• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tensing

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Base-Identity Effects in Some Morphophonemic Alternations in English

  • Kim, Heeyong
    • Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.185-205
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    • 2002
  • Within the framework of Generalized Sympathy (GS) (Jun 1999), this paper investigates the reasons why phonological rules such as Cluster Simplification, Closed Syllable ${\ae}$-Tensing, and Belfast Dentalization overapply or underapply in Class 2 affixed words in English. According to GS, a morphologically independent word can be treated as a derived word in that it is assumed to have any possible outputs as bases to resemble. As a result, a correspondence relation is triggered between a morphologically independent word being represented as Derived (D) and any possible outputs represented as Base (B), i.e., BD-Faith. In analyses of affixed words, BA-Faith is evoked, instead of BD-Faith. Furthermore, as Benua (1997) suggests, BA-Faith is classified into two correspondence relations; $BA_1$-Faith between Base and Class 1 affixed words, and $BA_2$-Faith between Base and Class 2 affixed words. When the $BA_1$-Faith takes precedence over phonological constraints three rules misapply in Class 2 affixed words. In other words, the misapplications are driven by base-identity effects.

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Compensation of thermal tensing effect and oscillation of $TEM_{00}$ mode by using a Quarter-Wave Plate in a resonator of high Power cw Nd:YAG laser ($\lambda$/4-판을 이용한 연속발진 고출력 Nd:YAG 레이저의 열 렌즈 보상과 $TEM_{00}$모드 발진)

  • 신성숙;장원권;석성수;박덕규;이성만;윤미정;김선국;김용기;차병헌
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.02a
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    • pp.52-53
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    • 2003
  • 다이오드 레이저의 개발과 발달에 의해 고출력의 다이오드 펌핑 고체 레이저(DPSSL, Doode-Pumped Solid State Laser)가 개발되었고 다양한 분야에서 그 응용성이 증가하고 있다. 고출력 레이저 발생의 경우에 펌핑에 의한 레이저 매질 내부의 열 발생이 중요하게 대두되고, 이러한 열로 인해 레이저 빔의 왜곡이 생겨나 빔질이 저하된다. 레이저 빔질의 개선은 가우시안(Gaussian) 분포를 따르는 빔에 대해 기술하고 있는 광학 공식들과 직접적인 산업현장에서의 유용성 때문에 매우 중요한 문제가 된다. (중략)

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Optimum design and analysis of a diode side-primped Nd:YAG laser with a diffusive reflector (난반사체를 이용한 다이오드 횡여기 Nd:YAG 레이저의 최적화 설계 및 분석)

  • 이성만;윤미정;김선국;김현수;차병헌;문희종
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.489-495
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    • 2001
  • We developed a design code for a diode side-pumped Nd:YAG laser with a diffusive reflector to investigate the optimum design conditions resulting in homogeneous absorption distribution and efficient laser output power. By including the thermal tensing effect in the calculation of the laser output power, the calculated output powers were in fairly good agreement with the experimental results within the stable resonator condition. The calculation method can be used effectively for a diode side-pumped Nd:YAG laser in choosing the optimum design parameters and in predicting the laser output power.

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Reduction of Unstressed Prevocalic /u/ in English

  • Hwangbo, Young-Shik
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.1139-1161
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    • 2009
  • This paper deals with the reduction of unstressed prevocalic /u/ and the appearance of /w/ which are observed in such words as ambiguity [ˌæm bǝ ˈgju: ǝ ti] - ambiguous [æm ˈbɪ gjǝ wǝs]. This phenomenon is recorded in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, and the draft revisions of Oxford English Dictionary Online. Since this phenomenon has not been studied in detail up to now, this paper aims 1) to collect the data related to the reduction of unstressed prevocalic /u/, 2) to classify them systematically, and 3) to explain the phenomenon in terms of Optimality Theory. In the course of analysis, Prevocalic Lengthening, which is crucial to the preservation of unstressed prevocalic /u/, is reinterpreted as one of the ways to prevent hiatus (annual /æ nju: ǝl/). /w/-insertion is another way to prevent hiatus (annual /æ njǝ wǝl/). In addition it is argued that prevocalic /u/ behaves differently from prevocalic /i/ due to the difference in the articulators involved.

A study of phonological regression in 2-6 years of Korean children (서울-경기 지역 2-6세 아동의 발달기적 음운변동에 관한 연구 - 자음을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Young-Tae
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    • no.21_24
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    • pp.3-24
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    • 1992
  • This study was designed to investigate the changes of phonological processes in normal Korean children aged from 2- to 6-years. Forty eight children who lived in Seoul or Kyung-Ki do were tested with a picture articulation test and their articulation errors including omissions, additions and substitutions were coded into phonological processes. Those phonological processes were discussed in several ways: syllable structure, place, manner, assimilation, tenseness, and aspiration of sounds. Data were analyzed by two ways: (1) number of subjects who showed each process and (2) percentage of occurrence of each process. Analyses in omission-addition processes demonstrated that postvocalic omission occurred most frequently, followed by velar-, alveolar-, and glottal omission. Analyses in substitution processes showed that fronting (palatal and velar), backing (alveolar), and alveolization occurred most frequently in terms of the place of sounds. In terms of assimilation, alveolar-, stopping, and aspiration assimilation occurred frequently. Analyses by the tenseness and aspiration showed similar occurrences among the 4 processes, with slightly higher occurrences in tensing and aspiration than lanxing and deaspiration. All of the processes decreased by age. The numbers of the processes showed by more than half of the children or exceeded 10% of occurrence were 20 in 2-years of age, 10 in 3-years of age, 1 in 4-years of age, and none in ages of 5 and 6.

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A comparison of phonological error patterns in the single word and spontaneous speech of children with speech sound disorders (말소리장애 아동의 단어와 자발화 문맥의 음운오류패턴 비교)

  • Park, kayeon;Kim, Soo-Jin
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2015
  • This study was aim to compare the phonological error patterns and PCC(Percentage of Correct Consonants) derived from the single word and spontaneous speech contexts of the speech sound disorders with unknown origin(SSD). The present study suggest that the development phonological error patterns and non-developmental error patterns of the target children, in according to speech context. The subjects were 15 children with SSD up to the age of 5 from 3 years of age. This research use 37 words of APAC(Assessment of Phonology & Articulation for Children) in the single word context and 100 eojeol in the spontaneous speech context. There was no difference of PCC between the single word and the spontaneous speech contexts. Significantly different developmental phonological error patterns between the single word and the spontaneous speech contexts were syllable deletion, word-medial onset deletion, liquid deletion, gliding, affrication, fricative other error, tensing, regressive assimilation. Significantly different non-developmental phonological error patterns were backing, addtion of phoneme, aspirating. The study showed that there was no difference of PCC between elicited single word and spontaneous conversational context. And there were some different phonological error patterns derived from the two contexts of the speech sound disorders. The more important interventions target is the error patterns of the spontaneous speech contexts for the immediate generalization and rising overall intelligibility.

The study of diadochokinetic (DDK) rate and accuracy in typically developing children (취학 전 정상구어발달 아동의 조음교대운동 특성)

  • Sehr, Kyoung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.321-327
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    • 2013
  • This paper aimed to find out the differences of DDK performances of 37 normally developing children in the range of 4-6 years. DDK tasks included with the Consonant-Vowel(CV) syllables and with the Vowel-Vowel(VV) syllables. For DDK rate, all spoken AMR and SMR in one second were measured by Multi-Speech, and analyzed with Motor Speech Profile for DDK regularity. Error frequency and type in DDK performance were transcribed and auditorily judged by two professional speech pathologists. The findings in this study were follow as: First, DDK rate became faster as the age of children were increased. But there were no statistical differences between the groups for age. Second, there was no significant differences the CV and VV syllables of DDK tasks. Third, the frequency of articulatory error in DDK performance was significantly higher in the age of 4 than other two groups.

Development of AE and Vibration Measurement Device and Analysis System for Monitoring the Fracture of Internal Tendons in Bridges (교량 내부 텐던 상태 모니터링을 위한 복합진동 모니터링 측정 장비 및 분석 시스템 개발)

  • Jaehwan Kim;Sangki Park;Kyu-San Jung;Dong-Woo Seo;Byeong-Hee Han;Jinho Woo;Yeonwoo Shin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2024
  • For social infrastructure facilities such as bridges, continuous monitoring and maintenance are essential to ensure safety. Among various types of bridges, prestressed concrete (PSC) bridges efficiently support the structural cross-section by tensing tendons to introduce compressive force into the concrete, which plays an important role in improving structural safety. In the case of internal tendons embedded in concrete, it is very difficult to check the presence and extent of damage before signs of collapse occur. Recently, research has been conducted on tendon fracture monitoring using acoustic emission among non-destructive testing methods, but there is a problem that it cannot be widely used for tendon monitoring of prestressed bridges due to limited conditions such as system cost, installation environment, and data communication. In this study, a smart monitoring system has been developed, which measures complex physical quantities that can be effectively applied to monitoring the internal tendons of prestressed bridges. The developed system is a vibration and acoustic emission data collection equipment that can easily measure and detect damage at the expected damage location using a power supply and data transmission system through PoE (Power over Ethernet) in the field, and uses acoustic emission indicators to evaluate tendon fracture and location. It is equipped with an algorithm that can evaluate the field applicability of the developed system, field demonstration was conducted on a prestressed bridge, and through this, the reliability and efficiency of field operation of the developed system were confirmed.