• Title/Summary/Keyword: Terrain Surface

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Variation of Wind Field over the Leeward Area According to the Local-scale Geographical Variation under Strong Wind Condition (강풍조건에서 국지규모 지형 변화에 따른 풍하측 바람장 변화)

  • Jung, Woo-Sik;Park, Jong-Kil;Lee, Hwa Woon;Kim, Eun-Byul
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 2006
  • We have investigated the wind speed variations over the leeward region when the strong wind blows. In this study we employ Envi-met numerical model to simulate the effect of surface boundary conditions. This model is applied for three cases which are characterized by land use and terrain height. The base case having natural geographical condition shows the weakest wind speed around lee side of Chunsudae. The others which remove the vegetation and cut off the terrain above 20 m ASL represent the stronger wind speed than base case. The main factor of this result is the surface friction. The distinct variation of wind is found at offshore area between Chunsudae and the southern part of village, but the northern part where is apart from Chunsudae shows a small variation of wind pattern. The weakening of wind speed around residential area is a maximum of 4~10 m/s when the wind blows in the village as strong as 55 m/s. The gust wind speed is weakened about 7~17 m/s in this case if the coefficient of gust wind adapted as 1.75.

A Study on Geoid Height of Provinces in South Korea by Terrain correction of Earth Gravitational Models (EGMs의 지형보정에 따른 국내 지역별 지오이드고 연구)

  • Lee, yong-chang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.942-946
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    • 2007
  • The new gravity field combination models are expected to improve the knowledge of the Earth's global gravity field. This study evaluates six global gravity field models derived from gravimetry and altimetry surface data in a comparison with ground truth in South Korea. For calculating a more accurate estimate of the geoid heights from the height anomalies, the terrain corrections due to the terrain masses over geoid have considered, the model for the topographic correction is a spherical harmonic expansion of the ETOPO2 DTM model. Geoid heights obtained from GPS and levelling in land area of South Korea are compared with those from the EGMs. The results show that EIGEN-CG03C EGM and EIGEN-GL04C EGM displayed the nearest results to GPS/leveling, and also confirmed the importance of terrain correction for geoid height in case of the uneven topography.

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UAV Aerial Photogrammetry for Cross Sectional Extraction and Slope Stability Analysis in Forest Area (UAV 항공사진을 이용한 산림지 횡단면도 추출 및 사면안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Taejin;Son, Younghwan;Park, Jaesung;Kim, Donggeun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study is to extract the shape of the slope from the images acquired using UAV and evaluate its suitability and reliability when applied to slope stability analysis. UAV is relatively inexpensive and simple, and it is possible to make terrain survey by generating point clouds. However, the image acquired from UAV can not be directly photographed by the forest canopy due to the influence of trees, resulting in severe distortion of the terrain. In this study, therefore, the effects of forest canopy were verified and the slope stability analysis was performed. Images acquired in winter and summer were used, because summer images are heavily influenced by the forest canopy and winter images are not. As a result of the study, the winter image is suitable for the extraction of slope shape, but severe terrain distortion occurs in the summer image. Therefore, slope stability analysis using slope shape extracted from summer image is impossible, so it should be modified for slope stability analysis. The modified slope did not completely eliminate the distortion of the terrain, but it could express the approximate shape of the slope. As a result of the slope stability analysis, the location and shape of the failure surface are the same, and the error of the safety factor is less than 0.2, which is close to the actual slope.

Terrain Geometry from Monocular Image Sequences

  • McKenzie, Alexander;Vendrovsky, Eugene;Noh, Jun-Yong
    • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 2008
  • Terrain reconstruction from images is an ill-posed, yet commonly desired Structure from Motion task when compositing visual effects into live-action photography. These surfaces are required for choreography of a scene, casting physically accurate shadows of CG elements, and occlusions. We present a novel framework for generating the geometry of landscapes from extremely noisy point cloud datasets obtained via limited resolution techniques, particularly optical flow based vision algorithms applied to live-action video plates. Our contribution is a new statistical approach to remove erroneous tracks ('outliers') by employing a unique combination of well established techniques-including Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) for robust parameter estimation and Radial Basis Functions (REFs) for scattered data interpolation-to exploit the natural constraints of this problem. Our algorithm offsets the tremendously laborious task of modeling these landscapes by hand, automatically generating a visually consistent, camera position dependent, thin-shell surface mesh within seconds for a typical tracking shot.

A Lagrangian Stochastic Model for Dense Gas Dispersion in the Neutrally-stratified Atmospheric Surface Layer (이상적인 중립 대기경계층에서 고밀도가스의 확산예측을 위한 라그랑지안 확률모델)

  • Kim, Byung-Gu;Lee, Changhoon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.537-545
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    • 2005
  • A new dispersion model for dense gas is constructed in the Lagrangian framework. Prediction of concentration by the proposed model is compared with measure data obtained in the experiment conducted in Thorney Island in 1984. Two major effects of dense gas dispersion, gravity slumping and stratification effect, are successfully incorporated into LDM (Lagrangian dense gas model). Entrainment effect is naturally modelled by introducing stochastic dispersion model with the effect of turbulence suppression by stratification. Not only various releasing conditions but also complex terrain can be extended to, although proposed model is appropriate for flat terrain.

Slope Detecting and Walking Algorithm of a Quadruped Robot Using Contact Forces (접촉 반력을 이용한 4 족 보행로봇의 경사면 감지 및 보행 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Soon-Geul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4 s.97
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    • pp.138-147
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    • 1999
  • For autonomous navigation, a legged robot should be able to walk over irregular terrain and adapt itself to variation of supporting surface. Walking through slope is one of the typical tasks for such case. Robot needs not only to change foot trajectory but also to adjust its configuration to the slope angle for maintaining stability against gravity. This paper suggests such adaptation algorithm for stable walking which uses feedback of reaction forces at feet. Adjusting algorithm of foot trajectory was studied with the estimated angel of slope without visual feedback. A concept of virtual slope angle was introduced to adjust body configuration against slope change of the supporting terrain. Regeneration of foot trajectory also used this concept for maintaining its stable walking against unexpected landing point.

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Analysis of Very High Resolution Solar Energy Based on Solar-Meteorological Resources Map with 1km Spatial Resolution (1km 해상도 태양-기상자원지도 기반의 초고해상도 태양 에너지 분석)

  • Jee, JoonBum;Zo, Ilsung;Lee, Chaeyon;Choi, Youngjean;Kim, Kyurang;Lee, KyuTae
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2013
  • The solar energy are an infinite source of energy and a clean energy without secondary pollution. The global solar energy reaching the earth's surface can be calculated easily according to the change of latitude, altitude, and sloped surface depending on the amount of the actual state of the atmosphere and clouds. The high-resolution solar-meteorological resource map with 1km resolution was developed in 2011 based on GWNU (Gangneung-Wonju National University) solar radiation model with complex terrain. The very high resolution solar energy map can be calculated and analyzed in Seoul and Eunpyung with topological effect using by 1km solar-meteorological resources map, respectively. Seoul DEM (Digital Elevation Model) have 10m resolution from NGII (National Geographic Information Institute) and Eunpyeong new town DSM (Digital Surface Model) have 1m spatial resolution from lidar observations. The solar energy have small differences according to the local mountainous terrain and residential area. The maximum bias have up to 20% and 16% in Seoul and Eunpyung new town, respectively. Small differences are that limited area with resolutions. As a result, the solar energy can calculate precisely using solar radiation model with topological effect by digital elevation data and its results can be used as the basis data for the photovoltaic and solar thermal generation.

Development of a High-Resolution Near-Surface Air Temperature Downscale Model (고해상도 지상 기온 상세화 모델 개발)

  • Lee, Doo-Il;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Jeong, Hyeong-Se;Kim, Yeon-Hee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.473-488
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    • 2021
  • A new physical/statistical diagnostic downscale model has been developed for use to improve near-surface air temperature forecasts. The model includes a series of physical and statistical correction methods that account for un-resolved topographic and land-use effects as well as statistical bias errors in a low-resolution atmospheric model. Operational temperature forecasts of the Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System (LDAPS) were downscaled at 100 m resolution for three months, which were used to validate the model's physical and statistical correction methods and to compare its performance with the forecasts of the Korea Meteorological Administration Post-processing (KMAP) system. The validation results showed positive impacts of the un-resolved topographic and urban effects (topographic height correction, valley cold air pool effect, mountain internal boundary layer formation effect, urban land-use effect) in complex terrain areas. In addition, the statistical bias correction of the LDAPS model were efficient in reducing forecast errors of the near-surface temperatures. The new high-resolution downscale model showed better agreement against Korean 584 meteorological monitoring stations than the KMAP, supporting the importance of the new physical and statistical correction methods. The new physical/statistical diagnostic downscale model can be a useful tool in improving near-surface temperature forecasts and diagnostics over complex terrain areas.

Analysis of Terrain Change Caused by Mining Development using GIS (GIS를 이용한 광산개발지역의 추이 현황 분석)

  • Lee Hyung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.261-269
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    • 2006
  • There is a need to restore the terrain back its natural environment after mining development. It is necessary to compare the original and developing surfaces for post-management and to analyze the terrain change to develop a process for efficient restoration plan. This study analyzes and compares change to the terrain by annual mining development using GIS. Contours digitized with CAD based on photogrammetry are classified into annual data and created by Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). By producing profiles and cross sections using TIN, many stations are distinguished. As a result of the terrain changes caused by mining development from 2000 to 2003 by operating elevation values each cell converted to raster from TIN, $11,094,460m^3$ are cut and $5,127,968m^3$ are filled up to 46% of cut volume, and annual surface changes of cut and fill area to mining are analyzed to visual and quantitative data. This study is used for the restoration plan and additional mining. And it is expected that this annual change, caused by mining development, can be used to return the terrain close to its original condition for finished mining area.

Investigation of a possible lunar lava tube in the north of the Rima Galilaei using the surface range of Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) data (Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) 표면 레인지 데이터를 이용한 Rima Galilaei의 북쪽 달 용암 동굴 후보지 조사)

  • Sun, Changwan;Takao, Kobayashi;Kim, Kyeong Ja;Choi, Young-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.313-324
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    • 2017
  • A lava tube is one of the hot issues of lunar science because it is regarded as a good candidate place for setting a lunar base. Recently much effort has been made to find lunar lava tubes. However, preceding works mainly made use of high-resolution lunar surface image data in conjunction with geomorphological consideration to present some lava tube candidates. Yet, those candidates stay no more than indirect indications. We propose a new data analysis technique of High Frequency (HF) radar observation data to find lunar lava tubes of which location depth is smaller than the range resolution of the radar pulse. Such shallow target echoes cannot be resolved from surface echoes, which presents the different location of the lunar surface compared to that of real lunar surface. The proposed technique instead finds the surface range (distance from LRS to the reflector of the most intense signal) anomaly which occurs as a result of the low range resolution of LRS pulse. We applied this technique to the surface range of Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) data. The surface range was deduced to make LRS surface elevation which was compared with the average surface elevation of Kaguya Digital Terrain Model (DTM). An anomalous discrepancy of the surface elevation was found in the Rima Galilaei area, which suggests the existence of a shallow lava tube.