• Title/Summary/Keyword: The Five Elements

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An Analysis of the Female Golfers′ Preference of the Recent Sportswear Trend and a Suggestion of a Direction for Golfwear Design (최근 스포츠웨어 트렌드에 대한 소비자 선호도 분석과 이에 기초한 골프웨어 디자인 방향의 제시 -국내 20~30대 여성 골퍼를 대상으로-)

  • 이지은;이주현
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.1254-1264
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest a direction for golfwear design targeting young female golfers, based on the analysis of their preference of recent sportswear trend. Total 197 respondents, female golfers, were sampled for data gathering, who were asked to answer to the self-report questionnaire with the stimuli of five trendy golfwear styles [i.e., representing recent sportswear trend]. In summary, the results of this study were as follows: 1) The female golfers showed significant difference in their preference of recent sportswear-trend sues, according to their age or marital status. 2) Among the five trendy styles, each of which corresponded to five themes in 2002 S/S sportswear trend, the style of "Retro Chic", a type of retrospective trend theme, was most favored. 3) The female golfers in their twenties residing in Kangnam, were found to have ① relatively higher fashion leadership, and ② higher preference of maximal and kitsch trends, when compared with the rest of the respondents. 4) The most influential design elements in each trendy style, dominating the golfers' preference, varied with the feature of trend themes. 5) Based on the analysis of the young female golfers′ preferences of recent sportswear trend, a direction for golfwear design were suggested.

A Study on Traditional Colors (전통색에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, In-Ryu;Bang, Hey-Kyong;Kim, Yeo-Ju
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.397-407
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    • 2008
  • Recently, influence of color has been expanded in various fields including design field. Among human five senses, visual sense is best for information capturing, and 80% of information judgment by visual sense is from color. Color is emotion and image. Hanbok is marked by its beautiful color combinations. The guiding principle of such color chords was Obangsaek, or the traditional Korean five base colors. The method of this study is to consider concepts of Obangsaek derived from the principles of yin-yang and the five elements and is to investigate application of Obangsaek. And the purpose of this study is to understand traditional colors and is to provide judgment criteria on various color combinations based on Korean aesthetic sense for development of textile design. The degree of nation culture depends on the level of research, analysis and application on traditional colors. Obangsaek, Korean traditional color is splendid and primary color. Also, Obangsaek has symbolic and lucky meanings. These colors are still the primary source of coloring. Obangsaek has been reinterpreted by application on textile design, some into base colors and others into diverse shades. So this study will help in the aspect of development on Korean style design.

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A Study on Dynamics Analysis and Position Control of 5 D.O.F. Multi-joint Manipulater for Uncontact Remote Working (원격작업을 위한 5자유도 다관절 매니퓰레이터의 동특성 분석 및 위치제어에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Jin;Jang, Gi-Wong;Kim, Seong-Il;Han, Sung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2022
  • We propoes a study on the dynamic characteristics analysis and position control of 5-degree multi-joint manipulators for untact remote working at construction sites and manufacturing plants. The main frame of freedom multi-joint manipulator consists of five elements, boom cylinder, boom cylinder, arm cylinder, bucket cylinder, and rotation joint and link. In addition, the main purpose of the proposed system is to realize the work of the manufacturing process or construction site by remote control. Motion control of the entire system is a servo valve control method by hydraulic servo cylinders for one to four joints, and a servo motor control method is applied for five joints. The reliability of the proposed method was verified through performance experiments by computer simulation.

Characteristics of Signature Bonnie Cashin Designs

  • Kim, Injoo;Lee, Seung A;Sarofeen, George F.
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.51-74
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this exploratory research is to study Cashin's fashion philosophy and to draw her design characteristics through analysis of her work. As a result of this research, 76 garment pieces were selected from the 180 Bonnie Cashin collections at the University of Cincinnati to document and evaluate. The final selection includes: sixteen jackets, fifteen skirts, five pants, five tops, seven dresses, twenty five coats, and three capes. Bonnie Cashin specialized in practical and functional; yet innovative designs such as leather trimmed tweed Jackets/coats, canvas raincoats, suede leather coats, and ponchos. Her trademark elements include toggle closures, oversized pockets, her Noh coats, tweed suits, canvas raincoats, fringed suede dresses, funnel neck pullovers, jersey dresses, and ponchos. She emphasized function and comfort and she believed that a good design must also be practical. The examination of these 76 pieces from the University of Cincinnati's private Bonnie Cashin Collection brings to light Bonnie Cashin's creative design and what she represented in the development of American fashion design in the $20^{th}$ century.

Project Selection & Evaluation System Design and Implementation-Literature Review and Case Study- (연구과제 선정.평가 체계설계에 관한 연구)

  • 용세중;최덕출;한종우;정용훈;이원영
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.116-141
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    • 1994
  • This paper presents a model for R&D project selection and evaluation system design developed through literature review. The model emphasizes the fitness between the five elements of the system : evaluation phase and purpose, personnel and organization, evaluation critiria and decision model, evaluation form and procedure, and projects. The model was applied in real situation as a test case. The important findings are that a good project selection and evaluation model contributes only partially to the effectiveness of the project selection and that system development and implementation activity is a dynamic and multi-facetted learning process.

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A New Sponge of the Genus Smenospongia (Dictyoceratida: Thorectidae) from Gageodo Island, Korea

  • Lee, Kyung-Jin;Sim, Chung-Ja
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.9-11
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    • 2005
  • A new species of the genus Smenospongia (Dictyoceratida, Thorectidae), S. coreana n. sp., is described from Gageodo Island, Korea. This new species is readily distinguished from the other species of Smenospongia by the un-lobated growth forms and un-crowded primary fibres. S. aurea and S. lamellata are no distinction between primary and secondary elements, but this species is easily distinguished from them. The matrix easily derived from the fibres. This species has five sesterterpenes, three scalaranetypes and two linear furanosesterterpenes, in chemical compounds.

Semiconducting Behavior in the Polymeric Zintl Phase Material $K_2Ga_2Sb_4$

  • Wu, Biao;Birdwhistell, Teresa L.T.;Jun, Moo-Jin;O'Connor, Charles J.
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.464-466
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    • 1990
  • A ternary Zintl phase material of the formula $K_2Ga_2Sb_4$ has been prepared directly from reaction of the elements following a high temperature procedure. The compound consists of potassium ions and planar ribbons of $(Ga_2Sb_4^{-2})_{\infty}$ consisting of five membered $[Ga_2Sb_3]$ rings bridged by Sb atoms. The variable temperature specific resistivity measurements show the material to be an intrinsic semiconductor.

Increase of voltage ratings in the superconducting fault current limiter using thin films by shunt resistors (션트저항을 통한 박막형 초전도 한류기의 전압등급 증대)

  • 최효상;김혜림;황시돌;박권배;현옥배
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics Conference
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    • 2001.02a
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    • pp.176-177
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    • 2001
  • Three nearly identical superconducting fault current limiters (SFCLs) were connected in series to increase the voltage ratings. A slight difference in the quench starting point of individual SFCL units produced significantly imbalanced power distribution when connected in series. The imbalance was successfully removed by connecting a shunt resistor to one SFCL in parallel. 1.2 kV SFCL was designed with five current limiting elements and two or three shunt resistors.

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Compliance Control of a Five-bar Mechanism

  • Kim, Chong-Sup;Yi, Byung-Ju;Suh, Il-Hong;Oh, Sang-Rok
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.51.6-51
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    • 2001
  • We propose a new compliance control algorithm, which is different from previous compliance control methods in that it employs equal or more actuators than the number of the required compliance elements in operational space. The proposed compliance control algorithm ensures precise force and position control. The validity has been shown both theoretically and experimentally.

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Study on the Fancy Relationship of Viscera under the Diao-hou-yong-shen (조후용신(調候用神)을 활용한 월별(月別) 장부간(臟腑間)의 호오관계)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Yong-Chan;Kim, Byung-Soo;Kang, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.1062-1070
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    • 2008
  • The human body and nature respond to each other. The change of nature influences to directly human body. One of the change is the weather change. and there is order in the change. The order is twelve months. To explain the weather change of the cold, hot. dry and wet. we can use Four seasons, The twenty-four seasons, or The twelve month. To explain the five elements of the chinese cosmogony, The four season is useful, and the change of weather, the twenty-four seasons is good. But, the viscera is explained by the ten celestial stems and the twelve horary sings. Thus the twelve horary sings is most useful to explain, because one year is composed by twelve months. The twelve season and fancy of the ten celestial stems is explained fully by Diao-hou-yong-shen. Diao-hou-yong-shen is expressed by the zodiac signs, and explained by the disposition of the zodiac sings. In addition to the oriental medical science is also explained and expressed by the zodiac signs. Therefore, I think that the change of viscera, according to weather, is based on the Diao-hou-yong-shen, and I get some results. In the acting of viscera, there are some relationship between organs. The relationship is not influenced directly by the weather of four seasons, unless there are some special details. If the energy of the month, which rules one specific organ, is weak, doctor should fill up the organ. If not, the organ tends to get sick. According to the full or weak of the five elements which is under the month, the useless or harmful elements should be taken off, and useful and needful elements should be serviced. The balance between cold, hot, dry and wet should be maintained. However, the fancy of the viscera is very different. So, doctor should be careful to maintain balance. The full and weak between Yin and Yang should be considered when doctor think about cold and hot in the month.