• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technology Licensing Office

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Japanese Financing Policies for Innovation Since the 1990s

  • Intarakumnerd, Patarapong;Charumilin, Pattarawan
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.55-73
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    • 2013
  • Since the 1990s, the Japanese government has made considerable attempts at stimulating innovation with an aim to pull the country out of a possibly permanent economic decline. Several laws and policy initiatives were introduced to encourage better interaction between universities (and research institutions) and industry. The results of these efforts have been mixed. While the number of university-industry joint and commissioned research has increased, revenues from the licensing of university-owned patents have fluctuated year by year. Although the number of startups and spin-offs from universities rose, their long-term survival and contribution to the economy remain uncertain. The Japanese experience features both strengths and weaknesses. Strengths include the long-term commitment of policy makers, the ability to set specific targets, and the active engagement of several key economic ministries. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of these policy initiatives was hampered by limitations within the policies concerning the roles of universities and their mode of interaction with industry based on intellectual property rights, the inadequacy of demand-side innovation policies, the fragmentation of bureaucracy, and a lack of a credible evaluation system.

An Application of Patent Citation Network Analysis for Technology Marketing: A Case of a Public Research Institute (특허 인용 네트워크 분석을 활용한 기술마케팅의 효과성 제고방안에 관한 연구: 다성분 나노구조 코팅재료 공정기술 사례)

  • Seok, Myung Seop;Jo, Byeonghwi;Ji, Ilyong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3210-3219
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    • 2015
  • This study attempts to search for potential users of patents developed by public research institutes, emphasizing the importance of identifying potential users for successful technology marketing. On the basis of the theoretical argument that technological development show path-dependence, we analyzed patent citation network of a technology developed by a Korean public research institute to achieve the purpose of this research. The result shows that the potential users identified from our method are different from the institute's initial expectation. Therefore, we argue that the method using patent citation network is useful and effective for public research institutes' technology marketing. Lastly we suggest a new framework for technology marketing process in public research institutes.

A Study on Determinants of University TLO's Performance: Effects of the Patent Manager Dispatch Program (대학 TLO의 성과 결정요인에 관한 연구: 특허경영전문가 파견사업의 효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ho;Park, Youngwook;Og, Jooyoung
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.123-149
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    • 2015
  • Even though papers and patents generated by public research institutions including universities are continuously increasing in Korea, commercialization of research outputs is significantly lower than developed countries. Therefore, it is very important to improve the effectiveness of technology licensing offices(TLOs) of universities. In this study, we study effects of the patent manager dispatch program(PMDP) of the Korean Patent Office(KPO) on the performance of TLOs. KPO has dispatched patent experts to selected TLOs under the PMSD since 2006. Based on data of 126 TLOs, we analysed whether the PMSD has improved the performances of beneficiary TLOs. We tested two related hypotheses: (1)Whether or not a TLO received the dispatch service had effects on its performance? (2)Were early beneficiaries more effective than late beneficiaries or non-beneficiaries because of cumulative learning effects? The main findings are as follows. The past experience in itself did not improve performances of beneficiary TLOs. However, early beneficiaries were better than late beneficiaries or non-beneficiaries, that is, some learning effects might help the beneficiary TLOs improve their performances.

A Brief Review on Polarization Switching Kinetics in Fluorite-structured Ferroelectrics (플루오라이트 구조 강유전체 박막의 분극 반전 동역학 리뷰)

  • Kim, Se Hyun;Park, Keun Hyeong;Lee, Eun Been;Yu, Geun Taek;Lee, Dong Hyun;Yang, Kun;Park, Ju Yong;Park, Min Hyuk
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.330-342
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    • 2020
  • Since the original report on ferroelectricity in Si-doped HfO2 in 2011, fluorite-structured ferroelectrics have attracted increasing interest due to their scalability, established deposition techniques including atomic layer deposition, and compatibility with the complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor technology. Especially, the emerging fluorite-structured ferroelectrics are considered promising for the next-generation semiconductor devices such as storage class memories, memory-logic hybrid devices, and neuromorphic computing devices. For achieving the practical semiconductor devices, understanding polarization switching kinetics in fluorite-structured ferroelectrics is an urgent task. To understand the polarization switching kinetics and domain dynamics in this emerging ferroelectric materials, various classical models such as Kolmogorov-Avrami-Ishibashi model, nucleation limited switching model, inhomogeneous field mechanism model, and Du-Chen model have been applied to the fluorite-structured ferroelectrics. However, the polarization switching kinetics of fluorite-structured ferroelectrics are reported to be strongly affected by various nonideal factors such as nanoscale polymorphism, strong effect of defects such as oxygen vacancies and residual impurities, and polycrystallinity with a weak texture. Moreover, some important parameters for polarization switching kinetics and domain dynamics including activation field, domain wall velocity, and switching time distribution have been reported quantitatively different from conventional ferroelectrics such as perovskite-structured ferroelectrics. In this focused review, therefore, the polarization switching kinetics of fluorite-structured ferroelectrics are comprehensively reviewed based on the available literature.

A Study on Moderating Role of Business Incubating Service in Relationship between Entrepreneurs' Characteristics and Business Performance (기업가특성과 기업성과 간의 관계에 대한 창업보육서비스의 조절역할에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1428-1445
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    • 2008
  • This study focuses on examination a) of impacts of entrepreneurs' psychological characteristics on business performance (need fur achievement and risk-taking propensity), b) of impacts of entrepreneur's competency characteristics(vision, opportunity recognition, social deftness, frequency of networking and reliability) on business performance, and c) of controlling impacts of business incubator on the relationship between entrepreneurs' characteristics (psychological characteristics and competency) and business performance. According to a study, among entrepreneurs' psychological characteristics, need for achievement has a significant impact on business performance, whereas risk-taking propensity is found to have no significant impact on business performance. In addition, among entrepreneurs' competency characteristics, vision, social deftness, and network reliability have no impact on business performance, whereas opportunity recognition and frequency of network have an impact on business performance. On the other hand, need for achievement has a negative impact on controlling business incubator services. Business incubator services have a significant impact on the relationship between vision, network reliability and business performance.

A Study on the Relationship between TLO Organization and Technology Transfer Performance: Focused on Government-Funded Research Institutes (TLO 조직과 기술이전 성과의 관계에 관한 연구: 정부출연연구기관을 중심으로)

  • Yun, Jang-ho
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.165-187
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the effects of TLO's organization size, expertise, and economic compensation on technology transfer performance using the panel data of Government-Funded Research Institutes in 2013-2016. First, the size of TLO personnel and budget have a positive effect on the technology transfer performance. However, in the case of TLO manpower, the statistical significance of the effect on the number of technology transfers was only 90%, and it did not affect royalty. Second, TLO expertise has a strong impact on technology transfer performance. It shows that the number of professional license holders, such as patent attorney or a technology valuer, has a statistically significant effect on the increase of the technology transfer number and the royalty under the 99% confidence level. However, unlike expected, the size of the Ph.D. did not seem to have any effect on technology transfer performance. Finally, the economic compensation for TLO does not affect both the number of technology transfers and the royalty. It does not seem to work as an appropriate incentive system, because the absolute size of the compensation is too small. The results of the above analysis suggest that it is important to secure expertise in order for the TLO organization to play a substantial role, and it is necessary to improve the economic compensation system to attract TLOs to technology transfer.

U.S. Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Reform Policy (미국의 상업적 원격탐사활동에 대한 규제개혁 정책)

  • Kwon, Heeseok;Lee, Jinho;Lee, Eunjung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2019
  • The current U.S. remote sensing act was made in 1992 and has been criticized for being outdated and inappropriate in view of the modern technological development. In order to enhance the American competitiveness and leadership in the world, President Trump announced Space Policy Directive (SPD) - 2 on May 24, which is designed to modernize the regulations related to commercial space activities including private remote sensing system operations. It should be noted that the regulatory reform efforts are made within broader terms of the National Security Strategy on Dec. 17, 2017, pursuing the enhancement of national security and economic prosperity as well. A legislative support in Congress has also been added to the Administration's efforts. The proposed regulatory reform on the licensing of commercial remote sensing system operations outlines the features of lessening administrative burden on applicants by simplifying the overall application process and of limiting the operations only when there is an impact upon the national security with clear and convincing evidence. But, due to a different regulatory system of each country, such a movement to expand an individual's freedom to explore and utilize outer space may result in an international dispute or a violation of international obligations, so there should be a merit in paying attention to the U.S. commercial remote sensing regulatory reform, and it is desirable to establish international norms as flexible and appropriate to the level of space technology and space industry.

Analysis of Overseas Data Management Systems for High Level Radioactive Waste Disposal (고준위방사성폐기물 처분 관련 자료 관리 해외사례 분석)

  • MinJeong Kim;SunJu Park;HyeRim Kim;WoonSang Yoon;JungHoon Park;JeongHwan Lee
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2023
  • The vast volumes of data that are generated during site characterization and associated research for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste require effective data management to properly chronicle and archive this information. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, SKB, established the SICADA database for site selection, evaluation, analysis, and modeling. The German Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal, BGE, established ArbeitsDB, a database and document management system, and the ELO data system to manage data collected according to the Repository Site Selection Act. The U.K. Nuclear Waste Services established the Data Management System to manage any research and survey data pertaining to nuclear waste storage and disposal. The U.S. Department of Energy and Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management established the Technical Data Management System for data management and subsequent licensing procedures during site characterization surveys. The presented cases undertaken by these national agencies highlight the importance of data quality management and the scalability of data utilization to ensure effective data management. Korea should also pursue the establishment of both a data management concept for radioactive waste disposal that considers data quality management and scalability from a long-term perspective and an associated data management system.