• 제목/요약/키워드: The critical slab problem

검색결과 9건 처리시간 0.028초

The critical slab problem with the Anlı-Güngor scattering function

  • R.G. Tureci
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제55권8호
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    • pp.2864-2872
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    • 2023
  • The criticality problem in this study is studied with the recently investigated the Anlı-Güngör scattering function. The scattering function depends on the Legendre polynomials as the Mika scattering function, but it includes only one scattering parameter, t, and its orders. Both Mika and Anlı-Güngör scattering are the same for only linear anisotropic scattering. The difference appears for the quadratic scattering and further. The analytical calculations are performed with the HN method, and the numerical results are calculated with Wolfram Mathematica. Interpolation technique in Mathematica is also used to approximate the isotropic scattering results when t parameter goes to zero. Thus, the calculated results could be compared with the literature data for isotropic scattering.

Longitudinal anti-cracking analysis for post-tensioned voided slab bridges

  • Zhou, Zhen;Meng, Shao-Ping;Liu, Zhao
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.459-473
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    • 2012
  • Post-tensioned concrete voided slab girders are widely used in highway bridge constructions. To obtain greater section hollow rate and reduce the self-weight, the plate thickness of slab girders are designed to be small with the adoption of flat anchorage system. Since large prestress is applied to the anchor end section, it was found that longitudinal shear cracks are easy to occur along the voided slab girder. The reason is the existence of great shearing effect at the junction area between web and bottom (top) plate in the anchor end section. This paper focuses on the longitudinal anti-cracking problem at the anchor end of post-tensioned concrete voided slab girders. Two possible models for longitudinal anticracking analysis are proposed. Differential element analysis method is adopted to derive the solving formula of the critical cracking state, and then the practical analysis method for longitudinal anti-cracking is established. The influence of some factors on the longitudinal anti-cracking ability is studied. Results show that the section dimensions (thickness of bottom, web and top plate) and prestress eccentricity on web plate are the main factors that influence the anti-cracking ability. Moreover, the proposed method is applied into three engineering examples to make longitudinal anti-cracking verification for the girders. According to the verification results, the design improvements for these girders are determined.

Numerical Investigation of the Stability of Flows induced by a Surface Acoustic Wave along a Slab

  • Chu W. Kwang-Hua
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산유체공학회 2003년도 The Fifth Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
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    • pp.77-79
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    • 2003
  • The stability of flows induced by a surface acoustic wave (SAW) propagating along the deformable walls in a confined parallel-plane microchannel or slab in the laminar flow regime is investigated. The governing equation which was derived by considering the nonlinear coupling between the deformable or waving interface and viscous fluids is linearized and then the problem is solved by a verified code based on the spectral method together with the associated interface and boundary conditions. The value of the critical Reynolds number was found to be near 1439 which is much smaller than the rigid-wall case: 5772 for conventional pressure-driven flows.

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교량상 slab궤도의 상향력 민감도분석 (Parameteric Analysis for Up-lifting force on Slab track of Bridge)

  • 최성기;박대근;한상윤;강영종
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2007년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1188-1195
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    • 2007
  • The vertical forces in rail fasteners at areas of bridge transitions near the embankment and on the pier will occur due to different deformations of adjoining bridges caused by the trainloads, the settlement of supports, and the temperature gradients. The up-lifting forces is not large problem in the blast track because the elasticity of blast and rail pad buffs up-lifting effect. But, it is likely to be difficult to ensure the serviceability of the railway and the safety of the fastener in the end in that concrete slab track consist of rail, fastener, and track in a single body, delivering directly the up-lifting force to the fastener if the deck is bended because of various load cases, such as the end rotation of the overhang due to the vertical load, the bending of pier due to acceleration/braking force and temperature deviation, the settlement of embankment and pier, the temperature deviation of up-down deck and front-back pier, and the rail deformation due to wheel loads. The analysis of the rail fastener is made to verify the superposed tension forces in the rail fastener due to various load cases, temperature gradients and settlement of supports. The potential critical fasteners with the highest uplift forces are the fastener adjacent to the civil joint. The main influence factors are the geometry of the bridge such as, the beneath length of overhang, relative position of bridge bearing and fastener, deflection of bridge and the vertical spring stiffness of the fastener.

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Impact of waste shredded tire inclusion on cement concrete pavement: A Numerical study

  • Amin Hamdi;Khatib Zada Farhan;Sohaib Gutub
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제92권2호
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2024
  • Previous research has identified inadequate flexibility in concrete pavements due to the use of high-strength concrete mixtures. This research investigates whether this problem can be addressed by partially replacing some fine and coarse aggregate components with waste rubber from shredded tires, the safe disposal of which otherwise is a major environmental concern. Using finite element software ABAQUS, this study analyses 3D pavement model behavior in terms of internal stress development and deflection at critical load points. This analysis is carried out for concrete slabs of differing waste rubber proportions and varying thicknesses. Results show that the maximum tensile stress is reduced, and maximum deflection is increased as the rubber content in pavement concrete slab is increased. The stresses and deflection of concrete pavement slab are reduced as the thickness of the slab is increased. The influence of increasing the base coarse modulus is significant in terms of reduction in tensile stress development. However, the reduction in deflection is found to be relatively marginal, especially in low-percentage rubberized pavement concrete slabs.

선형특성 (LC) 법과 그 외 고전적 방법들과의 절단오차 분석에 의한 비교연구 (Comparative Study of LC Scheme with Some Conventional Schemes by Truncation Error Analysis)

  • Kim, Chan-Hyeong;Kim, Jong-Kyung;Yook, Chong-Chul
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 1988
  • 최근 개발된 유한차분법의 하나인 선형특성 (LC) 법을 절단오차의 분석을 통하여 계단형 차분 (SD)법, 다이아몬드형차분 (DD)법, 그리고 계단형특성 (SC) 법과 비교했다. 제시된 4가지 방법들이 선속 계산문제, 유효증배계수 계산문제, 그리고 임계평판 두께 계산문제에 적용되었으며, 그때 계산된 결과들은 몇몇의 절단오차 측정 기준들에 의해 평가되어졌다. 본 연구의 주요 결론으로, 모든 경우에 있어서 어느 정도 기대했던 바와 같이 선형특성법이 가장 우수하다는 것이 밝혀졌으며, 특히, 선형특성법은 유효증배계수와 임계평판두께 같은 적분 인자들을 정확하게 계산하는데, 이는 선형특성법이 다른 방법들에 비해 오차소거(Error Cancellation)작용이 효과적으로 일어나기 때문으로 밝혀졌다.

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Seismic vulnerability of reinforced concrete building structures founded on an XPS layer

  • Koren, David;Kilar, Vojko
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.939-963
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    • 2016
  • According to the new directives about the rational and efficient use of energy, thermal bridges in buildings have to be avoided, and the thermal insulation (TI) layer should run without interruptions all around the building - even under its foundations. The paper deals with the seismic response of multi-storeyed reinforced concrete (RC) frame building structures founded on an extruded polystyrene (XPS) layer placed beneath the foundation slab. The purpose of the paper is to elucidate the problem of buildings founded on a TI layer from the seismic resistance point of view, to assess the seismic behaviour of such buildings, and to search for the critical parameters which can affect the structural and XPS layer response. Nonlinear dynamic and static analyses were performed, and the seismic response of fixed-base (FB) and thermally insulated (TI) variants of nonlinear RC building models were compared. Soil-structure interaction was also taken into account for different types of soil. The results showed that the use of a TI layer beneath the foundation slab of a superstructure generally induces a higher peak response compared to that of a corresponding system without TI beneath the foundation slab. In the case of stiff structures located on firm soil, amplification of the response might be substantial and could result in exceedance of the superstructure's moment-rotation plastic hinge capacities or allowable lateral roof and interstorey drift displacements. In the case of heavier, slenderer, and higher buildings subjected to stronger seismic excitations, the overall response is governed by the rocking mode of oscillation, and as a consequence the compressive strength of the XPS could be insufficient. On the other hand, in the case of low-rise and light-weight buildings, the friction capacity between the layers of the applied TI foundation set might be exceeded so that sliding could occur.

Influence of exterior joint effect on the inter-story pounding interaction of structures

  • Favvata, Maria J.;Karayannis, Chris G.;Liolios, Asterios A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.113-136
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    • 2009
  • The seismic induced interaction between multistory structures with unequal story heights (inter-story pounding) is studied taking into account the local response of the exterior beam-column joints. Although several parameters that influence the structural pounding have been studied sofar, the role of the joints local inelastic behaviour has not been yet investigated in the literature as key parameter for the pounding problem. Moreover, the influence of the infill panels as an additional parameter for the local damage effect of the joints on the inter-story pounding phenomenon is examined. Thirty six interaction cases between a multistory frame structure and an adjacent shorter and stiffer structure are studied for two different seismic excitations. The results are focused: (a) on the local response of the critical external column of the multistory structure that suffers the hit from the slab of the adjacent shorter structure, and (b) on the local response of the exterior beam-column joints of the multistory structure. Results of this investigation demonstrate that the possible local inelastic response of the exterior joints may be in some cases beneficial for the seismic behaviour of the critical column that suffers the impact. However, in all the examined cases the developing demands for deformation of the exterior joints are substantially increased and severe damages can be observed due to the pounding effect. The presence of the masonry infill panels has also been proved as an important parameter for the response of the exterior beam-column joints and thus for the safety of the building. Nevertheless, in all the examined inter-story pounding cases the presence of the infills was not enough for the total amelioration of the excessive demands for shear and ductility of the column that suffers the impact.

궤도가속실험을 통한 포장궤도 토공구간 시공이음매부의 변형특성 연구 (Deformation Characteristics of Construction Joint of Paved Track on Earthwork Section using the Accelerated Track Test)

  • 이일화;장승엽;강윤석;엄주환;김은
    • 한국철도학회논문집
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.521-527
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    • 2010
  • 포장궤도는 토공구간, 교량구간, 터널구간, 분기기구간 등 모든 구간에서 유지보수를 절감할 목적으로 적용한다. 토공구간에 포장궤도를 적용할 경우, 내구성에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것은 시공이음매부로서 구조적인 문제는 없으나 슬래브의 불연속으로 인한 단차가 발생하여 장기적인 사용성에 영향을 미칠 가능성이 있다. 따라서 이에 대한 검토를 위하여 실물의 포장궤도를 제작하여 시공이음매부와 연속부에서 가속실험을 실시하였다. 가속실험에서는 각 재하하중별 변위와 토압에 대한 경향을 비교함으로써 시공이음매부에서의 취약도를 평가하고자 하였다.