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Application of unmanned helicopter on pest management in rice cultivation (무인 항공기 이용 벼 병해충 방제기술 연구)

  • Park, K.H.;Kim, J.K.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.43-58
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    • 2008
  • This research was conducted to determine the alternative tool of chemical spray for rice cultivation using the unmanned helicopter(Yamaha, R-Max Type 2G-remote controlled system) at farmer's field in Korea. The unmanned helicopter tested was introduced form Japan. In Korea the application of chemicals by machine sprayer for pest management in rice cultivation has been ordinarily used at the farmer's level. However, it involved a relatively high cost and laborious for the small scale of cultivation per farm household. Farm population has been highly decreased to 7.5% in 2002 and the population is expected to rapidly reduce by 3.5% in 2012. In Japan, pest control depending on unmanned helicopter has been increased by leaps and bounds. This was due in part to the materialization of the low-cost production technology under agricultural policy and demand environmentally friendly farm products. The practicability of the unmanned helicopter in terms of super efficiency and effectiveness has been proven, and the farmers have understood that the unmanned helicopter is indispensable in the future farming system that they visualized. Also, the unmanned helicopter has been applied to rice, wheat, soybean, vegetables, fruit trees, pine trees for spraying chemicals and/or fertilizers in Japan Effect of disease control by unmanned helicopter was partially approved against rice blast and sheath blight. However, the result was not satisfactory due to the weather conditions and cultural practices. The spray density was also determined in this experiment at 0, 15, 30, and 60cm height from the paddy soil surface and there was 968 spots at 0cm, 1,560 spots at 15cm, 1,923 spots at 30cm, and 2,999 spots at 60cm height. However, no significant difference was found among the treatments. At the same time, there was no phytotoxicity observed under the chemical stray using this unmanned helicopter, nor the rice plant itself was damaged by the wind during the operation.

A Study on the Types of Tree Management in Modern Palace Using Photographs and Expert Interviews (사진과 전문가 인터뷰를 통해 추론한 근대 궁궐의 수목관리 판단 연구)

  • Choi, Jin-seo;Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2023
  • The Florence Charter, established in 1981 by the ICOMOS-IFLA International Commission on Historic Gardens, considered the historic garden as a plant-dominated architectural composition, a perpetual balance between the artist and the artisan's desire to remain unaltered in perpetuity. Trees, the main component of the garden, require continuous management as they repeat their creation and calling according to the cycle of the seasons and accordingly, it is suggested that management to maintain the appearance of trees in Korean palaces was an indispensable element. Although it is an important matter to historically verify the tree management techniques of the palaces of the past, research has been difficult due to the absence of historical records and the disconnection of life due to the Japanese colonial period. In addition, according to the view that trees were not generally managed in the palace, research on palace tree management techniques has not been conducted so far. Therefore, this study aimed to examine whether or not the tree management of the palaces was performed in the past through expert interviews based on photographs taken in modern times. With the identification of tree species and pruning through in-depth interviews with experts using photographs taken in the modern period, the results are as follows. First, it was found that the shapes of trees and leaves could be identified through photographs and by observing the phenomena caused by planting and pruning, it was possible to estimate whether or not the tree management was implemented in the modern palace. Second, as a result of in-depth interviews with 8 experts in 4 fields, it was possible to determine the tree species and pruning status, purpose, and method. There was no significant difference in opinions between groups, and the evidence was clearly presented. Third, the type of management of trees in the palace was mainly found to be determination of the types of tree, removal of hazardous factors of trees, and management of lower vegetation and through the photographs of Jondeokjeong and Gwanwanjeong, it was confirmed that the trees were managed even before the Japanese colonial era, considering the time of filming. Based on the photographs taken, it was possible to estimate whether the trees were managed before the Japanese colonial period through expert interviews. However, it could not be clarified due to lack of historical materials as to whether it was carried out on its own according to the circumstances of the times or by the Japanese Empire. Still, in this study, evidence was obtained to refute the view that trees of the palace were not managed in the past through the collected data. Expert opinions supporting this view were collected to make the conclusion. In addition, based on the general theory of pruning, an empirical review of expert opinions was conducted to secure the reliability of the research results.

A Study on the Understanding Method and Methodology of Character Education: A Transition to Character Education based on a Correct Understanding and Attitude towards Human Nature and Emotions (인성교육 이해방식과 방법론에 관한 일고찰 - 인간 본성과 감정의 올바른 이해를 토대로 한 인성교육으로의 전환 -)

  • Kim Sung-sil
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.42
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    • pp.201-226
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    • 2022
  • Character education begins with a clear definition of character. There are claims that humanity is reducible to human nature or personality, but when approached from an educational perspective, human nature soon boils down to the question of its ultimate goodness or wickedness. There is a significant difference between the educational systems that emerge from the standpoint that human nature is evil versus the standpoint that human nature is good. With regards to educational outcomes, this can be observed both in terms of human nature and personality. Modern education today sees education as leading the immature to a mature state from the standpoint that human nature is evil. But if human nature is evil, how could we implement an education that would render it good? If character education becomes a system of etiquette education or one of instilling manners whereby simple wrong cases are righted, it would be nothing but a follow-up to the wrong educational cases that had been carried out previously. In that sense, character education is correction; not education. Education should be done in a way that realizes and understands the perfect self rather than unfolding as a process of constantly correcting and reinforcing immature human beings. In that sense, this paper posits that enabling students to understand their own emotions would serve as a correct form of character education. This would be a system of focusing on emotions that reveal the goodness of human nature. Personality can be educated, but education at this time should be a way to bring out a student's already good and even perfected nature. This is more realistic than replacing a 'faulty' character with a good character which supposedly did not exist previously. If personality education morphs into 'emotional self-understanding,' contemplations on 'why not to do' unsavory acts rather than mere negative commands 'don't do that,' and listening to what one's emotions intuit prior to and after given actions, then that would arise to the true standard of a good education.

Service Philosophy as Wisdom for Human Society Development (인류사회 발전 지혜로서의 서비스철학)

  • Hyunsoo Kim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to prove that the service philosophy is the development principle of human society in the service age. From ancient times to the present, the service philosophy was tried to show the wisdom of the development of human society in all earth spaces including the East and the West. In addition, it tried to prove that the service philosophy was at the center of the development wisdom of many countries and individuals who flickered on all space on earth and all human time. The study showed that the differences between countries were in software rather than hardware. Furthermore, it was analyzed that countries with a service philosophy embedded in the center of software such as spirit and culture made a great contribution to human society. The cases of Greece and Rome, the Republic of Venice, the Republic of the Netherlands, followed by the United States and modern Korea prove this, and the Soviet Union can be seen to disprove it. The former was a society in which state-run software was strong, and the latter was a society in which hardware was strong. There is a big difference between the case of the state, which citizens have autonomously organized and operated, and the case of the upper-level state-led operation. Since the leadership of the upper classes is not based on the service philosophy, the accumulated software power is weak, so it can be said that the accumulation of wisdom in human society is weak. Therefore, while the essence of human society so far has been a society of self-centered animal ecosystems led by selfishness, the human society in the service age from now on can be said to be a society of plant ecosystems where mutual respect and self-centeredness coexist. Just as the society centered on the service philosophy in the past human society prospered and left a greater legacy to mankind, it is suggested that the human society in the future service era should be a human society of a plant ecosystem centered on the service philosophy. Further in-depth studies related to this are needed in the future.

Ecological health assessment of Yangjaecheon and Yeouicheon using biotic index and water quality (생물지수와 수질을 이용한 양재천과 여의천의 생태건강성평가)

  • Jin Hyo Lee;Hyeon Han;Jun Yeon Lee;Young Seop Cha;Seog Ju Cho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.172-186
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    • 2022
  • Benthic macroinvertebrates are important ecological and environmental indicators as primary or secondary consumers, and therefore are widely used in the evaluation of aquatic environments. However, there are no comprehensive river ecosystem monitoring surveys that link the major physicochemical water quality items with benthic macroinvertebrates in urban streams. Therefore, this study investigated the distribution characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates and physicochemical water quality items (17 items) in Yangjaecheon and Yeouicheon from 2019 to 2020. At the same time, by applying Spearman's rank correlation analysis and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis in the water quality data and biotic index, we tried to provide basic data for diagnosing the current status of river ecosystems in major urban rivers in Seoul. Based on the study results, a total of 39 species and 3,787 individuals were identified in Yangjaecheon, the water quality(based on BOD, TOC, and TP) of Yangjaecheon was higher than Grade Ib(good), and the BMI using benthic macroinvertebrates appeared as Grade C(normal) at all the sites. In Yeouicheon, a total of 51 species and 4,199 individuals were identified, the water quality(based on BOD, TOC, TP) was higher than Grade Ib(good) similar to Yangjaecheon, and the BMI of both Upstream and Saewon bridge was Grade B(good), while Yeoui bridge was Grade C(normal). Overall, analysis results for the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates by a nonmetric multidimensional scaling method showed no significant difference between the two streams (p=0.1491). Also, significant environmental variables related to benthic macroinvertebrates distribution were determined as water temperature and DO. On the other hand, the results of the correlation analysis between biotic index and major water quality items confirmed that R1 and BMI could be used for on-site urban river water quality evaluation.

A Study on the Growth Change by DBH Class in Korean White Pine Plantations (잣나무 인공림의 흉고직경 등급별 생장변화에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Sunghoon;Seo, Yeongwan;Lee, Daesung;Choi, Jungkee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.1
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2022
  • In this study, growth changes of the diameter at breast height (DBH), height, basal area, volume, and biomass of Korean white pine (Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc.) on a plantation were examined via long-term monitoring. In addition, this study was performed to provide the basic data for timber production in line with DBH class by comparing the growth of the relative DBH size. Growth characteristics according to DBH class were analyzed by categorizing trees into five classes based on sorted DBH rankings: class I (1%-20%; upper 20%), class II (21%-40%), class III (41%-60%), class IV (61%-80%), class V (81%-100%; lower 20%). A total class (0%-100%) was also used. Total increment and mean annual increment (MAI) were calculated using data from nine measurements taken over 39 years. Tree characteristics based on average values and stand characteristics based on unit area per hectare were examined. According to the total increments of variables, the differences in DBH, basal area, volume, and biomass among classes I-V increased over time, whereas the height difference did not continually increase. According to MAI, the maximum DBH value was 0.92 cm·yr-1 at age 23 in class I, whereas the maximum value in all trees was 0.69 cm·yr-1 at age 17. The maximum value of height MAI for class I was 0.52 m·yr-1 at age 23, whereas that for all trees was 0.49 m·yr-1 at age 20. In terms of basal area, volume, and biomass growth at tree-and stand-level, the maximum MAI of class I and all trees was not observed during the measurement period. Therefore, additional long-term monitoring data are required to determine the maximum MAI of the variables.

The Genealogy of Forbidden Sound -Political Aesthetics of Ambiguity in the Criticism of Japanese Style in Korean Society of the 1960s (일본적인 것, 혹은 금지된 '소리'의 계보 -한일국교정상화 성립기 '왜색(倭色)' 비판담론과 양의성의 정치미학)

  • Jeong, Chang-Hoon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.349-392
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    • 2019
  • In the 1960s of Korea, the normalization of diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan led to a sense of a vigorous anxiety and fear that "Japan will once again come to the Korean peninsula". As a reaction to this, the discourse on the criticism of 'Japanese Style' strongly emerged. If the prior discourse of criticism was to express the national antipathy toward the colonial remnants that had not yet been disposed of, the critical discourse of the 1960s was the wariness of the newly created 'Japanese Style' in popular culture, and to grasp it as a symptomatic phenomenon that 'evil-minded Japan' was revealed. Thus, this new logic of criticism of the 'Japanese Style' had a qualitative difference from the existing ones. It was accompanied by a willingness to inspect and censor the 'masses' that grew up as consumers of transnational 'mass culture' that flowed and chained in the geopolitical order under the Cold War system. Therefore, the topology of 'popular things=Japanese things=consuming things' reveals the paradox of moral demands that existed within Korean society in the 1960s. This was to solidify the divisive circulation structure that caused them to avoid direct contact with the other called 'Japan', but at the same time, get as close to it as ever. It is a repetitive obsession that pushes the other to another side through the moral segregation that strictly draws a line of demarcation between oneself and the other, but on the other hand is attracted to the object and pulls it back to its side. This paper intends to listen to the different voices that have arisen in the repetitive obsession to understand the significance of the dissonance that has been repeated in the contemporary era. This will be an examination of the paradoxical object of Japan that has been repeatedly asked to build the internal control principle of Korean society, or to hide the oppressive and violent side of the power, and that can neither be accepted nor destroyed completely as part of oneself.

The Relationship between Social Relations and Physical Activity in the Young-old and Old-old Elderly (전·후기 노인들의 사회적 관계와 신체활동 실천과의 관련성)

  • So Youn Jeon;Sok Goo Lee
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.103-117
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study aims to reveal the relationship between social relations and physical activity in the young-old and old-old elderly. Methods: Data from 2020 National survey of Older Koreans were used, and a total of 10,097 subjects over the age of 65 were included in analysis. The dependent variable was physical activity, and the independent variables were social relations barrier and motivational factors. x2-test and binary logistic regression were performed for data analysis. Results: The physical activity rate in the elderly were 40.8% in the young-old and 29.2% in the old-old. The socio-demographic characteristics affecting physical activity were the young-old elderly were sex, residential area, employment status and household income, and the old-old elderly were sex, age, residential area, education level and household income. The social relations barrier factors affecting physical activity were the young-old elderly were number of close friends, family care, exercise information search and video viewing, and the old-old elderly were household type, number of close friends, participation in exercise education, exercise information search and video viewing. The social relations motivational factors affecting physical activity were the young-old elderly were call with children/relative/friend, participation in sports activity, access time from home to parks, and the old-old elderly were call with children/relative/friend, participation in sports activity, satisfaction with green spaces. Conclusions: It was found that social relations barrier and motivational factors of the elderly are important factors to consider when developing physical activity promotion strategy, and there are also difference between the age of the elderly.

Influence of Erythropoiesis Factors, BDNF, Cognitive Function and Working Memory by Intensity Aerobic Exercise in Middle Aged Women (강도별 유산소운동이 중년여성의 적혈구생성인자, BDNF와 인지기능, 작업기억에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Won-Je
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.553-566
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to identify the effects of different intensities of regular aerobic exercise on erythropoietin (EPO) and BDNF levels, and cognitive function and working memory in middle-aged women. Women aged 40 to 60 years residing in G-gu, Y-si, Gyeonggi-do were divided into 3 groups: control group, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise group and high-intensity aerobic exercise. All groups were asked to exercise at the given intensities, twice a week for a total of 12 weeks. Blood samples were collected from participants on week 0 (before exercising), week 6 and week 12, and then cognitive function and working memory tests were followed to measure erythropoietin (EPO) and BDNF levels, cognitive function and working memory. Repeated measures ANOVA, univariate analysis and follow-up test were performed on all data to compare the group, period and interaction through a SPSS. As a result, a significant difference over time was observed in EPO, BDNF, cognitive function and working memory; therefore, a follow-up one-way ANOVA analysis was performed on each group. As a result of analysis, a significant increase in erythrocyte, hematocrit, BDNF level and working memory was observed in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise group while erythrocyte and working memory were significantly increased inhigh-intensity aerobic exercise group. When comparing the results between the groups, the level of hematocrit was shown to be significantly higher in both moderate-and high-intensity aerobic group than the control group and also the higher level of hemoglobin was observed in both moderate-and high-intensity aerobic group comparing to control group. Considering the results of this study, therefore, a 12-week long aerobic exercise at moderate to high intensity positively affected EPO and BDNF levels, cognitive function and working memory in middle-aged women.

An event-related potential study of global-local visual perception in female college students with binge drinking (폭음 여자대학생의 전체-세부 시지각 처리에 관한 사건관련전위 연구)

  • So-yeon Lim;Myung-Sun Kim
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.111-151
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    • 2023
  • It is reported that binge drinkers show cognitive impairment similar to alcohol use disorder patients. A previous studies using neuropsychological tests and brain imaging techniques to investigate the visual perception of alcohol use disorder patients reported that they had global-local visual perception defects. Although the neurological basis for the global-local visual perception deficit in the heavy drinking group has been presented, there are no studies to date that have investigated the global-local visual perception in the heavy drinking group. This study investigated local-biased visual perception in female college students with binge drinking (BD) using event-related potentials (ERPs). Based on the scores of the Korean version of Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test and the Alcohol Use Questionnaire, participants were assigned into BD (n=25) and non-BD (n=25) groups. Local-global visual processing was assessed using a local-global paradigm, in which large stimuli (global level) composed of small stimuli (local level) were presented. The stimuli presented at global and local levels were either congruent or incongruent. The behavioral results exhibited that the BD and non-BD groups did not differ in terms of accuracy and response time. In terms of ERPs, the BD and non-BD groups did not show difference in N100, P150 and N200 amplitude. However, the BD group showed significantly smaller P300 amplitude than non-BD group especially in the local condition. In addition, a negative correlation between P300 amplitude and binge drinking score was observed, i.e., severer binge drinking smaller P300 amplitude. The P300 is known to reflect cognitive inhibition and attentional allocation. In the global-local paradigm, the local condition required to attend to local target while ignoring global non-target. Therefore, the present results indicate that female college students with BD do not have local-biased visual processing, instead they seem to have difficulties in inhibition of irrelevant stimuli.