basketball, running and Martial Art(Taekwondo). 1) An abrasion was the most injury pattern when playing soccer. 2) A sprain was the most injury pattern when playing basketball. Third, Most causes of injuries dued to his / her carelessness, which is his / her excessive greed to win. Fourth, The most injury pattern was a skin abrasion. Fifth, The most injury part in body was a leg. Sixth, There was the most injury in summer. Wednesday on week, especially afternoon when you have time for physical to improve your battle-power.

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Origins and Development of the Curved Water Pattern on Fabrics in Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 직물의 곡수문(曲水紋) 유래와 전개 양상)

  • Seo-Young Kang;Boyeon An
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.244-255
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    • 2023
  • Patterns abstractly depicting flowing water with Chinese characters such as gong, wan(man), or wang continued endlessly and curved water patterns began appearing on textiles during the Song Dynasty. Though Song curved water patterns encompassed poetic sentiments such as "falling flowers and flowing water," the meaning faded with time, and these patterns were depicted in backgrounds with flowers added to brocade (Geum-sang-cheom-hwa). During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, combinations of diverse patterns, including flowers, butterflies, dragons, and auspicious treasures became fashionable, rather than the gong- and wan-shaped curved water patterns. Likewise, during the Joseon Dynasty, curved water patterns were preferred as background rather than as primary patterns. They were overlaid with flowers and clouds. The overlaid flower patterns included four-season flower patterns (17th-18th centuries), round flower patterns (19th century), and large flower patterns (20th century), which were identical to flower patterns fashionable at the time and arranged at intervals on complex curved water pattern backgrounds. In contrast, simple Ruyi types were more numerous than the four-Ruyi types fashionable at the time with regard to cloud patterns. Added here were Taiji (great ultimate symbol) or crane patterns, thus seeking to depict diverse auspicious Ruyi such as wish fulfillment and longevity.

Derivation of Acoustic Target Strength Equation Considering Pulse Type of Acoustic Signal (펄스 타입의 음향신호를 고려한 음향표적강도 이론식 개발)

  • Kim, Ki-June;Hong, Suk-Yoon;Kwon, Hyun-Wung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.812-819
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    • 2007
  • Acoustic Target Strength (TS) is a major parameter of the active sonar equation, which indicates the ratio of the radiated intensity from the source to the re-radiated intensity by a target. This research provides the time pattern of TS in time domain, which is applicable to pulse modulated acoustic pressure field. If the time pattern of TS is predicted by using TS equation in frequency domain, it takes long time and difficult since time function pulsed acoustic wave may be decomposed into their frequency domain components. But TS equation in time domain has a convenience. If the expression for pulsed acoustic field has been obtained, the problem can be solved. Furthermore this paper introduces about mathematical equivalence quantities between EM wave and Acoustic Wave.

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Time Series Analysis of SPOT VEGETATION Instrument Data for Identifying Agricultural Pattern of Irrigated and Non-irrigated Rice cultivation in Suphanburi Province, Thailand

  • Kamthonkiat, Daroonwan;Kiyoshi, Honda;Hugh, Turral;Tripathi, Nitin K.;Wuwongse, Vilas
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.952-954
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we present the different characteristics of NDVI fluctuation pattern between irrigated and non-irrigated area in Suphanburi province, in Central Thailand. For non-irrigated rice cultivation area, there is a strong correlation between NDVI fluctuation and peak rainfall, while there is a lower correlation with irrigated area. In this study, the 'peak detector' classifier was developed to identify the area of non-irrigated and irrigated cropping and its cropping intensity (number of crops per year). This classifier was created based on cropping characteristics such as number of crops, time or planting period of each crop and its relationship with the peak of rainfall. The classified result showed good accuracy in identification irrigated and nonirrigated rice cultivation areas.

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Fault Diagnostic System Based on Fuzzy Time Cognitive Map

  • Lee, Kee-Sang;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Transactions on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 1999
  • FCM(Fuzzy Cognitive Map) is proposed for representing causal reasoning. Its structure allows systematic causal reasoning through a forward inference. Authors have already proposed a diagnostic system based on FCM to utilized to identify the true origin of fault by on-line pattern diagnosis. In FCM based fault diagnosis, Temporal Associative Memories (TAM) recall of FCM is utilized to identify the true origin of fault by on-line pattern match where predicted pattern sequences obtained from TAM recall of fault FCM models are compared with actually observed ones. In engineering processes, the propagation delays are induced by the dynamics of processes and may vary with variables involved. However, disregarding such propagation delays in FCM-based fault diagnosis may lead to erroneous diagnostic results. To solve the problem, a concept of FTCM(Fuzzy Time Cognitive Map) is introduced into FCM-based fault diagnosis in this work. Expecially, translation method of FTCM makes it possible to diagnose the fault for some discrete time. Simulation studies through two-tank system is carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed diagnostic scheme.

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A study on Linear Pattern Fabrication of Plate-type PC (PC소재의 선형 패턴 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Joung, Y.N.;Lee, E.K.;Kang, C.G.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.277-280
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    • 2008
  • Recently, a demand of nano/micro patterned polymer for display or biochip has been rising. Then many studies have been carried out. Nano/micro-embossing is a deformation process where the workpiece materials is heated to permit easier material flow and then forced over a planar patterned tool. In this work, the hot-emboss process is performed with different forming conditions; forming temperature, load, press hold time, to get the proper condition for linear pattern fabrication on plated-type polymers (PC). Replicated pattern depth increases in proportion to the forming temperature, load and time. Reduction of the workpiece thickness increases according to press hold time. In process of time, reduction ratio of workpiece thickness decreases because of surface area increment of the workpiece and pressure decline on it.

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