• Title/Summary/Keyword: The High Land Use

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Estimating Climate Pollutants Emissions and Service Demands considering Socio-economic Change: Residential·Commercial Sector, Transportation Sector, Industrial Sector (사회경제 변화를 고려한 서비스 수요 및 기후변화 유발물질 배출량 예측: 가정·상업부문, 교통부문, 산업부문을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jin-Han;Lee, Dong-Kun;Lee, Mi-Jin;Park, Chan;Jung, Tae-Yong;Kim, Sang-Kyun;Hong, Sung-Chul;Baek, So-Jin;Lee, Jang-Hoon
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.291-302
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    • 2015
  • Vulnerability due to climate change depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide emissions over several upcoming decades. The objective of this study is to estimate the concentration of greenhouse gases and air pollutants in 2100, while also accounting for expected socio-economic changes in Korea. First, we intend to prepare scenarios for possible socioeconomic changes in Korea: business as usual (BAU), high growth and low growth. Secondly, we aim to predict services demands in residential?commercial sector, transportation sector, industrial sector for each scenarios. Finally, the emissions of LLGHG and SLCP will be estimated on the basis of the predicted service demands. The study results project that in Korea, LLGHG emissions will be approximately $660Mt\;CO_2\;eq$. and SLCP emissions will be approximately 3.81 Mt, -including black carbon (BC) by 2100. The transportation and industrial sectors are the major source for LLGHG emissions, and the residential and commercial sector serve as the SLCP source. Later, additional studies on the cost and benefit of mitigation should be carried out by comparing the reduced use of materials that cause climate change as a result of reduction policies and the socioeconomic cost.

Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery and Deep Learning UNet to Classification Upland Crop in Small Scale Agricultural Land (무인항공기와 딥러닝(UNet)을 이용한 소규모 농지의 밭작물 분류)

  • Choi, Seokkeun;Lee, Soungki;Kang, Yeonbin;Choi, Do Yeon;Choi, Juweon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.671-679
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    • 2020
  • In order to increase the food self-sufficiency rate, monitoring and analysis of crop conditions in the cultivated area is important, and the existing measurement methods in which agricultural personnel perform measurement and sampling analysis in the field are time-consuming and labor-intensive for this reason inefficient. In order to overcome this limitation, it is necessary to develop an efficient method for monitoring crop information in a small area where many exist. In this study, RGB images acquired from unmanned aerial vehicles and vegetation index calculated using RGB image were applied as deep learning input data to classify complex upland crops in small farmland. As a result of each input data classification, the classification using RGB images showed an overall accuracy of 80.23% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.65, In the case of using the RGB image and vegetation index, the additional data of 3 vegetation indices (ExG, ExR, VDVI) were total accuracy 89.51%, Kappa coefficient was 0.80, and 6 vegetation indices (ExG, ExR, VDVI, RGRI, NRGDI, ExGR) showed 90.35% and Kappa coefficient of 0.82. As a result, the accuracy of the data to which the vegetation index was added was relatively high compared to the method using only RGB images, and the data to which the vegetation index was added showed a significant improvement in accuracy in classifying complex crops.

Comparison and Application Quantitative Indices for Analyzing Total Green Space in an Urban Area - Guro-gu in Seoul - (도시 공원녹지의 총량 산정을 위한 지표 비교 및 적용 - 서울시 구로구를 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Choi, Jin-Woo;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to compare and apply quantitative indices for analyzing the total green space in an urban area, targeting Guro-Gu, Seoul. The indices were classified in terms of plane, solid and urban planning. The park area per person as an index of the park green's total volume was $2.34m^2$. This clearly shows the deficiency of park area. However, it did not reflect actual green space, since undesignated forests, rivers and green spaces in the city were excluded. Green coverage area per person in terms of plane was $18.85m^2$ and was useful as an index of actual urban planting, focusing on expansion of the green space. However, the conception of total volume of park green had limitation to be recognized as a unit of area. The number of trees and green area volume per person in terms of solid was 4.1 trees and $35.8m^2$, respectively. This enabled reflection on qualitative improvement plans such as increasing the volume of trees for the high density of developed areas.

Seed Dormancy of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) and Seed Treatment for Germination Induction (돼지감자 종자의 휴면성과 발아유도를 위한 종자처리)

  • 임근발;이호진
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.370-377
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    • 1989
  • Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) as a biomass potential crop has several distinct advantages such as vigorous growth on poor land and high yield of carbohydrate. In this crop, seed dormancy has hampered the efforts of seed-propagration and to use them in breeding programs for improving jerusalem artichoke. Several seed treatments were tested to determine their effectiveness in overcoming the seed dormancy found in five collected varietes of jerusalem artichoke. The first results showed that the seed fertilities of five collected varieties ranged from 2.4% to 14.7% and the number of seed produced by one plant ranged from 88 to 1058. Germinability of seeds stored for 3 months at room temperature after harvest was almost 0% and it was not improved by addition to the treatments of temperature, light and GA3, while germinability of seeds stored for 27 months at room temperature after harvest increased to 47.5% in germination rate. But the removal and pin-pricking of seedcoat were very effective in breaking the seed dormancy, giving germination of 96.8% and 82.3%, respectively. These results showed that the seed dormancy of jerusalem artichoke was induced by the seedcoat. Besides the treatment of seedcoat removal and seedcoat-pinpricking, the treatment of low and wet stratification was also effective in breaking the seed dormancy of jerusalem artichoke. Whole dormant seeds incubated for 70 days in low and wet condition germinated over 85%.

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The distribution characteristics of airborne lead in the major monitoring locations in Korea (국내 주요지역의 대기 중 납성분에 대한 분포특성 조사)

  • Kim, K.H.;Jung, S.Y.
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.83-101
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    • 2005
  • Because of its strong potential for health hazards, the concentration levels of airborne lead (Pb) have been circumscribed by environmental laws in many countries. In this study, we made a comparative study on the environmental behavior of Pb for the acquisition of its distribution characteristics using data sets collected from major cities in Korea for a period of 6 years (1998 through 2003). According to this study, Pb concentration decreased slowly in most industrialized cities of Koreathroughout the whole study. period. In contrast, such temporal signals were not evident in data sets collected from residential, commercial, and grassland areas. Although seasonal patterns generally exhibited the occurrences of high Pb concentration during the spring, results appear to reflect the influence of Asian Dust (AD) in the springtime. The results of our study clearly indicate that Pb distribution is strongly influencedby source types in relation to their land use patterns. Comparison of our Pb data sets with that of other countries indicates that Pb concentration levels obtained from relatively cleaner districts of Korea are still significantly higher than other countries. The results of this analysis generally indicate that Pb concentrations in most areas are affected by the type and strength of man-made activities. Considering that most areas are affected by a variety of pollutants, continuous efforts are needed to control Pb concentrations in the atmosphere.

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Comparison of heavy metal uptake of LID and roadside plants (도로변 및 LID 시설 식재 식물의 중금속 축적량 비교)

  • Lee, YooKyung;Choi, Hyeseon;Reyes, Nash Jett;Kim, Leehyung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 2021
  • Urban stormwater runoff contains heavy metals that accumulate in on-site treatment systems, thus resulting to facility deterioration and maintenance problems. In order to resolve these problems, low impact development (LID) technologies that promote natural materials circulation are widely used. LID facilities are capable of treating heavy metals in the runoff by means of plant uptake; however, the uptake or phytoremediation capabilities of plants have not been studied extensively, making it difficult to select the most suitable plant species for a certain LID design. This study investigated the vegetative components of an LID facility, roadside plants, and plants in landscape areas with different heavy metal exposure and frequency to determine the uptake capabilities of different plant species. The plants harvested inside the LID facilities and roadsides with high vehicular traffic exhibited greater heavy metal concentrations in their tissues as compared with the plants in landscape areas. Generally, the accumulation of heavy metals in the plant tissues were found to be influenced by the environmental characteristics (i.e. influent water quality, air pollution level, etc.). Dianthus, Metasequoia, Rhododendron lateritium, and Mugwort were found to be effective in removing Zn in the urban stormwater runoff. Additionally, Dianthus, Metasequoia, Mugwort, and Ginkgo Biloba exhibited excellent removal of Cu. Cherry Tree, Metasequoia, and mugwort efficiently removed Pb, whereas Dianthus was also found to be effective in treating As, Cr, and Cd in stormwater. Overall, different plant species showed varying heavy metal uptake capabilities. The results of this study can be used as an effective tool in selecting suitable plant species for removing heavy metals in the runoff from different land use types.

Runoff Characteristics of Refractory Organic Matters from Han River Basin during Dry Days (비강우시 한강수계 하천의 연간 난분해성 물질 유출특성)

  • Heo, Sanghoi;Im, Jiyeol;Gil, Kyungik
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.353-358
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    • 2017
  • As a drinking water source of 26 millions people of Seoul metropolitan region, Han river is one of the most important basin. Managing the Non-point source pollution which is regarded as the main cause of water pollution including refractory organic matter is important thing. This research investigates the runoff characteristics of organic matters from main 3 rivers (South Han, North Han, Kyungan). Water quality measurement items include not only carbon-based TOC (Total Organic Carbon), DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon), POC (Particulate Organic Carbon) but also R-TOC (Refractory Total Organic Carbon), R-DOC (Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon), R-POC (Refractory Particulate Organic Carbon) is researched. The research shows that R-TOC takes approximately 61~83% of TOC. Most of the R-TOC is consist of R-DOC (72~77%). Refractory organic matter have a stable runoff characteristics compared to other organic matter. The organic matter concentrations of South Han river and Kyungan river are the highest in spring time and show a gradual decline. The concentrations of Kyunan river is the highest. Kyungan river's small area and the high city land use ratio seem to be the reason. Loading of organic matter in summer time takes the most loading (62~84%). TOC loadings per unit area of each river is Kyungan river ($1.22ton/km^2$), South Han river ($1.01ton/km^2$), North Han river ($0.91ton/km^2$).

A Study on Establishment of Technical Guideline of the Installation and Operation for the Biogas Utilization of Transportation and City Gas: Results of the Field Investigation (고품질화 바이오가스 이용 기술지침 마련을 위한 연구(I): 도시가스 및 수송용 - 현장조사 결과 중심으로)

  • Moon, HeeSung;Kwon, Junhwa;Park, Hoyeon;Jeon, Taewan;Shin, Sunkyung;Lee, Dongjin
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2019
  • Biogasification is a technology that uses organic wastes to reproduce as environmental fuels containing methane gas. Biogasification has attracted worldwide attention because it can produce renewable-energy and stable land treatment with prohibit from landfilling and ocean dumping of organic waste. Biomethane is produced by refining biogas. It is injected into natural gas pipeline or used transportation fuel such as cars and buses. 90 bio-gasification facilities are operating in 2016, and methane gas production is very low due to it is limited to organic wastes such as food waste, animal manure, and sewage sludge. There are seven domestic biomethane manufacturing facilities, and the use of high value-added such as transport fuels and city-gas through upgrading biogas should be expanded. On the other hand, the rapid biogasification of organic wastes in domestic resulted in frequent breakdowns of facilities and low efficiency problems. Therefore, the problem is improving as technical guidance, design and operational technical guidance is developed and field experience is accumulated. However, while improvements in biogas production are being made, there is a problem with low utilization. In this study, the problems of biomethane manufacturing facilities were identified in order to optimize the production and utilization of biogas from organic waste resources. Also, in order to present the design and operation guideline of the gas pretreatment and the upgrading process, we will investigate precision monitoring, energy balance and economic analysis and solutions for on-site problems by facility.

Investigation of mulberry farm's soil properties and mulberry leaf nutritive components in local areas of Korea

  • Ju, Wan-Taek;Jeong, Chan Young;Kim, Seong-Wan;Park, Jong Woo;Kim, Nam-Suk;Kang, Sang Kuk;Kim, Kee-Young;Kweon, Hae-Yong;Lee, Seul-Bi;Kim, Woong;Gwak, Byeong-Sam;Han, Bong-Tae;Choi, Moon-Tae;Lee, Yoo Beom;Seok, Young-Seek
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2022
  • Mulberry is a hardy, perennial, deep-rooted plant capable of thriving under diverse agroclimatic conditions. The selection of suitable land and appropriate variety can help the sustainable mulberry field. However, no conclusive and comprehensive investigation has been conducted on the mulberry soil properties and nutritional composition of mulberry cultivars from Korea local areas in previous studies. In our study, soil properties and mulberry leaf components of Korea local mulberry farms were briefly investigated. In result, the soil organic matter (OM) content was significantly high in Buan (6.81%) and Jangseong (6.14%). In contrast, available phosphate (P2O5) was different in each local area. To investigate relationship between soil property and nutritive component of mulberry leaf, Cheongil leaf samples from 8 local areas were analyzed. Among the macrominerals (K+, Ca2+, Na+, and Mg2+), the concentration of K varied from (1884±9.36) mg/100 g to (2685±11.5) mg/100 g. The potassium (K+) of Cheongil leaf in Sangju was the highest at 2685 mg/100 g. Besides macrominerals, flavonoids, total dietary fiber contents and moisture of Cheongil leaf samples were studied in the 8 local areas. In terms of these contents, the variation was largely depending on the local areas. This study provides a possible industrial use of mulberry, and holds promise to enhance the overall profitability of sericulture.

Preliminary Research on Prediction of Pottery Site Distribution based on Overlay Analysis Method of Geographic Information System (GIS 중첩분석을 이용한 요지유적 분포 예측의 시범연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Young;Park, Jun-Bum;Yang, Dong-Yun;Kim, Ju-Young;Hong, Sei-Sun;Jeong, Kye-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2005
  • Geographic Information System(GIS) is useful to preserve cultural heritage and land use management using both spatial information management technique and spatial analysis function in cultural heritage management. The purpose of this study is to build a database of pottery and kiln sites in South Korea, to analyze site locations and finally to make prediction model. The locations of 1,200 sites are put into GIS database. Such factor elevation, slope angle, aspect, horizontal/vertical distance from the nearest water are analyzed. Each factor was statistically analyzed on GIS and represented to rank 1-5. Pottery/kiln can be predicted by the spatial analysis function in overlay methods. As a result of this study, preliminary application of prediction model shows that the high potential area is between the slope and alluvial plain. Field survey in the Sungbuk-dong in Daejeon city supports the preliminary result. More data can make improve efficient prediction model in unknown areas.

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