• Title/Summary/Keyword: Three-dimensional Position Tracking

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Fuzzy control of a robot manipulator in Cartesian space (Cartesian 공간에서 로봇 머니퓰레이터의 퍼지제어)

  • 곽희성;강철구
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1995.10b
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 1995
  • In order to eliminate position errors existing at the steady state in the motion control of robotic maniprlators, a new fuzzy control algorithm is proposed using three variables, position error, velocity error and integral of position errors as input variables of the fuzzy controller, This controller is applied to the tracking control of robotic manipulators in Cartesian space. Three dimensional look-up table is used to reduce the computational time in rel-time control. Simulation and experimental studies are conducted to evaluate the control performance for the two axis direct drive SCARA robot system.

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Three-dimensional Head Tracking Using Adaptive Local Binary Pattern in Depth Images

  • Kim, Joongrock;Yoon, Changyong
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2016
  • Recognition of human motions has become a main area of computer vision due to its potential human-computer interface (HCI) and surveillance. Among those existing recognition techniques for human motions, head detection and tracking is basis for all human motion recognitions. Various approaches have been tried to detect and trace the position of human head in two-dimensional (2D) images precisely. However, it is still a challenging problem because the human appearance is too changeable by pose, and images are affected by illumination change. To enhance the performance of head detection and tracking, the real-time three-dimensional (3D) data acquisition sensors such as time-of-flight and Kinect depth sensor are recently used. In this paper, we propose an effective feature extraction method, called adaptive local binary pattern (ALBP), for depth image based applications. Contrasting to well-known conventional local binary pattern (LBP), the proposed ALBP cannot only extract shape information without texture in depth images, but also is invariant distance change in range images. We apply the proposed ALBP for head detection and tracking in depth images to show its effectiveness and its usefulness.

Vision Sensor System for Weld Seam Tracking of I-Butt Joint with Height Variation (높이 변화가 있는 막대기 용접선 추적용 시각센서)

  • Kim Moo-Yeon;Kim Jae-Woong
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2004
  • In this study, a visual sensor system which can detect I-butt weld joint with height variation and includes a seam tracking algorithm was investigated. Three-dimensional position of an object can be acquired by using the method of distance measurement, i.e., an optical trigonometry which results from the spatial relations between the camera, the object and the structured light by a visible laser. Effects of laser intensity and iris number for the image quality as well as object material were investigated for the optical system design. For the image processing, a region of interest is defined from the whole image and a line image of laser is drew by using the gray level difference in the image. From the drew laser line, the weld joint can be recognized in searching the biggest point position calculated from the central difference method. Through a series of welding experiments, a good tracking performance was confirmed under GMA welding.

Fuzzy PID Control by Grouping of Membership Functions of Fuzzy Antecedent Variables with Neutrosophic Set Approach and 3-D Position Tracking Control of a Robot Manipulator

  • Can, Mehmet Serhat;Ozguven, Omerul Faruk
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.969-980
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    • 2018
  • This paper aims to design of the neutrosophic fuzzy-PID controller and it has been compared with the conventional fuzzy-PID controller for position tracking control in terms of robustness. In the neutrosophic fuzzy-PID controller, error (e) and change of error (ce) were assessed separately on two fuzzy inference systems (FISs). In this study, the designed method is different from the conventional fuzzy logic controller design, membership degrees of antecedent variables were determined by using the T(true), I(indeterminacy), and F(false) membership functions. These membership functions are grouped on the universe of discourse with the neutrosophic set approach. These methods were tested on three-dimensional (3-D) position-tracking control application of a spherical robot manipulator in the MATLAB Simulink. In all tests, reference trajectory was defined for movements of all axes of the robot manipulator. According to the results of the study, when the moment of inertia of the rotor is changed, less overshoot ratio and less oscillation are obtained in the neutrosophic fuzzy-PID controller. Thus, our suggested method is seen to be more robust than the fuzzy-PID controllers.

Restoration of Realtime Three-Dimension Positions Using PSD Sensor (PSD센서를 이용한 실시간 3차원 위치의 복원)

  • Choi, Hun-Il;Jo, Yong-Jun;Ryu, Young-Kee
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.11c
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    • pp.507-510
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, optical sensor system using PSD(Position Sensitive Detection) is proposed to obtain the three dimensional position of moving markers attached to human body. To find the coordinates of an moving marrer with stereo vision system, two different sight rays of an moving marker are required. Usually, those are acquired with two optical sensors synchronized at the same time. PSD sensor is used to measure the position of an incidence light in real-time. To get the three-dimension position of light source on moving markers, a conventional camera calibration method are used. In this research, we realized a low cost motion capture system. The proposed system shows high three-dimension measurement accuracy and fast sampling frequency.

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A hybrid navigation system of underwater vehicles using fuzzy inferrence algorithm (퍼지추론을 이용한 무인잠수정의 하이브리드 항법 시스템)

  • 이판묵;이종무;정성욱
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.170-179
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    • 1997
  • This paper presents a hybrid navigation system for AUV to locate its position precisely in rough sea. The tracking system is composed of various sensors such as an inclinometer, a tri-axis magnetometer, a flow meter, and a super short baseline(SSBL) acoustic position tracking system. Due to the inaccuracy of the attitude sensors, the heading sensor and the flowmeter, the predicted position slowly drifts and the estimation error of position becomes larger. On the other hand, the measured position is liable to change abruptly due to the corrupted data of the SSBL system in the case of low signal to noise ratio or large ship motions. By introducing a sensor fusion technique with the position data of the SSBL system and those of the attitude heading flowmeter reference system (AHFRS), the hybrid navigation system updates the three-dimensional position robustly. A Kalman filter algorithm is derived on the basis of the error models for the flowmeter dynamics with the use of the external measurement from the SSBL. A failure detection algorithm decides the confidence degree of external measurement signals by using a fuzzy inference. Simulation is included to demonstrate the validity of the hybrid navigation system.

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Mobile Augmented Visualization Technology Using Vive Tracker (포즈 추적 센서를 활용한 모바일 증강 가시화 기술)

  • Lee, Dong-Chun;Kim, Hang-Kee;Lee, Ki-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2021
  • This paper introduces a mobile augmented visualization technology that augments a three-dimensional virtual human body on a mannequin model using two pose(position and rotation) tracking sensors. The conventional camera tracking technology used for augmented visualization has the disadvantage of failing to calculate the camera pose when the camera shakes or moves quickly because it uses the camera image, but using a pose tracking sensor can overcome this disadvantage. Also, even if the position of the mannequin is changed or rotated, augmented visualization is possible using the data of the pose tracking sensor attached to the mannequin, and above all there is no load for camera tracking.

Verification of Practicality for the SSBL and Pinger Synchronizing Biotelemetry Method and System through the Tracking of Fish (어류의 행동추적에 의한 SSBL · 핑거동기 바이오텔레메터리 방식과 시스템의 실용성 검증)

  • Park, Ju-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 2004
  • The new biotelemetry method and system that the installation and the treatment of equipment is convenient and the instantaneously detailed position of the fish attached a pinger is able to track comparatively easily had been developed, an practicality of it were verified in the water tank and the small sea port through the tracking of fish. The biotelemetry method had been gotten the three dimensional locations of fish to the receiving transducer by combining of the super short base line (SSBL) method to detect the direction of pinger and the pinger synchronizing method to measure the range from receiving transducer to pinger. The receiving system had been designed to realize the high precision or wide detection range by application of the basic design method for receiving system of biotelemetry and the hydrophone array configuration. From tracking test of carp in the water tank, the migration course and the velocity of carp was investigated and the observed migration course was compared with measurement. The measured migration course of carp coincided with the observation in the main and the position of carp was able to track three dimensionally. The velocity of carp measured by the moving average method was 11.2cm/s. From tracking test of yellowtail in the small sea port, the migration course and the velocity of yellowtail was investigated at natural condition. The position of yellowtail was able to track three dimensionally and the velocity of it measured by moving average method was 43.9cm/s.

Viewing Angle Enhancement of Light Direction Controllable Integral Imaging Three-dimensional Display System by Moving Aperture in 4-f Illumination Optics

  • Shin, Min-Young;Park, Jae-Hyeung;Kim, Nam
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.1341-1344
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    • 2009
  • A novel method to control the viewing direction by moving aperture location in 4-f illumination optics to control light direction is proposed. Based on integral imaging principle, the relayed point light sources by 4-f optics are modulated by a spatial light modulator, displaying three-dimensional images. In the proposed method, we locate the aperture, which acts as a band pass filter, around an optic axis to control the light direction. Resultantly, assuming that we know the viewer position by a tracking system, we can display appropriate three-dimensional images over large viewing angle.

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A Scheme Tracking a Moving Object for Biped Robot (이족로봇을 이용한 이동물체 추적 기법)

  • Park, Sang-Bum;Lee, Boo-Hyung;Han, Young-Joon;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.839-840
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    • 2006
  • Our paper proposes a novel moving object tracking scheme for biped robot using a single camera. For walking control of a biped robot we analyze the dynamics of a three-dimensional inverted pendulum model. This analysis leads us a simple linear dynamics. And, the control parameter of the biped robot is derived from the feedback signal which converges the position of a image feature to the feature position of a desired image and the feedforward signal which compensates the motion component due to the moving object.

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