• Title/Summary/Keyword: Theory of Motive

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Analysis of Torque Characteristics for the Single-phase Induction Motor Considering Space Harmonics

  • Kim Byung-Taek;Lee Sung-Ho;Kwon Byung-Il
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.327-331
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents the analysis method for the torque characteristic of the 1-phase induction motor considering space harmonics in the air gap. The equivalent circuit method is used, where the circuit constants are obtained by classic theory. In addition, the space harmonic components in air gap magneto motive force are analyzed and added to the equivalent circuit to obtain accurate torque characteristics in low speed regions. Each torque component due to the harmonics is calculated and the total torque characteristic is obtained and compared with the measurement result.

Influence of Task-Technology Fit on the PDA Driven Mobile Task Performance: Emphasis on Individual Characteristics and Task (PDA 중심의 모바일 기술을 활용하는 업무에서 개인특성을 고려한 업무-기술 적합성이 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Namho;Lee, Kun Chang
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2005
  • This paper is aimed at investigating the influence of the fit between PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) driven mobile technology and tasks on performance. Our research motive was adopted from the burgeoning mobile technology which can be easily observed in modem management. Fit theory has been widely applied to proved the relationship between technology and tasks. However, there are few studies about the fit between mobile technology and tasks. A the advent of the IT, mobile technology started to affect individuals' lifestyle as well as the management style of firms. For the purpose of proving those hypotheses, we collected 173 questionnaires from 20 firms such as manufacturing industry, financial business, service company, telecommunication company which deem using the PDA technology for their management. We applied factor analysis and path analysis for our experiments Results revealed that the mobile technology holds a statistically significant fit with tasks and Individual characteristics.

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Streamer Motives and User-Generated Content on Social Live-Streaming Services

  • Friedlander, Mathilde B.
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2017
  • Three most popular information services, Periscope, Ustream, and YouNow, vicarious for all Social Live-Streaming Services (SLSSs), are investigated to analyze their streamers' motivations and the user-generated content. Additionally, we collected demographic data (gender and age). More than 7,500 streams by users from the U.S., Germany, and Japan were observed. Main streamer motivations on SLSSs are boredom, socializing, the need to reach a specific group, the need to communicate, and fun. Important content categories on all three SLSSs are chatting, sharing information, 24/7, and 'slice of life.' We were able to identify differences between users from the U.S., Germany, and Japan as well as between the users of Periscope, Ustream, and YouNow. The main motive to stream in the U.S. is to reach a specific group, while in Japan it is socializing, and in Germany boredom. The top content category for both, YouNow as well as Periscope, is to chat; on Ustream it is 24/7 (i.e., webcams).

Critical Studies as Culture-based Art Education (문화중심 미술교육으로서의 비평학습)

  • Park, Jeong-Ae
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.1
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 2003
  • This study examined the condition of an educational discourse, relating the concept of creativity, culture, culture-centered, and critical thinking, to explore Culture-based Art Education(CBAE). In particular, art education practice was examined using interpretations of creativity and critical theory positions from the field of education. Discourse analysis was used as the research method to contextually situate and analyze the ways in which art education theory and practice of creativity and of critical studies encoded meanings. The study helped build an understanding that creativity was formed as a modernist discourse in the humanistic stance. In education, creativity became the fundamental concern for progressive educators who pursued innate ability of individuals. The way to enhance creative potential of students was to induce their motive, as was the same case in art education, while in artist training, free expression was its main method. In this way, as creativity was intimately connected with the concept of expression, in art education art making is the only course for enhancing creativity. However, because creative process cannot intelligently be regarded as logically distinct from the creative product, and creativity can only be said by product, it seems valid to think that creativity is the quality not to be achieved by teaching. Furthermore, its emphasis on art making resulted in unbalance of art making and art appreciation in art education. It was the late sixties when several alternatives for creative education were made their appearance. Critical studies in art adopted critical theory as its theoretical background has developed as an alternative of creative art education, when research and theory for creativity could not be adequate to deal with the problem of practice. Critical theory is a broad and diverse field of theory and practice drawing on aspects of the modernist perspective of the later Frankfurt School, feminism, Freirean pedagogy, postcolonial discourse as well as postmodernism to construct a practical approach to education. It is very this eclectic nature to provide the mosaic that need to experience cultures from different perspectives in a pluralistic society. Because one's personality is formed by multiple aspects of culture which is very complex and is made up of what we do and value, creativity cannot make part of educational discourse with the philosophy of culture centered. On the other hand, critical studies, as a school art program of critical theory, can perform the role of CBAE, because it would have to deal with the investigation of social and cultural issues form multiple personal, local, national, and global perspectives.

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A Grounded theory Analysys of the Successful Process : Consumer perspective of Entrepreneurial (창업소비자의 관점에서 본 창업 성공과정에 대한 근거이론적 분석)

  • Back, Jae Hwa;Seo, Jeong Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.619-635
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of the study was to qualitatively analyze how entrepreneurs would succeed in business from the consumer perspective of entrepreneurial. In particularly, this study understood what has made the entrepreneurs do their own business, learning contextual and mediating conditions. In order to achieve the research goals, the study conducted in-depth interviews to a total of 11 entrepreneurs and based on data from the interviews, carried out a grounded theory analysis. According to the results, the successful entrepreneurship process paradigm model from the consumer perspective of entrepreneurial was observed with some central phenomenon, 'change of course', via casual circumstances as 'self-realization' and 'material value realization.' For the contextual conditions, there found 'anxiety for survival', 'organic motive', 'confidence in a market' and 'relational role element' as well. The interaction strategies consisted of 'internal capability improvement', 'internal and external activity directivity growth' and 'marketability judgement ability.' The mediating conditions were observed to be 'strategic cognition improvement' and 'growing of desire to succeed'. The analysis results reported that there were two different aspects as 'increase of stable dailiness' and 'productivity enlargement'. In terms of the core category, it was 'securing of stable dailiness and competitiveness in the market as well by developing characteristics and abilities of an individual for the life value realization.' Those results confirmed that once pleasure and satisfaction in daily life increase, the confidence of the entrepreneurs improves too, which would encourage them to continue the business.

A Study on Self-Censorship by Conflict in the Educational Environment of Art College: Based on the attribution theory. (예술대학 교육환경 속 갈등관계에 따른 자기검열 연구: 귀인이론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Kwang-Cheol;Song, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to find ways to reduce self-censorship by identifying the conflict and attribution to the motivation for self-censorship during the curriculum of the College of Arts. The analysis confirmed the significance of each relationship by conducting a correlation and regression analysis between the variables, and the analysis of the effects was based on the significant factors among them. The analysis showed the external locus of control toward self-censorship and interpersonal conflict had a partial mediation effect. In other words, as the degree of conflict in the educational environment increases, art college students are aware of the cause of the problem due to external characteristics such as others, task difficulty, etc., and thus confirmed the conclusion that frustration and shame caused by it become the motive for self-censorship.

Implementation and Evaluation of In-Service Teacher Training Program for Teaching-Learning in Environmental Education (환경교육 교수.학습 능력 함양을 위한 교수연수의 실시 및 평가 연구)

  • Choi, Don-Hyung;Lee, Mi-Ok;Youn, Sung-Hyun
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.183-199
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an in-service teacher training program for professional development in environmental education. In order to achieve the goal, the in- service teacher training program for professional development in environmental education development / implement team is formed to deal with the development and the implementation of the program. The team is composed of environmental education professionals and environmental education teachers. After the development of the program, 20 teachers were selected to implement the program. Then, through various researches such as interview, monitoring, and survey, the evaluation of the program was done. After the evaluation, the feedback on the program was collected in order to apply the final adjustments and changes to the developed training program for professional development in environmental education. The training program is designed to include the wide range of theories and real life cases. It focuses on certain topic, and is implemented through workshop type training method to increase the participation rate. The major motive of the participants was to develop their professionality in environmental education. Based on the analysis of the training program and the workshop, 69.1% of the program is focused on the environmental education/learning theory, and 71.4% is focused on the environmental education teaching method. The environmental education teaching method is focused on the real life teaching method that could be used in many schools. However, the parts on environmental education philosophy, psychology, and evaluation was not included as a part of the program. Also, the evaluation method of the students learning the environmental education was not introduced as a part of the program as well. It is due to the limited time frame of the training program, as well as its focus on the training method of environmental program. Based on the analysis of the evaluation results obtained through monitoring, the training program for professional development in environmental education is successful in terms of focusing the goal of the program around the environmental education/learning theory and environmental education teaching method, which was the motive of the participants. However, the effectiveness of the program differed from participants to participants based on their majors in environmental education, and it did not last long enough. The future training program for professional development in environmental education should consider the backgrounds of the program participants to have various programs prepared for various groups of people. We suggest that the results of this developed program will be applied to "environmental education teacher licence training" in the future.

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Modeling Demand for Rural Settlement of Urban Residents (도시민의 농촌이주 수요모형 분석: 정착자금 지원효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hee-Chan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this research was to develop a rural settlement demand model to analyze the determinants of settlement demand of urban residents. The point aimed at from model development was deriving stated preference of potential consumers towards rural settlement through setting a hypothetical market, and using settlement subsidy as a surrogate variable for price in the demand model. The adequate demand model deducted from hypothetical market data was derived from the basis of Hanemann's utility difference theory. In the rural settlement demand model, willingness to accept was expressed by a function of settlement subsidy. Data utilized in the analysis was collected from surveys of households nationwide. According to inferred results of the demand model, settlement subsidy had a significant influence on increasing demand for rural settlement. A significant common element was found among variables affecting demand increase through demand curve shift. The majority group of those with high rural settlement demand sought agricultural activity as their main motive, due to harsh urban environments aggravated by unstable job market conditions. Subsequently, restriction of income opportunities in rural areas does not produce an entrance barrier for potential rural settlers. Moreover, this argument could be supported by the common trend of those with high rural settlement demand generally tending to have low incomes. Due to such characteristics of concerned groups of rural settlement demand, they tended to react susceptibly to the subsidy provided by the government and local autonomous entities.

Language as Act and Meaning: Deleuze's and Peirce's Pragmatics (행위로서의 언어와 의미 -들뢰즈와 퍼스의 화행론)

  • Choi, Moonsoo
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.199-213
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    • 2009
  • From the perspective of pragmatics, language is a mode of act that works in the order of motive and performs human purpose. The function of language is then primarily performative rather than informational or significative. Pragmatics, however, encounters a tough question: what is the relation of the linguistic act to meaning? Many language theories including pragmatic theories admit the autonomy of meaning while defining language as act. But in Deleuze and Peirce we find examples of maximalist pragmatics that denies the autonomy of meaning. However, Deleuze and Peirce are different in their view on the function of meaning. For Deleuze, language is the transmission of act, what he calls 'order-word.' He rejects meaning except as the minimal condition for the transmission. But his theory turns out to be contradictory in that meaning as the minimal condition is actually the function of constants that he denies for order-words that are always variables. On the contrary, Peirce's pragmatism as a radical pragmatics does not exclude meaning. For him, language is interpretative act serving the purpose of understanding reality, which is performed through the function of meaning and 'habit.' This shows that meaning is indispensable to language even in maximalist pragmatics.

A Study on Transfer Dyeing Applied to Education Technique of Hair Illustration (헤어 일러스트레이션 교육기법의 전사염 활용연구)

  • Jeong, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion and Beauty
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    • v.4 no.4 s.10
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is suggest that hair illustration study on transfer dyeing. Hair illustration seems to motive power changeable for the beauty culture. In 1991's, At the begin collage come to this day that many university has concerned about this a field. while hair illustration stay the real state of thing a basic education and limited the sphere of utilize and education. At the Europe nations and Japan be done already means that hair illustration become thought come to an understanding for the guest each saloon. In particular, The saloons is showed new style, trend, pamphlet and its was become the diversification aspect to the fixtures used saloons. accordingly, Hair illustration look fittings at individuality and a characteristic of the each saloon. Experiment education of the hair illustration is applicable to a course of study into the experimentation manufacture and theory explanation adapt special of transfer dyeing. accordingly, Hair illustration will be used to easy saloon. Consequently, This papers is suggest that hair illustration effect was showed method of the expression a fact or the side art toward change of the period and abject of the popularity.

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