• 제목/요약/키워드: Technology Framework

검색결과 4,400건 처리시간 0.032초

A multi-objective optimization framework for optimally designing steel moment frame structures under multiple seismic excitations

  • Ghasemof, Ali;Mirtaheri, Masoud;Mohammadi, Reza Karami;Salkhordeh, Mojtaba
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 2022
  • This article presents a computationally efficient framework for multi-objective seismic design optimization of steel moment-resisting frame (MRF) structures based on the nonlinear dynamic analysis procedure. This framework employs the uniform damage distribution philosophy to minimize the weight (initial cost) of the structure at different levels of damage. The preliminary framework was recently proposed by the authors based on the single excitation and the nonlinear static (pushover) analysis procedure, in which the effects of record-to-record variability as well as higher-order vibration modes were neglected. The present study investigates the reliability of the previous framework by extending the proposed algorithm using the nonlinear dynamic design procedure (optimization under multiple ground motions). Three benchmark structures, including 4-, 8-, and 12-story steel MRFs, representing the behavior of low-, mid-, and high-rise buildings, are utilized to evaluate the proposed framework. The total weight of the structure and the maximum inter-story drift ratio (IDRmax) resulting from the average response of the structure to a set of seven ground motion records are considered as two conflicting objectives for the optimization problem and are simultaneously minimized. The results of this study indicate that the optimization under several ground motions leads to almost similar outcomes in terms of optimization objectives to those are obtained from optimization under pushover analysis. However, investigation of optimal designs under a suite of 22 earthquake records reveals that the damage distribution in buildings designed by the nonlinear dynamic-based procedure is closer to the uniform distribution (desired target during the optimization process) compared to those designed according to the pushover procedure.

The MapDS-Onto Framework for Matching Formula Factors of KPIs and Database Schema: A Case Study of the Prince of Songkla University

  • Kittisak Kaewninprasert;Supaporn Chai-Arayalert;Narueban Yamaqupta
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2024
  • Strategy monitoring is essential for business management and for administrators, including managers and executives, to build a data-driven organization. Having a tool that is able to visualize strategic data is significant for business intelligence. Unfortunately, there are gaps between business users and information technology departments or business intelligence experts that need to be filled to meet user requirements. For example, business users want to be self-reliant when using business intelligence systems, but they are too inexperienced to deal with the technical difficulties of the business intelligence systems. This research aims to create an automatic matching framework between the key performance indicators (KPI) formula and the data in database systems, based on ontology concepts, in the case study of Prince of Songkla University. The mapping data schema with ontology (MapDSOnto) framework is created through knowledge adaptation from the literature review and is evaluated using sample data from the case study. String similarity methods are compared to find the best fit for this framework. The research results reveal that the "fuzz.token_set_ratio" method is suitable for this study, with a 91.50 similarity score. The two main algorithms, database schema mapping and domain schema mapping, present the process of the MapDS-Onto framework using the "fuzz.token_set_ratio" method and database structure ontology to match the correct data of each factor in the KPI formula. The MapDS-Onto framework contributes to increasing self-reliance by reducing the amount of database knowledge that business users need to use semantic business intelligence.

GDSA framework, a computational framework for complex modeling problems in radioactive waste management

  • Teresa Portone;Aubrey Eckert;Eduardo Basurto;Ernest Friedman-Hill;Laura Swiler
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권10호
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    • pp.4463-4469
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    • 2024
  • This paper details a computational framework to produce automated, graphical workflows, and how this framework can be deployed to support complex modeling problems like those in nuclear engineering. Key benefits of the framework include: automating previously manual workflows; intuitive construction and communication of workflows through a graphical interface; and automated file transfer and handling for workflows deployed across heterogeneous computing resources. This paper demonstrates the framework's application to probabilistic post-closure performance assessment of systems for deep geologic disposal of nuclear waste. However, the framework is a general capability that can help users running a variety of computational studies.

이동통신 산업 유망기술 발굴 방법론 설계 (Emerging Technology Mining Framework Design in Mobile Telecommunication Industry)

  • 심현동;이영호;김영욱
    • 한국경영과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국경영과학회 2008년도 추계학술대회 및 정기총회
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    • pp.157-161
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose a new framework for identifying emerging technologies to in mobile telecommunication industry. We designed a new framework using qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Finally, we deduced emerging technologies using our framework for mobile network operator.

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아키텍처 프레임워크의 국방분야 적용 연구 (An Applicable Study on the Architecture Framework in the MND)

  • 김영도;서민우;손태종
    • 한국IT서비스학회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2004
  • Traditional information systems in the Ministry of National Defense(MND) are insufficient about interoperability between all kinds of them. Also there is no the applicable architecture framework to develop information systems. The Architecture Framework(AF) is to provide guidance for describing architectures for both warfighting operations and business operations and processes in the MND. Therefore, in this paper we propose the MND AF to develop and manage information systems in the MND.

통합 물류 시스템 구축을 위한 워크플로 프레임워크 (A Workflow Framework for the Integrated Logistics Systems)

  • 서용원;성제훈;함주호
    • 산업공학
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.143-149
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we propose a workflow framework for the integrated logistics systems. We modelled the logistics activities into workflows, which allow clear specification and flexible modification of business processes. To specify workflows, we used petri-net that is extended to handle with information flows. A framework to implement the integrated logistics system using workflow management technology is proposed. Since logistics is closely related with other parts of enterprise such as manufacturing and accounting, the framework could capture a rich features required for enterprise-wide systems.

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New Blind Steganalysis Framework Combining Image Retrieval and Outlier Detection

  • Wu, Yunda;Zhang, Tao;Hou, Xiaodan;Xu, Chen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제10권12호
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    • pp.5643-5656
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    • 2016
  • The detection accuracy of steganalysis depends on many factors, including the embedding algorithm, the payload size, the steganalysis feature space and the properties of the cover source. In practice, the cover source mismatch (CSM) problem has been recognized as the single most important factor negatively affecting the performance. To address this problem, we propose a new framework for blind, universal steganalysis which uses traditional steganalyst features. Firstly, cover images with the same statistical properties are searched from a reference image database as aided samples. The test image and its aided samples form a whole test set. Then, by assuming that most of the aided samples are innocent, we conduct outlier detection on the test set to judge the test image as cover or stego. In this way, the framework has removed the need for training. Hence, it does not suffer from cover source mismatch. Because it performs anomaly detection rather than classification, this method is totally unsupervised. The results in our study show that this framework works superior than one-class support vector machine and the outlier detector without considering the image retrieval process.

Speaker Tracking Using Eigendecomposition and an Index Tree of Reference Models

  • Moattar, Mohammad Hossein;Homayounpour, Mohammad Mehdi
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.741-751
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    • 2011
  • This paper focuses on online speaker tracking for telephone conversations and broadcast news. Since the online applicability imposes some limitations on the tracking strategy, such as data insufficiency, a reliable approach should be applied to compensate for this shortage. In this framework, a set of reference speaker models are used as side information to facilitate online tracking. To improve the indexing accuracy, adaptation approaches in eigenvoice decomposition space are proposed in this paper. We believe that the eigenvoice adaptation techniques would help to embed the speaker space in the models and hence enrich the generality of the selected speaker models. Also, an index structure of the reference models is proposed to speed up the search in the model space. The proposed framework is evaluated on 2002 Rich Transcription Broadcast News and Conversational Telephone Speech corpus as well as a synthetic dataset. The indexing errors of the proposed framework on telephone conversations, broadcast news, and synthetic dataset are 8.77%, 9.36%, and 12.4%, respectively. Using the index tree structure approach, the run time of the proposed framework is improved by 22%.

Perception-based analytical technique of evacuation behavior under radiological emergency: An illustration of the Kori area

  • Kim, Jeongsik;Kim, Byoung-Jik;Kim, Namhun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제53권3호
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    • pp.825-832
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    • 2021
  • A simulation-based approach is proposed to study the protective actions taken by residents during nuclear emergencies using cognitive findings. Human perception-based behaviors are not heavily incorporated in the evacuation study for nuclear emergencies despite their known importance. This study proposes a generic framework of perception-based behavior simulation, in accordance with the ecological concept of affordance theory and a formal representation of affordance-based finite state automata. Based on the generic framework, a simulation model is developed to allow an evacuee to perceive available actions and execute one of them according to Newton's laws of motion. The case of a shadow evacuation under nuclear emergency is utilized to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework. The illustrated planning algorithm enables residents to compute not only prior knowledge of the environmental map, but also the perception of dynamic surroundings, using widely observed heuristics. The simulation results show that the temporal and spatial dynamics of the evacuation behaviors can be analyzed based on individual perception of circumstances, while utilizing the findings in cognitive science under unavoidable data restriction of nuclear emergencies. The perception-based analysis of the proposed framework is expected to enhance nuclear safety technology by complementing macroscopic analyses for advanced protective measures.

유비 쿼터스 헬스케어를 위한 소프트웨어 아키텍처의 ATAM 기반 디자인 (ATAM-Based Design of Software Architecture for Ubiquitous Healthcare)

  • ;진소영;;최호진
    • 한국정보과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보과학회 2011년도 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회논문집 Vol.38 No.1(B)
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    • pp.177-180
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    • 2011
  • Software Architecture for any given software system is its skeletal framework. That is to say that if this framework does not properly support the system then it would cause more harm than good. Accordingly it is our opinion that choosing the right architecture to realize this framework is a crucial part in creating a successful system. This report discusses a comparative method which utilizes the steps in ATAM to realize architectural decisions and more importantly aide in architectural selection that promotes system success.