• Title/Summary/Keyword: Theoretical Knowledge

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Development of Evaluation Items and Measurement Indices for Knowledge Management Performance of Government-funded Research Institutes (정부출연연구소의 지식관리 성과 평가항목 및 측정지표 개발)

  • Jung, Taik-Yeong;Kim, Sang-Hoon;Park, Il-Kyu;Kim, Chang-Kyu
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.171-189
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    • 2011
  • KAs information and knowledge are increasingly becoming more important in the knowledge-driven society, knowledge management, as a very important management paradigm, is securing firm position in private and public sectors. Complying with this paradigm, government-funded research institutes in science-technology sector are actively utilizing knowledge management by employing knowledge management system and evaluating its applications' performance. The purpose of this study is to develop evaluation items and measurement indices to rationally measure knowledge management performance of the government-funded research institutes and to verify the feasibility of applying these evaluation items and indices. To achieve this research goal, the evaluation model of knowledge management performance was constructed by reviewing and integrating the existing studies, and subsequently, evaluation areas, evaluation items, measurement indices were derived from this evaluation model. Also, the feasibility analysis on the evaluation items and measurement indices was performed by means of FGI(Focus Group Interview) with the knowledge management experts belonging to Korean government-funded institutions in science-technology sector. The implications of this study are as follows : in theoretical perspective, this study has proposed a criterion frame to evaluate knowledge management performance, and has rationally drawn evaluation items and measurement indices from the criterion frame. And in practical perspective, this study has improved the validity and practicality of the measurement indices, which can lead to more reasonable and easier evaluation of knowledge management performance of the government-funded research institutes.

A Theoretical Consideration for Integrated Approach of Young Children's Music Education (유아음악교육의 통합적 접근을 위한 이론적 고찰)

  • Lim, Eun-Ae
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.266-285
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated the relationship between musical understanding and expression, the purpose of music education. It also intended to present the theoretical basis of integrated early childhood music education by examining into the necessity of it as a method to help young children with musical understanding and expression. The results of the study showed that either of the understanding and expression of music should be necessary and there is a mutual promotional relationship between them. It was found out that real musical understanding can be formed not by mechanical skill, but when the relationship between notes is understood with various experiences. Therefore an integrated early childhood music education became necessary as a principle of educational method to help young children with musical understanding and musical expression. Concretely it was found out to be necessary in terms of the characteristics, interest and concern of young children, the use and development of multi intelligence and the translation of the same knowledge into the same level.

A Study on the Development of Social Indicators in the Measurement of the Information Society (정보사회 측정을 위한 사회지표 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong Dong-Youl
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.24
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    • pp.221-261
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    • 1993
  • The production, storage, processing and distribution of information is fast becoming a major economic activity for many nations of the world. The basic idea of this study is that knowledge and information are becoming the strategic resources and transforming agents in the information society. Therefore, in order to cope with successfully the transition toward the information society, the development of measurement tools and social indicators is essential. The purpose of this study is to fulfill three major objectives with regard to the analysis of the information sector in the information society. (1) This study suggests the theoretical definitions and social indicators of the information society. (2) This study investigates an empirical study of the information sector consisting of information industry, information workforce, and information indicator of the selected nations. (3) It advances theoretical explanations of the major factors of the growth of the information sector, and develops theoretical hypothesis and explanations of the information society.

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Transfer of Marketing Knowledge within Multinational Corporations and Its Impact on Performance: Moderating Effects of Absorptive Capacity, Socialization, and Local Knowledge

  • Lee, Byung-Hee
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.277-306
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    • 2008
  • Knowledge1 is considered to be a key element of understanding how organizations gain and sustain competitive advantages. But very few firms are capable of creating the requisite knowledge and thus, firms should acquire and exploit new knowledge through knowledge transfer processes. The empirical part of this study involves examining relationships among adaptability of knowledge and knowledge transfer and marketing performance and testing the moderating roles of absorptive capacity, socialization and local marketing knowledge. This study is organized as follows: (1) Previous literature on knowledge, knowledge transfer and absorptive capacity is summarized, followed by the development of hypotheses derived from the knowledge-based view and absorptive capacity. (2) The hypotheses are tested with data collected from MNCs' subsidiaries performing marketing activities in Korea.Thestudyisclosedwithfindings,implications,andconclusions. Following six research hypotheses are drawn from literature review in related areas: H1: Adaptability of knowledge transferred from the MNCs' headquarters and other subsidiaries is positively associated with knowledge inflows into the receiving subsidiary. H2: The level of marketing knowledge transferred from the MNCs' headquarters and other subsidiaries is positively associated with marketing performance of the receiving subsidiary. H3: Increases in potential absorptive capacity will enhance the relationship between adaptability of knowledge and the level of marketing knowledge transfer. H4: Increases in realized absorptive capacity will enhance the relationship between the level of knowledge transfer and marketing performance of the receiving subsidiary. H5: Increases in socialization activity among the headquarters and subsidiaries will enhance the relationship between adaptability of knowledge and the level of marketing knowledge transfer. H6: Increases in the level of locally developed marketing knowledge will enhance the relationship between the level of knowledge transfer and marketing performance of the receiving subsidiary. The research framework that illustrates the proposed hypotheses is presented in figure 1. The unit of analysis for this study is knowledge transfer from the MNCs' headquarters and other subsidiaries to their subsidiaries operating in South Korea. The population for this study consists of subsidiaries established either as joint ventures or as wholly-owned subsidiaries. A group of 603 foreign firms were drawn from diverse industry organizations and business societies. After personal contact, telephone, fax, and e-mail to request that the respondents complete the questionnaire, 282 valid questionnaires from 133 initial sample companies were collected. The results of the empirical analyses significantly support all of the proposed hypotheses except hypothesis 3. Adaptability of external knowledge promotes knowledge transfer and the relationship is moderated by a firm's potential knowledge absorptive capacity. On the other hand, knowledge transfer improves a firm's marketing performance and a firm's realized knowledge absorptive capacity and local marketing knowledge moderate the relationship. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings in this study are as follows: (1) firms must take seeking, transferring, sharing and exploiting of external knowledge into serious consideration, while simultaneously creating knowledge to support the necessary business operations, remain competitive, and achieve superior performance. (2) Firms should continuously seek to develop their knowledge absorptive capacity (both potential and realized capacity) to absorb, learn and utilize valuable external knowledge. (3) Firms should emphasize not only absorptive capacity, but also development of local knowledge. Firms with strong absorptive capability and local knowledge can learn and transfer more external knowledge, which can be translated into greater levels of competence and performance.

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A Study on Reconstruction of Trigonometry Based on Ascent from the Abstract to the Concrete (추상에서 구체로의 상승을 통한 삼각함수의 재구성)

  • Kang, Mee Kwang;Han, Inki
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2017
  • In this article we study a reconstruction of mathematical knowledge on trigonometry by the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete from the pedagogical viewpoint of dialectic. The direction of education is shifting in a way that emphasizes the active constitution of knowledge by the learning subjects from the perspective that knowledge is transferred from the teacher to the student. In mathematics education, active discussions on the construction of mathematical knowledge by learners have been going on since the late 1990s. In Korea, concepts and aspects of constructivism such as operational constructivism, radical constructivism, and social constructivism were introduced. However, examples of practical construction according to the direction of construction of mathematical knowledge are very hard to find. In this study, we discuss the direction of the actual construction of mathematical knowledge and suggest a concrete example of the actual construction of trigonometry knowledge from a constructivist point of view. In particular, we discuss the process of the construction of theoretical knowledge, the ascent from the abstract to the concrete, based on the literature study from the pedagogical viewpoint of dialectic, and show how to construct the mathematical knowledge on trigonometry by the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Through this study, it is expected to introduce the new direction and new method of knowledge construction as 'the ascent from the abstract to the concrete', and to present the possibility of applying dialectic concepts to mathematics education.

Organizing knowledge ecosystems: The influence of organizational capabilities of platform leaders on multi-firm collaborations for knowledge creation (지식생태계의 조직화: 플랫폼 리더의 조직역량이 지식창출을 위한 기업간 협력의 확장에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Dongil;Park, Sangchan;Kim, Bokyung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a knowledge-based view of platform-centered collaborations among multiple organizations. Studies of technological innovation and knowledge creation have broadened beyond their initial emphasis on internal development within an organization or simple exchange of ideas between two parties toward complex collaboration among many organizations at the level of platform-based knowledge ecosystems. Platforms serve as an interface between different groups of producers and consumers in a variety of multi-sided knowledge markets such as smartphone operating systems and video games industries. This study is an exploratory examination to offer theoretical understanding of how the organizational capabilities of platform leaders help expand a network of platform participants. The growth of platform participants is particularly important in the early stage of any platforms as the concept of network effects suggests that the platform with the largest number of participants will capture entire markets. Building upon organization studies and network economics theory on multisided markets, this paper focuses on the role of platform leaders in expanding platform-based collaboration. In our view, platform leaders develop varying levels of three organizational capabilities to discern quality of potential participants, to attract them to actually participate in collaboration, and to maintain long-term exchange relations in the ecosystem. We suggest that the capabilities of platform leaders will have a positive effect on the expansion of platform participants to secure network effects, and also examine several contextual factors that moderate the relationship between a platform leader's capacity and platform expansion.

A Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Enhanced E-government Portal (지식강화 전자정부포털의 개념적 프레임워크)

  • Kim, Sun-Kyung
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.39-59
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    • 2013
  • Majority of knowledge management(KM) studies in e-government have been confined to facilitate KM within an organization. But due to citizen-centric(citizen-driven) paradigm shift and advance of web 2.0 communication in recent years, KM between governments and citizen in e-government portals is becoming an important consideration. So a series of studies on knowledge enhanced e-government portal get under way by considering that it is necessary to enhance knowledge of e-government portal and assuming it improves the usability of portal. While the topics of knowledge enhancement and e-government(portal) are widely discussed in their own domains there is a paucity of studies that address these constructs in a joint context. This paper aims to propose conceptual framework of knowledge enhanced e-government portal through structuralization of theoretical discussion with holistic approach. This framework presents an evolutional path of knowledge enhanced e-government portal that consists of three phases and it will be used for realizing the knowledge enhanced portal project as a basic reference model.

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The Effects of Leadership, Appraisal, Reward, and KMS Characteristics on KMS Use (리더십, 평가 및 보상, KMS특성이 KMS 이용에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hong-Jae;Park, Sung-Jong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the causal relationships among leadership, appraisal, reward, knowledge quality, knowledge management system(KMS) quality, and KMS use. The results of data analysis by structured equation model(SEM) indicate that leadership significantly influences appraisal and reward. Appraisal affects reward too. Reward and knowledge quality affect KMS Use, but leadership, appraisal, and KMS quality don't affect KMS use. Based on the results, the theoretical and practical implications of this study are discussed.

The Effect of Dilution on Beauty Brand Extension Situation -Was Parent Brand's Knowledge Transferred to Brand Extension by Typicality?- (뷰티브랜드 확장상황에서 희석효과 -전형성에 기초한 브랜드 확장 시 모브랜드의 지식이 전이 되었는가?-)

  • Choi, Jung-Sun;Jeon, Jung-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2011
  • The potential for brand dilution occurs when new brands merge with an identical image of a parent brand. Despite the significant attention regarding the effects of dilution on brand extension, there is limited research on brand dilution in the beauty industry. This study analyzes the effect of the typicality of extensional type on brand attitude or purchase intention for potential dilution toward beauty brand extension. In addition, we examine the moderating effect of knowledge transfer when customers evaluate the typicality of the extensional type for potential dilution toward beauty brand extensions. For the experiment, 4 description type factorial designs were performed. A total of 219 students participated in the experiment who had experience of visiting a beauty salon. The results are as follows. First, there are significant independent and interaction effects between the typicality and extensional type that reveals differential influences on the attitude or purchase intentions toward extended beauty brands. Second, the knowledge of the parent brand is transferred to extended brands. Third, there is a significant moderating effect of knowledge transfer, as customers evaluate the typicality of the extensional type for the potential dilution toward beauty brand extension. This study provides some theoretical and practical perspectives with some limitations.

An Integrative Framework for Creating Collective Intelligence and Enhancing Performance (집단지성과 성과창출을 위한 통합적 개념틀 검토)

  • Chu, Cheol Ho;Ryu, Su Young
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.173-187
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    • 2018
  • This study was aimed at suggesting an integrative framework for creating collective intelligence and enhancing group performance after reviewing previous studies including those related to learning organizations, organizational learning, knowledge management, and collective intelligence. In the first, we examined that the similarities and differences between collective intelligence and other similar concepts, such as learning organizations, organizational learning, and knowledge management. Next, an integrative framework for creating collective intelligence and channeling it into strong group performance were suggested. In this process, we reviewed conditions for creating collective intelligence and segmented the major variables as expectancy, valence, and instrumentality, according to Vroom's (1964) expectancy theory. Characteristics of problems and the roles of leaders were respectively considered as valence for inducing collaboration and expectancy for managing probability to achieve goals. Instrumental factors were also adopted from conditions for creating group intelligence suggested from several researchers, such as creativity, openness, willingness for working together, horizontal communication, centralization in decision making, and building effective information and communication technology system and active usage of it. We discussed two potentially disputable matters about the scope and level of collective intelligence and group performance and suggest several theoretical and practical implications in the Discussion.