• Title/Summary/Keyword: The imaginary

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Analysis of Influencing Factors for Calculation of the Coulomb Earth Pressure of Cantilever Retaining Wall with a Short Heel (뒷굽 길이가 짧은 캔틸레버 옹벽의 Coulomb 토압 산정에 대한 영향 인자 분석)

  • Yoo, Kun-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the calculation method of the active earth pressure acting on the imaginary vertical plane at the end of the heel of the wall is proposed. For cantilever retaining wall, a change of shear zone behind the wall affects the earth pressure in the vertical plane at the end of heel of the wall depending on wall friction and angle of ground slope. It is very complicated to calculate the earth pressure by a limit equilibrium method (LEM) which considers angles of failure planes varying according to the heel length of the wall. So, the limit analysis method (LAM) is used for calculation of earth pressure in this study. Using the LAM, the earth pressures considering the actual slope angles of failure plane are calculated accurately, and then horizontal and vertical earth pressures are obtained from them respectively. This study results show that by decreasing the relative length of the heel, the slope angle of inward failure plane becomes larger than theoretical slope angle but the slope angle of outward failure plane does not change. And also the friction angle on the vertical plane at the end of the heel of the wall is between the ground slope angle and the wall friction angle, thereafter the active earth pressure decreases. Finally, the Coulomb earth pressure can be easily calculated from the relationship between friction angle (the ratio of vertical earth pressure to horizontal earth pressure) and relative length of the heel (the ratio of heel length to wall height).

The Social Dilemma of Chinese Village Community: Focusing on the Film (중국 마을 공동체의 사회적 딜레마: 영화 <빈관>을 중심으로)

  • Sun, Ming-Yue;Lee, Hee-Seung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.375-381
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to examine the dilemma of rural China under rapid urbanization process after economic reform, by paying attention to the problem of the order of village community and the expression of individual desires depicted in the film with a rural background. To this end, the narrative analysis, which is suitable for exploring the story structure and expression style of the text, was conducted to examine the community order and ethics, patriarchy and paternity, and the expression of desires of subject. In the film, closed space and villagers, who are disciplined by community customs, local culture, and formality of the rule of manners, are depicted. The film is covered in a form of mystery movie dealing with the deaths of members of the village community. However, the film talks about the rise of the Imaginary desire of subject against the symbolic rules of community order and ethics through the puzzle pieces story according to the perspectives of the characters. In conclusion, through the narrative analysis, it was possible to examine the implications of weakened communal discipline and paternity of the countryside by the rapid urbanization of China, and implications of the lethargy and neurosis of the subjects.

Kinematical Characteristics of the Translational and Pendular Movements of each Cervical Vertebra at the Flexion and Extension Motion (굴곡과 신전 수동운동 상태에서 개별경추의 진자운동 및 병진운동의 운동학적인 특징)

  • Park, Sung Hyuk;Choi, Han Sung;Hong, Hoon Pyo;Ko, Young Gwan
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.126-134
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the kinematical characteristics of the pendular and the translational movements of each cervical vertebra at flexion and extension for understanding the mechanism of injury to the cervical spine. Methods: Twenty volunteers, young men (24~37 years), with clinically and radiographically normal cervical spines were studied. We induced two directional passive movements and then took X-ray pictures. The range of pendular movement could be measured by measuring the variation of the distance between the center point of two contiguous cervical vertebrae, and the range of translational movement could be measured by measuring the variation of the shortest distance between the center point of a vertebra and an imaginary line connecting the center points of two lower contiguous cervical vertebrae. The measurements were done by using a picture archiving and communicating system (PACS). Results: The total length of all cervical vertebrae in the neutral position was, on average, 133.66 mm, but in both flexion and extension, the lengths were widened to 134.83 mm and 134.79 mm, respectively. The directions of both the pendular and the translational movements changed at the $2^{nd}$ cervical vertebra, and the ranges of both movements were significantly larger from the $5^{th}$ cervical vertebra to the $7^{th}$ cervical vertebra for flexion and combined flexion and extension motion (p<0.05). Conclusion: The kinematical characteristics for flexion and extension motions were variable at each level of cervical vertebrae. The $1^{st}$ and the $2^{nd}$ cervical vertebrae and from the $5^{th}$ to the $7^{th}$ cervical vertebrae were the main areas of cervical spinal injury. This shows, according to "Hook's law," that the tissues supporting this area could be weak, and that this area is sensitive to injury.

Development of a Family Pattern Appraisal to Guide a Rogerian Nursing Practice (Rogers 이론에 근거한 가족양상 사정지침개발)

  • 이광옥;한영란;김희정
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.751-773
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    • 1995
  • We, clinical nurse specialists practising and guiding student practice in a Community health nursing clinic, wanted to develop a family pattern appraisal consistent with Rogers' conceptual system, the nursing model guiding our practice. We use Rogers' model because it is harmonious with the traditional Korean view of the one human, natural and cosmic world. The purpose of our research was to contribute to science - based nursing practice, not only, one helpful model, but also a model of how to use, in guiding practice, a conceptual system which reflects nurse practitioners' philosophy of nursing, is intellectually satisfying, and enriches meaning in daily nursing life. The research objectives were to review the literature on Rogers' model and analyse it according to Kim's five - level analytical framework, to explore Rogers' definition of family, to review appraisals based on Rogers' model, and to develop a family appraisal which is culturally appropriate for use in our community. This work including the use of the appraisal and its refinement with families in our practice which was done during 1994 and 1995, in Seoul, in the Capital of the Republic of Korea. At the highest level of analysis, Rogers conceptual system emphasizes acausality and multidimentional meaning ; the world view is characterized by process, movement and wholeness. The epistemology Is one of holism and the knowledge base includes all forms of experience, from sensory to mystical, objective, and subjective. At the metaparadigm level, nursing focuses on the unitary human being and the environment. At the level of nursing philosophy, the model identifies human being, nursing, nurse, and illness and health. At the paradigm level the model assumes the irriducibility of the human to parts, noncausality and continual change. Rogers' practice methodology consists of pattern manifestation appraisal and deliberative mutual patterning. Under-standing patterns and patterning of people is the key to helping them achieve their potential. At the theory level, the basic assumptions, key concepts, and homeodynamic principles were identified. Rogers states the family energy field is an undividable, four-dimensional negentropic energy field which is in a larger envircinmental field show-ing such characteristics as cannot be predicted by knowledge of individual family members. Based on the word of Rogers scholars, we chose Rogers' correlates of patterning to understand the family unit as a whole-frequency, rhythms, motion, time perception, sleeping-waking beyond waking, pragmatic -imaginative-visionary to develop the appraisal. We, also used some of Barrel's (1988) criteria including interpersonal network and professional health care access and use, and Cordon's (1982) criteria including self perception - self concept modified to fit the family. Our family Pattern appraisal included 1. Influencirg data, 2. Professional health care access and use, 3. Family self perception-self concept, 4. Family interpersonal network, 5. Sleep-wake-be-yond waking, 6. Pragmatic-imaginary-visionary, 7. Family frequency and rhythm, 8. Family motion, 9. Family time perception. The appraisal was used with four families and modified to eliminate overlap and to make it possible for the family member to express themselves more easily. We plan to gain more experience with the appraisal toward further development of the tool.

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The living things in Saseol sijo and the writer's recognition of living things (사설시조의 '산것들'과 그들에 대한 작가인식)

  • Lee Jeong-Og
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.20
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    • pp.29-50
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    • 2004
  • When we discuss the literature of traditional era in view of ecological mode, Saseol sijo and its common writers were not objects of interests because they were thought only as having the view of the world or nature the same as the noble class and their normal sijo writings had. Also the living things in Saseol sijo were not paid attention to. They were ignored and degraded because they were unfittable and unnatural poetic diction, or they were nonpoetic results of objects. Any critics could not recognize the breathing things as 'the living ones' or 'the subjective things' in the text. In Saseol sijo, the appearance of experienced, substantial and usual animals attract our interest, which is a clue to compare the noble class' sijo with having the ideal and imaginary living things. This study discussed the writer's view and recognition of 'the living things' in Saseol sijo. In this essay 'the living things' mean living and moving creatures. First 'the living things' in Saseol sijo were the creatures of daily life and experience. They were not ideal or dreamy creatures any longer to the writers of Saseol sijo. In Saseol sijo it's possible for creatures which ecological symbiosis cannot be made to appear together. On the contrary there are texts which had outstanding recognition of 'the living things' that were accustomed to the human life. The writers of Saseol sijo understood 'the living things' as creatures familiar to human beings. Their warm and affectionate eyes toward the creatures made 'the living things' the objects of identification and sympathy. There are some works which were complicated with love and hatred toward 'the living things'. In conclusion, the life of Saseol sijo writers were the same as the symbiosis with the living creatures.

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Reading "Money": Value and Signification of Money (화폐 읽기: 화폐의 의미작용과 가치)

  • Won, Yong-Jin;Hong, Sung-Il
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.41
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    • pp.75-107
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    • 2008
  • The paper aims to figure out the meaning of money in terms of communication in which we can find the specific communicative and cultural form of money. In the modern capitalist society, we cannot limit money within the economical terms - for example, store of value, medium of exchange, unit of account and means of payment - because money mediates all human activities beyond the economic boundary and conveys specific meaning in the social and the cultural area. Money can be the medium of the cultural and the communicational as well as the medium of the economic. In this respect, we've try to articulate money with linguistic or semiotic insight. Through this theoretical dialogue, we find two significations of money as a medium of communication. The first signification is meta-signification which drives the individual to the unlimited accumulation of the money. Meta-signification displace the second signification of the money that is the singular, over-determined and the mosaic significations. In this process money can be the signifier without signification. And then, money is the Master signifier which all sign should be identified imaginary. Finally, Money is not only the re-presense (Darstellung) of all sings but also the representative (Vertretung) of all signs. But this double position creates some tensions and makes master signifier of money unstable. Man's analysis of Bonapartism, which shares the linguistic or semiotic insight, shows the crack of the re-presence between the representative. Like Marx's analysis, the money has the tension between two signification which makes the room for the struggle to signify.

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A Study on the Development of the Culture of Mental Stroll about Nature and the Building of the Traditional Landscape Architecture Space in Choseon Dynasty (조선시대 와유문화의 전개와 전통조경공간의 조성)

  • Kim, Su-Ah;Choi, Key-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2011
  • This study is explored the relationship of cultural history between the culture of mental stroll about nature and the traditional landscape architecture spaces, which showed various aspects of developments, based on the records as to landscape architecture spaces. The philosophical view on nature was turned into the esthetic view with the mellow ripeness of multifarious cultures in Choseon period, since the life of literati had to be a comprise between the Confucius' life and the Taoist life. Around the seventeenth century, as the culture of enjoying a secluded life in city had been descended, the aspiration to appreciate nature in daily life with the changed view on nature. Those desires made the Wa-yu culture, which has a meaning of mental stroll about nature, and drew the attention and various kinds of the Wa-yu culture had bloomed. In the field of Korean literature, the record of strolling in nature had flourished, while the realistic landscape painting had emerged in the field of art. In the field of landscape architecture, the building of places where the vivid experience of nature was realized in the aspect of impressions was performed to express their utopia. Indeed, the space of traditional landscape architecture in the reality meant more than the actual nature.

Drought Estimation Model Using a Evaporation Pan with 50 mm Depth (50mm 깊이 증발(蒸發) 팬을 이용한 한발 평가 모델 설정)

  • Oh, Yong Taeg;Oh, Dong Shig;Song, Kwan Cheol;Um, Ki Cheol;Shin, Jae Sung;Im, Jung Nam
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.92-106
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    • 1996
  • Imaginary grass field was assumed suitable as the representative one for simplified estimation of local drought, and a moisture balance booking model computing drought was developed with the limited numbers of its determining factors, such as crop coefficient of the field, reservoir capacity of the soil, and the beginning point of drought as defined by soil moisture status. The maximum effective rainfall was assumed to be the same as the available free space of soil reservoir capacity. The model is similar to a definite depth evaporation pan, which stores rainfall as much as the available free space on the water in it and consumes the water by evaporation. When the pan keeps water less than a certain defined level, it is droughty. The model simulates soil moisture deficit on the assumed grass field for the drought estimation. The model can assess the water requirement, drought intensity, and the index of yield decrement due to drought. The influencing intensity indices of the selected factors were 100, 21, and 16 respectively for crop coefficient, reservoir capacity, and drought beginning point, determined by the annual water requirements as influenced by them in the model. The optimum values of the selected factors for the model were respectively 58% for crop coefficient defined on the energy indicator scale of the small copper pan evaporation, 50 mm for reservoir capacity on the basis of the average of experimentally determined values for sandy loam, loam, clay loam, and clay soils, and 65% of the reservoir capacity for the beginning point of drought.

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Analysis of children's Reaction in Facial Expression of Emotion (얼굴표정에서 나타나는 감정표현에 대한 어린이의 반응분석)

  • Yoo, Dong-Kwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study has placed its meaning in the use as the basic material for the research of the person's facial expressions, by researching and analyzing the visual reactions of recognition of children according to the facial expressions of emotion and by surveying the verbal reactions of boys and girls according to the individual expressions of emotion. The subjects of this study were 108 children at the age of 6 - 8 (55 males, 53 females) who were able to understand the presented research tool, and the response survey conducted twice were used in the method of data collection by individual interviews and self administered questionnaires. The research tool using in the questionnaires were classified into 6 types of joy, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, and fear which could derive the specific and accurate responses. Regarding children's visual reactions of recognition, both of boys and girls showed the high frequency in the facial expressions of joy, sadness, anger, surprise, and the low frequency in fear, disgust. Regarding verbal reactions, it showed the high frequency in the heuristic responses either to explore or the responds to the impressive parts reminiscent to the facial appearances in all the joy, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, fear. And it came out that the imaginary responses created new stories reminiscent to the facial expression in surprise, disgust, and fear.

Generalized Frequency-wavenumber Migration Implemented by the Intrinsic Attenuation Effect (비탄성 매질의 진폭 감쇠 효과를 첨가한 일반화된 주파수-파수 구조보정)

  • Baag Chang-Eob;Shim Jae-Heon
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 1993
  • A method and results of computations are presented for the 2-D seismic migration process in the frequency-wavenumber domain for the laterally and vertically inhomogeneous medium. In order to take the intrinsic attenuation effect into account in the migration process the complex-valued wave velocity is used in the wavefield extrapolation operator, improving the generalized frequency-wavenumber migration technique. The imaginary part of the complex-valued wave velocity includes the seismic quality factor Q value. In derivation of the solution of the wave equation for the medium of inhomogeneous wave velocity and anelasticity, the inhomogeneous medium is mathematically converted to an equivalent system which consists of a homogeneous medium of averaged slowness and an inhomogeneous distribution of hypothetical wave source. The strength of the hypothetical wave source depends on the deviation of squared slowness from the averaged value of the medium. Results of numerical computation using the technique show more distinct geologic images than those using the convensional generalized frequency-wavenumber migration. Especially, the obscured images due to the wave attenuation by anelasticity are restored to show sharp boundaries of structures. The method will be useful in the imaging of the reflection data obtained in the regions of possible petroleum or natural gas reservoir and of fractured zone.

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