• Title/Summary/Keyword: Task Significance

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Measuring Power Dissipation for Urban Maglev Vehicle (도시형 자기부상열차 전력 측정)

  • Park, Jeong-Ung;Kim, Bong-Seop;Lee, Jang-Yeol;Kim, Haeng-Gu
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.3092-3098
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    • 2011
  • This paper deals with analysis of measuring power dissipation when Maglev is running. With the various running scenarios for Maglev, power dissipation was measured and a comparative analysis of it and wheel-on rails were carried out. The purpose of this paper is to confirm the efficiency and economics on operation of Maglev and reflect detail design later. When the running scenarios of Maglev are the status of landing on and levitation, running at rated acceleration and deceleration and according to changes of velocity, the power dissipation was measured. The measured results are analyzed considering with apparent electric power and active power, reactive power and power factor etc. Due to the limited test track condition, it is very limited to compare and analyze Maglev and general trains. Nevertheless, It is a task of great significance to identify the efficiency and economics on operating Maglev through the results of measuring power dissipation. In the future, measuring power dissipation through more various scenarios will be carried out, and the results will be reflected the design.

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Young Children's Use of Trait Similarity Information to Make Inference of Others

  • Yoo, Seung Heon
    • Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of personality trait information on young children's perception of initial attraction in peer relationships. The sample consisted of 90 children of three to five years of age in South Korea. Children were presented with an inductive inference task where they had to make inference of a target character's preference on novel-play and prosocial act based on trait labels (smart-not smart, outgoing-shy, nice-mean) and perceptual (toy) similarity information of two test characters. Children showed difference in their use of trait information depending on the perceptual similarity information, trait valence, and inference question with age. This result provides initial support that not only do young children understand the significance of trait in peer attraction but also know when trait label is more informative to use to infer others depending on the situation.

The practical exemplification of producing English textbooks for secondary school students (중등 영어과 교과서 집필의 실제)

  • Im, Byung-Bin
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.199-218
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    • 2011
  • This study is to explore one of efficient procedures in producing English textbooks for secondary school students. According to a series of changes in the National Curriculum, new textbooks have been selected and used in English classes. Textbooks are one of the fundamental factors in teaching and learning languages together with learners and teachers. So this study emphasizes the significance of textbooks and presents the practical model of producing English textbooks including activity books, from major aspects such as planning, writing, editing, selecting, etc. The current government has made continuing efforts to improve English education development by administrating innovative policies [strategies]. However, there still remain lots of difficulties in this gigantic task, which is not an exception in the matter of textbooks. Therefore, to provide students with better textbooks, the government should not only invest great funds but also renovate the present polluted system of selecting textbooks.

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Influence of Process Parameters on the Breathable Film Strength of Polymer Extrusion (고분자압출의 공정변수가 통기성필름강도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Man-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.625-632
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    • 2012
  • Optimization of process parameters in polymer extrusion is an important task to reduce manufacturing cost. To determine the optimum values of the process parameters, it is essential to find their influence on the strength of polymer breathable thin film. The significance of six important process parameters namely, extruder cylinder temperature, extruder speed, extruder dies temperature, cooling roll temperature, stretching ratio, stretching roll temperature on breathable film strength of polymer extrusion was determined. Moreover, this paper presents the application of Taguchi method and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for maximization of the breathable film strength influenced by extrusion parameters. The optimum parameter combination of extrusion process was obtained by using the analysis of signal-to-noise ratio. The conclusion revealed that extruder speed and stretching ratio were the most influential factor on the film strength, respectively. The best results of film strength were obtained at higher extruder speed and stretching ratio.

Near Infrared Spectroscopy of LAS (linear alkyl benzene sulfonate) (근적외선 분광분석법을 이용한 LAS (linear alkyl benzene sulfonate)의 정량분석법)

  • 조창희;최병기;김효진
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.15 no.1_2
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 2000
  • Linear alkyl sulfonates (LAS) constitute a large fraction of the surfactants used in cleaning processes in households, trade and industry Despite the industrial significance and the possible environmental impact of these compounds, the fast and inexpensive determination of LAS concentrations is still a difficult task. In this study, near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy which is a rapid spectroscopic analysis method compared with a traditional analytical method for the measurement of LAS concentration such as HPLC, GC and standard wet chemistry method. NIR spectra of LAS between 0.313 and 25.0% (w/v) in water were utilized to develop a calibration model. The best results (R = 0.998, SEP = 0.244% (w/v)) obtained by using partial least-squares regression with spectral data treatment and 2nd derivatization were comparable to the results (SEC = 0.186% (w/v), SEP = 0.206% (w/v)) obtained by using multiple linear least-squares regression (MLR). However, models based on derivative spectra have no significant advantage with MLR.

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The Effect of Semantic Neighborhood Density in Korean Visual Word Recognition (한국어 시각단어재인에서 의미 이웃크기 효과)

  • Kwon, You-An;Nam, Ki-Chun
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.173-175
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    • 2007
  • The lexical decision task (LDT) commonly postulates the activation of semantic level. However, there are few studies for the feedback effect from semantic level. The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether the feedback effect from semantic level is facilitatory or inhibitory in Korean LDT. In Experiment 1, we manipulated the number of phonological syllable neighbors (PSN) and the number of semantic neighbors (SEN) orthogonally while orthographic syllable neighbor (OSN) is dense. In the results, the significant facilitatory effect was shown in words with many SEN. In Experiment 2, we examined same conditions as Experiment 1 but OSN was sparse. Although the similar lexical decision latency pattern was shown, there was no statistical significance. These results can be explained by the feedback activation from semantic level. If a target has many SENs and many PSNs, it receives more feedback activation from semantic level than a target with few SENs and PSNs.

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A study on the professional perception of public library directors and its influential factors (한국 공공도서관장의 전문직의식과 그 영향요인)

  • 김포옥
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.28
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was attempted to investigate the professional perception of the public library directors in Korea, and to measure and to compare the perceptional difference between Directors that have or have not of Librarian's license. The authors obtained data through questionaires by mail to 188 directors of public Libraries. The number of respondents which become available for analysis was 188 and the response rate was 58.8%. The Major findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The professional perception of public Library Directors differs from the qualification for a librarian. 2. The Librarian's license made difference with regards to perceptional attitudes, consciousness of services, satisfying on job situation of Directors. 3. The professional perception of public Library Directors may have influence on each others of a school career, task work, colleague understandings on the gob situations. 4. but the difference have no significance statiscally. 5. Thus we need to study other types of organization and influencial variables for generalization of this study.

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A Study on the Influence of Job Characteristics Perceived by Nurses on Their Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment : Focusing on Moderating Effect of Individual Personality Characteristics (간호조직에서 직무특성이 간호사의 직무만족과 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 - 성격특성의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • 김명숙;박영배
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.1434-1444
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of job characteristics on the nurses' the moderating effect of locus of control on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment and relationship between job characteristics and attitude. The sample for this study consisted of 594 nurses from 8 university hospitals. Factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used for the statistical methods. The results of this study were found that (1) autonomy among 5 core job characteristics showed positive influence on job satisfaction, (2) task significance and autonomy among 5 core job characteristics had positive influence on organizational commitment, (3) the internals of locus of control moderated the effect of job characteristics on nurses' job satisfaction, and (4) internals and externals of locus of control moderated the effect of job characteristics on nurses' organizational commitment.

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A Development of Intelligent Context-Awareness Middleware (지능적 상황인지 미들웨어의 개발)

  • Suh, Joohee;Woo, Chong-Woo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.sup
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2012
  • Context-Awareness system provides an appropriate service to user by recognizing situation from surrounding environment. There are many successful studies on this framework, but still has some limitations. In this paper, we are describing a context-awareness middleware that can enhance the limitation of the previous approaches. We first defined a new concept of context-awareness environment as a social intelligence. This concept implies that intelligent objects can make relationships, can aware of situation from surrounding environment, and can collaborate to accomplish a given task. The significance of the study is as follows. First, the system is capable of multi context-awareness since it is designed with a structure that supports multiple lines of reasoning. Second, the system is capable of context planning by adapting AI planning mechanism. Third, the system is capable of making the intelligent objects as a group for collaboration, and provides adaptive service to user. We have developed a prototype of the system and tested with a virtual scenario.

Work Rewards and Occupational Commitment of Hospital Nurses (종합병원 간호사들의 노동보상과 직업몰입에 관한 연구)

  • 고종욱;서영준
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.77-98
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the determinants of occupational commitment of hospital nurses. For this study, a causal model of occupational commitment of hospital nurses was constructed based on the exchange theory. The sample of this study consisted of 329 nurses from S general hospitals located in Seoul and south-eastern area of Korea. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression. It was found that four task reward variables(variety, significance, workload and resource inadequacy), one social reward variable(supervisory support) and two organizational reward variables(promotional chances and pay) had significant net effect on hospital nurses' occupational commitment. The implications of these findings were discussed and the suggestions for future research wert advanced.