• Title/Summary/Keyword: Swath 자료

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Seafloor Features around the Hupo Bank on the East Sea (동해 후포퇴(Hupo Bank) 주변의 정밀 해저지형 연구)

  • Choi, Sung-Ho;Ahn, Young-Kil;Han, Hyuk-Soo
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2008
  • We analyze a precise seabed feature around the Hupo Bank by using Multi-beam echosounder. Multi-beam echosounder system can observe the topography undulation according to the navigation of the survey ship by shooting wide beam. It is possible to embody a precision seabed feature because it can be make high density of incompletion depth sounding between survey lines. Through this survey, there is the Hupo Bank which is 84 km long, 1-15 km wide, 5.3-160 m deep in the center, at the west is moat, at the east is scarp and submarine canyon. The top of the Hupo Bank is the Wangdol reef that has 5.3 m in depth of water at least. Moat in survey area is 30 m long, and 30-40 m wide and has a depressed channel. The gap of depth of water in scarp is approximately 60 m and shows a characteristic of cuttig plane. Submarine canyon is 3.5 - 13.5 km wide.

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Development and Application of Satellite Orbit Simulator for Analysis of Optimal Satellite Images by Disaster Type : Case of Typhoon MITAG (2019) (재난유형별 최적 위성영상 분석을 위한 위성 궤도 시뮬레이터 개발 및 적용 : 태풍 미탁(2019) 사례)

  • Lim, SoMang;Kang, Ki-mook;Yu, WanSik;Hwang, EuiHo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.439-439
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    • 2022
  • 인공위성은 위성통신, 기상 등 다양한 분야에서 활용되고 있지만 재난과 위성영상 특성 매칭의 제약으로 재난 상황에서는 제한적으로 사용되었다. 국내외 위성 갯수의 증가로 위성영상을 준-실시간으로 확보 가능함에 따라 활용할 수 있는 범위가 증가하여 최근에는 재난·재해에 신속하게 대비하기 위한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 연구는 재난 발생 지역의 위성 영상 확보를 위해 촬영된 영상과 미래시점의 촬영 예정인 영상의 촬영 예정 시간 및 영역을 빠른 시간 내 분석하여 최적 위성영상 확보에 기반이 되고자 한다. 행정안전부에서 분류한 재난·재해 유형에 따라 재난 예측, 탐지, 사후처리를 위한 위성자료의 확보를 위하여 다양한 위성과 탑재된 센서들의 궤도, 공간 해상도, 파장대 등의 위성영상의 적시성을 분석하여 최적 위성을 정의하였다. 위성 궤도 시뮬레이션은 TLE(Two Line Element) 정보를 이용하는 SGP4(Simplified General Perturbations version 4) 모델에 적용하여 개발하였다. 최신 TLE 정보를 이용하여 위성 궤도 정보 및 센서 정보(공간 해상도, Swath width, incidence angle IFOV 등)을 적용하였다. 수집된 위성 궤도 정보를 기반으로 위성의 궤도를 예측하여 예측된 위치에서의 촬영 영역을 산정하는 분석 기능을 수행하여 최종 시뮬레이션 데이터를 생성한다. 개발된 위성 궤도 시뮬레이션 알고리즘을 토대로 태풍 미탁 사례에 적용하였다. 위성 궤도 시뮬레이션 알고리즘을 태풍 미탁 사례에 적용한 결과 다종 위성리스트 중 위성 궤도 분석을 통해 최단기간 획득 가능한 위성 중 정지 궤도 기상위성인 Himawari-8, GK-2A는 태풍 경로 모니터링, 광학 위성인 Sentinel-2, PlanetScope는 건물 피해 지역, SAR 위성인 Sentinel-1, ICEYE는 홍수 지역을 탐지하는데 최적 위성 영상으로 분석되었다.

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Characteristics of Ocean Scanning Multi-spectral Imager(OSMI) (Ocean Scanning Multi-spectral Imager (OSMI) 특성)

  • Young Min Cho;Sang-Soon Yong;Sun Hee Woo;Sang-Gyu Lee;Kyoung-Hwan Oh;Hong-Yul Paik
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 1998
  • Ocean Scanning Multispectral Imager (OSMI) is a payload on the Korean Multi-Purpose SATellite (KOMPSAT) to perform worldwide ocean color monitoring for the study of biological oceanography. The instrument images the ocean surface using a whisk-broom motion with a swath width of 800 km and a ground sample distance (GSD) of less than 1 km over the entire field-of-view (FOV). The instrument is designed to have an on-orbit operation duty cycle of 20% over the mission lifetime of 3 years with the functions of programmable gain/offset and on-orbit image data storage. The instrument also performs sun calibration and dark calibration for on-orbit instalment calibration. The OSMI instrument is a multi-spectral imager covering the spectral range from 400 nm to 900 nm using a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) Focal Plane Array (FPA). The ocean colors are monitored using 6 spectral channels that can be selected via ground commands after launch. The instrument performances are fully measured for 8 basic spectral bands centered at 412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670, 765 and 865 nm during ground characterization of instalment. In addition to the ground calibration, the on-orbit calibration will also be used for the on-orbit band selection. The on-orbit band selection capability can provide great flexibility in ocean color monitoring.

Characteristics of the Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) (다목적실용위성탑재 전자광학카메라(EOC)의 성능 특성)

  • Seunghoon Lee;Hyung-Sik Shim;Hong-Yul Paik
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 1998
  • Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) is the main payload of the KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite(KOMPSAT) with the mission of cartography to build up a digital map of Korean territory including a Digital Terrain Elevation Map(DTEM). This instalment which comprises EOC Sensor Assembly and EOC Electronics Assembly produces the panchromatic images of 6.6 m GSD with a swath wider than 17 km by push-broom scanning and spacecraft body pointing in a visible range of wavelength, 510~730 nm. The high resolution panchromatic image is to be collected for 2 minutes during 98 minutes of orbit cycle covering about 800 km along ground track, over the mission lifetime of 3 years with the functions of programmable gain/offset and on-board image data storage. The image of 8 bit digitization, which is collected by a full reflective type F8.3 triplet without obscuration, is to be transmitted to Ground Station at a rate less than 25 Mbps. EOC was elaborated to have the performance which meets or surpasses its requirements of design phase. The spectral response, the modulation transfer function, and the uniformity of all the 2592 pixel of CCD of EOC are illustrated as they were measured for the convenience of end-user. The spectral response was measured with respect to each gain setup of EOC and this is expected to give the capability of generating more accurate panchromatic image to the users of EOC data. The modulation transfer function of EOC was measured as greater than 16 % at Nyquist frequency over the entire field of view, which exceeds its requirement of larger than 10 %. The uniformity that shows the relative response of each pixel of CCD was measured at every pixel of the Focal Plane Array of EOC and is illustrated for the data processing.

Comparative Evaluation of UAV NIR Imagery versusin-situ Point Photo in Surveying Urban Tributary Vegetation (도심소하천 식생조사에서 현장사진과 UAV 근적외선 영상의 비교평가)

  • Lee, Jung-Joo;Hwang, Young-Seok;Park, Seong-Il;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.475-488
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    • 2018
  • Surveying urban tributary vegetation is based mainly on field sampling at present. The tributary vegetation survey integrating UAV NIR(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Near Infrared Radiance) imagery and in-situ point photo has received only limited attentions from the field ecologist. The reason for this could be the largely undemonstrated applicability of UAV NIR imagery by the field ecologist as a monitoring tool for urban tributary vegetation. The principal advantage of UAV NIR imagery as a remote sensor is to provide, in a cost-effective manner, information required for a very narrow swath target such as urban tributary (10m width or so), utilizing very low altitude flight, real-time geo-referencing and stereo imaging. An exhaustive and realistic comparison of the two techniques was conducted, based on operational customer requirement of urban tributary vegetation survey: synoptic information, ground detail and quantitative data collection. UAV NIR imagery made it possible to identify area-wide patterns of the major plant communities subject to many different influences (e.g. artificial land use pattern), which cannot be acquired by traditional field sampling. Although field survey has already gained worldwide recognition by plant ecologists as a typical method of urban tributary vegetation monitoring, this approach did not provide a level of information that is either scientifically reliable or economically feasible in terms of urban tributary vegetation (e.g. remedial field works). It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference for area-wide information obtained by UAV NIR imagery in urban tributary vegetation survey.

Improvement of Multi-beam Echo Sounder's Depth Accuracy (다중빔 음향측심기 수심 정확도 개선)

  • Choi Chul Eung;Kim Youn Soo;Suh Yong Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • Multi-beam echo sounder is more precise and efficient than single beam echo sounder relatively because it is able to survey a wide area with 3 times or 4 times swath width as much as the depth of water using multi-beam echo sounder. It is sure to be needed to control supplementary equipment accurately, however, because the principle of creation and measurement of the beam is elaborate and influenced a great deal by vessel's motion. We analyzed using visual and statistical methods in both sections of the depth of water where were the places of the center of the beam and ± 45° angles from the central beam to improve the precise of Multi-beam echo sounder in this study. In result, it was required to control supplementary equipment because of errors from the vibration of an inertia governor and misalignment of extra units. Therefore, we reduced the vibration from the vessel's engine by sticking rubbers to the inertia governor and measured the offset values of extra units accurately, converted them to the values of horizontal position and lined up. In result, the precise in sounding the depth at the place of ± 45° from the center of the beam was improved from the level of the 1st order to the special order in a hydrographic survey of the IHO S44 standards and a phenomenon of ripple patterns in the overlapped area by misalignment was decreased remarkably.

Structural Evolution of the Eastern Margin of Korea: Implications for the Opening of the East Sea (Japan Sea) (한국 동쪽 대륙주변부의 구조적 진화와 동해의 형성)

  • Kim Han-Joon;Jou Hyeong-Tae;Lee Gwang-Hoon;Yoo Hai-Soo;Park Gun-Tae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.3 s.178
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 2006
  • We interpreted marine seismic profiles in conjunction with swath bathymetric and magnetic data to investigate rifting to breakup processes at the Korean margin leading to the separation of the Japan Arc. The Korean margin is rimmed by fundamental elements of rift architecture comprizing a seaward succession of a rift basin and an uplifted rift flank passing into the slope, typical of a passive continental margin. In the northern part, rifting occurred in the Korea Plateau, a continental fragment extended and partially segmented from the Korean Peninsula, that provided a relatively broader zone of extension resulting in a number of rifts. Two distinguished rift basins (Onnuri and Bandal Basins) in the Korea Plateau we bounded by major synthetic and smaller antithetic faults, creating wide and symmetric profiles. The large-offset border fault zones of these basins have convex dip slopes and demonstrate a zig-zag arrangement along strike. In contrast, the southern margin is engraved along its length with a single narrow rift basin (Hupo Basin) that is an elongated asymmetric half-graben. Rifting at the Korean margin was primarily controlled by normal faulting resulting from extension in the west and southeast directions orthogonal to the inferred line of breakup along the base of the slope rather than strike-slip deformation. Although rifting involved no significant volcanism, the inception of sea floor spreading documents a pronounced volcanic phase which seems to reflect slab-induced asthenospheric upwelling as well as rift-induced convection particularly in the narrow southern margin. We suggest that structural and igneous evolution of the Korean margin can be explained by the processes occurring at the passive continental margin with magmatism intensified by asthenospheric upwelling in a back-arc setting.