• Title/Summary/Keyword: System Embodiment

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Design and embodiment of bloodstream diagnosis device that introduce EPLD and TMS320VC5410 for cerebrum disease measurement in supersonic waves base (초음파 기반에서 대뇌질환 측정을 위한 EPLD와 TMS320VC5410를 도입한 혈류 진단장치의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Whi-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 2006
  • Imbecility, Parkinson's disease, the brain disease occurrence rate such as motor nerve disease are increasing rapidly since 1980 years, according to the Britain, the United States of America, Japan, Germany, result that investigate the spanish occurrence rate, was expose that imbecility mortality including Alzheimer's disease increased more than man case 3 triple and man and woman of brain disease mortality increases by about 50% with Parkinson's disease and motor nerve disease. <중략> first of all, courtesy call is important. So that can find out danger benevolence and occurrence danger at early stage, person arranged brain vein because examination does special Quality examination and modelling Tuesday embodying possible Cerebrovascular Ultrasonogram (brain vein supersonic waves) and prove excellency of performance from time to time. Is going to apply to brain disease patient of other disease if supplement system hereafter, and this research tried to study special quality that standardization is not producing poetic theme width directly and approach.

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The Effect of AI Agent's Multi Modal Interaction on the Driver Experience in the Semi-autonomous Driving Context : With a Focus on the Existence of Visual Character (반자율주행 맥락에서 AI 에이전트의 멀티모달 인터랙션이 운전자 경험에 미치는 효과 : 시각적 캐릭터 유무를 중심으로)

  • Suh, Min-soo;Hong, Seung-Hye;Lee, Jeong-Myeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2018
  • As the interactive AI speaker becomes popular, voice recognition is regarded as an important vehicle-driver interaction method in case of autonomous driving situation. The purpose of this study is to confirm whether multimodal interaction in which feedback is transmitted by auditory and visual mode of AI characters on screen is more effective in user experience optimization than auditory mode only. We performed the interaction tasks for the music selection and adjustment through the AI speaker while driving to the experiment participant and measured the information and system quality, presence, the perceived usefulness and ease of use, and the continuance intention. As a result of analysis, the multimodal effect of visual characters was not shown in most user experience factors, and the effect was not shown in the intention of continuous use. Rather, it was found that auditory single mode was more effective than multimodal in information quality factor. In the semi-autonomous driving stage, which requires driver 's cognitive effort, multimodal interaction is not effective in optimizing user experience as compared to single mode interaction.

The Embodiment of GAS Pressure Controller for Temperature Control of Sing Crystal $(Al_2O_3)$ Growing Furnace (단결정$(Al_2O_3)$ 성장 노(爐)의 온도 조절용 GAS압력 제어기의 구현)

  • Cho, Hyun-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.207-211
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    • 2007
  • It is a quite quality concerning to control the temperature of single crystalline growth as it does when we get most of heat treating products. It is also important factor to control the temperature when we make the $Al_2O_3$(single crystalline) used to artificial jewels, glass of watches, and heat resistant transparent glasses. Thus, it is a major interest to get the proper temperature in accordance with the time process while we are making mixture of oxygen and hydrogen to have the right temperature. In this paper, we will study of electrical valve positioning system with DC-Motor for the gas mixture to improve the quality of products.

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Embodiment of outside orbit type supersonic waves multi curer for Fracture patient's type (radish stimulation, radish invasion) rehalititation promotion (Fracture 환자의 유형(무자극,무침습) 재활촉진을 위한 외부궤도형 초음파 다층치료기의 구현)

  • Kim, Whi-Young;Choe, Jin-Yeong;Park, Seong-Jun;Kim, Jin-Yeong;Park, Seong-Jun;Kim, Hui-Je
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07d
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    • pp.2165-2166
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    • 2006
  • Estrangement hierarchical by bipolarization is deepened and time space that social welfare by graying corresponds great so. Specially, is real condition that indifference by patient's increase which is solitary life string is come to involve by social problem.Together, Jaetaek bone fracture patient's ratio is zooming. Domestic BT technology, medical treatment solution technology offer more important role than role assistance enemy of modern technology and utilize by creative technology can. Specially, if apply supersonic waves in bone fracture treatment, there is treatise data that can reduce bone fracture treatment period of bone that bone does not stick well about 40%. Supersonic waves operation frequency used on both end because do 1m Hz, 1.3mHz, supersonic waves origination that have 1.5mHz's Piezo-ceramic crystal tranducer material each 4 premature senilitys in this research, and outside diameter according to impedance and Phase d used Gakgak4mm, 5.4mm, Dukke0.5mm, transformer deuce of length 70mm. Manufactured, and investigated supersonic waves distribution chart by capacity 50m W. Supersonic waves used by diagnosis mainly but is seen to become convenient medical treatment mounting in bone fracture patient's treatment if supplement clinically.If supplement system furthermore, is going to apply to osteoporosis patient, and this research tried to design poetic theme width directly and study rain standardization special quality and approach basic form because do modelling.

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A Study of Iris Van Herpen Fashion from the Perspective of Deleuze's Sensory Theory (들뢰즈의 감각론의 관점으로 본 아이리스 반 헤르펜 패션에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Haein;Kim, Jinyoung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2020
  • Just as the name 'aesthetics' implies, the meaning of 'aisthesis' or 'sense' in Greek, is perceived as an important element in modern social design. Gilles Deleuze emphasized sensory expression over the rational side of the body, and argued for sensory theory, which is the theory of how painting produces new senses. The purpose of this study was to theoretically examine the sensory theory of Deleuze, which has given new value to the senses, apply it to analyze the body expression method shown in the Iris van Herpen collection, and derive its aesthetic characteristics. In his sensory theory, Deleuze argued that the senses can be expressed by the embodiment of force and rhythm, and one can only create art through the senses. To develop one's philosophical logic through Bacon's painting, we divided it into Hysteria, Cops sans organs, Diagram, Becoming, and Paired figures. Based on these analyses, the visualization of the senses in Iris van Herpen fashion resulted in hysteria, organ-free body, diagrams, and heterogeneity combinations. Analysis of the method of expression revealed rhythmicity, atypicality, scalability, and reproducibility as expression characteristics. Applying Deleuze's sensory theory to access experimental Iris van Herpen's fashion could confirm that there was an open system's accessibility. Deleuze's sensory theory, which has given a new value to the senses, will further help to understand modern fashion design in a wide and diverse way and discover the intrinsic value within it.

Development of DDL(Digital Delay Line) Module Using Interleave Method Based on Pulse Recognition and Delay Gap Detection (펄스 인식 및 지연 간격 검출을 통한 인터리브 방식의 디지털 시간 지연 모듈 개발)

  • Han, Il-Tak
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.577-583
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    • 2011
  • Radar performance test is one of the major steps for radar system design. However, it is restricted by time and cost when radar performance tests are performed with opportunity targets. So various simulated target generators are developed and used to evaluate radar performance. To simulate the target's range, most of simulated target generators are developed with optical line or DRFM(Digital RF Memory) technique but there are many restrictions such as limit of range imitation and test scenario because of their original usage. In this paper, DDL(Digital Delay Line) module for development of simulated target generator is designed with precise range simulation and easily embodiment feature. And pulse recognition and delay gap detection technique are used to simulate the time delay without distortions. Developed DDL module performances are verified through their performance tests and test results are described in this paper.

Technical Characteristics and Trends of Capsule Endoscope (캡슐 내시경의 기술적 특징과 동향)

  • Kim, Ki-Yun;Won, Kyung-Hoon;Choi, Hyung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.4C
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 2012
  • Capsule Endoscope(CE) is a capsule-shaped electronic device which can examine the lesions in digestive tract of human body. Recently the medical procedure using capsule endoscope is receiving great attention to both doctors and patients, since the conventional push-typed endoscope using cables brings great pain and fear to the patients. The technique was firstly available in 2000 and is based on a convergence techniques among BT(Bio Technology), IT(Information Technology), and NT(Nano Technology). The device consists of an optical parts including LEDs(Light Emitting Diodes), an image sensor, a communication module and a power module. Capsule endoscope is the embodiment of the state-of-the art technology and requires key technologies in the various engineering fields. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce the composition of the capsule endoscope system, and compare the communication method between RF(Radio Frequency) communication and HBC(Human Body Communication), which are typically used for data transmission in the capsule endoscope. Furthermore, we analyze the specification of commercialized capsule endoscopes and present the future developments and technical challenges.

The Goth Style Expressed on Costumes of Tim Burton's Films (팀 버튼 영화 의상에 나타난 고스(Goth) 스타일)

  • Jung, Eunyoung;Lee, Younhee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.8
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    • pp.20-36
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    • 2014
  • This research aims to identify and analyze the expression elements and features of Goth style observed in clothing of unique characters in movies directed by Tim Burton, and to build the database on diverse features movie costumes, so that such data can be used to develop new fashion design. The research-classified features of Goth style into romanticism overturns Satanism, grief, and sensuality. The results are as follow; First, Goth expressed romanticism by reminding the gloom and fear of medieval times through the image of clowns, medieval knights, werewolves and vampires. Second, The costumes in Tim Burton's movies overthrew the rules in reality using flexible changes, ambiguity of gender, distorted human beings, half-man-half-beasts, and ghost images. Furthermore, the positive expression on characters in gloomy and fearful costumes showed the overturn of common idea and value system in a society. Third, Tim Burton created fear using the image of a live dead body, shape of a devil, shape of death. Also, accessories suddenly changed into arms in his movies. He expressed Satanism by positively describing satanic shapes and shapes meaning death. Next, characters in Tim Burton's movies are mainly losers, aliens or outsiders. Sorrow, alienation and darkness inside them expressed the sadness through embodiment of mean animals in darkness, masks, veils and extreme black costumes. Finally, Sensuality was rarely shown in Tim Burton's movies, but expressed in various ways including pursuit of new beauty in excessive exposure, skintight silhouette, suggestion on sexualized violence and frightfulness.

Extended Script Structure for Advertisement Game Development (광고형 게임 개발을 위한 확장 스크립트 구조)

  • Park, Jung-Yong
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes the knowledge structure of an extended script for advertisement style game embodiment. This approach is able to allow for developing game and advertisement module. Research to reconsider contradictory awareness about existent game have been evolving from game education system, advertisement style game and simulation game for training and so on. In this paper, a situation hierarchy structure which allows the designer for simulating high-level specifications of game structure. And we describes with mathematical structure for proposed situation structure. Game unfolding utilizes with causality. Game reflects situation of a spatiotemporal real world. For this goal, we applied extended script to game world. Advertisement style module progresses by method to provide company's advertisement to user while game is gone. The advantage of proposed method are able to allows for novice to effectively insert banner image, video and so on into advertisement module. The proposed method was implemented in the "Shooting BaDuk" among games.

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Adaptive Multi-Layer Security Approach for Cyber Defense (사이버 방어를 위한 적응형 다중계층 보호체제)

  • Lee, Seong-kee;Kang, Tae-in
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • As attacks in cyber space become advanced and complex, monotonous defense approach of one-one matching manner between attack and defense may be limited to defend them. More efficient defense method is required. This paper proposes multi layers security scheme that can support to defend assets against diverse cyber attacks in systematical and adaptive. We model multi layers security scheme based on Defense Zone including several defense layers and also discuss essential technical elements necessary to realize multi layers security scheme such as cyber threats analysis and automated assignment of defense techniques. Also effects of multi layers security scheme and its applicability are explained. In future, for embodiment of multi layers security scheme, researches about detailed architecture design for Defense Zone, automated method to select the best defense technique against attack and modeling normal state of asset for attack detection are needed.