• 제목/요약/키워드: Textbook Development

검색결과 559건 처리시간 0.026초

Curriculum Development for Nuclear Power and Radiation Education in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools (원자력 및 방사선에 대한 초, 중, 고등학교 교육과정 개발)

  • Lee, Seung Koo;Choi, Yoon Seok;Han, Eun Ok
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.187-198
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    • 2014
  • I developed a curriculum reflecting the perspectives of students, science teachers, and professionals in order to carry out standardized, fundamental nuclear power and radiation education in schools. Among elementary, middle, and high schools, 78.4%, 78.6%, and 93.1% respectively exhibited (with high frequency) a need for nuclear power and radiation education. The proposed elementary and middle/high school course titles are "Radiation and Life" and "Nuclear Power and Radiation" respectively. The courses are offered at every grade level and span one semester each year. The duration of each weekly class varies; at the elementary, middle, and high school levels classes meet for 40, 45, and 50 minutes respectively. Thin textbooks containing an abundance of cartoons and photos were requested. The starting points for education were fixed at the sixth grade, second year of middle school, and the first year of high school. It was stipulated that the education be separate from the regular curriculum, and encompass a creative and experimental field study based on the principal and science teachers' needs. Similar trends were observable according to grade levels regarding class hours, textbook format, form of education, and educational necessity. A simulation of the devised curriculum revealed an overall goodness of fit totaling $3.88{\pm}0.60$, $3.89{\pm}0.60$, and $3.66{\pm}0.63$ out of five for elementary, middle school, and high school students respectively, which are scores equivalent to 70 and above (out of 100). The significance of this study is that it is the first to propose a curriculum designed to cultivate value judgment based on understanding nuclear power and radiation. However, the realization of nuclear power and radiation education requires that follow-up measures be taken regarding textbook development, amendments to related laws, and the providing of teaching plans.

An Analysis of Linguistic Features in Science Textbooks across Grade Levels: Focus on Text Cohesion (과학교과서의 학년 간 언어적 특성 분석 -텍스트 정합성을 중심으로-)

  • Ryu, Jisu;Jeon, Moongee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2021
  • Learning efficiency can be maximized by careful matching of text features to expected reader features (i.e., linguistic and cognitive abilities, and background knowledge). The present study aims to explore whether this systematic principle is reflected in the development of science textbooks. The current study examined science textbook texts on 20 measures provided by Auto-Kohesion, a Korean language analysis tool. In addition to surface-level features (basic counts, word-related measures, syntactic complexity measures) which have been commonly used in previous text analysis studies, the present study included cohesion-related features as well (noun overlap ratios, connectives, pronouns). The main findings demonstrate that the surface measures (e.g., word and sentence length, word frequency) overall increased in complexity with grade levels, whereas the majority of the other measures, particularly cohesion-related measures, did not systematically vary across grade levels. The current results suggest that students of lower grades are expected to experience learning difficulties and lowered motivation due to the challenging texts. Textbooks are also not likely to be suitable for students of higher grades to develop the ability to process difficulty level texts required for higher education. The current study suggests that various text-related features including cohesion-related measures need to be carefully considered in the process of textbook development.

Exploring the Essence of 'Science Content' and 'Science Education': Focus on 'Essential-Holistic' Perspective and Practices (과학교과내용학과 과학교육학의 본질 탐구 -'본질적-총체적' 관점과 실천전통을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Gyoungho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.449-475
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to critically examine science content and science education from the 'essential-holistic' perspective, in particular, among the core disciplines constituting the teacher education curriculum. In this study, we first, analyzed the definition of the 'essential-holistic' perspective, the philosophical background, and the relationship with the practices in-depth, and then, from the 'essential-holistic' perspective, conducted an inquiry into the essence of science content and science education. The results of this study are as follows: first, according to the 'essential-holistic' perspective, science content is a study that explores the science practices and systematizes the results of that inquiry. Major activities of science content include the establishment and implementation of 'science for teachers' and participation in the development of science curriculum (textbook). Second, science education according to the 'essential-holistic' perspective is a study about in-depth exploration of essential problems in science education phenomena rooted in the science practices and the practice of good teaching. More specifically, science education is a field that carries out work related to inviting, participating, and guiding students to grow into science practices (i.e. initiating into practices). The main activities of science education related to this include activities ranging from the development of the science curriculum (textbook) to teaching and evaluation (recording). In this study, we discussed important tasks to be carried out in the future based on the results of the study.

A Study on the Change of Family-related Contents in Home Economics by National Curriculum - Focus on the 1st~the 2007 Revised National Curriculum - (교육과정 시기에 따른 가정교과 가족분야의 내용변천에 관한 연구 - 제1차~2007개정 교육과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-Wook;Jun, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to give a broad overview of family-related contents in home economics from the 1st national curriculum to the 2007 revised national curriculum, thereby contributing to value fulfillment, textbook research, and educational development of home economics. The findings are summed up as follows: First, this study looks at the change of family-related goals and contents in home economics tutorials by national curriculum. Family-related goals shift a focus from a member of nation to individual pursuit of happiness, and the scope of family-related contents expands from a part of family (i.e. understanding of children) to every aspect of family life. Second, family-related contents record a higher share in home economics textbooks at the later stage of national curriculum. Third, this study classifies the change of family-related contents in home economics textbooks by national curriculum into seven categories: understanding of human development, process of human development, parenting and parental roles, understanding of family and family transition, marriage and family development, family relationship and issues, and family well-being. In particular, 'understanding of human development' underscores fundamental principles between the 3rd~6th national curriculum, 'process of human development' broadens its initial focuses on infancy and the preschool period to every scope of human development after the 5th national curriculum. 'Parenting and parental role' continues to stress parental roles and duties plus childcare for infants and preschoolers. In 'understanding of family and family transition,' national curriculums show the biggest difference in family perspectives subject to social change, and later national curriculums feature various family types recently on the rise. In 'marriage and family development,' initial national curriculums construe marriage as a necessity, whereas later national curriculums emphasize it as a matter of choice intertwined with mature love and responsibility. With coming under spotlight in recent national curriculum, 'family relationship and issues' highlights communication and family views based on gender equality for family unity. 'Family well-being' constitutes a pivotal part in the 2007 revised national curriculum, and it has recently emerged as the hottest issue in the family area as it presents lifelong welfare.

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Theoretical analysis for the development of early childhood oral health curriculum and developmental case (유아구강보건교육과정 개발을 위한 이론 분석 및 개발 사례)

  • Jung, Young-Ran;Kim, Young-Kyung;Hwang, Yun-Sook
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.265-278
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze theories of curriculum development in an attempt to develop a systematic early childhood oral health curriculum that would be the basis of the lifelong oral health of preschoolers. The findings of the study were as follows; 1. The current kindergarten curriculum just stated that kindergarteners should keep their teeth clean, and no systematic guidelines on what to teach were included. That was hardly expected to provide efficient education on oral health promotion. 2. Preschoolers, teachers and parents were investigated to find out learner needs, and educational objects and what to teach were selected based on their needs and Tyler's Curriculum Development Theory. 3. Most of the early childhood teachers felt the need for oral health education, but faced difficulties in conducting it due to heavy workload. Another reason seemed that they were empowered to provide that education at their option since that was not mandatory. 4. As a result of analyzing the early childhood segments and educational objects of college textbooks on oral health education, every textbook differed from one another. There was a necessity to set up standardized educational objects for early childhood oral health education. 5. Oral health specialists should be involved in the development of early childhood curriculum to ensure the selection of standardized educational objects and contents.

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Analysis of Needs for Sexual Education in Primary School Children (초등학교 고학년 학생의 성교육 요구 내용 분석)

  • Yang Soon Ok;Jeong Geum Hee;Han Young Ran
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze and identify the higher-grade primary school children's needs for sexual education. We got the data with open question from 481 children from March to July 1999. We analyzed them according to the framework suggested by the Sex Information and Education Council of USA. The framework involves the six domains such as human development, relationship, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society & culture. In the analysis of need for sexual education according to domain, need for human development was highest (79.2 %), after that followed society & culture (8.3 %), sexual health (5.8%), sexual behavior (3.6%), and relationships (3.1%). There was no need for personal skills. By topics, there were needs for puberty (38.0%), reproduction (32.5%), gender roles (6.0%), body image (4.9%), sexual abuse (2.4%) and reproductive health (2.4%). Girls and boys all mostly wanted to know human development 41.0 % and 38.2 % each. Society & culture (3.4 %), sexual behaviour (2.7%), sexual health (2.6%), relationship (2.4%) were domains selected by boys. Girls wanted to know society & culture (4.9%) and 'sexual health (3.2%). Comparing by grade, fourth, fifth and sixth grade children are commonly interested in development, society & culture. Fourth grade children scarcely show attention on the relationship, sexual behaviour and sexual health; meanwhile sixth grade children would like to know sexual behaviour and sexual health. When their grade became higher, they would like to know more precise, concrete and deep information. We suggest that the textbook/guidebook for sexual health for the higher-grade primary school children should be developed considering the sex and grade.

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Curriculum Development of Elementary Teacher In-Service Training Program for Environmental Education (초등교사를 위한 환경교육 연수 교육 과정 개발)

  • Chung, Young-Lan;Sung, Hyo-Hyun;Woo, Ae-Ja;Park, Jin-Joo;Shin, Ye-Jin;Ahn, Mi-Kyung;Lee, Eun-Hie
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2008
  • Since Environmental Education in Elementary School is taught separately in various subject area, a well-founded and organized curriculum in integrated Environmental Education is needed to educate teachers for professional development. In this research, a curriculum for elementary teacher in-service training program was developed in order to improve both environmental and educational competencies of elementary school teachers. The curriculum was based on the needs analysis on Environmental Education training for elementary school teachers. Also it was based on international and updated perspectives on Environmental Education, Education for Sustainable Development. The curriculum consists of the introduction and the particular perspectives. The particular is made of 60 hours, which covers 6 perspectives on environment. They are ecological perspective, environmental ethics perspective, social-cultural perspective, economic perspective, environmental hygienic perspective, and environmental policy. Environmental policies of Korea and the world were included so that teachers will understand efforts made at national level and participate more to environmental action in their schools. Lesson objectives were specified for teachers to apply this curriculum to their classroom easily. Related elementary curriculum and textbook were indicated at the end of each lesson so teachers can link their training setting with their classroom setting. Especially, in this curriculum various teaching and teaming methods for each lesson are introduced. Thus, this re- search is very practical for elementary school teachers who are planning to teach environment in their classroom.

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The Effect of 'Learning Strategies and Career Development' Classes for Freshman - Focused on Utilization of the Learning Portfolio - (학습 포트폴리오를 통한 '학습전략과 진로탐색' 교과목의 개선 효과 - A대학교 교양필수과목 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Han, Ahnna
    • Korean Journal of General Education
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.241-267
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was focused on finding out the effect of "Learning Strategies and Career Development" classes for first year student. To this end, I developed the learning portfolio based instructional method, textbook, learning portfolio, teaching guidebook and teaching materials. For the study, I conducted literature reviews, analysis of domestic and international best practices, expert advices and survey researches. This study implemented on 3,200 freshman and 72 professors of A university that is located at Gyungbuk. The results of applying research findings show that learning portfolio based instruction in "Learning Strategies and Career Development" classes is useful to improve first year students' competency of learning strategies and career search. And instructors can use the learning portfolio, teaching guidebook and teaching materials, therefore they are satisfied with the materials.

A Study on the Change in the Representation of Father Involvement in Home Economics Textbook (가정과 교과서에 나타난 아버지 역할의 변화)

  • Kim, Youn-Jung;Lee, Soo-Hee;Sohn, Sang-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to examine how the father involvement suggested in the Home Economics textbook through the development of gender-equal society and provide the basic data for the development of a standard for the father involvement in the viewpoint of gender equality. For this, the father involvement depicted in the main text, photos, and illustrations included in the Home Economics textbooks were examined. A total of 34 Home Economics textbooks written based on the curricula from the 1st Curriculum up to the 2007 Revised Curriculum were analyzed centering on the contents and the quantity of the text, supplementary materials, photos, and illustrations. The following are the results of the analysis. First, the Home Economics textbooks based on the 1st to 3rd Curriculua only described the traditional father involvement, and photos and illustrations did not specifically describe the role of the father. Second, the Home Economics textbooks based on the 4th to 5th Curricula began to show changes such as the image of the father sharing household responsibilities. Third, the Home Economics textbooks based on the 6th Curriculum suggested more active involvement of the father such as sharing the equal responsibility for the upbringing of children and sharing responsibilities for child care and housework. Fourth, the Home Economics textbooks based on the 7th Curricula up to the Revised Curriculum of 2007 emphasized the father's involvement of upbringing children. Especially, a variety of contents including the domestic responsibilities of the father, the correction of the "work-first" attitude, and gender equality related contents were suggested to promote gender-equal society further. Said results show that the contents related with gender equality and the descriptions about the father role in the viewpoint of gender equality are steadily increasing in Home Economics textbooks. However, there were still problems such as the gender-role division regarding the involvement of the father in the family and temporary responses to social demands. Open debates between the experts in the education of Home Economics and experts in family life may be required in order to improve said problems.

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A the internet distance education system development of the LINUXBASED subtitle - A the center of textbook design module (리눅스 기반의 인터넷 원격 교육 시스템 개발-교재 설계 모듈을 중심으로)

  • 성평식
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2001
  • Within a context of rapid technological change and shifting market conditions, the education environment requires new paradigm of education delivery. In accordance of such a technological progress, distance education system, which makes the learning take place at anytime anywhere, overcoming barriers of time, or distance, is emerging as a mainstream of education delivery replacing the convectional one way delivery system from instructor to learners. This paper aims to introduce the development principle and algorithm about Instructional System Desgin(ISD) module, a part of a total solution for distance education services. It was developed on Linux, a free Unix-type operating system. Linux supports so various network protocols, sharing the network resources in a smooth way, that it is able to integrate with other operating system very easily, especially with Windows NT or Windows 2000 servers. In terms of quality, it never falls behind the windows products which are commercially available only. It is a right operating system for the such a school environment that is usually limited in budgets. The development environment of the distance education solution to which ISD module belongs is composing of Apache server for web server, lava bean based on components for ISD module, PHP, server-side scripting language, for HTML documents and MySQL for DBMS.

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