• Title/Summary/Keyword: Symbolic Learning

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A study on a the poetic symbol and moral instruction (시적 상징과 도덕과수업)

  • Song, Young-min
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.35
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    • pp.415-443
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    • 2012
  • The moral instruction expresses and conveys a abstract objects so called moral. And it pursues occurrence of moral meaning contained a emotion. In these respects, there is a resemblance between moral instruction and artistic symbolic language. Meanwhile, the poetry are a typical form of artistic symbolic language, and especially poetic symbolism is a representative and possible way that expresses accepting a meaning of abstract objects. Then a moral instruction needs to be poetic symbolism. The poetic symbolism that a moral instruction intends to resemble is a linguistic expression, but at the same time that is a expression beyond a linguistic limitation for conveying the metaphysical meaning. For this, the poetic symbolism reveals visible and concrete vehicles that imply invisible and metaphysical tenor. At this point, poetic symbolism is characterized with sameness, implicitness, polysemy, context, allness. The poetic symbolism having these characters appears personal symbol of poet as combined with creative imagination, and is experienced poetic meaning as combined with creative imagination of reader. The moral instruction as a poetic symbolism offers learning experience similar to poetic experience. The moral instruction as a poetic symbolism would be constructed not a logical or prosaic explain but symbolic form that can draw various moral meaning. For this construction, first, we might find a symbolic media for materialization of teaching contents. Second, moral teaching should be constructed to be searching moral meaning of symbolic media. Third, moral teaching should be constructed to be interpreting moral meaning of symbolic media. When teacher can construct moral instruction as possible as similar to poetic symbolism, student can learn moral meaning combined with emotion through their response and interpretation to the teaching. It is very similar to good poem that is sympathized and accommodated poet's theme by reader.

Learning Symbolic Constraints Using Rectifier Networks for Neural Natural Language Processing (Rectifier Network 기반 학습된 심볼릭 제약을 반영한 뉴럴 자연언어처리)

  • Hong, Seung-Yean;Na, Seung-Hoon;Shin, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Young-Kil
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2020.10a
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    • pp.254-256
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    • 2020
  • 자연언어처리 문제에서 딥러닝 모델이 좋은 성능을 보이고 있고 딥러닝 결과는 구조화된 결과를 내놓는 경우가 많다. 딥러닝 모델 결과가 구조적인 형태를 가지는 경우 후처리 통해 특정 구조에 맞는 제약을 가해주는 경우가 일반적이다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 제약을 규칙에 기반하지 않고 직접 학습을 통해 얻고자 하였다.

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Development and Application of Programming Learning System Using LED Display Kits (LED 디스플레이 키트를 활용한 프로그래밍 학습 시스템의 개발 및 적용)

  • Chun, Seok-Ju
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we introduce a new programming learning system for young students. The programming learning system consists of a LED display kit and a web-based flowchart system. The LED display kit acts as an output device by way of displaying lights while following a set of instructions given through a flowchart programming. In the flowchart system, the students use symbolic variables for the calculation and can get various displays or animations after creating a flowchart by drag-and-drop. Then we describe the survey results of various programming classes using our system between fall 2005 and spring 2009. The programming teaching was conducted with diverse groups such as elementary school students, gifted students, college students, and teachers etc. The responses from our in class surveys were generally positive.

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Theoretical Perspectives for Analyzing Explanation, Justification and Argumentation in Mathematics Classrooms

  • Yackel, Erna
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.18 no.1 s.18
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2004
  • Current interest in mathematics learning that focuses on understanding, mathematical reasoning and meaning making underscores the need to develop ways of analyzing classrooms that foster these types of learning. In this paper, I show that the constructs of social and sociomathematical norms, which grew out of taking a symbolic interactionist perspective, and Toulmins scheme for argumentation as elaborated for mathematics education by Krummheuer, provide us with means to analyze aspects of explanation justification and argumentation in mathematics classrooms, including means through which they can be fostered. Examples from a variety of classrooms are used to clarify how these notions can inform instruction at all levels, from the elementary grades through university-level mathematics.

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Theoretical Perspectives for Analyzing Explanation, Justification and Argumentation in Mathematics Classrooms (수학교실에서 설명, 정당화와 논증 분석을 위한 이론적 관점)

  • Erna Yackel
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2004
  • Current interest in mathematics learning that focuses on understanding, mathematical reasoning and meaning making underscores the need to develop ways of analyzing classrooms that foster these types of learning. In this paper, I show that the constructs of social and sociomathematical norms, which grew out of taking a symbolic interactionist perspective, and Toulmin's scheme for argumentation, as elaborated for mathematics education by Kummheuer, provide us with means to analyze aspects of explanation, justification and argumentation in mathematics classrooms, including means through which they can be fostered. Examples from a variety of classrooms are used to clarify how these notions can inform instruction at all levels, from the elementary grades through university-level mathematics.

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A Study on the Relation Between SOLO Taxonomy and van Hele Theory (SOLO 분류법과 van Hiele의 기하학습 수준 이론의 관련성에 대한 고찰)

  • 류성림
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.151-166
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to understand what two models of SOLO taxonomy and van Hiele theory suggest and find out what relation there is between the category system of the SOLO taxonomy and the thinking level of the van Hiele theory. The van Hiele theory describes in line of ranking level so that it may increase the teaching effects by putting together a class, which takes into consideration the students thoughts. The SOLO taxonomy focused on the response mode of the students rather than the thinking level or the developmental stage of them to pursuit the method that can describe the students understanding in depth quality-wise. Although the SOLO taxonomy and the van Hiele model seem to have different form and character from outside in terms of their goals, a closer examination reveals that the two stances have much in common and that the models are complementary. Although the van Hiele placed more focus on the thoughts, because the conclusion was based on the students responses, the van Hiele theory can be interpreted within the structure identified in the SOLO model. In this study, we have tried to understand how the response structure form the SOLO taxonomy and the thinking level of the van Hiele theory are related, based on the studies of Pegg and Davery1998). If you briefly look at them, there are following corresponding relation between the SOLO taxonomy and the van Hiele theory. a) The relational level(R) in iconic moe is van Hiele level 1. b) The multisturctural level(M$_2$) in the second cycle of concrete-symbolic mode is van Hiel level 2. c) The relation level(R$_2$) in the second cycle of concrete-symbolic mode is van Hiele level 3. d) The unistructural level(U$_2$) in the second cycle of formal mode is van Hiele level 4. e) The postformal mode is van Hiele levle 5. Though it would be difficult to conclude that these correspondences were perfectly done, if you look at their relation, you can see that the learning process of the students were not carried out uniformly. Therefore, by studying the students response structure, using the SOLO taxonomy, and identifying the learning cycle and understand the geometrical concept more in depth.

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A Study of Exploration- Oriented Mathematical Modeling: (탐구지향 수학적 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • 신은주;권오남
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.157-177
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    • 2001
  • Modern society's technological and economical changes require high-level education that involve critical thinking, problem solving, and communication with others. Thus, today's perspective of mathematics and mathematics learning recognizes a potential symbolic relationship between concrete and abstract mathematics. If the problems engage students' interests and aspiration, mathematical problems can serve as a source of their motivation. In addition, if the problems stimulate students'thinking, mathematical problems can also serve as a source of meaning and understanding. From these perspectives, the purpose of my study is to prove that mathematical modeling tasks can provide opportunities for students to attach meanings to mathematical calculations and procedures, and to manipulate symbols so that they may draw out the meanings out of the conclusion to which the symbolic manipulations lead. The review of related literature regarding mathematical modeling and model are performed as a theoretical study. I especially concentrated on the study results of Freudenthal, Fischbein, Lesh, Disessea, Blum, and Niss's model systems. We also investigate the emphasis of mathematising, the classified method of mathematical modeling, and the cognitive nature of mathematical model. And We investigate the purposes of model construction and the instructive meaning of mathematical modeling. In conclusion, we have presented the methods that promote students' effective model construction ability. First, the teaching and the learning begins with problems that reflect reality. Second, if students face problems that have too much or not enough information, they will construct useful models in the process of justifying important conjecture by attempting diverse models. Lastly, the teachers must understand the modeling cycle of the students and evaluate the effectiveness of the models that the students have constructed from their classroom observations, case study, and interaction between the learner and the teacher.

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The measures for nursing the foundational math skills of the lower grade elementary school children (초등학교 저학년 아동을 위한 기초적 수학 능력의 신장 방안)

  • 이순주
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2002
  • After entering an elementary school, in fact, a number of children regard mathematics as one of very difficult subjects because of its abstractiveness. This is caused by the fact that their basic thinking power is not yet formed or they can not understand the special quality of mathematics. So this article emphasizes the need to build up the higher logical thought and a basic mathematical concept at the lower grade elementary school stage in which the loaming activity on mathematics begins in earnest, that is, at the stage before having an experience on the calculating activity using numbers. But at present the lower grade elementary school students in our country do not understand the special quality of mathematics composed of a various symbolic system and lay stress upon mathematics learning attached to the calculative activity. In order to make the right mathematical concept of the lower grade elementary school, the basic knowledge and ability as follows is sure to be formed. 1) the foundational logical manipulation activity and knowledge 2) the using ability of the sign and symbolic system At the stage on which mathematics learning activity begins, it is a very important task to make the right concept of the abstractive math and nurse the capability for finding mathematical relations covered under the sign system through the continuos loaming activity on . Through the basic logical manipulation activity and the game activity of sign for lower grade elementary school students mentioned in this article, they can not only foster the higher level logical thinking power and the foundational calculative ability but also bring up the interest on the activity of establishing a new problem solving strategy.

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<거가잡복고(居家雜腹攷)>에 나타난 복색(服色)의 의미와 상징성

  • Jo, Hyo-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.17
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 1991
  • I observed the meaning and the symbolic charaeters about the color and style of clothes appearing at "GER GA JAP BOK GO" written by Kyu Soo Park. The black color of Hyun Eui as a ceremonial dress of man symbolizes Heaven and Virtue. The yellow color of Whang Sang as a ceremonial dress of man symbolizes the Earth and the Impartiality. The blue or black decoration line over white ground of Sim Eui as ordinary dress of man symbolizes also Filial Piety. In woman ordinary upper garment, So Eui, black texture edging with blue line implies the mutual symmetricity with her husband's. Besides, white color texture lining So Eui symbolical to a Devine Nature and Homage implies also the deep concealment of feminine body. The black ground color of child dress "Chi Po Eui" symbolizes Naivety, and the red silk color of it's decoration line, belt and tress ornaments implies the praise of the Virtue & Learning and also "Expel the Evil" of our traditional national characteristics. As described above the meaning and symbolic characters about the color and style of clothes appearing at "GER GA JAP BOK GO" has a very Chinese disposition, but it's author Kyu Soo Park modified somewhat to be in harmony with the real social situation of our Country during that latest stage of Yi Dynasty, because he was one of the prominent pragmatist at that time.

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Intrusion Detection: Supervised Machine Learning

  • Fares, Ahmed H.;Sharawy, Mohamed I.;Zayed, Hala H.
    • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2011
  • Due to the expansion of high-speed Internet access, the need for secure and reliable networks has become more critical. The sophistication of network attacks, as well as their severity, has also increased recently. As such, more and more organizations are becoming vulnerable to attack. The aim of this research is to classify network attacks using neural networks (NN), which leads to a higher detection rate and a lower false alarm rate in a shorter time. This paper focuses on two classification types: a single class (normal, or attack), and a multi class (normal, DoS, PRB, R2L, U2R), where the category of attack is also detected by the NN. Extensive analysis is conducted in order to assess the translation of symbolic data, partitioning of the training data and the complexity of the architecture. This paper investigates two engines; the first engine is the back-propagation neural network intrusion detection system (BPNNIDS) and the second engine is the radial basis function neural network intrusion detection system (BPNNIDS). The two engines proposed in this paper are tested against traditional and other machine learning algorithms using a common dataset: the DARPA 98 KDD99 benchmark dataset from International Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Tools. BPNNIDS shows a superior response compared to the other techniques reported in literature especially in terms of response time, detection rate and false positive rate.